983 resultados para Kongelige Bibliotek (Denmark)


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Physical location of data in cloud storage is an increasingly urgent problem. In a short time, it has evolved from the concern of a few regulated businesses to an important consideration for many cloud storage users. One of the characteristics of cloud storage is fluid transfer of data both within and among the data centres of a cloud provider. However, this has weakened the guarantees with respect to control over data replicas, protection of data in transit and physical location of data. This paper addresses the lack of reliable solutions for data placement control in cloud storage systems. We analyse the currently available solutions and identify their shortcomings. Furthermore, we describe a high-level architecture for a trusted, geolocation-based mechanism for data placement control in distributed cloud storage systems, which are the basis of an on-going work to define the detailed protocol and a prototype of such a solution. This mechanism aims to provide granular control over the capabilities of tenants to access data placed on geographically dispersed storage units comprising the cloud storage.


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This chapter scrutinizes the dominant public discourse in Western Europe. Drawing on examples from the UK, Germany, and France but also from the Netherlands, Denmark and Spain it illustrates the gradual transformation of discourse from an “exotic Islam” to a “threatening Islam” that endangers European values and safety and suggests that the combination of this “securitization” of Islam and the monopoly of the “Muslim voice” by radical Muslim activists leads to a vicious circle of misrecognition and enhancing the aporia of Europe's Muslims.


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Proceedings of the 13th International UFZ-Deltares Conference on Sustainable Use and Management of Soil, Sediment and Water Resources - 9–12 June 2015 • Copenhagen, Denmark


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Tese apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Gestão de Informação


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Attrition in longitudinal studies can lead to biased results. The study is motivated by the unexpected observation that alcohol consumption decreased despite increased availability, which may be due to sample attrition of heavy drinkers. Several imputation methods have been proposed, but rarely compared in longitudinal studies of alcohol consumption. The imputation of consumption level measurements is computationally particularly challenging due to alcohol consumption being a semi-continuous variable (dichotomous drinking status and continuous volume among drinkers), and the non-normality of data in the continuous part. Data come from a longitudinal study in Denmark with four waves (2003-2006) and 1771 individuals at baseline. Five techniques for missing data are compared: Last value carried forward (LVCF) was used as a single, and Hotdeck, Heckman modelling, multivariate imputation by chained equations (MICE), and a Bayesian approach as multiple imputation methods. Predictive mean matching was used to account for non-normality, where instead of imputing regression estimates, "real" observed values from similar cases are imputed. Methods were also compared by means of a simulated dataset. The simulation showed that the Bayesian approach yielded the most unbiased estimates for imputation. The finding of no increase in consumption levels despite a higher availability remained unaltered. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Skolbokssamlingen vid Tritonia består av ca 100 hm läroböcker som använts vid finlandssvenska skolor i Finland. Samlingen är indelad i den finlandssvenska skolbokssamlingen och den historiska skolbokssamlingen. Den finlandssvenska skolbokssamlingen består av läromedel främst för finlandssvensk grundläggande utbildning och gymnasium från 1960-talet till nutid. Samlingen är katalogiserad och tillgänglig för hemlån. Samlingen omfattar ca 4000 titlar och baseras på fortlöpande donation från Schildts & Söderströms förlag. Den består av teoriböcker, övningsböcker, lärarhandledningsböcker samt annat tillhörande material. Av varje titel finns 1-2 exemplar. Även Schildts förlags Ab:s läromedelsarkiv, böcker från Svenskfinlands läromedelscenter (av Skolstyrelsen godkända läromedel jämte utlåtanden), lättlästa läroböcker (LL) donerade av förlaget Lärum samt övrig anskaffning ingår. Katalogiseringen av samlingen har genomförts med projektmedel från Svenska kulturfonden. Den historiska skolbokssamlingen består av äldre läroböcker (från mitten av 1800-talet fram till år 1960) från bibliotek vid Finlands svenska folkskolor, Ekenäs seminarium och lärarseminariet i Nykarleby samt donationer av privatpersoner. Samlingen omfattar ca 50 hm och är ordnad enligt undervisningsämne med flest böcker inom modersmålet, matematik samt historia och samhällslära. Samlingen är till största del okatalogiserad.


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Soitinnus: kamariorkesteri.


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The letter describes a conversation Eleanore Celeste had with her mother as she studied the Prussian-Danish War of 1864. Her mother was in Denmark at the time and elaborated on her studies. Eleanore Celeste's grandfather "held a high position in the Danish court". The family had kept an album of photographs that included pictures of Frederick VII, Christian IX etc. The pictures had been given to him by the Royal family. The next part of the letter talks about Arthur possibly returning to the United States at the end of the year. She also mentions that Arthur had sent a letter to his mother about either returning to the United States or possibly getting assigned to troops and she became upset. Eleanore Celeste writes that she tried to console Arthur's mother, but she "began picturing you at the front, in the midst of the danger". This letter is labelled 38th.


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A selection of European alcohol labels, including: Grandezza Dansk Frugivinsfabrikat, Max and Moritz Perlwein, Gumpoldskirchner Konigswein Neuburger, Jisenski Biser.


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Les cyclopropanes sont des unités qui sont très importantes en raison de leur présence dans de nombreux produits naturels, dans certaines molécules synthétiques ayant une activité biologique, ainsi que dans plusieurs intermédiaires synthétiques. Les travaux décrits dans cet ouvrage portent sur l’halogénocyclopropanation stéréosélective d’alcools allyliques en présence d’un ligand chiral stœchiométrique de type dioxaborolane et de carbénoïdes de zinc substitués dérivés de composés organozinciques et d’haloformes. Nous avons ainsi développé des conditions pour l’iodo-, la chloro- et la fluorocyclopropanation stéréosélective. Une étude mécanistique portant sur la nature des carbénoïdes alpha-chlorés et alpha-bromés a révélé qu’il y a un échange des halogènes portés par ces carbénoïdes. Lors de la chlorocyclopropanation, le carbénoïde le plus réactif (alpha-chloré) réagit de façon prédominante en vertu du principe de Curtin-Hammet. Les iodocyclopropanes énantioenrichis ont pu être fonctionnalisés via une réaction d’échange lithium-iode suivie du traitement avec des électrophiles, ou via une réaction de transmétallation au zinc suivie d’un couplage de Negishi. Ainsi, toute une gamme de cyclopropanes 1,2,3-substitués énantioenrichis a pu être synthétisée. Dans l’optique de développer de nouvelles méthodologies de fonctionnalisation des cyclopropanes, nous nous sommes par la suite tournés vers le couplage croisé de type Hiyama-Denmark des cyclopropylsilanols. Dans cette voie synthétique, le groupement silanol a deux fonctions : il sert de groupement proximal basique lors de la cyclopropanation de Simmons-Smith et il subit la transmétallation au cours du couplage croisé. Dans l’étape du couplage croisé, la nature des ligands liés à l’atome de silicium s’est avérée cruciale au bon déroulement de la réaction. Ainsi, l’échange de ligands avec le diéthyl éthérate de trifluoroborane générant le cyclopropyltrifluorosilane in situ est requis pour obtenir de bons rendements. Le dernier volet de cet ouvrage porte sur la cyclisation d’iodures d’alkyle par substitution aromatique par voie homolytique catalysée par le nickel. Une série de composés de type tétrahydronaphtalène et thiochromane ont été préparés selon cette méthode. Une étude mécanistique a confirmé la nature radicalaire de cette réaction et suggère fortement l’action catalytique du nickel. De plus, des études de spectrométrie RMN DOSY ont montré une association entre le complexe de nickel et le substrat ainsi que la base employés dans cette réaction.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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L'intégration européenne occasionne de multiples dilemmes pour les organisations syndicales, habitués à exercer leurs répertoires d'action dans un espace d'État-nation. Parmi les dilemmes spécifiquement liés à la gouvernance multiniveaux européenne, nous comptons la mobilité de la main-d'œuvre et la création d'un marché unique pour les services. Cette thèse examine les stratégies des organisations syndicales danoises et suédoises de trois secteurs pour s'attaquer à ces deux dilemmes. Des approches néo-institutionnalistes, notamment celle concernant les « variétés du capitalisme », s'attendraient à des réponses relativement uniformes, axées sur les fortes complémentarités institutionnelles nationales, tenant compte de la nature coordonnée des relations industrielles scandinaves. Notre thèse confirme que les institutions nationales jouent un rôle important pour atténuer les impacts de l'intégration économique, au fur et à mesure que l'intégration progresse. L'analyse de nos cas, basée sur plus de soixante entretiens semi-dirigés effectués en Europe, nous permet cependant d'affirmer un rôle également important pour des facteurs endogènes, notamment l'entrepreneuriat institutionnel et les capacités stratégiques.


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The consumers are becoming more concerned about food quality, especially regarding how, when and where the foods are produced (Haglund et al., 1999; Kahl et al., 2004; Alföldi, et al., 2006). Therefore, during recent years there has been a growing interest in the methods for food quality assessment, especially in the picture-development methods as a complement to traditional chemical analysis of single compounds (Kahl et al., 2006). The biocrystallization as one of the picture-developing method is based on the crystallographic phenomenon that when crystallizing aqueous solutions of dihydrate CuCl2 with adding of organic solutions, originating, e.g., from crop samples, biocrystallograms are generated with reproducible crystal patterns (Kleber & Steinike-Hartung, 1959). Its output is a crystal pattern on glass plates from which different variables (numbers) can be calculated by using image analysis. However, there is a lack of a standardized evaluation method to quantify the morphological features of the biocrystallogram image. Therefore, the main sakes of this research are (1) to optimize an existing statistical model in order to describe all the effects that contribute to the experiment, (2) to investigate the effect of image parameters on the texture analysis of the biocrystallogram images, i.e., region of interest (ROI), color transformation and histogram matching on samples from the project 020E170/F financed by the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection(BMELV).The samples are wheat and carrots from controlled field and farm trials, (3) to consider the strongest effect of texture parameter with the visual evaluation criteria that have been developed by a group of researcher (University of Kassel, Germany; Louis Bolk Institute (LBI), Netherlands and Biodynamic Research Association Denmark (BRAD), Denmark) in order to clarify how the relation of the texture parameter and visual characteristics on an image is. The refined statistical model was accomplished by using a lme model with repeated measurements via crossed effects, programmed in R (version 2.1.0). The validity of the F and P values is checked against the SAS program. While getting from the ANOVA the same F values, the P values are bigger in R because of the more conservative approach. The refined model is calculating more significant P values. The optimization of the image analysis is dealing with the following parameters: ROI(Region of Interest which is the area around the geometrical center), color transformation (calculation of the 1 dimensional gray level value out of the three dimensional color information of the scanned picture, which is necessary for the texture analysis), histogram matching (normalization of the histogram of the picture to enhance the contrast and to minimize the errors from lighting conditions). The samples were wheat from DOC trial with 4 field replicates for the years 2003 and 2005, “market samples”(organic and conventional neighbors with the same variety) for 2004 and 2005, carrot where the samples were obtained from the University of Kassel (2 varieties, 2 nitrogen treatments) for the years 2004, 2005, 2006 and “market samples” of carrot for the years 2004 and 2005. The criterion for the optimization was repeatability of the differentiation of the samples over the different harvest(years). For different samples different ROIs were found, which reflect the different pictures. The best color transformation that shows efficiently differentiation is relied on gray scale, i.e., equal color transformation. The second dimension of the color transformation only appeared in some years for the effect of color wavelength(hue) for carrot treated with different nitrate fertilizer levels. The best histogram matching is the Gaussian distribution. The approach was to find a connection between the variables from textural image analysis with the different visual criteria. The relation between the texture parameters and visual evaluation criteria was limited to the carrot samples, especially, as it could be well differentiated by the texture analysis. It was possible to connect groups of variables of the texture analysis with groups of criteria from the visual evaluation. These selected variables were able to differentiate the samples but not able to classify the samples according to the treatment. Contrarily, in case of visual criteria which describe the picture as a whole there is a classification in 80% of the sample cases possible. Herewith, it clearly can find the limits of the single variable approach of the image analysis (texture analysis).


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Occupations of higher education institutions such as public relations offices, research liaison offices etc. are increasing. A study related to research liaison officers was conducted in Germany to identify activity profiles and qualifications. Results show no standardised education or training, but only learning by doing. From the viewpoint of professionalisation theories a reasonable professionalisation can only be achieved through an organisation of the various occupations in the field of med-level university management as a whole. Proposals for professionalisation were made, such as more systematic education and improved integration into the organisation of HEIs. Staff development is needed as well as more jobs.


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Componen la publicación dos artículos y una cronología donde se hace un repaso a la vida y obra de Andersen a través de la mirada de un observador excepcional, Johan de Mylius, Doctor en Filosofía y Director del Hans Christian Andersen Center de la University of Southern Denmark en Odense, ciudad natal del escritor. El perfil del escritor y la cronología se complementan con otros tres apartados elaborados por el equipo de documentación de la Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez, en los que se ofrecen comentadas diversas ediciones antológicas de la obra de Andersen editadas en España y disponibles en el mercado; una bibliografía de los escritos sobre Andersen disponibles en el centro de documentación de Salamanca; y un directorio de páginas web en las que se puede encontrar más información, textual y gráfica, relacionada con el autor.