845 resultados para Jewish diaspora


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Immigrant and refugee newcomers have an important role in Iowa. These newcomers have revitalized many Iowa communities, workplaces and faith-based institutions. The arrival of immigrants and refugees poses challenges as well as rewards; understanding and addressing these issues is vital to welcoming and accommodating new Iowans and assuring their part in the long-term economic and social health of our state. This handbook represents a unique collaboration between the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) and Ecumenical Ministries of Iowa (EMI). The goal of this collaboration is to create a guidebook for Iowans to learn more about Iowa’s growing immigrant and refugee population and discover ways to welcome these newcomers and accommodate them in our communities and churches. The unique nature of this joint publication between a public university and Christian churches acknowledges that both institutions have a stake in accommodating immigrants in Iowa. UNI and all institutions of higher education need to support population growth to assure future enrollments. Churches and many other community institutions need immigrants and other newcomers to help maintain their viability. Universities and churches also need healthy local economies. Newcomers can provide much needed skills and labor to make this happen. In short, His collaboration recognizes that making immigration in Iowa work has important long-term implications for us all. This book was written and compiled by two university faculty members, but it is not an official university endorsement of Christianity as the only religion practiced and accepted by Iowans, and no university funds were used to print or distribute this handbook. This handbook is written for Iowa’s Christian community and is based on the Biblical mandate to welcome newcomers, but we acknowledge Iowa’s other religious groups and their role in accommodating newcomers as well. We readily acknowledge that other faith-based organizations also welcome newcomers and have a stake in making immigration a positive experience. In order to accommodate the perspectives and needs of these groups, the UNI New Iowans Program is planning to develop similar handbooks for Iowa’s Jewish and Muslim communities. This handbook includes a number of resource lists for individuals, newcomers, churches and others. Of course, as soon as these lists are printed, they may become out-of-date. In order to obtain the most up-to-date information, please visit the UNI New Iowans Web site: www.bcs.uni.edu/idm/newiowans/ The UNI New Iowans website also makes this handbook available in a PDF format.


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In this paper, we assess the determinants of long-run persistence of localculture, and examine the success of policy interventions designed to change attitudes.We analyze anti-Semitic attitudes drawing on individual-level survey results fromGermany s social value survey in 1996 and 2006. On average, we find that historicalvoting patterns for anti-Semitic parties between 1890 and 1933 are powerfulpredictors of anti-Jewish attitudes today. There is evidence that transmission takesplace both vertically (parent to child) and horizontally (among peers). Policy modifiedGerman views on Jews in important ways: The cohort that grew up under the Naziregime shows significantly higher levels of anti-Semitism. After 1945, the victoriousAllies implemented denazification programs in their zones of occupation. We usedifferences in these policies between the occupying powers as a source of identifyingvariation. The US and French zones today still show high anti-Semitism, reflecting anambitious botched attempt at denazification. In contrast, the British and Soviet zones,register much lower levels of Jew-hatred.


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How persistent are cultural traits? This paper uses data on anti-Semitism in Germany and finds continuity at the local level over more than half a millennium. When the Black Death hit Europe in 1348-50, killing between one third and one half of the population, its cause was unknown. Many contemporaries blamed the Jews. Cities all over Germany witnessed mass killings of their Jewish population. At the same time, numerous Jewish communities were spared these horrors. We use plague pogroms as an indicator for medieval anti-Semitism. Pogroms during the Black Death are a strong and robust predictor of violence against Jews in the 1920s, and of votes for the Nazi Party. In addition, cities that saw medieval anti-Semitic violence also had higher deportation rates for Jews after 1933, were more likely to see synagogues damaged or destroyed in the Night of Broken Glass in 1938, and their inhabitants wrote more anti-Jewish letters to the editor of the Nazi newspaper Der Stürmer.


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Com a globalização, a emigração tem-se tornado cada vez mais um assunto que desperta muito interesse, por parte dos estudiosos. A emigração tem ganhado um forte cunho nas Relações Internacionais, já que com a alteração do Sistema internacional, o Estado deixou de ser o único actor da cena internacional. Por isso desperta muito o interesse em aprofundar os estudos sobre a emigração que é um fenómeno que tem acontecido no sistema internacional há várias décadas. Após a segunda guerra mundial e com a globalização tem-se verificado muita emigração de sul para norte, em busca de melhores condições de vida. Hoje em dia é comum quando se fala da emigração falar-se da diáspora que é um termo usado para designar a dispersão dos Judeus “exilados/expulsos” da sua terra de origem Palestina. Mas vários investigadores têm usado este termo para caracterizar a emigração cabo-verdiana para várias partes do mundo. E sem fugir à regra, Cabo Verde é um exemplo de fuga de sul para norte. Os cabo-verdianos emigram para norte à procura de melhores condições de vida. E hoje, já não se fala nos emigrantes cabo-verdianos, mas sim na diáspora cabo-verdiana. Por isso pretende-se com essa dissertação procurar fazer um estudo, para saber qual a importância da Diáspora na política externa de Cabo Verde.


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La thèse a comme but comprendre, à la lumière du paradigme du don et de la perspective théorique de l’économie solidaire, la nature des relations de coopération entre l’Etat et les Associations Communautaires de Développement, dans le cadre de la lutte contre la pauvreté dans les communautés rurales au Cap Vert. L’objet principal de l’étude est le Programme de la Lutte Contre la Pauvreté et, particulièrement, son (Sous)Programme de la Lutte Contre la Pauvreté au milieu rural. Le PLPR, par sa conception de pauvreté, méthodologie et stratégie d’intervention décentralisé au sein des Associations Communautaires de Développement et respectives communautés, s’est révélé comme le modèle qui illustre mieux comment les deux modalités de solidarité démocratique, réciprocité et redistribution, s’interragent et participent d’un processus dynamique de génération, construction et multiplication d’initiatives et d’expériences d’économie solidaires; d’ampliation et approfondissement du processus de démocratisation de l’Etat et d’approximation de la gestion publique des communautés rurales pauvres. Subsidiairement, le paradigme du don, particulièrement, le concept de solidarité démocratique, nous a forcé à proposer un autre regard sur l’économie (conventionnelle) du Cap Vert, à partir de la réflexion et analyse sur la relation entre l’Etat et la diaspora capverdienne, propagée autour du monde, comme hypothèse dont les liens culturelles et d’identités qui existent entre l’Etat et la Diaspora constituent la motivation principale des émigrants pour envoyer, régulièrement, leurs revenues au Cap Vert. De son côté, à partir des relations de coopération entre l’Etat capverdien et ses traditionnels partenaires internationaux de développement, nous avons formulé l’hypothèse dont l’Aide Publique au Développement consiste en un système international de redistribution de ressources publiques au Cap Vert, (dons aux étrangers), pour faire face aux défis de la lutte pour l’éradication de la pauvreté et de la promotion du développement socioéconomique, représentant ainsi, comme l’équivalent empirique du concept de solidarité distributive international.


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A segmentação de mercado é uma técnica que os profissionais de marketing utilizam para dividir o mercado em segmentos, tendo em vista a criação de estratégias para satisfazer os clientes. Este estudo visa identificar e caracterizar os segmentos do mercado turístico da ilha de São Vicente – Cabo Verde com base nas motivações de viagem. Para a concretização deste estudo recorreu-se a uma revisão da literatura referente à segmentação de mercado em geral e à do mercado turístico em específico, às motivações de viagem, e à delimitação da actividade turística. Desta forma, foram colhidos subsídios que permitiram a elaboração de um modelo de segmentação com base nas motivações de viagem dos visitantes para que se pudesse identificar os segmentos do mercado de turismo da ilha de São Vicente. Aplicou-se um questionário a uma amostra de 200 turistas internacionais que estavam de visita a ilha de São Vicente entre os dias 20 de Agosto e 21 de Outubro de 2013. A partir dos dados recolhidos, fez-se uma análise de clusters onde foram identificados três segmentos que receberam as denominações de “Cultos”, “Diáspora” e “Aventureiros” de acordo com as suas respectivas motivações de viagem. Na análise das diferenças entre os segmentos constatou-se que, o segmento “Cultos” são os que viajam para conhecer outras pessoas e outras culturas e visitar pontos turísticos. Por sua vez, a “Diaspora” são os que viajam por motivos de estar com amigos e familiares. E por último, o “Aventureiros” viajam para experimentar coisas novas, interagir com residentes locais, apreciar paisagem, contacto com a natureza, sair da rotina diária, conhecer outras pessoas e outras culturas, visitar pontos turísticos e conhecer gastronomia local.


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According to Declan Kiberd, “postcolonial writing does not begin only when the occupier withdraws: rather it is initiated at that very moment when a native writer formulates a text committed to cultural resistance.” The Irish in Latin America – a continent emerging from indigenous cultures, colonisation, and migrations – may be regarded as colonised in Ireland and as colonisers in their new home. They are a counterexample to the standard pattern of identities in the major English-speaking destinations of the Irish Diaspora. Using literary sources, the press, correspondence, music, sports, and other cultural representations, in this thesis I search the attitudes and shared values signifying identities among the immigrants and their families. Their fragmentary and wide-ranging cultures provide a rich context to study the protean process of adaptation to, or rejection of, the new countries. Evolving from oppressed to oppressors, the Irish in Latin America swiftly became ingleses. Subsequently, in order to join the local middle classes they became vaqueros, llaneros, huasos, and gauchos so they could show signs of their effective integration to the native culture, as seen by the Latin American elites. Eventually, some Irish groups separated from the English mainstream culture and shaped their own community negotiating among Irishness, Englishness, and local identities in Brazil, Uruguay, Peru, Cuba, and other places in the region. These identities were not only unmoored in the emigrants’ minds but also manoeuvred by the political needs of community and religious leaders. After reviewing the major steps and patterns of Irish migration to Latin America, the thesis analyses texts from selected works, offers a version of how the settlers became Latin Americans or not, and elucidates the processes by which a new Irish-Latin American hybrid was created.


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It is commonly assumed that the story of Jephthah's vow refers to an 'old tradition' that was integrated into the Deuteronomistic History. But such a view is contrary to Dtr ideology which is absolutely hostile to any human sacrifice (2 Kgs 16.3; 17.17, 31; 21.6 etc.). A literary-critical approach to Judges 11 shows that vv. 30-31 [32] and 34-40 may be considered as post-Dtr. The author of Judg. 11.30-40 seems to know the story of the Aqedah, but he is not willing to make a happy ending. There is a tragic dimension in the story and quite an Hellenistic atmosphere (the best parallels to Judg. 11.30-40 may be fou Hellenistic nd in texts). So this text should be considered an insertion from the end of the Persian or beginning of the Hellenistic periods. The author tends to show that Jewish classics can be as tragic as Greek ones.


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En plena ocupació alemanya de França, amb la intel·lectualitat catalana fraccionada entre els escriptors de l’interior i els de l’exili, i aquests últims encara repartits entre els diversos països que van acollir la diàspora republicana, l’escriptor Ferran Canyameres va tenir la idea de crear una editorial popular per acostar al public lector de Catalunya l’obra de l’inoblidable creador del comissari Maigret


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Even though the canonical Jesus' infancy stories have always provoked great interest in popular culture and in the arts, they have been neglected in research during the last decades due to the relatively late date of their redaction. Since the monograph by Raymond Brown, The Birth of the Messiah , the researchers working on this topic have not attempted to consider its historical impact. In this volume, an international team of scholars proposes firstly a reconsideration of the historical background of these stories in terms of early Jewish and Christian identity quests. Secondly, they deal with early Christian questions on Jesus' infancy and childhood through canonical and apocryphal Gospels including information from Patristic and documentary literature. On the theological level, this volume illustrates the impact that these apocryphal texts, recognized as "useful for the soul" (a phrase coined by François Bovon), have had on the Christian faith.


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The study examined how religious beliefs and practices impact upon medication and illness representations in chronic schizophrenia. One hundred three stabilized patients were included in Geneva's outpatient public psychiatric facility in Switzerland. Interviews were conducted to investigate spiritual and religious beliefs and religious practices and religious coping. Medication adherence was assessed through questions to patients and to their psychiatrists and by a systematic blood drug monitoring. Thirty-two percent of patients were partially or totally nonadherent to oral medication. Fifty-eight percent of patients were Christians, 2% Jewish, 3% Muslim, 4% Buddhist, 14% belonged to various minority or syncretic religious movements, and 19% had no religious affiliation. Two thirds of the total sample considered spirituality as very important or even essential in everyday life. Fifty-seven percent of patients had a representation of their illness directly influenced by their spiritual beliefs (positively in 31% and negatively in 26%). Religious representations of illness were prominent in nonadherent patients. Thirty-one percent of nonadherent patients and 27% of partially adherent patients underlined an incompatibility or contradiction between their religion and taking medication, versus 8% of adherent patients. Religion and spirituality contribute to shaping representations of disease and attitudes toward medical treatment in patients with schizophrenia. This dimension should be on the agenda of psychiatrists working with patients with schizophrenia.


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Beyond the explicit reference to the Greek tragedy and Oedipus, the aim of this article is to show the clear relationship, in the author's opinion, between what the protagonists of the film maintain and the theories of the Greek Sophists about God, the law, etc. An accurate analysis both of their texts and the screenplay of Crimes and Misdemeanors reveals different sophistic roots, which, in this case, cannot be attributed to the constant presence of the Jewish legacy in W. Allen's work.