969 resultados para Item inversion
In the "Thatcher illusion" a face, in which the eyes and mouth are inverted relative to the rest of the face, looks grotesque when shown upright but not when inverted. In four experiments we investigated the contribution of local and global processing to this illusion in normal observers. We examined inversion effects (i.e., better performance for upright than for inverted faces) in a task requiring discrimination of whether faces were or were not "thatcherized". Observers made same/different judgements to isolated face parts (Experiments 1-2) and to whole faces (Experiments 3-4). Face pairs had the same or different identity, allowing for different processing strategies using feature-based or configural information, respectively. In Experiment 1, feature-based matching of same-person face parts yielded only a small inversion effect for normal face parts. However, when feature-based matching was prevented by using the face parts of different people on all trials (Experiment 2) an inversion effect occurred for normal but not for thatcherized parts. In Experiments 3 and 4, inversion effects occurred with normal but not with thatcherized whole faces, on both same- and different-person matching tasks. This suggests that a common configural strategy was used with whole (normal) faces. Face context facilitated attention to misoriented parts in same-person but not in different-person matching. The results indicate that (1) face inversion disrupts local configural processing, but not the processing of image features, and (2) thatcherization disrupts local configural processing in upright faces.
We report performance enhancements enabled by pre-dispersed spectral inversion equivalent to that of ideal back-propagation, with further x2 increase in reach from multi-channel compensation, with spectral inversion employed upto 400km (from mid-link) with <1dB penalties. © 2012 OSA.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 42A38, 42C40, 33D15, 33D60
Mathematics Subject Classification 2010: 42C40, 44A12.
Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2013
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 97C40.
Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2014
The purpose of this paper is to examine the use of words on a restaurant menu, and to evaluate the impact that they have on the selection of menu items. The research comprised two distinct parts. First, four focus groups were held examining responses to five menus, each with the same menu items but using different wording. The results from the focus group analysis were used to develop a survey which was more widely distributed. From the focus group it was revealed that the occasion and participants in the dining experience influence the wording for menu item selection. Respondents discussed the mystique of the menu and confirmed a desire for menu items that would not normally be prepared at home. It was also of interest the "mouthwatering" effect that the words haw on potential customers and what a strong persuader these words were. The survey reinforced the focus group research in many ways, also stressing the positive effect of descriptive words such as "Tender'; "Golden" and "Natural" to the choice of menu items. The research has identified the importance of the choice and use of words in the design of a menu that operations management need to be aware of
Can profitable menu items be placed on a computer screen where they will be selected more readily than other items? The author examines whether printed menu theories and techniques can be applied, with the same results, to a computer menu screen
Questa tesi descrive la ricerca condotta tra l'autunno e l'inverno di quest'anno da un gruppo di ricercatori in didattica della matematica relativamente all'influenza che le variazioni redazionali di un quesito matematico hanno sulle performance degli studenti. Lo scopo della ricerca è quella di strutturare e validare una metodologia e uno strumento che permettano di individuare e quantificare l'influenza delle variazioni del testo sulle prestazioni dello studente. Si è sentita l'esigenza di condurre uno studio di questo tipo poichè è sempre più evidente il profondo legame tra il linguaggio e l'apprendimento della matematica. La messa a punto di questo strumento aprirebbe le porte a una serie di ricerche più approfondite sulle varie tipologie di variazioni numeriche e/o linguistiche finora individuate. Nel primo capitolo è presentato il quadro teorico di riferimento relativo agli studi condotti fino ad ora nell'ambito della didattica della matematica, dai quali emerge la grossa influenza che la componente linguistica ha sulla comprensione e la trasmissione della matematica. Si farà quindi riferimento alle ricerche passate volte all'individuazione e alla schematizzazione delle variazioni redazionali dei Word Problems. Nel secondo capitolo, invece si passerà alla descrizione teorica relativa allo strumento statistico utilizzato. Si tratta del modello di Rasch appartenente alla famiglia dei modelli statistici dell'Item Response Theory, particolarmente utilizzato nella ricerca in didattica. Il terzo capitolo sarà dedicato alla descrizione dettagliata della sperimentazione svolta. Il quarto capitolo sarà il cuore di questa tesi; in esso infatti verrà descritta e validata la nuova metodologia utilizzata. Nel quinto sarà eseguita un analisi puntuale di come lo strumento ha messo in evidenza le differenze per ogni item variato. Infine verranno tratte le conclusioni complessive dello studio condotto.