666 resultados para Inspiration


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Les transactions sur les valeurs mobilières ainsi que leur mise en garantie se font bien au-delà des frontières nationales. Elles impliquent une multitude d’intervenants, tels que l’émetteur, un grand nombre d’intermédiaires disposés en structure pyramidale, un ou des investisseurs et, bien évidemment, les bénéficiaires desdites valeurs mobilières ou garanties. On peut aussi signaler l’existence de nombreux portefeuilles diversifiés contenant des titres émis par plusieurs émetteurs situés dans plusieurs états. Toute la difficulté d’une telle diversité d’acteurs, de composantes financières et juridiques, réside dans l’application de règles divergentes et souvent conflictuelles provenant de systèmes juridiques d’origines diverses (Common Law et civiliste). De nombreux juristes, de toutes nationalités confondues, ont pu constater ces dernières années que les règles de création, d’opposabilité et de réalisation des sûretés, ainsi que les règles de conflit de lois qui aident à déterminer la loi applicable à ces différentes questions, ne répondaient plus adéquatement aux exigences juridiques nationales dans un marché financier global, exponentiel et sans réelles frontières administratives. Afin de résoudre cette situation et accommoder le marché financier, de nombreux textes de loi ont été révisés et adaptés. Notre analyse du droit québécois est effectuée en fonction du droit américain et canadien, principales sources du législateur québécois, mais aussi du droit suisse qui est le plus proche de la tradition civiliste québécoise, le tout à la lueur de la 36e Convention de La Haye du 5 juillet 2006 sur la loi applicable à certains droits sur des titres détenus auprès d'un intermédiaire. Par exemple, les articles 8 et 9 du Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) américain ont proposé des solutions modernes et révolutionnaires qui s’éloignent considérablement des règles traditionnelles connues en matière de bien, de propriété, de sûreté et de conflits de lois. Plusieurs autres projets et instruments juridiques dédiés à ces sujets ont été adoptés, tels que : la Loi uniforme sur le transfert des valeurs mobilières (LUTVM) canadienne, qui a été intégrée au Québec par le biais de la Loi sur le transfert de valeurs mobilières et l’obtention de titres intermédiés, RLRQ, c.T-11.002 (LTVMQ) ; la 36e Convention de La Haye du 5 juillet 2006 sur la loi applicable à certains droits sur des titres détenus auprès d'un intermédiaire; la Loi fédérale sur le droit international privé (LDIP) suisse, ainsi que la Loi fédérale sur les titres intermédiés (LTI) suisse. L’analyse de ces textes de loi nous a permis de proposer une nouvelle version des règles de conflit de lois en matière de sûretés et de transfert des titres intermédiés en droit québécois. Cette étude devrait susciter une réflexion profonde du point de vue d’un juriste civiliste, sur l’efficacité des nouvelles règles québécoises de sûretés et de conflit de lois en matière de titres intermédiés, totalement inspirées des règles américaines de Common Law. Un choix qui semble totalement ignorer un pan du système juridique civiliste et sociétal.


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This document presents GEmSysC, an unified cryptographic API for embedded systems. Software layers implementing this API can be built over existing libraries, allowing embedded software to access cryptographic functions in a consistent way that does not depend on the underlying library. The API complies to good practices for API design and good practices for embedded software development and took its inspiration from other cryptographic libraries and standards. The main inspiration for creating GEmSysC was the CMSIS-RTOS standard, which defines an unified API for embedded software in an implementation-independent way, but targets operating systems instead of cryptographic functions. GEmSysC is made of a generic core and attachable modules, one for each cryptographic algorithm. This document contains the specification of the core of GEmSysC and three of its modules: AES, RSA and SHA-256. GEmSysC was built targeting embedded systems, but this does not restrict its use only in such systems – after all, embedded systems are just very limited computing devices. As a proof of concept, two implementations of GEmSysC were made. One of them was built over wolfSSL, which is an open source library for embedded systems. The other was built over OpenSSL, which is open source and a de facto standard. Unlike wolfSSL, OpenSSL does not specifically target embedded systems. The implementation built over wolfSSL was evaluated in a Cortex- M3 processor with no operating system while the implementation built over OpenSSL was evaluated on a personal computer with Windows 10 operating system. This document displays test results showing GEmSysC to be simpler than other libraries in some aspects. These results have shown that both implementations incur in little overhead in computation time compared to the cryptographic libraries themselves. The overhead of the implementation has been measured for each cryptographic algorithm and is between around 0% and 0.17% for the implementation over wolfSSL and between 0.03% and 1.40% for the one over OpenSSL. This document also presents the memory costs for each implementation.


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Rural Decay Almanac is an exhibition comprised of sculptural objects and video/sound documentation. The following is an explanation of inspiration and personal history, a proposed schematic/manual for the objects in the gallery, and other contemporary artists I frame myself within. The front half of The Art Gallery at the University of Maryland as well as the atrium space directly outside the gallery hosts the work: four large scale Site-Responsive sculptural objects, and one video/sound loop projection. The library of materials comes from a farm site in Ijamsville, MD which has been re-purposed into the structures. As a sister work, the process of dismantling documentation is shown alongside the objects in a sound/video installation. The gallery space is transformed into a meticulously controlled environment via hard objects, sound, light, and video.


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This volume of the Bulletin LIBRARIES and the next intended as a means of inspiration. Inspiration to propose ideas to offer to the community library paths to adapt to global culture and technology which revolves around the progress of information and communication systems. Ideas that move us to innovate, to make mistakes and correct them.Because the information age it is also of creativity. Creativity is the competitive advantage of professional and modern organizations. Ideas to change attitudes toward open to new projects that facilitate the transformation and to the challenge of "going global". Inspiration to measure and produce constructive thinking to help us define new goals by the desire to create and share knowledge.


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Este volumen del Boletín BIBLIOTECAS y los próximos pretenden ser un medio de inspiración. Inspiración para proponer ideas que ofrezcan a la colectividad bibliotecaria rutas hacia la adaptación a una cultura global y tecnológica que gira alrededor de los avances de los sistemas de información y comunicación. Inspiración que nos mueva a innovar, a cometer errores y a corregirlos.Porque la era de la información lo es también de la creatividad.Creatividad que es la ventaja competitiva del profesional y de las organizaciones modernas. Inspiración para cambiar hacia actitudes abiertas, hacia nuevos proyectos que faciliten la transformación y hacia el reto que significa “ser global”. Inspiración para medir y producir pensamiento constructivo que nos ayude a definir nuevas metas mediante la voluntad de crear y compartir el conocimiento.


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O presente relatório de estágio foi elaborado no âmbito da unidade curricular de Integração Curricular: Prática Educativa e Relatório de Estágio, que se integra no plano de estudos do Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, o mesmo tem um caráter reflexivo e descreve as experiências desenvolvidas pela mestranda. Ao longo do presente documento será possível conhecer o percurso trilhado pela professora estagiária guiado pelos pressupostos teóricos, legais e didáticos que permitiram desenvolver uma aprendizagem bastante consolidada acerca do ensino e da aprendizagem. A investigação-ação inspirou os momentos de prática educativa supervisionada, pautada por momentos de observação, ação e reflexão pós-ação, o que permitiu melhorar as práticas de forma a proporcionar aos alunos aprendizagens significativas. Todo o percurso foi marcado por um processo de supervisão que permitiu desenvolver uma atitude crítica e reflexiva que se mostrou fulcral para o desenvolvimento profissional e pessoal da professora estagiária. A caminhada da mestranda não seria possível sem o apoio do par pedagógico, orientadores cooperantes e supervisores institucionais, visto que todos partilharam saberes, incertezas e pensamentos, enriquecendo o processo de aprendizagem. Este é o momento de encerramento de uma fase na vida da mestranda, a mesma está ciente de que este será o início de um longo percurso de aprendizagem, sabendo que o ciclo que se encerra permitiu comprovar as inspirações que sempre moveram a mestranda desde o primeiro momento em que iniciou este mestrado.


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I approach my practice through the truth that art is inseparable from reality. Reducing art to a single idea is an unnatural limitation because the creative process and its manifestations result from many parallel ideas, instincts, emotions and reflections. In the following, I trace the central sources of the inspiration for work and attempt to bridge the experiential and intuitive processes that concurrently fuel my creative process.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Planaltina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Rural, 2016.


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The electric bass and double bass are two different instruments sharing a common function: they link harmony with rhythm, especially when talking about jazz music. The capacity of a bassist to fully support an ensemble is something that can be achieved individually playing electric or double bass. However there are some bassists who, despite of the technical differences between these two instruments, choose to play both. Some of these performers are true masters using and switching electric and double bass according to the different musical settings. It is possible to define similarities and differences between the electric and double bass, but is it viable to use similar approaches too? In order to investigate this field, I focus my research on one exemplar player who combines all the qualities needed to both play electric than double bass: John Patitucci, an inspiration for bassists of all generations and a musician who synthesizes all the fundamental characteristics of an ideal bass player. This dissertation is inspired by Patitucci’s example and by the urge to fill a gap in the specialized literature concerning the history and application of different left and right hand techniques on the electric and double bass. The main purpose of this study is to create the backbone of a bass program for teaching both instruments using John Patitucci as example. His technical approach on both instruments and his soloing vocabulary are points of departure of this dissertation. I begin my study with the historical origins of Patitucci’s techniques ending with the development of exercises created in order to teach his techniques and vocabulary to those who aspire to play electric and double bass; RESUMO: Baixo elétrico e contrabaixo, dois instrumentos distintos que partilham uma função comum: a possibilidade de produzir um conjunto de notas capazes de interligar uma grelha harmonia a uma base rítmica, criando uma coesão estética e musical, sobretudo na música jazz. A capacidade de um baixista de conseguir alcançar de forma eficiente esta ligação como sólido suporte para um “ensemble” musical está na base de uma sua eventual afirmação profissional. Há músicos que apesar das diferencias técnicas entre estes dois instrumentos, decidiram tocar ambos; alguns deles conseguiram destacarse, usando e trocando o baixo elétrico e o contrabaixo para servir melhor diferentes situações musicais. O contrabaixo e baixo elétrico têm características em comum mas ao mesmo tempo diferem por apresentar algumas diferenças técnica substanciais; será por isso possível abordar, explorar e aprender ambos utilizando uma mesma base metodológica? Com o intuito de explorar esta possibilidade direcionei a minha pesquisa para o estudo de um músico que no curso da sua longa carreira consegui grande destaque em quanto baixista elétrico e contrabaixista. John Patitucci é a síntese desta tipologia de músico, sendo uma fonte de inspiração para baixistas de todas as gerações. Esta dissertação é inspirada no seu exemplo e no desejo de colmatar o vazio presente na literatura musical comum aos dois instrumentos sobre a história e aplicação das técnicas da mão esquerda e direita. O foco principal é a criação de uma base sólida para o futuro desenvolvimento de um programa de ensino comum para o baixo eléctrico e o contrabaixo, utilizando o vocabulário técnico e improvisativo de Patitucci como ponto de partida. A dissertação aborda as origens históricas das técnicas utilizadas por Patitucci desenvolvendo, numa fase sucessiva, exercícios criados com a função de ensinar as suas técnicas aos que desejarem aprofundar a prática do baixo elétrico e do contrabaixo.


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There are a great number of evidences showing that education is extremely important in many economic and social dimensions. In Brazil, education is a right guaranteed by the Federal Constitution; however, in the Brazilian legislation the right to the three stages of basic education: Kindergarten, Elementary and High School is better promoted and supported than the right to education at College level. According to educational census data (INEP, 2009), 78% of all enrolments in College education are in private schools, while the reverse is found in High School: 84% of all matriculations are in public schools, which shows a contradiction in the admission into the universities. The Brazilian scenario presents that public universities receive mostly students who performed better and were prepared in elementary and high school education in private schools, while private universities attend students who received their basic education in public schools, which are characterized as low quality. These facts have led researchers to raise the possible determinants of student performance on standardized tests, such as the Brazilian Vestibular exam, to guide the development of policies aimed at equal access to College education. Seeking inspiration in North American models of affirmative action policies, some Brazilian public universities have suggested rate policies to enable and facilitate the entry of "minorities" (blacks, pardos1, natives, people of low income and public school students) to free College education. At the Federal University of the state Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), the first incentives for candidates from public schools emerged in 2006, being improved and widespread during the last 7 years. This study aimed to analyse and discuss the Argument of Inclution (AI) - the affirmative action policy that provides additional scoring for students from public schools. From an extensive database, the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) technique was used as well as a Quantile Regression considering as control the variables of personal, socioeconomic and educational characteristics of the candidates from the Brazilian Vestibular exam 2010 of the Federal University of the state Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). The results demonstrate the importance of this incentive system, besides the magnitude of other variables


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Se analizan 23 armerías concedidas por la corona a los aliados indígenas de los conquistadores y los descendientes de los destronados soberanos aztecas e incas, caracterizadas por: 1) novedosos muebles de inspiración autóctona (accidentes geográficos, flora y fauna, construcciones y productos de la industria local); 2) marcas totémicas y atributos de caciques y monarcas indígenas transformados en muebles heráldicos que siguieron cumpliendo su primitiva función identificadora en el nuevo contexto plástico; y 3) una clara preferencia por el diseño naturalista iniciada a mediados del siglo XVI.


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Biologically-inspired methods such as evolutionary algorithms and neural networks are proving useful in the field of information fusion. Artificial immune systems (AISs) are a biologically-inspired approach which take inspiration from the biological immune system. Interestingly, recent research has shown how AISs which use multi-level information sources as input data can be used to build effective algorithms for realtime computer intrusion detection. This research is based on biological information fusion mechanisms used by the human immune system and as such might be of interest to the information fusion community. The aim of this paper is to present a summary of some of the biological information fusion mechanisms seen in the human immune system, and of how these mechanisms have been implemented as AISs.


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The fifth paper in the series brings the focus onto the inscriptions accompanying the famous wall paintings from Christian Nubia, more particularly the legends naming the Four Creatures of the Apocalypse. The identification of a very probable source of inspiration for the particular names used in Nubia turns the attention to the ritual power of such names and the role of orality in the transmission of such textual traditions.


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Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Produto, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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Background: Obesity ignites numerous health and psychosocial problems and is associated with various comorbidities. Body mass index (BMI) is also independently associated with improved risk for numerous kidney disorders. As renal length is considered a vital parameter in the clinical assessment of renal patients, normal renal length has to be defined in accordance to BMI. Objectives: The aim of this study was to define normal kidney length in obese children, comparing ultrasound measurements of the kidney length in obese and non-obese children and adolescents, in order to reduce unnecessary evaluations for nephromegaly. Patients and Methods: Fifty obese children and adolescents and 50 non-obese children and adolescents, aged 1-19 years, were selected from patients of pediatric clinics in two hospitals (Rasoul-e-Akram and Shahid Fahmideh) in Tehran between June 2010 and 2012. After the nephrologist’s and endocrinologist’s approval, the largest longitudinal renal dimension was measured in deep inspiration position by abdomino-pelvic ultrasonography in both groups. Results: It was revealed that both kidneys in obese group were significantly larger than in control group (P = 0.044 and 0.040, respectively). Obesity status, height and age were proven to be significant and independent predictors of length of both kidneys. In both groups length of left kidney was significantly larger than that of right kidney (P < 0.001). Conclusions: A specific standard cut-point limit or norm gram has to be formulated for obese children and adolescents in order to facilitate the diagnosis of kidney diseases, including organomegaly, in these patients.