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Lors de l'apprentissage d'une langue étrangère, l'apprenant ne s'interroge guère sur la légitimité d'appréhender la langue cible via sa langue maternelle. En témoignent l'achat et l'utilisation rarement questionnés du dictionnaire bilingue. Pourtant, sur le long terme, ces pratiques sont loin d'être exemptes d'écueils. Cet article examinera quelques-uns des inconvénients d'une telle stratégie d'apprentissage.
The recommendations for the treatment of type 2 diabetic patients are often centered on the glycemia. These clinical trials based on this approach show only a beneficial effects on the prevention of microangiopathy. The coronary artery disease which is the main cause of mortality among these patients, is not reduced. These data should be interpreted with a systemic prospect. The diabetes vascular complications have multifactorial causes and these clinical trials are motivated for the promotion of hypoglycemic agents. Fortunately, the STENO study offers another glance on the treatment of the diabetes, associating multirisk approach and patients' accompaniment. It obliges to have a critical glance on the research often moved by economic issues and gives to the center a humanistic approach based on the therapeutic relation.
Summary : International comparisons in the area of victimization, particularly in the field of violence against women, are fraught with methodological problems that previous research has not systematically addressed, and whose answer does not seem to be agreed up~n. For obvious logistic and financial reasons, international studies on violence against women (i.e. studies that administer the same instrument in different countries). are seldom; therefore, researchers are bound to resort to secondary comparisons. Many studies simply juxtapose their results to the ones of previous wòrk or to findings obtained in different contexts, in order to offer an allegedly comparative perspective to their conclusions. If, most of the time, researchers indicate the methodological limitations of a direct comparison, it is not rare that these do not result in concrete methodological controls. Yet, many studies have shown the influence of surveys methodological parameters on findings, listing recommendations fora «best practice» of research. Although, over the past decades, violence against women surveys have become more and more similar -tending towards a sort of uniformization that could be interpreted as a passive consensus -these instruments retain more or less subtle differences that are still susceptible to influence the validity of a comparison. Yet, only a small number of studies have directly worked on the comparability of violence against women data, striving to control the methodological parameters of the surveys in order to guarantee the validity of their comparisons. The goal of this work is to compare data from two national surveys on violence against women: the Swiss component of the International Violence Against Women Survey [CH-IVAWS] and the National Violence Against Women Survey [NVAWS] administered in the United States. The choice of these studies certainly ensues from the author's affiliations; however, it is far from being trivial. Indeed, the criminological field currently endows American and Anglo-Saxon literature with a predominant space, compelling researchers from other countries to almost do the splits to interpret their results in the light of previous work or to develop effective interventions in their own context. Turning to hypotheses or concepts developed in a specific framework inevitably raises the issue of their applicability to another context, i.e. the Swiss context, if not at least European. This problematic then takes on an interest that goes beyond the particular topic of violence against women, adding to its relevance. This work articulates around three axes. First, it shows the way survey characteristics influence estimates. The comparability of the nature of the CH-IVAWS and NVAWS, their sampling design and the characteristics of their administration are discussed. The definitions used, the operationalization of variables based on comparable items, the control of reference periods, as well as the nature of the victim-offender relationship are included among controlled factors. This study establishes content validity within and across studies, presenting a systematic process destined to maximize the comparability of secondary data. Implications of the process are illustrated with the successive presentation of comparable and non-comparable operationalizations of computed variables. Measuring violence against. women in Switzerland and the United-States, this work compares the prevalence of different forms (threats, physical violence and sexual violence) and types of violence (partner and nonpartner violence). Second, it endeavors to analyze concepts of multivictimization (i.e. experiencing different forms of victimization), repeat victimization (i.e. experiencing the same form of violence more than once), and revictimization (i.e. the link between childhood and adulthood victimization) in a comparative -and comparable -approach. Third, aiming at understanding why partner violence appears higher in the United States, while victims of nonpartners are more frequent in Switzerland, as well as in other European countries, different victimization correlates are examined. This research contributes to a better understanding of the relevance of controlling methodological parameters in comparisons across studies, as it illustrates, systematically, the imposed controls and their implications on quantitative data. Moreover, it details how ignoring these parameters might lead to erroneous conclusions, statistically as well as theoretically. The conclusion of the study puts into a wider perspective the discussion of differences and similarities of violence against women in Switzerland and the United States, and integrates recommendations as to the relevance and validity of international comparisons, whatever the'field they are conducted in. Résumé: Les comparaisons internationales dans le domaine de la victimisation, et plus particulièrement en ce qui concerne les violences envers les femmes, se caractérisent par des problèmes méthodologiques que les recherches antérieures n'ont pas systématiquement adressés, et dont la réponse ne semble pas connaître de consensus. Pour des raisons logistiques et financières évidentes, les études internationales sur les violences envers les femmes (c.-à-d. les études utilisant un même instrument dans différents pays) sont rares, aussi les chercheurs sont-ils contraints de se tourner vers des comparaisons secondaires. Beaucoup de recherches juxtaposent alors simplement leurs résultats à ceux de travaux antérieurs ou à des résultats obtenus dans d'autres contextes, afin d'offrir à leurs conclusions une perspective prétendument comparative. Si, le plus souvent, les auteurs indiquent les limites méthodologiques d'une comparaison directe, il est fréquent que ces dernières ne se traduisent pas par des contrôles méthodologiques concrets. Et pourtant, quantité de travaux ont mis en évidence l'influence des paramètres méthodologiques des enquêtes sur les résultats obtenus, érigeant des listes de recommandations pour une «meilleure pratique» de la recherche. Bien que, ces dernières décennies, les sondages sur les violences envers les femmes soient devenus de plus en plus similaires -tendant, vers une certaine uniformisation que l'on peut interpréter comme un consensus passif-, il n'en demeure pas moins que ces instruments possèdent des différences plus ou moins subtiles, mais toujours susceptibles d'influencer la validité d'une comparaison. Pourtant, seules quelques recherches ont directement travaillé sur la comparabilité des données sur les violences envers les femmes, ayant à coeur de contrôler les paramètres méthodologiques des études utilisées afin de garantir la validité de leurs comparaisons. L'objectif de ce travail est la comparaison des données de deux sondages nationaux sur les violences envers les femmes: le composant suisse de l'International Violence Against Women Survey [CHIVAWSj et le National Violence Against Women Survey [NVAWS) administré aux États-Unis. Le choix de ces deux études découle certes des affiliations de l'auteure, cependant il est loin d'être anodin. Le champ criminologique actuel confère, en effet, une place prépondérante à la littérature américaine et anglo-saxonne, contraignant ainsi les chercheurs d'autres pays à un exercice proche du grand écart pour interpréter leurs résultats à la lumière des travaux antérieurs ou développer des interventions efficaces dans leur propre contexte. Le fait de recourir à des hypothèses et des concepts développés dans un cadre spécifique pose inévitablement la question de leur applicabilité à un autre contexte, soit ici le contexte suisse, sinon du moins européen. Cette problématique revêt alors un intérêt qui dépasse la thématique spécifique des violences envers les femmes, ce qui ajoute à sa pertinence. Ce travail s'articule autour de trois axes. Premièrement, il met en évidence la manière dont les caractéristiques d'un sondage influencent les estimations qui en découlent. La comparabilité de la nature du CH-IVAWS et du NVAWS, de leur processus d'échantillonnage et des caractéristiques de leur administration est discutée. Les définitions utilisées, l'opérationnalisation des variables sur la base d'items comparables, le contrôle des périodes de référence, ainsi que la nature de la relation victime-auteur figurent également parmi les facteurs contrôlés. Ce travail établit ainsi la validité de contenu intra- et inter-études, offrant un processus systématique destiné à maximiser la comparabilité des données secondaires. Les implications de cette démarche sont illustrées avec la présentation successive d'opérationnalisations comparables et non-comparables des variables construites. Mesurant les violences envers les femmes en Suisse et aux États-Unis, ce travail compare la prévalence de plusieurs formes (menaces, violences physiques et violences sexuelles) et types de violence (violences partenaires et non-partenaires). 11 s'attache également à analyser les concepts de multivictimisation (c.-à-d. le fait de subir plusieurs formes de victimisation), victimisation répétée (c.-à.-d. le fait de subir plusieurs incidents de même forme) et revictimisation (c.-à-d. le lien entre la victimisation dans l'enfance et à l'âge adulte) dans une approche comparative - et comparable. Dans un troisième temps, cherchant à comprendre pourquoi la violence des partenaires apparaît plus fréquente aux États-Unis, tandis que les victimes de non-partenaires sont plus nombreuses en Suisse, et dans d'autres pays européens, différents facteurs associés à la victimisation sont évalués. Cette recherche participe d'une meilleure compréhension de la pertinence du contrôle des paramètres méthodologiques dans les comparaisons entre études puisqu'elle illustre, pas à pas, les contrôles imposés et leurs effets sur les données quantitatives, et surtout comment l'ignorance de ces paramètres peut conduire à des conclusions erronées, tant statistiquement que théoriquement. La conclusion replace, dans un contexte plus large, la discussion des différences et des similitudes observées quant à la prévalence des violences envers les femmes en Suisse et aux États-Unis, et intègre des recommandations quant à la pertinence et à la validité des comparaisons internationales, cela quel que soit le domaine considéré.
We investigate the phase behavior of a single-component system in three dimensions with spherically-symmetric, pairwise-additive, soft-core interactions with an attractive well at a long distance, a repulsive soft-core shoulder at an intermediate distance, and a hard-core repulsion at a short distance, similar to potentials used to describe liquid systems such as colloids, protein solutions, or liquid metals. We showed [Nature (London) 409, 692 (2001)] that, even with no evidence of the density anomaly, the phase diagram has two first-order fluid-fluid phase transitions, one ending in a gas¿low-density-liquid (LDL) critical point, and the other in a gas¿high-density-liquid (HDL) critical point, with a LDL-HDL phase transition at low temperatures. Here we use integral equation calculations to explore the three-parameter space of the soft-core potential and perform molecular dynamics simulations in the interesting region of parameters. For the equilibrium phase diagram, we analyze the structure of the crystal phase and find that, within the considered range of densities, the structure is independent of the density. Then, we analyze in detail the fluid metastable phases and, by explicit thermodynamic calculation in the supercooled phase, we show the absence of the density anomaly. We suggest that this absence is related to the presence of only one stable crystal structure.
IL-15 has recently been shown to induce the differentiation of functional dendritic cells (DCs) from human peripheral blood monocytes. Since DCs lay in close proximity to epithelial cells in the airway mucosa, we investigated whether airway epithelial cells release IL-15 in response to inflammatory stimuli and thereby induce differentiation and maturation of DCs. Alveolar (A549) and bronchial (BEAS-2B) epithelial cells produced IL-15 spontaneously and in a time- and dose-dependent manner after stimulation with IL-1beta, IFN-gamma, or TNF-alpha. Airway epithelial cell supernatants induced an increase of IL-15Ralpha gene expression in ex vivo monocytes, and stimulated DCs enhanced their IL-15Ralpha gene expression up to 300-fold. Airway epithelial cell-conditioned media induced the differentiation of ex vivo monocytes into partially mature DCs (HLA-DR+, DC-SIGN+, CD14+, CD80-, CD83+, CD86+, CCR3+, CCR6(+), CCR7-). Based on their phenotypic (CD123+, BDCA2+, BDCA4+, BDCA1(-), CD1a-) and functional properties (limited maturation upon stimulation with LPS and limited capacity to induce T cell proliferation), these DCs resembled plasmacytoid DCs. The effects of airway epithelial cell supernatants were largely blocked by a neutralizing monoclonal antibody to IL-15. Thus, our results demonstrate that airway epithelial cell-conditioned media have the capacity to differentiate monocytes into functional DCs, a process substantially mediated by epithelial-derived IL-15.
Although contributing to inflammatory responses and to the development of certain autoimmune pathologies, type I interferons (IFNs) are used for the treatment of viral, malignant, and even inflammatory diseases. Interleukin-1 (IL-1) is a strongly pyrogenic cytokine and its importance in the development of several inflammatory diseases is clearly established. While the therapeutic use of IL-1 blocking agents is particularly successful in the treatment of innate-driven inflammatory disorders, IFN treatment has mostly been appreciated in the management of multiple sclerosis. Interestingly, type I IFNs exert multifaceted immunomodulatory effects, including the reduction of IL-1 production, an outcome that could contribute to its efficacy in the treatment of inflammatory diseases. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge on IL-1 and IFN effects in different inflammatory disorders, the influence of IFNs on IL-1 production, and discuss possible therapeutic avenues based on these observations.
Résumé II lavoro verte sui volgarizzamenti quattro-cinquecenteschi di Luciano di Samosata, importante capitolo nella fortuna dell'autore greco, che diede l'avvio a quel vasto fenomeno chiamato "lucianesimo", esteso in Europa fino al XIX sec. In particolare fornisco l'edizione critica e commentata delle Storie vere volgarizzate, contenute nella prima, assai ampia (41 opuscoli), e per molto tempo unica, silloge lucianea in volgare, che ho datato a poco prima del 1480. Essa ci è giunta tramite un unico manoscritto, il Vaticano Chigiano L.VI.215, confezionato a Ferrara per Ercole I d'Este, nonché in almeno otto edizioni veneziane apparse fra il 1525 e il 1551. La princeps, da cui dipendono in vario modo tutte le edizioni successive, è pubblicata da Niccolò Zoppino. I1 ms. e le prime due edizioni (1525; 1527 Bindoni e Pasini) tacciono il nome del traduttore, che compare solo nell'edizione del 1529 (Zoppino): Niccolò Leoniceno (1428-1524), medico umanista e valente grecista, attivo a Ferrara dal 1464 al 1524, studioso e traduttore di Ippocrate e Galeno, editore di Aristotele e volgarizzatore di storici per Ercole d'Este. L'edizione ha richiesto uno studio preliminare sulle numerose traduzioni in latino e in volgare di Luciano, per valutare meglio le modalità della sua fortuna umanistica. Confrontando ms. e stampe, per le Storie vere si hanno due volgarizzamenti totalmente diversi, fin dal titolo: La vera historia nel ms., Le vere narrazioni nelle cinquecentine. Ma per l'ultimo quarto di testo, ms. e stampe in sostanza coincidono. La collazione ha coinvolto anche il testo greco (con gli apparati delle edizioni critiche) e la versione latina dell'umanista umbro Lilio Tifernate (1417/18-1486) risalente al 1439-43 ca., intitolata De veris narrationibus, di cui si hanno almeno tre redazioni d'autore; una quarta è invece dovuta probabilmente a Benedetto Bordon, che la inserì nella sua silloge latina di Luciano del 1494. Ho cosa stabilito che il volgarizzamento del ms. Chigiano, La vera historia, è stato eseguito direttamente dal greco, fatto eccezionale nel panorama delle traduzioni umanistiche, mentre quello a stampa, Le vere narrazioni, deriva dalla redazione Bordon del De veris narrationibus. La diversità dei titoli dipende dalle varianti dei codici greci utilizzati dai traduttori: il Vat. gr. 1323, o una sua copia, è utilizzato sia dal volgarizzatore del Chigiano, sia da Bordon, indipendentemente l'uno dall'altro; il Marc. gr. 434, o una sua copia, dal Tifernate. Il titolo latino mantenuto da Bordon risale al Tifernate. Per quanto riguarda l'attribuzione dei due volgarizzamenti, come già per altri due testi della silloge da me studiati (Lucio 01 Asino e Timone), anche per La vera historia del Chigiano è accettabile il nome di Niccolò Leoniceno, poiché: 1) essa è tradotta direttamente dal greco, correttamente e con buona resa in volgare, 2) Paolo Giovio -che conobbe di persona il Leoniceno -, negli Elogia veris clarorum virorum imaginibus apposita ricorda che i volgarizzamenti di Luciano e di Dione eseguiti dal Leoniceno piacquero molto ad Ercole d'Este, 3) nessuno nella prima metà del sec. XVI rivendica, per sé o per un suo maestro, il volgarizzamento di Luciano. Le vere narrazioni a stampa, tradotte dal latino del Bordon, dopo il 1494 e prima del 1525, per la parte che diverge dalla Vera historia rimangono invece anonime. Dato che si tratta di due volgarizzamenti distinti, ho allestito l'edizione a fronte dei due testi fin dove essi divergono, seguendo per l'uno il ms., per l'altro la princeps; per la parte finale, in cui confluiscono, mi baso invece sul manoscritto e relego in apparato le varianti più vistose della princeps (non è emerso un chiaro rapporto di dipendenza fra i due testimoni). Oltre all'apparato critico con le lezioni rifiutate, fornisco un commento con la giustificazione delle scelte e il confronto con i corrispondenti passi greci e latini.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) La question du rêve est part intégrante de la question de la religion et intéresse de ce fait au plus haut point l'histoire comparée des religions. Non seulement les rêves ont-ils souvent été à l'origine d'une religion, mais ils sont fréquemment un de ses vecteurs principaux. En incluant la dimension onirique comme un élément constitutif du religieux et en développant des méthodes pour l'investiguer, le présent ouvrage se propose de montrer le lien consubstantiel entre religion et rêve. Les études réunies sont issues du colloque Rêves, visions révélatrices: réception et interprétation des songes dans le contexte religieux qui a eu lieu à Lausanne les 7 et 8 décembre 2000. Elles offrent des réflexions et des visions sur les rêves portant sur différentes traditions religieuses et faisant recours à des approches méthodologiques variées. L'ensemble des contributions tente de répondre à la double exigence de l'histoire des religions qui, tout en investissant un contexte religieux spécifique, se donne les moyens de réfléchir le rêve en lien à la religion dans une perspective comparative.
La prévention primaire des maladies cardiovasculaires par les médecins s'effectue par une prise en charge individualisée des facteurs de risque. L'indication à un traitement par statines se base sur une estimation du risque de survenue d'une maladie cardiovasculaire et sur le taux de LDL-cholestérol. Trois scores de risque sont couramment utilisés: le score PROCAM, le score Framingham, et le SCORE européen. En Suisse, le Groupe Suisse Lipides et Athérosclérose (GSLA) recommande en première instance l'utilisation du score PROCAM avec une adaptation du niveau de risque pour la Suisse. Une enquête a aussi montré que c'est le score le plus utilisé en Suisse. Dans cet article, les particularités de ces scores et leurs applications pratiques en ce qui concerne la prescription de statines en prévention primaire sont discutées. Les conséquences et les bénéfices potentiels de l'application de ces scores en Suisse sont également abordés. [Abstract] Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease by physicians is achieved by management of individual risk factors. The eligibility for treatment with statins is based on both an estimate of the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and the LDL-cholesterol. Three risk scores are commonly used : the PROCAM score, the Framingham score, and the European score. In Switzerland, the Swiss Group Lipids and Atherosclerosis (GSLA) recommends to use the PROCAM score with an adjustment of the level of risk for Switzerland. A survey also showed that PROCAM is the most used in Switzerland. In this article, the differences of these scores and their practical applications regarding the prescription of statins in primary prevention are discussed. The consequences and potential benefits of applying these scores in Switzerland are also discussed.