930 resultados para Hydrographic surveying
Changes in the hydrological regime of the Lower São Francisco River, located in Northeastern Brazil have brought negative environmental impacts, jeopardizing the flora and fauna of a global biodiversity hotspot, due to implementation of hydroelectric power dams and surface water withdrawal for irrigation in public and private perimeters. Remnants of the riparian stratum associated to the riverbank destabilization in six fragments were studied by surveying trees, shrubs, herbs, and aquatic species. The calculation of the Factor of Safety (FS) was performed in order to understand the riverbank's stability related to soil texture and vegetation cover. An overall number of 51 botanic families distributed in 71 genera and 79 species were recorded, predominantly from the families Mimosaceae, Myrtaceae, and Fabaceae. The fragmented riparian vegetation is mostly covered by secondary species under a strong anthropogenic impact such as deforestation, mining and irrigation, with an advanced erosion process in the river margins. Strong species that withstand the waves present in the river flow are needed to reduce the constant landslides that are mainly responsible for the river sedimentation and loss of productive lands. A lack of preservation attitude among the local landholders was identified, and constitutes a continuing threat to the riparian ecosystem biodiversity.
Diplomityössä tarkastellaan laadun ja tuottavuuden parantamisen keinoja hitsaavassa verkostossa MIG/MAG-hitsauksen osalta. Työn taustalla vaikuttaa Total Welding Management -menetelmä, mikä on hitsaustoimintojen kokonaisvaltaiseen johtamiseen ja hallintaan kehitetty toimintamalli. Työn teoriaosassa käsitellään laatuajattelua ja yritysyhteistyötä hitsaavan teollisuuden yrityskentässä sekä hitsauskustannuksiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tutkimusosuus sisältää yritysverkoston nykytilan tarkastelun sekä kehitystoimenpiteitä kohti verkoston yhteistä toimintamallia saavuttaa tehokas ja kannattava yhteistyö. Hitsaustyön kustannukset määritetään suurelta osin suunnittelussa. Laatuun voidaan vaikuttaa merkittävästi hitsaustyötä edeltävissä toiminnoissa sekä hitsaajan työn tukemisella. Kokonaisvaltaisen hyödyn saavuttaminen hitsaustyön tuottavuuden parantamisessa vaatii kaikkien toimintojen tarkastelua sen sijaan, että tehostetaan vain hitsaamon toimintaa. Itse hitsaus voi olla vain pieni osa hitsaustoimintojen kokonaishallintaa. Toimintamallin luominen laadunvarmistukseen, suunnittelun ja valmistuksen yhteistyöhön sekä hitsaustoimintojen hallintaan mahdollistaa hitsaavan verkoston toiminnan tehostamisen sekä laadun paranemisen. Tämä saavutetaan viemällä toimintamalli osaksi jokapäiväistä työtä, lähelle valmistusta, ja ohjeistamalla, että jokainen tietää kuinka toimia. Esimerkiksi työssä tarkastellun yhden tuotteen osalta ohjeistus turhan työn vähentämiseksi tuotti 19 % tuotannon kasvun työvuoron aikana. Tilaus-toimitusketjun tuottavuuteen ja kannattavuuteen voidaan vaikuttaa merkittävästi käymällä läpi konkreettisesti valmistettavat tuotteet ja niihin liittyvät toiminnot. Diplomityössä tehtyjen tarkastelujen ja havaintojen avulla käytännön työ tulee jatkumaan yritysverkostossa tapahtuvassa kehitystyössä.
The management of port-related supply chains is challenging due to the complex and heterogeneous operations of the ports with several actors and processes. That is why the importance of information sharing is emphasised in the ports. However, the information exchange between different port-related actors is often cumbersome and it still involves a lot of manual work and paper. Major ports and port-related actors usually have advanced information systems in daily use but these systems are seldom interoperable with each other, which prevents economies of scale to be reached. Smaller ports and companies might not be equipped with electronic data transmission at all. This is the final report of the Mobile port (MOPO) project, which has sought ways to improve the management and control of port-related sea and inland traffic with the aid of ICT technologies. The project has studied port community systems (PCS) used worldwide, evaluated the suitability of a PCS for the Finnish port operating environment and created a pilot solution of a Finnish PCS in the port of HaminaKotka. Further, the dry port concept and its influences on the transportation system have been explored. The Mobile Port project comprised of several literature reviews, interviews of over 50 port-related logistics and/or ICT professionals, two different kinds of simulation models as well as designing and implementing of the pilot solution of the Finnish PCS. The results of these multiple studies are summarised in this report. Furthermore, recommendations for future actions and the topics for further studies are addressed in the report. The study revealed that the information sharing in a typical Finnish port-related supply chain contains several bottlenecks that cause delays in shipments and waste resources. The study showed that many of these bottlenecks could be solved by building a port community system for the Finnish port community. Almost 30 different kinds of potential services or service entities of a Finnish PCS were found out during the study. The basic requirements, structure, interfaces and operation model of the Finnish PCS were also defined in the study. On the basis of the results of the study, a pilot solution of the Finnish PCS was implemented in the port of HaminaKotka. The pilot solution includes a Portconnect portal for the Finnish port community system (available at https://www.portconnect.fi) and two pilot applications, which are a service for handling the information flows concerning the movements of railway wagons and a service for handling the information flows between Finnish ports and Finland-Russian border. The study also showed that port community systems can be used to improve the environmental aspects of logistics in two different ways: 1) PCSs can bring direct environmental benefits and 2) PCSs can be used as an environmental tool in a port community. On the basis of the study, the development of the Finnish port community system should be continued by surveying other potential applications for the Finnish PCS. It is also important to study if there is need and resources to extend the Finnish PCS to operate in several ports or even on a national level. In the long run, it could be reasonable to clarify whether there would be possibilities to connect the Finnish PCS as a part of Baltic Sea wide, European-wide or even worldwide maritime and port-related network in order to get the best benefit from the system
Tropical forests are sources of many ecosystem services, but these forests are vanishing rapidly. The situation is severe in Sub-Saharan Africa and especially in Tanzania. The causes of change are multidimensional and strongly interdependent, and only understanding them comprehensively helps to change the ongoing unsustainable trends of forest decline. Ongoing forest changes, their spatiality and connection to humans and environment can be studied with the methods of Land Change Science. The knowledge produced with these methods helps to make arguments about the actors, actions and causes that are behind the forest decline. In this study of Unguja Island in Zanzibar the focus is in the current forest cover and its changes between 1996 and 2009. The cover and changes are measured with often used remote sensing methods of automated land cover classification and post-classification comparison from medium resolution satellite images. Kernel Density Estimation is used to determine the clusters of change, sub-area –analysis provides information about the differences between regions, while distance and regression analyses connect changes to environmental factors. These analyses do not only explain the happened changes, but also allow building quantitative and spatial future scenarios. Similar study has not been made for Unguja and therefore it provides new information, which is beneficial for the whole society. The results show that 572 km2 of Unguja is still forested, but 0,82–1,19% of these forests are disappearing annually. Besides deforestation also vertical degradation and spatial changes are significant problems. Deforestation is most severe in the communal indigenous forests, but also agroforests are decreasing. Spatially deforestation concentrates to the areas close to the coastline, population and Zanzibar Town. Biophysical factors on the other hand do not seem to influence the ongoing deforestation process. If the current trend continues there should be approximately 485 km2 of forests remaining in 2025. Solutions to these deforestation problems should be looked from sustainable land use management, surveying and protection of the forests in risk areas and spatially targeted self-sustainable tree planting schemes.
Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin palveluliiketoimintaa ja suorituskyvyn kehittämistä teollisissa palveluissa. Tutkimuksessa pyrittiin selvittämään millaisia tarpeita ja haasteita teollisuuden yrityksillä on palvelujen suorituskyvyn mittaamisen suhteen ja palvelujen kehittämisen suhteen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kehittää viitekehys, joka tukee teollisen yrityksen palvelujen kehittämistä ja suorituskyvyn johtamista. Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin kirjallista aineistoa palvelujen erityispiirteistä, teollisista palveluista ja suorituskyvyn mittaamisesta. Tutkimuksessa on käytetty kvalitatiivista tutkimustapaa. Empiirisessä osiossa haastateltiin neljää palveluliiketoimintaa harjoittavaa teollisuusyritystä eri teollisuuden aloilta. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että perustana palvelujen onnistuneelle kehittämiselle on palvelunäkökulman omaksuminen strategiassa sekä asiakkaan prosessien ymmärtäminen. Palvelujen erityispiirteet on huomioitava palvelujen suorituskykyä johdettaessa ja mittaamisessa on hyvä suosia tasapainotettuja mittaristoja, joissa on huomioitu laadulliset mittarit sekä ei-rahalliset ja rahalliset mittarit.
Climate, soil and tree flora relationships in forests in the state of São Paulo, southeastern Brasil
ABSTRACT - (Climate, soil and tree flora relationships in forests in the state of São Paulo, southteastern Brasil). With the aim of verifying possible influences of abiotic features on the spatial distribution of forest tree species and families, thirteen surveys in the state of São Paulo were selected, representing different conditions (localization at the extreme coordenates and altitudes, succesional stages, surveying methods). By applying Jaccard's Index to the binary matrices of 806 synonymized specific binomina and 79 families (Cronquist's system) phenograms were constructed using the method of the unweighted pair grouping by mathematical average (UPGMA). The species formed two floristic blocks: hygrophyllous (yearly rainfall greater than 2000 mm without dry season) and mesophyllous (yearly rainfall about 1400 mm with variable dry season). The latter was divided in two other groups: the high-altitudinal (median altitudes higher than 750 m, frost average frequency greater than 3 days/year) and low-altitudinal. Both mesophyllous floristic blocks were subdivided according to soil conditions (texture, eutrophism, acid or allic dystrophism, iron content). At the family level the relations were weak, but also showed the soil nutritional status as a possible constraint to the spatial partition of families.
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
This paper presents performance indicators for the Brazilian cancer, cardiovascular and malaria research areas from 1981 to 1995. The data show an increasing number of papers since 1981 and author numbers indicate a continuous growth of the scientific community and suggest an expected impact of scientific activity on biomedical education. The data also characterize cardiovascular research as a well-established area and cancer research as a faster growing consolidating field. The 1989-1994 share of Brazilian articles among world publications shows a growing trend for the cancer (1.61) and cardiovascular (1.59) areas, and a decrease for the malaria area (0.89). The burden of the three diseases on society is contrasted by the small number of consolidated Brazilian research groups, and a questionable balance of thematic activity, especially with regard to malaria. Brazilian periodicals play an important role in increasing the international visibility of science produced in the country. Cancer and cardiovascular research is strongly concentrated in the Southeastern and in Southern regions of Brazil, especially in São Paulo (at least one address from São Paulo in 64.5% of the 962 cancer articles and in 66.9% of the 2250 cardiovascular articles, the second state being Rio de Janeiro with at least one address in 14.1 and 11% of those articles, respectively). Malaria research (468 articles) is more evenly distributed across the country, following the pattern of the endemic distribution of the disease. Surveying these national indicator trends can be useful to establish policies in the decision process about health sciences, medical education and public health.
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
Työn lähtökohtana oli yritysyhteistyön nykytilan ja siinä havaittavien ongelmakohtien kartoittaminen. Näiden havaittujen ongelmakohtien taustat ja vaikutus yhteistyön onnistumiseen tutkittiin. Yhteistyön kehittämisen kannalta merkittävimmät ongelmakohdat valittiin toimeksiantajayrityksen toiveiden mukaisesti, joiden taustalla puolestaan vaikuttivat vahvasti asiakasyrityksen vaatimukset. Tästä syystä ongelma-analyysin pohjana käytettiinkin heidän suorittamia auditointeja. Auditointitulosten ja henkilöhaastatteluiden perusteella merkittävimmiksi ongelmiksi nousivat raportointi ja kuormansuunnittelu. Nämä valittiin varsinaisen kehitystyön kohteiksi. Tiedonkulun ja tietojärjestelmien nähtiin olevan siinä ratkaisevassa asemassa. Jo näiden kahden edellä mainitun epäkohdan ratkaiseminen vaikuttaisi yritysten väliseen yhteistyöhön positiivisesti. Lisäksi työssä tarkasteltiin myös laajemmin yhteistyön kehittämistä pitkällä aikavälillä sekä muihin asiakassuhteisiin. Työn tarkoituksena ei ollut luoda valmista ratkaisumallia, vaan ennemminkin kartoittaa mahdollisia kehityssuuntia sekä tutkia niiden vaikutuksia yhteistyöhön.
The study examined coaches' usage of text-based computer-mediated communication (CMC) media (e.g., text-messaging, email) in the coach-player relationship. Data were collected by surveying Ontario-based male baseball coaches (n = 86) who coached players between 15 and 18 years old. Predictions were made regarding how demographic factors such as age and coaching experience affected coaches' CMC use and opinions. Results indicated that over 76% of respondents never used any CMC media other than email and team websites in their interactions with players. Results also revealed that coaches' usage rates contrasted with their opinion of the usefulness of the media, and their perception of players' use of the media. Coaches characterized most CMC media as limited, unnecessary, and sometimes inappropriate. Additional research should explore players' CMC usage rates and possible guidelines for use of the new media in authority relationships. Academia needs to keep pace with the developments in this area.
‘The Father of Canadian Transportation’ is a term commonly associated with William Hamilton Merritt. Although he is most known for being one of the driving forces behind the building of the first Welland Canal, he was many things throughout his life; a soldier, merchant, promoter, entrepreneur and politician to name a few. Born on July 3, 1793 at Bedford, Westchester County, N.Y. to Thomas Merritt and Mary Hamilton, Merritt’s family relocated to Canada shortly after in 1796. The move came after Merritt’s father petitioned John Graves Simcoe for land in Upper Canada after serving under him in the Queen’s Rangers during the American Revolution. The family quickly settled into their life at Twelve Mile Creek in St. Catharines. Merritt’s father became sheriff of Lincoln County in 1803 while Merritt began his education in mathematics and surveying. After some brief travel and further education Merritt returned to Lincoln County, in 1809 to help farm his father’s land and open a general store. While a farmer and merchant, Merritt turned his attention to military endeavours. A short time after being commissioned as a Lieutenant in the Lincoln militia, the War of 1812 broke out. Fulfilling his duty, Merritt fought in the Battle of Queenston Heights in October of 1812, and numerous small battles until the Battle of Lundy’s Lane in July 1814. It was here that Merritt was captured and held in Cheshire, Massachusetts until the war ended. Arriving back in the St. Catharines area upon his release, Merritt returned to being a merchant, as well as becoming a surveyor and mill owner. Some historians hypothesize that the need to draw water to his mill was how the idea of the Welland Canals was born. Beginning with a plan to connect the Welland River with the Twelve mile creek quickly developed into a connection between the Lakes Erie and Ontario. Its main purpose was to improve the St. Lawrence transportation system and provide a convenient way to transport goods without having to go through the Niagara Falls portage. The plan was set in motion in 1818, but most living in Queenston and Niagara were not happy with it as it would drive business away from them. Along with the opposition came financial and political restraints. Despite these factors Merritt pushed on and the Welland Canal Company was chartered by the Upper Canadian Assembly on January 19, 1824. The first sod was turned on November 30, 1824 almost a year after the initial chartering. Many difficulties arose during the building of the canal including financial, physical, and geographic restrictions. Despite the difficulties two schooners passed through the canal on November 30, 1829. Throughout the next four years continual work was done on the canal as it expended and was modified to better accommodate large ships. After his canal was underway Merritt took a more active role in the political arena, where he served in various positions throughout Upper Canada. In 1851, Merritt withdrew from the Executive Council for numerous reasons, one of which being that pubic interest had diverted from the canals to railways. Merritt tried his hand at other public works outside transportation and trade. He looked into building a lunatic asylum, worked on behalf of War of 1812 veterans, aided in building Brock’s monument, established schools, aided refugee slaves from the U.S. and tried to establish a National Archives among many other feats. He was described by some as having “policy too liberal – conceptions too vast – views too comprehensive to be comprehensible by all”, but he still made a great difference in the society in which he lived. After his great contributions, Merritt died aboard a ship in the Cornwall canal on July 5, 1862. Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online http://www.biographi.ca/EN/ShowBio.asp?BioId=38719 retrieved October 2006 Today numerous groups carry on the legacy of Merritt and the canals both in the past and present. One such group is the Welland Canals Foundation. They describe themselves as: “. . . a volunteer organization which strives to promote the importance of the present and past Welland Canals, and to preserve their history and heritage. The Foundation began in 1980 and carries on events like William Hamilton Merritt Day. The group has strongly supported the Welland Canals Parkway initiative and numerous other activities”. The Welland Canals Foundation does not work alone. They have help from other local groups such as the St. Catharines Historical Society. The Society’s main objective is to increase knowledge and appreciation of the historical aspects of St. Catharines and vicinity, such as the Welland Canals. http://www.niagara.com/~dmdorey/hssc/dec2000.html - retrieved Oct. 2006 http://www.niagara.com/~dmdorey/hssc/feb2000.html - retrieved Oct. 2006
The inverse relationship between arboreal lichen species richness and sulphur dioxide in ambient air has been thoroughly documented in the literature. Previous work in southern Ontario has shown that lichen bioindication can identify areas of potential concern regarding air quality. The EMAN suite of l i chens was applied in the City of Samia by surveying 458 Sugar Maple trees, in order to test the applicability of lichen bioindication under conditions of high mean S02 levels and high species richness values. The results of the survey were explored using Geographic Information Systems. A spatial relationship between lichen community variables, the Bluewater Bridge and the highway was identified. Lichen species richness, lichen percent cover and Index of Atmospheric Purity values were higher along the bridge and highway. No strong gradients were found between other known pollution sources and no lichen deserts were identified. The most common community grouping consisted of Physcia millegrana Degel, Candelaria concolor (Dicks) B. Stein, Physcia aipolia (Ehrh ex Humb.) Furnrohr; all of which are known nitrophytes. The relationship between substrate pH and lichen species richness was examined. Sites with a known source of anthropogenic chemical contamination were found to have a correlation of l=0.8 between lichen species richness and pH. The inverse was found for sites with no known source of contamination with a correlation of r 2 =-0.72. The findings suggest that species richness may be influenced by altering substrate pH which promotes the growth of nitrophytic species capable of tolerating high S02 levels.
Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the areas in and around Port Dalhousie and Grantham Township. Identified structures associated with the Canal include Lock 1, Lighthouse, Lighthouse Keeper's House, East and West Piers, Harbour, Waste Weir, Store House, Collector's Office, Collector Assistant Office, Lock Tender's House and the new towing path. Features of the First Welland Canal are noted in red ink and includes the old Harbour, old Lock 1, old towing path and the original bed of the Twelve Mile Creek. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks and businesses are also identified and include streets and roads (ex. Lock Street and Colonel Clark's Cattle Road), Alex Muir's Dry Dock, RandJ Laurie Flouring Mill, R. Laurie and Company Grist Mill, A. Morrison Saw Mill, Johnson's Tavern, a store and a church. Properties and property owners of note are: Concession 1 Lots 21 and 22, John Christie, John Clark, N. Pawling, William Pawling, W. Carter, G.A. Clark, J. Maven, Mrs. Wood, James Drabble and J. Woodall.
Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the areas in and around Port Dalhousie and Grantham Township. Identified structures associated with the Canal include Lock 1, East and West Piers, Collector's Office, Lock Tender's House and the new towing path. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks and businesses are also identified and include streets and roads (ex. Road to St. Catharines, Side Line, Old Road to Port Dalhousie, Road to Niagara), the Welland Railway and its structures (ex. freight sheds, wood shed, raised platform, elevator, cranes, water tank, turn table, and passenger station), G. A. Clark's Wood Yard, Clark's Wood Office, Alex Muir's Dry Dock, Donald, Andrews and Ross' Dry Dock, RandJ Laurie Flouring Mill, R. Laurie and Company Grist Mill and A. Morrison Saw Mill. A New Road to St. Catharines is featured in red ink. Properties and property owners of note are: Concession 1 Lots 19, 20 and 21, John Christie, and John Clark.