799 resultados para Human anatomy -- Study and teaching (Higher)


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Electrode kinetics and study of 'transition state' with applied potential in case of [M - antibiotics - cephalothin] system were reported at pH = 7.30 ± 0.01 at suitable supporting electrolyte at 25.0ºC. The M = Co or Ni and antibiotics were doxycycline, chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, tetracycline, minocycline, amoxicillin and chloramphenicol used as primary ligands and cephalothin as secondary ligand. Kinetic parameters viz. transfer coefficient (a), degree of irreversibility (l), diffusion coefficient (D) and rate constant (k) were determined. The values of a and k varied from 0.41 to 0.59 and 2.60 X 10-3 cm s-1 to 9.67 X 10-3 cm s-1 in case of [Co - antibiotics - cephalothin] system. In case of [Ni - antibiotics - cephalothin], a and k varied from 0.41 to 0.58 and 2.34 X 10-3 cm s-1 to 9.19 X 10-3 cm s-1 respectively confirmed that transition state behaves between oxidant and reductant response to applied potential and it adjusts it self in such a way that the same is located midway between dropping mercury electrode and solution interface. The values of rate constant confirmed the quasireversible nature of electrode processes. The stability constants (logb) of complexes were also determined.


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Electrode kinetics and complex formation of Zn(II) using doxycycline, chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, tetracycline, minocycline, amoxicillin, chloramphenicol and cephaloglycin were reported at pH = 7.30 ± 0.01 in = 1.0 molL-1 NaClO4 used as supporting electrolyte at 25.0°C. Kinetic parameters viz. transfer coefficient (α), degree of irreversibility (λ) and rate constant (k) were determined. The study showed that 'Transition state' behaves between reactant (O) and product (R) response to applied potential. The stability constants varied from 2.14 to 10.31 showing that these drugs or their complexes could be used against Zn toxicity.


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Starch is the most important carbohydrate storage in plants. It is a raw material with diverse botanical origins, and is used by the food, paper, chemical, pharmaceutical, textile and other industries. In this work, native starches of Paraná pine seeds (pinhão) (Araucária angustiofolia, Bert O. Ktze) and european chestnut seeds (Castanea sativa, Mill) were studied by thermoanalytical techniques: thermo-gravimetry (TG), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), as well as X-ray powder patterns diffractometry. Apparent and total amylose content was also determined.


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Tämän tutkimusraportin suomenkielinen versio on osoitteessa: http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-29-4509-2


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Total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA) with propofol and ketamine proved to be very satisfactory from a clinical point of view. This blind randomised controlled trial was designed to compare induction and maintenance of anaesthesia under continuous infusion of propofol-racemic ketamine (PRK) with that of propofol-S-ketamine (PSK) and evaluate their haemodynamic, metabolic and ventilatory effects. Seven female dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy were involved in each group. Anaesthesia was induced: in Group PRK, with propofol (4.0mg kg-1) and racemic ketamine (2.0mg kg-1) intravenous (i.v.), followed by i.v. infusion of propofol (initial dose of 0.5mg kg-1 min-1) and racemic ketamine (0.2mg kg-1 min-1); in Group PSK, with propofol (4.0mg kg-1) and S-ketamine (1.0 mg kg¹) i.v., followed by i.v. infusion of propofol (initial dose of 0.5mg kg-1 min-1) and S-ketamine (0.1mg kg-1 min-1). Parameters were assessed before anaesthesia and in 6 time points after induction. In both groups, heart rate increased significantly at all time points. There was a slight decrease in systemic blood pressure, cardiac output and cardiac index in both groups. The systolic index decrease significantly and intense respiratory depression was observed in all groups, making assisted ventilation necessary.


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This paper reports on the extrafloral nectary (EFN) of Hibiscus pernambucensis, a native shrub species occurring in mangrove and restinga along Brazil's coastline. EFNs occur as furrows with a protuberant border on the abaxial surface veins of the leaf blade. Each nectary consists of numerous secretory multicellular trichomes, epidermal cells in palisade-like arrangements and non-vascularized parenchyma tissue. Nectar secretion is prolonged, since secretion starts in very young leaves and remains up to completely expanded leaves. Reduced sugars, lipids, and proteins were histochemically detected in all the nectary cells; phenolic substances were detected in the vacuoles of the epidermal palisade cells and in some secretory trichome cells. The secretory cells that constitute the body of trichomes have large nuclei, dense cytoplasm with numerous mitochondria, dictyosomes, scattered lipid droplets and plastids with different inclusions: protein, lipid droplets or starch grains; vacuoles with different sizes have membranous material, phenolic and lipophilic substances. The palisade cells show thick periclinal walls, reduced cytoplasm with voluminous lipid drops and developed vacuoles. The nectary parenchyma cells contain abundant plasmodesmata and cytoplasm with scattered lipid droplets, mitochondria, plastids with starch grains and endoplasmic reticulum. Mucilage idioblasts are common in the inner nectary parenchyma. Protoderm and ground meristem participate in the formation of EFN. Our data indicate that all nectary regions are involved in nectar production and secretion, constituting a functional unit. Longevity of the extrafloral nectaries is likely associated with the presence of mucilage idioblasts, which increases the capacity of the nectary parenchyma to store water.


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The vasorelaxant effects of SR 47063 (4-(2-cyanimino-1,2-dihydropyrid-1-yl)-2,2-dimethyl-6-nitrochromene), a new K+-channel opener structurally related to levcromakalim, were examined in isolated human saphenous vein (HSV) and rat aorta (RA). HSV or RA rings were precontracted with either KCl or noradrenaline and cumulative relaxant concentration-response curves were obtained for SR 47063 (0.1 nM to 1 µM) in the presence or absence of 3 µM glibenclamide. SR 47063 potently relaxed HSV and RA precontracted with 20 mM (but not 60 mM) KCl or 10 µM noradrenaline in a concentration-dependent manner, showing slightly greater activity in the aorta. The potency of the effect of SR 47063 on HSV and RA was 12- and 58-fold greater, respectively, than that reported for the structurally related K+-channel opener levcromakalim. The vasorelaxant action of SR 47063 in both blood vessels was strongly inhibited by 3 µM glibenclamide, consistent with a mechanism of action involving ATP-dependent K+-channels.


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Children with chronic renal failure in general present growth retardation that is aggravated by corticosteroids. We describe here the effects of methylprednisolone (MP) and recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) on the growth plate (GP) of uremic rats. Uremia was induced by subtotal nephrectomy in 30-day-old rats, followed by 20 IU kg-1 day-1 rhGH (N = 7) or 3 mg kg-1 day-1 MP (N = 7) or 20 IU kg-1 day-1 rhGH + 3 mg kg-1 day-1 MP (N = 7) treatment for 10 days. Control rats with intact renal function were sham-operated and treated with 3 mg kg-1 day-1 MP (N = 7) or vehicle (N = 7). Uremic rats (N = 7) were used as untreated control animals. Structural alterations in the GP and the expression of anti-proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and anti-insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) by epiphyseal chondrocytes were evaluated. Uremic MP rats displayed a reduction in the proliferative zone height (59.08 ± 4.54 vs 68.07 ± 7.5 µm, P < 0.05) and modifications in the microarchitecture of the GP. MP and uremia had an additive inhibitory effect on the proliferative activity of GP chondrocytes, lowering the expression of PCNA (19.48 ± 11.13 vs 68.64 ± 7.9% in control, P < 0.0005) and IGF-I (58.53 ± 0.96 vs 84.78 ± 2.93% in control, P < 0.0001), that was counteracted by rhGH. These findings suggest that in uremic rats rhGH therapy improves longitudinal growth by increasing IGF-I synthesis in the GP and by stimulating chondrocyte proliferation.


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This study developed a gluten-free granola and evaluated it during storage with the application of multivariate and regression analysis of the sensory and instrumental parameters. The physicochemical, sensory, and nutritional characteristics of a product containing quinoa, amaranth and linseed were evaluated. The crude protein and lipid contents ranged from 97.49 and 122.72 g kg-1 of food, respectively. The polyunsaturated/saturated, and n-6:n-3 fatty acid ratios ranged from 2.82 and 2.59:1, respectively. Granola had the best alpha-linolenic acid content, nutritional indices in the lipid fraction, and mineral content. There were good hygienic and sanitary conditions during storage; probably due to the low water activity of the formulation, which contributed to inhibit microbial growth. The sensory attributes ranged from 'like very much' to 'like slightly', and the regression models were highly fitted and correlated during the storage period. A reduction in the sensory attribute levels and in the product physical stabilisation was verified by principal component analysis. The use of the affective test acceptance and instrumental analysis combined with statistical methods allowed us to obtain promising results about the characteristics of gluten-free granola.


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This research acknowledges the difficulties experienced by teachers presenting integrated arts curricula. Instructional support is offered by arts organizations that provide arts partnerships with local schools boards. The study focuses on the experiences of 8 teachers from a Catholic school board in southern Ontario who participated in integrated arts programs offered by The Royal Conservatory of Music's Learning Through the Arts™ (LTTATM) program and a local art gallery's Art Based Integrated Learning (ABIL) program and examines their responses to the programs and their perception of personal and professional development through this association. Additionally, questions were posed to the . "aftisfs"from-tneSe]Jfograrrrs;-and"they liiscus·sed·how"participating in-collaboration with teachers in the development of in-school programs enabled them to experience personal and professional development as well. Seven themes emerged from the data. These themes included: teachers' feelings of a lack of preparedness to teach the arts; the value of the arts and arts partnerships in schools; the role of the artists in the education of teachers; professional development for both teachers and artists; the development of collegiality; perceptions of student engagement; and the benefits and obstacles of integrating the arts into the curriculum. This document highlights the benefits to both teachers and artists of arts partnerships between schools and outside arts organizations.


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The "Java Intelligent Tutoring System" (JITS) research project focused on designing, constructing, and determining the effectiveness of an Intelligent Tutoring System for beginner Java programming students at the postsecondary level. The participants in this research were students in the School of Applied Computing and Engineering Sciences at Sheridan College. This research involved consistently gathering input from students and instructors using JITS as it developed. The cyclic process involving designing, developing, testing, and refinement was used for the construction of JITS to ensure that it adequately meets the needs of students and instructors. The second objective in this dissertation determined the effectiveness of learning within this environment. The main findings indicate that JITS is a richly interactive ITS that engages students on Java programming problems. JITS is equipped with a sophisticated personalized feedback mechanism that models and supports each student in his/her learning style. The assessment component involved 2 main quantitative experiments to determine the effectiveness of JITS in terms of student performance. In both experiments it was determined that a statistically significant difference was achieved between the control group and the experimental group (i.e., JITS group). The main effect for Test (i.e., pre- and postiest), F( l , 35) == 119.43,p < .001, was qualified by a Test by Group interaction, F( l , 35) == 4.98,p < .05, and a Test by Time interaction, F( l , 35) == 43.82, p < .001. Similar findings were found for the second experiment; Test by Group interaction revealed F( 1 , 92) == 5.36, p < .025. In both experiments the JITS groups outperformed the corresponding control groups at posttest.


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This study assessed the effectiveness of a reciprocal teaching program as a method of teaching reading comprehension, using narrative text material in a t.ypical grade seven classroom. In order to determine the effectiveness of the reciprocal teaching program, this method was compared to two other reading instruction approaches that, unlike rcciprocal teaching, did not include social interaction components. Two intact grade scven classes, and a grade seven teacher, participated in this study. Students were appropriately assigned to three treatment groups by reading achievement level as determined from a norm-referenced test. Training proceeded for a five week intervention period during regularly scheduled English periods. Throughout the program curriculum-based tests were administered. These tests were designed to assess comprehension in two distinct ways; namely, character analysis components as they relate to narrative text, and strategy use components as they contribute to student understanding of narrative and expository text. Pre, post, and maintenance tests were administered to measure overall training effects. Moreover, during intervention, training probes were administered in the last period of each week to evaluate treatment group performance. AU curriculum-based tests were coded and comparisons of pre, post, maintenance tests and training probes were presented in graph form. Results showed that the reciprocal group achieved some improvement in reading comprehension scores in the strategy use component of the tests. No improvements were observed for the character analysis components of the curriculum-based tests and the norm-referenced tests. At pre and post intervention, interviews requiring students to respond to questions that addressed metacomprehension awareness of study strategies were administered. The intelviews were coded and comparisons were made between the two intelVicws. No significant improvements were observed regarding student awareness of ten identified study strategies . This study indicated that reciprocal teaching is a viable approach that can be utilized to help students acquire more effective comprehension strategies. However, the maximum utility of the technique when administered to a population of grade seven students performing at average to above average levels of reading achievement has yet to be determined. In order to explore this issue, the refinement of training materials and curriculum-based measurements need to be explored. As well, this study revealed that reciprocal teaching placed heavier demands on the classroom teacher when compared to other reading instruction methods. This may suggest that innovative and intensive teacher training techniques are required before it is feasible to use this method in the classroom.


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This qualitative study is an exploration of transformation theory, the Western tradition, and a critical evaluation of a graduate studies class at a university. It is an exploration of assumptions that are embedded in experience, that influence the experience and provide meaning about the experience. An attempt has been made to identify assumptions that are embedded in Western experience and connect them with assumptions that shape the graduate class experience. The focus is on assumptions that facilitate and impede large group discussions. Jungian psychology of personality type and archetype and developmental psychology is used to analyze the group experience. The pragmatic problem solving model, developed by Knoop, is used to guide thinking about the Western tradition. It is used to guide the analysis, synthesis and writing of the experience of the graduate studies class members. A search through Western history, philosophy. and science revealed assumptions about the nature of truth, reality, and the self. Assumptions embedded in Western thinking about the subject-object relationship, unity and diversity are made explicit. An attempt is made to identify Western tradition assumptions underlying transformation theory. The critical evaluation of the graduate studies class experience focuses upon issues associated with group process, self-directed learning, the educator-learner transaction and the definition of adult education. The advantages of making implicit assumptions explicit is explored.