1000 resultados para História da medicina tropical
O imipenem é um novo antibiótico Beta lactâmico, carbapenêmico, altamente potente e com amplo espectro de atividade antimicrobiana. Com intuito de comprovar a eficácia "in vitro" deste fármaco em patógenos mais freqüentes em nosso meio, descrevem os autores, os resultados das provas de suscetibilidade por discos e/ou a correspondência por provas de diluição para determinação da concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) em 1230 cepas compreendendo 41 diferentes espécies bacterianas recém-isoladas, principalmente de pacientes hospitalares em 5 diferentes centros médicos de Sáo Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e Salvador. Nossos resultados preliminares com o antibiótico, em fase final de experimentação clínica e laboratorial, em nosso meio, foram muito promissores, com 96.79% de cepas suscetíveis pela prova do disco (10 μg de imipenem) e 92,31% de correspondência pela determinação do CIM (concentrações de até 4μg/ml). Das 9 espécies bacterianas mais freqüentemente isoladas, correspondendo a 1008 (82%) das 1230 cepas de nosso material, as sensibilidades pela prova do disco foram de 99% (E. coli), 93% (Pseudomonas aeruginosas), 87% (Staphylococcus aureus), 100% (Klebsiella pneumoniae), 98% (Klebsiella sp) e 100% (Streptococcus faecalis) com boa correspondência pela determinação do CIM até 8μg/ml; e 100% para o anaeróbio Bacteróides sp (CIM até 4μg/ml). Ressaltam os autores a eficácia "in vitro" contra patógenos hospitalares que apresentam elevados índices de resistência à grande maioria de antibióticos como o Pseudomonas aeruginosa e para anaeróbios, notadamente o Bacteróides sp.
Durante um surto de conjuntivite hemorrágica aguda (CHA), ocorrido em Belém, Pará, Brasil, em 1987, foi feita investigação etiológica clínica e laboratorial, atendidos 83 pacientes e colhidos espécimes da conjuntiva, orofaringe e soro. Na linhagem celular HEP-2 obteve-se 73 isolamentos de um enterovírus posteriormente identificado pelo Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Atlanta, Geórgia, USA, como sendo uma variante do coxsackievirus A24. Em 56 pares de soro foram realizados testes de neutralização para o EV70 e para a cepa isolada, tendo havido 57% (32) de conversão sorológica para essa última.
É descrito um caso fatal de adiaspiromicose pulmonar, em paciente do sexo masculino, lavrador, que vivia em Planaltina-DF, para onde se mudara, vindo do Nordeste, cerca de um ano antes do aparecimento da enfermidade. As manifestações principais consistiram em febre, calafrios, mialgias, tosse seca e dispnéia. Após cinco semanas, o paciente faleceu, devido a insuficiência respiratória. Na autópsia, lesões nodulares incontáveis, medindo alguns milímetros de diâmetro, apareciam disseminadas por todos os lobos de ambos os pulmões. O exame microscópico revelou a existência, dentro dos nódulos, de estruturas redondas, volumosas (atingiam até 600 /tm de diâmetro), providas de membrana espessa, e identificadas como adiaconídios de Chrysosporium parvum var. crescens. Esses adiaconídios eram sempre encontrados no interior de microabscessos ou de áreas de necrose tissular, ambos cercados por reação granulomatosa. Os alvéolos pulmonares, não comprometidos pelos nódulos, apresentavam-se cheios de células da inflamação, principalmente macrófagos e neutrófilos. O achado de outros casos, não fatais, da doença, nos arredores de Brasília, indica que a adiaspiromicose deve ser endêmica na região do Planalto Central brasileiro, lugar onde o clima, principalmente nos meses de agosto a outubro, é quente e seco, com ventos fortes, fatores que devem contribuir para a disseminação dos conídios de C. parvum.
The authors reported one case of eumycotic mycetoma due to Madurella grisea (black grains) occurred on the right foot of the patient studied. The structure, microscopic morphology and therapeutic evolution are also studied and reported.
The amoebae's cytotoxicity test and the amoebae's lysis test were used to show possible interactions between rheumatoid factor (RF) and Entamoeba histolytica. Amoebae's cytotoxic activity (ACA) was inhibited by affinity chromatography purified antiamoebae rabbit IgG (RIgG). Enhanced inhibition could be demonstrated with RIgG plus RF. But the same marked inhibition of ACA could be seen when replacing RF by heat inactivated normal human serum as a control. About 50% amoebae's lysis occurred when amoebae were brought together with native normal human serum (NNHS) as a source of complement. Amoebae's lysis increased to 60% when incubated with NHS plus human antiamoebae antibodies. No further augmentation could be obtained by the addition of RF. Using RIgG instead of human antibodies the lysis rate did not increase. Incubation of amoebae, NNHS, RIgG and RF even reduced amoebae's lysis. RF neither has an effect on ACA nor on complement mediated AL in vitro.
24 cases of fulminant hepatitis (FH) hospitalized in the Clínica de Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo during the period from January 1976 to December 1986 were reviewed from their clinical, epidemiological and laboratorial aspects. 88% of the patients died; 20 patients (83%) presented hemorrhages and, of these, 19 died. Bacterial infections occurred in 14 patients (58%) all of whom died. Ascitis was noted in 3 cases; cerebral edema was present in 16 cases. Maximal ALT levels for each patient during hospitalization ranged widely from 81 to 4,460 UI/l. Thirteen patients presented high creatinine levels (54%). Prothrombin time activity ranged from 2.1% to 67%. Fever was present in 20 cases (83%). Encephalopathy occurred within the first 2 weeks of illness in 72% of the cases. In 7 cases other illnesses were present. The etiology could not be determined in 13 cases. In 3 cases it was due to yellow fever and 6 cases were caused by viruses other than yellow fever. In one case the cause was drug usage and in another case, possibly alcohol. The authors believe that the clinical definition of FH requires further discussion before it is established. In this study FH is a young person's disease. The mortality found was similar to that by other authors. Factors that contributed to death were: hemorrhages and bacterial infection. Factors that worsened the prognosis of hepatitis were: associated illnesses and surgical procedure. The levels of ALT during hospitalization did not correlate well with the severity of the hepatitis. The authors believe that yellow fever should be considered a cause of FH where the clinical picture meets the criteria for such, although its mechanisms of encephalopathy remain obscure. The clinical details of the 3 cases of yellow fever are presented.
Cepas de H. aegyptius isoladas em surtos de Febre Purpúrica Brasileira (FPB) no Brasil, foram caracterizadas pelo método de aglutinação em lâmina utilizando um anti-soro produzido com cepa de H. aegyptius isolada de cultura de sangue de paciente com FPB. Através desse método foi possível identificar cepas de H. aegyptius responsáveis por surtos de conjuntivite com características antigênicas iguais às cepas isoladas de FPB. A sensibilidade e especificidade da soroaglutinação em lâmina foi de 97,7% e 89,6% respectivamente, podendo ser utilizado como método de triagem em estudos de conjuntivites purulentas, para detectar cepas invasivas de H. aegyptius associadas a FPB, possibilitando assim a implantação de medidas que ampliem a eficiência na prevenção e na vigilância epidemiológica da doença.
The antigenicity of promastigotes of Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis (L. b.braziliensis) treated with 1% sodium desoxycholate in 10 mM Tris-Hcl pH 8.2 was analysed by immunoblot using as probes sera from American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL), American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL), schistosomiasis, malaria and Chagas' disease. The ACL sera reacted constantly with a 60 kD band. No reactivity to this protein was observed with sera from the other diseases above mentioned indicating that the 60 kD protein may be used in serodiagnosis for ACL.
Acredita-se que as lesões teciduais na leptospirose possam decorrer da ação direta das leptospiras, de toxinas sintetizadas ou liberadas durante sua lise. O presente estudo visou a extração quimica da glicolipoproteína (GLP) da leptospira, a produção de anti-soro anti-GLP e a avaliação de sua distribuição em cortes de fígado e rim de cobaias inoculadas e sacrificadas em estudo seqüencial diário até o 6°dia de infecção, correspondente ao pico da doença. Procurou-se também correlacionar a expressão tecidual da GLP com o grau de lesões locais, em busca de novos subsídios para a compreensão da patogenia da leptospirose. A QLP foi detectada em fígado e rim de 2 dentre 6 cobaias no 5°dia e em todas as 6 no 6° dia de infecção, sob a forma de grânulos no citoplasma de macrófagos, livres no interstício ou acolados à membrana de células endoteliais e parenquimatosas, especialmente nas regiões mais lesadas. A cronologia do aparecimento da GLP e sua distribuição sugerem tratar-se de produto dc lise de leptospiras fagocitadas por macrófagos e que esta substância, conquanto não comprovada como iniciadora das lesões, associa-se a seu agravamento nas etapas mais avançadas da leptospirose.
Trophozoites of the Giardia muris group from hamsters, domestic rats and mice and of the Giardia duodenalis group from hamsters and domestic rats were examined by transmission electron microscopy. The basic ultrastructure of the trophozoites was similar. Differences were shown in the morphology of the ventrolateral flange of the trophozoites of Giardia muris and Giardia duodenalis groups. Marginal plates are less developed in the species of the Giardia duodenalis group. In this group, the distal extremity of the lateral flange is short and thick and the marginal plate does not penetrate into the distal extremity of the flange. In the Giardia muris group, the ventro-lateral flange is well developed and narrow and the marginal plate penetrates the distal extremity of the flange. The osmiophilic lamella, which accompanies the dorsal surface of the marginal plate is seen only in the Giardia muris group.
The effects of infection with Trypanosoma cruzi on the electrocardiographic tracings of mice were studied in 4.groups of animals: (1) normal; (2) infected with a pathogenic T. cruzi strain (TS COB); (3) immunized with 3 intraperitoneal inocula of 10(6) attenuated T. cruzi epimastigotes (TCC) and (4) immunized-infected, which sequentially received the treatments of groups 3 and 2. Infection and protection were confirmed by xenodiagnosis and histopathology. Isolated alterations such as extrasystolia, 1st degree atrioventricular block, arrhythmia and ST elevation were observed in normal as well as infected mice. However, tracings taken repeatedly on each mouse over a 293 day period revealed a set of alterations which were more frequently seen in infected (14/22) than in normal (4/27) animals (p = 0.00048). These alterations consisted of supraventricular tachycardia, sinus bradycardia and persisting, first degree AV blocks, often associated to pacemaker changes. Inoculation of attenuated T. cruzi (group 3) did not increase these alterations (2/27 mice) but significantly prevented their development after challenge with the pathogenic strain (1/19 versus 14/22 mice, p = 0.000095). Thus, preimmunization reduced not only parasitemia but also a pathogenic consequence of T. cruzi infection. This evidence is relevant for immunoprevention studies against Chagas' disease.
The Montenegro skin test is widely used as a diagnostic method for American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) but little is known about the histological changes that occur in the skin after administration of the antigen. This report is based on histological studies of biopsied material obtained, from inoculation sites, 48 hours after individuals had been given intradermal injections with a standardized Montenegro antigen. The material examined was obtained from four distinctly different test groups: naturally infected patients with parasitologically proved ACL and with positive Montenegro's reaction; individuals without previous history of ACL and not previously tested with Montenegro antigen; participants in anti-ACL vaccine trials who developed positive reactions to Montenegro antigen after vaccination; other participants in vaccine trials who had negative Montenegro responses after vaccination or had served as controls in the trials. The histological pictures of each group are described and discussed. Histologically, the reactions of vaccinated individuals were indistinguishable from those with naturally acquired infections.
The presence of antibodies against rotavirus was investigated by enzyme immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in two distinct groups of children living in a shanty town in Rio de Janeiro. One hundred and thirty six plasma samples were randomly collected from children of 0 to 33 months (first group) and 255 serum samples were collected from other 85 children at ages of 2, 6 and 9 months (second group). A high percentage of antibodies were found in the newborn children and this rate decreased progressively until the age of 11 months, after which it increased again. At the age of 7 months, geometric mean antibody titers increased indicating that infection had occurred.