994 resultados para Hall, S. C. (Samuel Carter), 1800-1889.
Cette étude qui relève du domaine de la traduction philosophique (lato sensu) a pour objet deux versions de la Logique de Dumarsais ([1769]1797) éditées en Espagne (1800). Nous montrons que ces deux Lógicas, oeuvres de deux traducteurs différents, qui eurent chacun des fins également différentes, comme le prouvent le contexte bibliographique et les métatextes respectifs, manifestent la présence d’une terminologie espagnole divergente pour les termes clé de la théorie de la connaissance que l’auteur français exposa dans les pages initiales de sa Logique. La première de ces traductions, qui attribue à la logique un rôle d’introduction aux sciences, choisit des termes systématiquement calqués sur ceux de Dumarsais tandis que J. M. Alea (1781-1826) argumente l’emploi d’une terminologie spécifique, non concordante avec celle du texte source. Ces infidélités terminologiques (et in fine idéologiques) de J. M. Alea peuvent sexpliquer par le désir de ce traducteur de mettre à jour une théorie de la connaissance qu’il voudra rendre conforme à celle de Condillac.
This article is the English version of “Traducción y terminología. A propósito de dos versiones al español de la Logique (Madrid, 1800) de Dumarsais by Brigitte Lépinette. It was not published on the print version of MonTI for reasons of space. The online version of MonTI does not suffer from these limitations, and this is our way of promoting plurilingualism.
Skyrmions are topologically protected spin textures, characterized by a topological winding number N, that occur spontaneously in some magnetic materials. Recent experiments have demonstrated the capability to grow graphene on top Fe/Ir, a system that exhibits a two-dimensional skyrmion lattice. Here we show that a weak exchange coupling between the Dirac electrons in graphene and a two-dimensional skyrmion lattice withN = ±1 drives graphene into a quantum anomalous Hall phase, with a band gap in bulk, a Chern number C = 2N, and chiral edge states with perfect quantization of conductance G = 2N e2 h . Our findings imply that the topological properties of the skyrmion lattice can be imprinted in the Dirac electrons of graphene.
Printed circular signed by Samuel Cheney stating school regulations.
Undated, two-page list of instructions written by Croswell presumably to Samuel Cheney with directions for paying bills and delivering books.
Printed quarter bill for Samuel Abbot (Harvard AB 1785) with sizing and punishment totals, and handwritten credits, signed by Steward Caleb Gannett.
Six printed quarter bills for Samuel Stearns (Harvard AB 1794) with Steward and Commons, Sizings, Study and Cellar Rent, Instruction, Library, French Instruction, Medical Instruction, Books, Sweepers, Catalogues and Commencement Dinner, Repairs, Wood, and Punishment totals. Bills signed by Steward Caleb Gannett.
Two octavo-sized leaves with four half-page columns containing a handwritten copy, made by President Leverett, of an October 17, 1721 a paper composed by Nicholas Sever and William Welsteed to Judge Samuel Sewall.
This is a contract signed between Loammi Baldwin, acting on behalf of the President and Fellows of Harvard College, and Josiah Moore, John Walton, Thomas Mason, Samuel Mason, and Joseph Holmes for completing the dining rooms and chapel of University Hall. The agreement was witnessed by Abraham Edwards and Thomas Edwards.
Small notebook with brown paper covers containing handwritten lists of the members of the Harvard Classes of 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, and 1804 with unidentified annotations next to some names of a, c, o, s, t, and x.
Two folio-sized leaves containing a three-page handwritten report sent by Nicholas Sever and William Welsteed to Judge Samuel Sewall outlining the historical precedence for the Tutors' claims. The body of the text begins, "What we assert in ye first place..."