903 resultados para HUMAN-BODY


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Three questions on the study of NO Iberian Peninsula sweat lodges are posed. First, the new sauna of Monte Ornedo (Cantabria), the review of the one of Armea (Ourense), and the Cantabrian pedra formosa type are discussed. Second, the known types of sweat lodges are reconsidered underlining the differences between the Cantabrian and the Douro - Minho groups as these differences contribute to a better assessment of the saunas located out of those territories, such as those of Monte Ornedo or Ulaca. Third, a richer record demands a more specific terminology, a larger use of archaeometric analysis and the application of landscape archaeology or art history methodologies. In this way the range of interpretation of the sweat lodges is opened, as an example an essay is proposed that digs on some already known proposals and suggests that the saunas are material metaphors of wombs whose rationale derives from ideologies and ritual practices of Indo-European tradition.


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Inspired both by debates about the origins of the modern ideology of race and also by controversy over the place of Ireland and the Irish in theories of empire in the early modern Atlantic world, Renaissance Humanism and Ethnicity before Race argues that ethnic discourse among the elite in early modern Ireland was grounded firmly in the Renaissance Humanism and Aristotelianism which dominated all the European universities before the Enlightenment. Irish and English, Catholic and Protestant, all employed theories of human society based on Aristotle’s Politics and the natural law of the medieval universities to construct or dismantle the categories of civility and barbarism. The elites operating in Ireland also shared common resources, taught in the universities, for arguing about the human body and its ability to transmit hereditary characteristics. Both in Ireland and elsewhere in Europe, these theories of human society and the human body underwent violent changes in the late seventeenth century under the impact of the early Enlightenment. These changes were vital to the development of race as we know it.


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ARAUJO, Márcio V. ; ALSINA, Pablo J. ; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. ; PEREIRA, Jonathan P.P. ; DOMINGOS, Elber C. ; ARAÚJO, Fábio M.U. ; SILVA, Jáder S. . Development of an Active Orthosis Prototype for Lower Limbs. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 20., 2009, Gramado, RS. Proceedings… Gramado, RS: [s. n.], 2009


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Det har forskats mycket om fysisk aktivitets positiva effekter på människokroppen rent fysiskt. Tidigare har det inte varit en naturlig del av behandlingen inom psykiatrin vilket gjorde författarna nyfikna på hur det kan lyftas fram i vården av personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva hälsoeffekterna av fysisk aktivitet för personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar och sjuksköterskans stöd genom handledning. Metod: Litteraturstudie. Resultat: Under sammanställningen av resultatet framkom att sjuksköterskor kan ge stöd genom Motiverande samtal (MI) som var av central betydelse. Då patienten själv hörsammas och bygger upp sina mål som ska vara mätbara tillsammans med utbildad vårdpersonal, men även genom stöd i patienternas egen utbildning och kunskap av den fysiska aktivitetens positiva inverkan på psykisk ohälsa. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskans metod att stödja och motivera personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar till att utöva fysisk aktivitet visade sig vara flera. Då det var viktigt med personcentrarad metod, var viktigt att de behärskade och kände till olika vägar att kunna motivera personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar. Andra betydelsefulla tillvägagångssätt var god vårdrelation, individualiserade träningsprogram, samt stöd och utbildning i de positiva hälsoeffekterna som fysisk aktivitet gav.


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Depuis ces dernières décennies, le domaine des biomatériaux a connu un essor considérable, évoluant de simples prothèses aux dispositifs les plus complexes pouvant détenir une bioactivité spécifique. Outre, le progrès en science des matériaux et une meilleure compréhension des systèmes biologiques a offert la possibilité de créer des matériaux synthétiques pouvant moduler et stimuler une réponse biologique déterminée, tout en améliorant considérablement la performance clinique des biomatériaux. En ce qui concerne les dispositifs cardiovasculaires, divers recouvrements ont été développés et étudiés dans le but de modifier les propriétés de surface et d’améliorer l’efficacité clinique des tuteurs. En effet, lorsqu’un dispositif médical est implanté dans le corps humain, son succès clinique est fortement influencé par les premières interactions que sa surface établit avec les tissus et les fluides biologiques environnants. Le recouvrement à la surface de biomatériaux par diverses molécules ayant des propriétés complémentaires constitue une approche intéressante pour atteindre différentes cibles biologiques et orienter la réponse de l’hôte. De ce fait, l’élucidation de l’interaction entre les différentes molécules composant les recouvrements est pertinente pour prédire la conservation de leurs propriétés biologiques spécifiques. Dans ce travail, des recouvrements pour des applications cardiovasculaires ont été créés, composés de deux molécules ayant des propriétés biologiques complémentaires : la fibronectine (FN) afin de promouvoir l’endothélialisation et la phosphorylcholine (PRC) pour favoriser l’hémocompatibilité. Des techniques d’adsorption et de greffage ont été appliquées pour créer différents recouvrements de ces deux biomolécules sur un polymère fluorocarboné déposé par traitement plasma sur un substrat en acier inoxydable. Dans un premier temps, des films de polytétrafluoroéthylène (PTFE) ont été utilisés en tant que surface modèle afin d’explorer l’interaction de la PRC et de la FN avec les surfaces fluorocarbonées ainsi qu’avec des cellules endothéliales et du sang. La stabilité des recouvrements de FN sur l’acier inoxydable a été étudiée par déformation, mais également par des essais statiques et dynamiques sous-flux. Les recouvrements ont été caractérisés par Spectroscopie Photoéléctronique par Rayons X, immunomarquage, angle de contact, Microscopie Électronique de Balayage, Microscopie de Force Atomique et Spectrométrie de Masse à Ionisation Secondaire à Temps de Vol (imagerie et profilage en profondeur). Des tests d’hémocompatibilité ont été effectués et l’interaction des cellules endothéliales avec les recouvrements a également été évaluée. La FN greffée a présenté des recouvrements plus denses et homogènes alors que la PRC quant à elle, a montré une meilleure homogénéité lorsqu’elle était adsorbée. La caractérisation de la surface des échantillons contenant FN/PRC a été corrélée aux propriétés biologiques et les recouvrements pour lesquels la FN a été greffée suivie de l’adsorption de la PRC ont présenté les meilleurs résultats pour des applications cardiovasculaires : la promotion de l’endothélialisation et des propriétés d’hémocompatibilité. Concernant les tests de stabilité, les recouvrements de FN greffée ont présenté une plus grande stabilité et densité que dans le cas de l’adsorption. En effet, la pertinence de présenter des investigations des essais sous-flux versus des essais statiques ainsi que la comparaison des différentes stratégies pour créer des recouvrements a été mis en évidence. D’autres expériences sont nécessaires pour étudier la stabilité des recouvrements de PRC et de mieux prédire son interaction avec des tissus in vivo.


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La matérialité biologique du corps humain est devenue l’objet d’interventions inédites au moyen de nouvelles technologies biomédicales, comme la procréation médicalement assistée, les tests génétiques, la contraception hormonale. Cette thèse part des difficultés inhérentes à une approche antinaturaliste pour aborder la dimension biologique des corps sexués. “On ne naît pas femme, on le devient” : mais qu’en est-il des corps ? Les technologies biomédicales investissent la chair selon des modalités qui échappent aux grilles d’analyses matérialiste et butlérienne. Faut-il y voir une réfutation du constructivisme, la revanche d’un socle biologique – hormonal, génétique, moléculaire – primant sur les effets anatomiques de la socialisation, comme le suggèrent les partisan·e·s d’un material turn féministe ? À partir d’une analyse de l’évolution de la notion de nature, définie comme "vie elle-même" depuis la révolution moléculaire de la biologie, cette thèse propose une autre interprétation, en définissant les technologies biomédicales comme des technologies de pouvoir relevant d’une biopolitique moléculaire de genre. Sans infirmer la perspective constructiviste, ces médiations sociales originales (adossées au nouveau paradigme épistémique) permettent de comprendre comment les frontières et limites du genre sont déplacées, tout en produisant des identités, des expériences et des subjectivités genrées inédites. En dégageant les coordonnées d’un véritable dispositif biomédical, notre étude comparative entre techniques disciplinaires et biopolitique moléculaire de genre plaide pour une critique antinaturaliste renouvelée, s’articulant à une critique de la technique qui permette d’inventer collectivement des moyens pour se réapproprier démocratiquement les technologies biomédicales.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-07


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The thesis presents the grammar of the Eastern African Bantu language Lushese (Olussese), spoken in Uganda, and gives information on the historical background that caused the today´s highly endangered status of the language (chapters 1 & 2). Focussing on the semantics of the verbs of perception, the thesis presents the use and meaning of various linguistic means for expressing perception in general and further for the expression of physical, sensory, emotional and cognitive experience in Lushese (chapters 3-5). The findings in Lushese provide insights of the use of language in the light of social interaction and include information on the ways cultural and social values impact the choice of linguistic means (chapter 6). With respect to the theoretical issues concerning the language of perception the data in Lushese show that the way people speak about the environment and use language to express categories of perception are rather a matter of innate cultural interpretation regarding the human body and the environment than a matter of the human body and the environment as given by biological and/or physical conditions.


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A esperança média de vida tem vindo a aumentar, resultando no envelhecimento da população mundial e, consequentemente, num aumento das populações com idades mais avançadas. Torna-se, por isso, importante estudar as especificidades do envelhecimento para que possamos trazer bem-estar e qualidade de vida a esta população que é cada vez mais numerosa, já que o envelhecimento traz mudanças a nível do corpo humano que se vão repercutir na saúde geral e na saúde oral. Os idosos apresentam, normalmente, pobres condições de saúde oral, sendo as doenças orais que mais acometem a esta população a perda dentária, a experiência de cárie, as altas taxas de prevalência de doença periodontal, a xerostomia e o pré-cancro/cancro oral. Além do envelhecimento populacional, têm sido notadas, ao longo do tempo, mudanças na estrutura familiar. Tudo isto leva a que o número de idosos institucionalizados aumente. Neste estudo foram utilizados dados, ainda não publicados, recolhidos no âmbito do projeto Sorrisos de Porta em Porta, que pertence à Mundo a Sorrir – Associação de Médicos Dentistas Portugueses. Este projeto visa a promoção de hábitos de saúde oral na população idosa e atua através da realização de ações de sensibilização subordinadas à temática da saúde oral no idoso e realização de rastreios de saúde oral aos idosos que se encontrem no âmbito de uma reposta social. Foram observados um total de 3586 idosos com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos, onde 70,3% eram do género masculino. A idade média (desvio padrão) encontrada foi 81,9 (±7,5) e a maioria referiu ser autónoma nos cuidados de higiene oral, no entanto, observou-se que grande parte dos idosos não realizava a escovagem diária e mais de metade destes disse não sentir necessidade de o fazer. Observou-se também, que apenas 13,7% tinham tido a sua última consulta de Medicina Dentária nos últimos 6 meses e a maioria disse visitar o Médico Dentista por razões de dor dentária. A média (desvio padrão) obtida para o Índice CPOd foi 26,3 (±8,4), sendo a componente “Perdidos” a mais significativa. Relativamente ao Índice de Placa, a maioria apresentava um acúmulo de placa bacteriana maior de 1/3 mas menor de 2/3. Quanto ao tipo de desdentação a maior percentagem era a de idosos desdentados parciais sem prótese. Foi também realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica. Com este estudo concluiu-se que o estado de saúde oral dos idosos é bastante pobre consequência de uma pobre higiene oral e de falta de cuidados de saúde oral. Há uma grande necessidade de se instruir as pessoas relativamente à importância da Medicina Dentária e dos problemas que uma má saúde oral pode trazer para a saúde em geral.


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Arbeit an der Bibliothek noch nicht eingelangt - Daten nicht geprüft


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The development of scaffolds based on biomaterials is a promising strategy for Tissue Engineering and cellular regeneration. This work focuses on Bone Tissue Engineering, the aim is to develop electrically tailored biomaterials with different crystalline and electric features, and study their impacts onto cell biological behavior, so as to predict the materials output in the enhancement of bone tissue regeneration. It is accepted that bone exhibits piezoelectricity, a property that has been proved to be involved in bone growth/repair mechanism regulation. In addition electrical stimulations have been proved to influence bone growth and repair. Piezoelectric materials are therefore widely investigated for a potential use in bone tissue engineering. The main goal is the development of novel strategies to produce and employ piezoelectric biomaterials, with detailed knowledge of mechanisms involved in cell-material interaction. In the current work, poly (L-lactic) acid (PLLA), a synthetic semi-crystalline polymer, exhibiting biodegradibility, biocompatibility and piezoelectricity is studied and proposed as a promoter of enhanced tissue regeneration. PLLA has already been approved for implantation in human body by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and at the moment it is being used in several clinical strategies. The present study consists of first preparing films with different degrees of crystallinity and characterizing these PLLA films, in terms of surface and structural properties, and subsequently assessing the behavior of cells in terms of viability, proliferation, morphology and mineralization for each PLLA configuration. PLLA films were prepared using the solvent cast technique and submitted to different thermal treatments in order to obtain different degrees of crystallinity. Those platforms were then electrically poled, positively and negatively, by corona discharge in order to tailor their electrical properties. The cellular assays were conducted by using two different osteoblast cell lines grown directly onto the PLLA films:Human osteoblast Hob, a primary cell culture and Human osteosarcoma MG-63 cell line. This thesis gives also a comprehensive introduction to the area of Bone Tissue Engineering and provides a review of the work done in this field in the past until today, in that same field, including the one related with bone’s piezoelectricity. Then the experimental part deals with the effects of the crystallinity degrees and of the polarization in terms of surface properties and cellular bio assays. Three different degrees of crystallinity, and three different polarization conditions were prepared; which results in 9 different configurations under investigation.


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ARAUJO, Márcio V. ; ALSINA, Pablo J. ; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. ; PEREIRA, Jonathan P.P. ; DOMINGOS, Elber C. ; ARAÚJO, Fábio M.U. ; SILVA, Jáder S. . Development of an Active Orthosis Prototype for Lower Limbs. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 20., 2009, Gramado, RS. Proceedings… Gramado, RS: [s. n.], 2009


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In modern society, the body health is a very important issue to everyone. With the development of the science and technology, the new and developed body health monitoring device and technology will play the key role in the daily medical activities. This paper focus on making progress in the design of the wearable vital sign system. A vital sign monitoring system has been proposed and designed. The whole detection system is composed of signal collecting subsystem, signal processing subsystem, short-range wireless communication subsystem and user interface subsystem. The signal collecting subsystem is composed of light source and photo diode, after emiting light of two different wavelength, the photo diode collects the light signal reflected by human body tissue. The signal processing subsystem is based on the analog front end AFE4490 and peripheral circuits, the collected analog signal would be filtered and converted into digital signal in this stage. After a series of processing, the signal would be transmitted to the short-range wireless communication subsystem through SPI, this subsystem is mainly based on Bluetooth 4.0 protocol and ultra-low power System on Chip(SoC) nRF51822. Finally, the signal would be transmitted to the user end. After proposing and building the system, this paper focus on the research of the key component in the system, that is, the photo detector. Based on the study of the perovskite materials, a low temperature processed photo detector has been proposed, designed and researched. The device is made up of light absorbing layer, electron transporting and hole blocking layer, hole transporting and electron blocking layer, conductive substrate layer and metal electrode layer. The light absorbing layer is the important part of whole device, and it is fabricated by perovskite materials. After accepting the light, the electron-hole pair would be produced in this layer, and due to the energy level difference, the electron and hole produced would be transmitted to metal electrode and conductive substrate electrode through electron transporting layer and hole transporting layer respectively. In this way the response current would be produced. Based on this structure, the specific fabrication procedure including substrate cleaning; PEDOT:PSS layer preparation; pervoskite layer preparation; PCBM layer preparation; C60, BCP, and Ag electrode layer preparation. After the device fabrication, a series of morphological characterization and performance testing has been done. The testing procedure including film-forming quality inspection, response current and light wavelength analysis, linearity and response time and other optical and electrical properties testing. The testing result shows that the membrane has been fabricated uniformly; the device can produce obvious response current to the incident light with the wavelength from 350nm to 800nm, and the response current could be changed along with the light wavelength. When the light wavelength keeps constant, there exists a good linear relationship between the intensity of the response current and the power of the incident light, based on which the device could be used as the photo detector to collect the light information. During the changing period of the light signal, the response time of the device is several microseconds, which is acceptable working as a photo detector in our system. The testing results show that the device has good electronic and optical properties, and the fabrication procedure is also repeatable, the properties of the devices has good uniformity, which illustrates the fabrication method and procedure could be used to build the photo detector in our wearable system. Based on a series of testing results, the paper has drawn the conclusion that the photo detector fabricated could be integrated on the flexible substrate and is also suitable for the monitoring system proposed, thus made some progress on the research of the wearable monitoring system and device. Finally, some future prospect in system design aspect and device design and fabrication aspect are proposed.


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O organismo humano encontra-se colonizado por uma complexa diversidade de microrganismos. O conjunto destes microrganismos, que incluem as bactérias, fungos, vírus e protozoários, no homem denomina- se microbioma humano. Estima-se que entre a superfície interna e externa, o microbioma humano seja composto por 100 triliões de microrganismos. O microbioma humano varia muito nas mais diversas regiões do nosso corpo, dependendo de condições ambientais. Sabe-se, por exemplo, que nas regiões mais húmidas e quentes encontram-se uma maior concentração de microrganismos, enquanto que nas regiões menos húmidas, existe uma quantidade menor de microrganismos. O microbioma é de vital importância para a saúde humana, e o seu estudo conduz a um melhor conhecimento da sua complexa dinâmica, podendo conduzir ao desenvolvimento de novas formas de diagnóstico e até mesmo de tratamento de certas patologias. Assim sendo, a compreensão da diversidade fisiológica humana, bem como a de outros animais, passa pelo conhecimento da distribuição destes microrganismos nos diferentes órgãos e seu papel biológico. O desenvolvimento de técnicas de genética permitiram o estudo metagenómico importante para descrever a diversidade do microbioma humano, que não seria possível através da cultura das espécies pois um grande número destas não é cultivável. Esta dissertação tem como principal objetivo descrever o microbioma humano e de que forma esta influência o sistema imunitário. E numa segunda parte dar uma visão sobre a importância da análise metagenómica na identificação e caraterização do microbioma Humano.