676 resultados para Grids
A utilização das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação na educação é incontornável na sociedade da comunicação e do conhecimento. E, é neste pressuposto que propomos abordar a sua utilização no domínio da Educação Especial. Tendo em conta a necessidade de proceder a uma prática educativa centrada no aluno e nas suas especificidades, pareceu-nos pertinente abordar a questão da construção e exploração de Recursos Educativos Digitais (RED) com alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE). Com este estudo procurámos compreender como a construção de RED contribui para o envolvimento na aprendizagem destes alunos. A partir desta finalidade, estabelecemos três objetivos gerais. (1) Desenvolver RED adaptados ao desenvolvimento cognitivo dos alunos, (2) envolver outros intervenientes educativos como os pais e outros professores de educação especial do agrupamento de escolas e (3) compreender como os RED contribuem para o desenvolvimento cognitivo e a autonomia dos alunos. Para alcançar os objetivos propostos, desenhámos um projeto de investigação que se baseia num estudo de casos múltiplos e realizado numa escola no distrito de Vila Real. Com estes alunos, foram construídos diversos RED, que procuraram ter em conta as suas características e as aprendizagens previstas nos seus Currículos Específicos Individuais. Nesta construção, foi utilizado o JClic, e neste processo os casos participaram de uma forma ativa. A resolução das atividades foi feita em situação de observação sistemática, com recurso a grelhas, em que se tiveram em conta aspetos como a autonomia, a motivação, a realização, a empatia, o tempo despendido e o número de tentativas. Os dados da observação menos sistemática deram origem a notas de campo que foram registadas no diário do investigador. Para triangular os dados provenientes das técnicas referidas, foi realizada ainda uma entrevista à docente de Educação Especial dos alunos estudados. As principais conclusões da nossa investigação revelam que o envolvimento dos casos na construção dos recursos foi extraordinariamente importante em termos motivacionais e na empatia. A observação sistemática permitiu-nos também demonstrar que a autonomia, a realização, o tempo despendido e o número de tentativas foram indicadores que revelaram melhorias ao longo das sessões de trabalho. Constatamos ainda, através da entrevista, que alguns dos ganhos decorrentes das tarefas propostas foram transferidos para outras situações, quer na escola quer em casa.
As passagens em grelha são infra-estruturas largamente utilizadas para impedir a deslocação do gado, mas que permitem a circulação de viaturas. Porém, também resultam numa armadilha de fosso onde pequenos animais terrestres podem cair inadvertidamente. O principal objectivo deste estudo foi verificar o efeito que as passagens em grelha têm sobre as populações de anfíbios, aquando das suas deslocações sazonais. Estudaram-se 18 passagens em grelha localizadas em duas zonas de amostragem - Elvas e Alandroal - no Alto Alentejo (Portugal). Esta investigação revelou que a principal espécie encarcerada nestas infra-estruturas é o sapo-de-unha-negra (Pelobates cultripes). Em termos gerais, os anfíbios mais terrestres são significativamente (teste do x2) mais afectados do que os anfíbios marcadamente aquáticos. O teste de Mantel mostrou que não existe correlação entre o tipo de passagem em grelha e os anfíbios encontrados nessas infra-estruturas. Para mitigar o aprisionamento de anfíbios nas passagens em grelha, são propostas cinco medidas. ABSTRACT; Cattle grids are infrastructures widely used to avoid the movement of cattle along a road, though allowing the circulation of vehicles. However, they also result in a pit trap where small terrestrial animals may inadvertently fall. The main objective of this study was to check the effect that cattle grids have on amphibian populations, during their seasonal migrations. 18 cattle grids, located in two sampling zones - Elvas and Alandroal- in Alto Alentejo (Portugal), were studied. This investigation showed that the main species imprisoned in these devices is the iberian spadefoot toad (Pelobates cultripes). Generally, the more terrestrial amphibians are significantly (x2 test) more affected than markedly aquatic amphibians. Mantel test showed that there is no correlation between different kinds of cattle grids and the amphibians found in these infrastructures. To mitigate the imprisonment of amphibians in cattle grids, five measures are proposed.
The purpose of this research is to study sedimentation mechanism by mathematical modeling in access channels which are affected by tidal currents. The most important factor for recognizing sedimentation process in every water environment is the flow pattern of that environment. It is noteworthy that the flow pattern is affected by the geometry and the shape of the environment as well as the type of existing affects in area. The area under the study in this thesis is located in Bushehr Gulf and the access channels (inner and outer). The study utilizes the hydrodynamic modeling with unstructured triangular and non-overlapping grids, using the finite volume, From method analysis in two scale sizes: large scale (200 m to 7.5km) and small scale (50m to 7.5km) in two different time durations of 15 days and 3.5 days to obtain the flow patterns. The 2D governing equations used in the model are the Depth-Averaged Shallow Water Equations. Turbulence Modeling is required to calculate the Eddy Viscosity Coefficient using the Smagorinsky Model with coefficient of 0.3. In addition to the flow modeling in two different scales and the use of the data of 3.5 day tidal current modeling have been considered to study the effects of the sediments equilibrium in the area and the channels. This model is capable of covering the area which is being settled and eroded and to identify the effects of tidal current of these processes. The required data of the above mentioned models such as current and sediments data have been obtained by the measurements in Bushehr Gulf and the access channels which was one of the PSO's (Port and Shipping Organization) project-titled, "The Sedimentation Modeling in Bushehr Port" in 1379. Hydrographic data have been obtained from Admiralty maps (2003) and Cartography Organization (1378, 1379). The results of the modeling includes: cross shore currents in northern and north western coasts of Bushehr Gulf during the neap tide and also the same current in northern and north eastern coasts of the Gulf during the spring tide. These currents wash and carry fine particles (silt, clay, and mud) from the coastal bed of which are generally made of mud and clay with some silts. In this regard, the role of sediments in the islands of this area and the islands made of depot of dredged sediments should not be ignored. The result of using 3.5 day modeling is that the cross channels currents leads to settlement places in inner and outer channels in tidal period. In neap tide the current enters the channel from upside bend of the two channels and outer channel. Then it crosses the channel oblique in some places of the outer channel. Also the oblique currents or even almost perpendicular current from up slope of inner channel between No. 15 and No. 18 buoys interact between the parallel currents in the channel and made secondary oblique currents which exit as a down-slope current in the channel and causes deposit of sediments as well as settling the suspended sediments carried by these currents. In addition in outer channel the speed of parallel currents in the bend of the channel which is naturally deeper increases. Therefore, it leads to erosion and suspension of sediments in this area. The speed of suspended sediments carried by this current which is parallel to the channel axis decreases when they pass through the shallower part of the channel where it is in the buoys No.7 and 8 to 5 and 6 are located. Therefore, the suspended sediment settles and because of this process these places will be even shallower. Furthermore, the passing of oblique upstream leads to settlement of the sediments in the up-slope and has an additional effect on the process of decreasing the depth of these locations. On the contrary, in the down-slope channel, as the results of sediments and current modeling indicates the speed of current increases and the currents make the particles of down-slope channel suspended and be carried away. Thus, in a vast area of downstream of both channels, the sediments have settled. At the end of the neap tide, the process along with circulations in this area produces eddies which causes sedimentation in the area. During spring some parts of this active location for sedimentation will enter both channels in a reverse process. The above mentioned processes and the places of sedimentation and erosion in inner and outer channels are validated by the sediments equilibrium modeling. This model will be able to estimate the suspended, bed load and the boundary layer thickness in each point of both channels and in the modeled area.
Hardpans (plough/hoe pans) are commonly believed to restrict plant root growth and crop yields under conventional small-scale agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa. This study questions the notion of widespread hardpans in Zambia and their remedy under conservation tillage. Soil penetration resistance was measured in 8x12 grids, covering 80 cm wide and 60 cm deep profiles in 32 soil pits. Large and fine maize roots were counted in 8x6 grids. Soil samples from mid-rows were analysed for pH, exchangeable H+, exchangeable Al3+, cation exchange capacity, total N and extractable P (Bray 1) at six depths from 0-10 to 50-60 cm. Cultivation-induced hardpans were not detected. Soils under conservation tillage were more compact at 5 cm depth than soils under conventional tillage. No differences in root distributions between conservation and conventional tillage were found. Maize ( Zea mays L. ) roots were largely confined to a relatively small soil volume of about 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm. Root growth appeared to be restricted by a combination of low concentrations of N and P. Soil acidity and Al saturation appeared to play a minor role in root distribution. L-shaped taproots in soils under manual tillage reported earlier were not necessarily due to hardpans, but may rather be caused by temporarily dry, impenetrable subsoils early in the rain season. There is no scientific basis for the recommendation given to farmers by agricultural extension workers to “break the hardpan” in fields under manual or animal tillage in the study areas.
A presente investigação mostra a importância do contacto de crianças muito jovens com línguas estrangeiras. Este trabalho concentra-se na tentativa de investigar, numa abordagem plurilingue, com enfoque para a Língua Inglesa e a Língua Gestual Portuguesa, a sensibilização de um grupo de alunos do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico para uma língua diferente da sua língua materna. Nesta pesquisa, adotou-se uma postura de investigação-ação, apoiando-se com grande particularidade numa metodologia qualitativa e com menor relevância numa metodologia quantitativa, onde os alunos, através das várias atividades que desenvolveram foram adquirindo diferentes competências nas duas línguas. Isto permitiu aos alunos despertarem todas as suas potencialidades para a aprendizagem destas duas línguas (Língua Inglesa e Língua Gestual Portuguesa), tendo como ponto de partida a sua sensibilização e a aprendizagem de alguns vocábulos. Acreditamos que esta abordagem plurilíngue poderá auxiliar os alunos no desenvolvimento de habilidades linguísticas, cognitivas e pessoais tais como: a intercompreensão, o conhecimento de características específicas de diferentes línguas existentes em seu redor, a comparação linguística entre elas, a sua compreensão lexical, e por fim a competência em relacionar as línguas a culturas, e acima de tudo, o respeito e valorização da diversidade linguística e cultural. Foram utilizadas nas aulas atividades de nível de compreensão e produção oral, num processo de sensibilização e aprendizagem de alguns vocábulos destas línguas, sendo que os resultados foram posteriormente analisados, através de grelhas de observação das atividades, de dois inquéritos por questionário e fotos. Das observações e conclusões retiradas desta análise, confirmou-se que a sensibilização quanto à Língua Inglesa assim como quanto à Língua Gestual Portuguesa promove o desenvolvimento da criança, assim como a valorização da respetiva diversidade linguística e cultural.
Caspian Sea with its unique characteristics is a significant source to supply required heat and moisture for passing weather systems over the north of Iran. Investigation of heat and moisture fluxes in the region and their effects on these systems that could lead to floods and major financial and human losses is essential in weather forecasting. Nowadays by improvement of numerical weather and climate prediction models and the increasing need to more accurate forecasting of heavy rainfall, the evaluation and verification of these models has been become much more important. In this study we have used the WRF model as a research-practical one with many valuable characteristics and flexibilities. In this research, the effects of heat and moisture fluxes of Caspian Sea on the synoptic and dynamical structure of 20 selective systems associated with heavy rainfall in the southern shores of Caspian Sea are investigated. These systems are selected based on the rainfall data gathered by three local stations named: Rasht, Babolsar and Gorgan in different seasons during a five-year period (2005-2010) with maximum amount of rainfall through the 24 hours of a day. In addition to synoptic analyses of these systems, the WRF model with and without surface flues was run using the two nested grids with the horizontal resolutions of 12 and 36 km. The results show that there are good consistencies between the predicted distribution of rainfall field, time of beginning and end of rainfall by the model and the observations. But the model underestimates the amounts of rainfall and the maximum difference with the observation is about 69%. Also, no significant changes in the results are seen when the domain and the resolution of computations are changed. The other noticeable point is that the systems are severely weakened by removing heat and moisture fluxes and thereby the amounts of large scale rainfall are decreased up to 77% and the convective rainfalls tend to zero.
Esta tese incide sobre o desenvolvimento de modelos computacionais e de aplicações para a gestão do lado da procura, no âmbito das redes elétricas inteligentes. É estudado o desempenho dos intervenientes da rede elétrica inteligente, sendo apresentado um modelo do produtor-consumidor doméstico. O problema de despacho económico considerando previsão de produção e consumo de energia obtidos a partir de redes neuronais artificiais é apresentado. São estudados os modelos existentes no âmbito dos programas de resposta à procura e é desenvolvida uma ferramenta computacional baseada no algoritmo de fuzzy-clustering subtrativo. São analisados perfis de consumo e modos de operação, incluindo uma breve análise da introdução do veículo elétrico e de contingências na rede de energia elétrica. São apresentadas aplicações para a gestão de energia dos consumidores no âmbito do projeto piloto InovGrid. São desenvolvidos sistemas de automação para, aquisição monitorização, controlo e supervisão do consumo a partir de dados fornecidos pelos contadores inteligente que permitem a incorporação das ações dos consumidores na gestão do consumo de energia elétrica; SMART GRIDS - COMPUTATIONAL MODELS DEVELOPMENT AND DEMAND SIDE MANAGMENT APPLICATIONS Abstract: This thesis focuses on the development of computational models and its applications on the demand side management within the smart grid scope. The performance of the electrical network players is studied and a domestic prosumer model is presented. The economic dispatch problem considering the production forecast and the energy consumption obtained from artificial neural networks is also presented. The existing demand response models are studied and a computational tool based on the fuzzy subtractive clustering algorithm is developed. Energy consumption profiles and operational modes are analyzed, including a brief analysis of the electrical vehicle and contingencies on the electrical network. Consumer energy management applications within the scope of InovGrid pilot project are presented. Computational systems are developed for the acquisition, monitoring, control and supervision of consumption data provided by smart meters allowing to incorporate consumer actions on their electrical energy management.
"This map estimates the potential of encountering a sulfide bearing geologic substratum beneath the soil."
UTM and state grids.
Alternate title in right lower margin: Cumberland Co., N.J. : N3910--W7450/24.5X37 1978.
Alternate title in right lower corner: Gloucester Co., NJ : N3930.5-W7452.5/23x34.5 1972.
"October 1986."
"October 1986."
"October 1986."
"October 1986."