950 resultados para Graft Copolymerisation


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Abstract Purpose: To test the hypothesis that simultaneous closure of at least 2 independent vascular territories supplying the spinal cord and/or prolonged hypotension may be associated with symptomatic spinal cord ischemia (SCI) after thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR). Methods: A pattern matching algorithm was used to develop a risk model for symptomatic SCI using a prospective 63-patient single-center cohort to test the positive predictive value (PPV) of prolonged intraoperative hypotension and/or simultaneous closure of at least 2 of 4 the vascular territories supplying the spinal cord (left subclavian, intercostal, lumbar, and hypogastric arteries). This risk model was then applied to data extracted from the multicenter European Registry on Endovascular Aortic Repair Complications (EuREC). Between 2002 and 2010, the 19 centers participating in EuREC reported 38 (1.7%) cases of symptomatic spinal cord ischemia among the 2235 patients in the database. Results: In the single-center cohort, direct correlations were seen between the occurrence of symptomatic SCI and both prolonged intraoperative hypotension (PPV 1.00, 95% CI 0.22 to 1.00, p = 0.04) and simultaneous closure of at least 2 independent spinal cord vascular territories (PPV 0.67, 95% CI 0.24 to 0.91, p = 0.005). Previous closure of a single vascular territory was not associated with an increased risk of symptomatic spinal cord ischemia (PPV 0.07, 95% CI 0.01 to 0.16, p = 0.56). The combination of prolonged hypotension and simultaneous closure of at least 2 territories exhibited the strongest association (PPV 0.75, 95% CI 0.38 to 0.75, p<0.0001). Applying the model to the entire EuREC cohort found an almost perfect agreement between the predicted and observed risk factors (kappa 0.77, 95% CI 0.65 to 0.90). Conclusion: Extensive coverage of intercostal arteries alone by a thoracic stent-graft is not associated with symptomatic SCI; however, simultaneous closure of at least 2 vascular territories supplying the spinal cord is highly relevant, especially in combination with prolonged intraoperative hypotension. As such, these results further emphasize the need to preserve the left subclavian artery during TEVAR.


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Bronchiolitis obliterans (BO) following allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) affects peripheral airways. Detection of BO is presently delayed by the low sensitivity of spirometry. We examined the relationship between peripheral airway function and time since HSCT, and compared it with spirometry and clinical indices in 33 clinically stable allogeneic HSCT recipients. The following measurements were performed: lung function, exhaled nitric oxide, forced oscillatory respiratory system resistance and reactance, acinar (S(acin)) and conductive airways ventilation heterogeneity and lung clearance index (LCI) measured by multiple breath nitrogen washout. 22 patients underwent repeat visits from which short-term changes were examined. Median time post HSCT was 12 months. Eight patients were clinically diagnosed as having BO. In multivariate analysis, time since HSCT was predicted by S(acin) and forced expiratory volume in 1 s % predicted. 20 patients had abnormal S(acin) with normal spirometry, whereas none had airflow obstruction with normal S(acin). S(acin) and LCI were the only measures to change significantly between two visits, with both worsening. Change in S(acin) was the only parameter to correlate with change in chronic graft-versus-host disease grade. In conclusion, peripheral airways ventilation heterogeneity worsens with time after HSCT. S(acin) may be more sensitive than spirometry in detecting BO at an early stage, which needs confirmation in a prospective study.


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Although important progresses have been achieved in the therapeutic management of transplant recipients, acute and chronic rejections remain the leading causes of premature graft loss after solid organ transplantation. This, together with the undesirable side effects of immunosuppressive drugs, has significant implications for the long-term outcome of transplant recipients. Thus, a better understanding of the immunological events occurring after transplantation is essential. The immune system plays an ambivalent role in the outcome of a graft. On one hand, some T lymphocytes with effector functions (called alloreactive) can mediate a cascade of events eventually resulting in the rejection, either acute or chronic, of the grafted organ ; on the other hand, a small subset of T lymphocytes, called regulatory T cells, has been shown to be implicated in the control of these harmful rejection responses, among other things. Thus, we focused our interest on the study of the balance between circulating effectors (alloreactive) and regulatory T lymphocytes, which seems to play an important role in the outcome of allografts, in the context of kidney transplantation. The results were correlated with various variables such as the clinical status of the patients, the immunosuppressive drugs used as induction or maintenance agents, and past or current episodes of rejection. We observed that the percentage of the alloreactive T lymphocyte population was correlated with the clinical status of the kidney transplant recipients. Indeed, the highest percentage was found in patients suffering from chronic humoral rejection, whilst patients on no or only minimal immunosuppressive treatment or on sirolimus-based immunosuppression displayed a percentage comparable to healthy non-transplanted individuals. During the first year after renal transplantation, the balance between effectors and regulatory T lymphocytes was tipped towards the detrimental effector immune response, with the two induction agents studied (thymoglobulin and basiliximab). Overall, these results indicate that monitoring these immunological parameters may be very useful for the clinical follow-up of transplant recipients ; these tests may contribute to identify patients who are more likely to develop rejection or, on the contrary, who tolerate well their graft, in order to adapt the immunosuppressive treatment on an individual basis.


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Age-related cognitive impairments were studied in rats kept in semi-enriched conditions during their whole life, and tested during ontogeny and adult life in various classical spatial tasks. In addition, the effect of intrahippocampal grafts of fetal septal-diagonal band tissue, rich in cholinergic neurons, was studied in some of these subjects. The rats received bilateral cell suspensions when aged 23-24 months. Starting 4 weeks after grafting, they were trained during 5 weeks in an 8-arm maze made of connected plexiglass tunnels. No age-related impairment was detected during the first eight trials, when the maze shape was that of a classical radial maze in which the rats had already been trained when young. The older rats were impaired when the task was made more difficult by rendering two arms parallel to each other. They developed an important neglect of one of the parallel tunnels resulting in a high amount of errors before completion of the task. In addition, the old rats developed a systematic response pattern of visits to adjacent arms in a sequence, which was not observed in the younger subjects. None of these behaviours were observed in the old rats with a septal transplant. Sixteen weeks after grafting, another experiment was conducted in a homing hole board task. Rats were allowed to escape from a large circular arena through one hole out of many, and to reach home via a flexible tube under the table. The escape hole was at a fixed position according to distant room cues, and olfactory cues were made irrelevant by rotating the table between the trials. An additional cue was placed on the escape position. No age-related difference in escape was observed during training. During a probe trial with no hole connected and no proximal cue present, the old untreated rats were less clearly focussed on the training sector than were either the younger or the grafted old subjects. Taken together, these experiments indicate that enriched housing conditions and spatial training during adult life do not protect against all age-related deterioration in spatial ability. However, it might be that the considerable improvement observed in the grafted subjects results from an interaction between the graft treatment and the housing conditions.


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The aim of this master's thesis was to assess the ten- year trends and regional differences in management and outcome of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) within Switzerland. The thesis is composed of two articles. First, in the article "Trends in hospital management of acute myocardial infarction in Switzerland, 1998 to 2008" over 102,700 cases of AMI with corresponding management and revascularization procedures were assessed. The results showed a considerable increase in the numbers of hospital discharges for AMI, namely due to the increase of between- hospital transfers. Rates of intensive care unit admissions remained stable. All types of revascularization procedures showed an increase. In particular, overall stenting rates increased with drug-eluting stents partly replacing bare stents. Second, in the article "The region makes the difference: disparities in management of acute myocardial infarction within Switzerland" around 25,600 cases of AMI with corresponding management were assessed for the period of 2007-2008 and according to seven Swiss regions. As reported by our results, considerable regional differences in AMI management were stated within Switzerland. Although each region showed different trends regarding revascularization interventions, Leman and Ticino contrast significantly by presenting the minimum and maximum rates in almost all assessed parameters. As a consequence these two regions differ the most from the Swiss average. The impact of the changes in trends and the regional differences in AMI management on Swiss patient's outcome and economics remains to be assessed. Purpose: To assess ten-year trends in management and outcome of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in Switzerland. Methods: Swiss hospital discharge database for the 1998 to 2008 period. AMI was defined as a primary discharge diagnosis code I21 according to the CIM-10 classification of the World Health Organization. Management and revascularization procedures were assessed. Results: Overall, 102,729 hospital discharges with a diagnosis of AMI were analyzed. The number of hospital discharges increased almost three-fold from 5530 in 1998 to 13,834 in 2008, namely due to a considerable increase in between-hospital transfers (1352 in 1998, 6494 in 2008). Relative to all hospital discharges, Intensive Care Unit admission rate was 38.0% in 1998 and remained stable (36.2%) in 2008 (p for trend=0.25). Percutaneous revascularization rates increased from 6.0% to 39.9% (p for trend<0.001). Non-drug-eluting stent use increased from 1.3% to 16.6% (p for trend<0.05). Drug eluting stents appeared in 2004 and increased to 23.5% of hospital discharges in 2008 (p for trend=0.07). Coronary artery bypass graft increased from 1.0% to 3.0% (p for trend<0.001). Circulatory assistance increased from 0.2% to 1.7% (p for trend<0.001). Thrombolysis showed no significant changes, from 0.5% to 1.9% (p for trend=0.64). Most of these trends were confirmed after multivariate adjustment. Conclusion: Between 1998 and 2008 the number of hospital discharges for AMI increased considerably in Switzerland, namely due to between-hospital transfers. Overall stenting rates increased, drug-eluting stents partly replacing bare stents. The impact of these changes on outcome and economics remains to be assessed.


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CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) play a critical role in the prevention of autoimmune diseases as well as in the induction and maintenance of dominant tolerance in transplantation models. While their suppressive function has been extensively studied in vitro, their homeostasis and mechanisms of immunoregulation still remain to be clarifi ed in vivo. Using a murine adoptive transfer and skin allograft model, we analysed the expansion, effector function and traffi cking of effector T cells in the presence or absence of donor-specifi c Tregs. Although hyporesponsive to allogeneic and polyclonal stimulation in vitro, transferred Tregs survived and expanded, in response to an allograft in vivo. When co-transferred with naive CD4+CD25- effector T cells, they specifi cally prevented donor but not 3rd party allograft rejection by inhibiting the production of effector cytokines rather than the proliferation of effector T cells in response to alloantigens. The co-transfer of donor-specifi c Tregs did not affect the homing of effector T cells towards the graft draining lymph nodes, but it markedly reduced the infi ltration of the allograft by these pathogenic cells. Furthermore, in recipients where donor-specifi c transplantation tolerance was induced, Tregs preferentially accumulated in the allograft draining lymph nodes and within the grafted skin itself. Taken together, our results suggest that the suppression of graft rejection is an active process that involves the persistent presence of Tregs at the site of antigenic challenge.


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RESUME Le diabète de type 1 se définit comme un désordre métabolique d'origine auto-immune qui aboutit à la destruction progressive et sélective de la cellule ß-pancréatique sécrétrice d'insuline. Cette maladie représente 10 % des cas de diabète enregistrés dans la population mondiale, et touche les jeunes de moins de 20 ans. Le traitement médical par insulinothérapie corrige le manque d'hormone mais ne prévient pas les nombreuses complications telles que les atteintes cardiaques, neurologiques, rénales, rétiniennes, et les amputations que la maladie provoque. Le remplacement de la cellule ß par transplantation d'îlots de Langerhans est une alternative prometteuse au traitement médical du diabète de type 1. Cependant la greffe d'îlots est encore un traitement expérimental et ne permet pas un contrôle efficace de la glycémie au long terme chez les patients transplantés, et les raisons de cet échec restent mal comprises. L'obstacle immédiat qui se pose est la purification d'un nombre suffisant d'îlots viables et la perte massive de ces îlots dans les premières heures suite à la greffe. Cette tendance presque systématique de la perte fonctionnelle du greffon immédiatement après la transplantation est connue sous le terme de « primary graft non-function » (PNF). En effet, la procédure d'isolement des îlots provoque la destruction des composantes cellulaires et non cellulaires du tissu pancréatique qui jouent un rôle déterminant dans le processus de survie de l'îlot. De plus, la transplantation elle-même expose les cellules à différents stress, notamment le stress par les cytokines inflammatoires qui encourage la mort cellulaire par apoptose et provoque par la suite le rejet de la greffe. L'ensemble de ces mécanismes aboutit a une perte de la masse d'îlot estimée a plus de 60%. Dans ce contexte, nous nous sommes intéressés à définir les voies majeures de stress qui régissent cette perte massive d'îlot par apoptose lors du processus d'isolement et suite à l'exposition immédiate aux cytokines. L'ensemble des résultats obtenus indique que plusieurs voies de signalisation intracellulaire sont recrutées qui s'activent de manière maximale très tôt lors des premières phases de l'isolement. La mise en culture des îlots deux jours permet aux voies activées de revenir aux taux de base. De ce fait nous proposons une stratégie dite de protection qui doit être 1) initiée aussitôt que possible lors de l'isolement des îlots pancréatiques, 2) devrait probablement bloquer l'activation de ces différentes voies de stress mis en évidence lors de notre étude et 3) devrait inclure la mise en culture des îlots purifiés deux jours après l'isolement et avant la transplantation. RESUME LARGE PUBLIC Le diabète est une maladie qui entraîne un taux anormalement élevé de sucre (glucose) dans le sang du à une insuffisance du pancréas endocrine à produire de l'insuline, une hormone qui régule la glycémie (taux de glucose dans le sang). On distingue deux types majeurs de diabètes; le diabète de type 1 ou juvénile ou encore appelé diabète maigre qui se manifeste souvent pendant l'enfance et qui se traduit par une déficience absolue en insuline. Le diabète de type 2 ou diabète gras est le plus fréquent, et touche les sujets de plus de 40 ans qui souffrent d'obésité et qui se traduit par une dysfonction de la cellule ß avec une incapacité à réguler la glycémie malgré la production d'insuline. Dans le diabète de type 1, la destruction de la cellule ß est programmée (apoptose) et est majoritairement provoquée par des médiateurs inflammatoires appelés cytokines qui sont produites localement par des cellules inflammatoires du système immunitaire qui envahissent la cellule ß-pancréatiques. Les cytokines activent différentes voies de signalisation parmi lesquelles on distingue celles des Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase (MAPKs) composées de trois familles de MAPKs: ERK1/2, p38, et JNK, et la voie NF-κB. Le traitement médical par injections quotidiennes d'insuline permet de contrôler la glycémie mais ne prévient pas les nombreuses complications secondaires liées à cette maladie. La greffe d'îlots de Langerhans est une alternative possible au traitement médical, considérée avantageuse comparée a la greffe du pancréas entier. En effet l'embolisation d'îlots dans le foie par injection intraportale constitue une intervention simple sans complications majeures. Néanmoins la technique de préparation d'îlots altère la fonction endocrine et cause la perte massive d'îlots pancréatiques. De plus, la transplantation elle-même expose la cellule ß à différents stress, notamment le stress par les cytokines inflammatoires qui provoque le rejet de greffon cellulaire. Dans la perspective d'augmenter les rendements des îlots purifiés, nous nous sommes intéressés à définir les voies majeures de stress qui régissent cette perte massive d'îlot lors du processus d'isolement et suite à l'exposition immédiate aux cytokines après transplantation. L'ensemble de ces résultats indique que le stress induit lors de l'isolement des îlots et celui des cytokines recrute différentes voies de signalisation intracellulaire (JNK, p38 et NF-κB) qui s'additionnent entre-elles pour altérer la fonction et la viabilité de l'îlot. De ce fait une stratégie doit être mise en place pour bloquer toute action synergique entre ces différentes voies activées pour améliorer la viabilité et la fonction de la cellule ß lors du greffon cellulaire. SUMMARY Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is an autoimmune disease characterized by the progressive and selective destruction of the pancreatic ß-cells that secrete insulin, leading to absolute insulin deficiency. T1DM accounts for about 10% of all diabetes cases, affecting persons younger than 20 years of age. Medical treatment using daily exogenous insulin injection corrects hormone deficiency but does not prevent devastating complications such as heart attack, neuropathy, kidney failure, blindness, and amputation caused by the disease. Pancreatic islet transplantation (PIT) is one strategy that holds promise to cure patients with T1DM, but purified pancreatic islet grafts have failed to maintain long-term glucose homeostasis in human recipients, the reasons for this failure being still poorly understood. There is however a more immediate problem with islet grafting that is dependent upon poor islet recovery from donors and early islet loss following the first hours of grafting. This tendency of islet grafts to fail to function within a short period after transplantation is termed primary graft non-function (PNF). Indeed, the islet isolation procedure itself destroys cellular and non-cellular components of the pancreas that may play a role in supporting islet survival. Further, islet transplantation exposes cells to a variety of stressful stimuli, notably pro-inflammatory cytokines that encourage ß-cell death by apoptosis and lead to early graft failure. Altogether these mechanisms lead to an estimated loss of 60% of the total islet mass. Here, we have mapped the major intracellular stress signaling pathways that may mediate human islet loss by apoptosis during isolation and following cytokine attack. We found that several stress pathways are maximally activated from the earliest stages of the isolation procedure. Culturing islet for two days allow for the activated pathways to return to basal levels. We propose that protective strategies should 1) be initiated as early as possible during isolation of the islets, 2) should probably target the activated stress pathways that we uncovered during our studies and 3) should include culturing islets for two days post-isolation and prior transplantation.


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BACKGROUND: The long-term incidence of stent thrombosis (ST) and complications after sirolimus-eluting stents (SES) implantation is still a matter of debate. METHOD: We conducted a systematic follow-up on the day of their 5-year SES implantation anniversary, in a series of consecutive real-world patients treated with a SES. The use of SES implantation was not restricted to "on-label" indications, and target lesions included in-stent restenosis, vein graft, left main stem locations, bifurcations, and long lesions. The Academic Research Consortium criteria were used for ST classification. RESULTS: Three hundred fifty consecutive patients were treated with SES between April and December 2002 in 3 Swiss hospitals. Mean age was 63 +/- 6 years, 78% were men, 20% presented with acute coronary syndrome, and 19% were patients with diabetes. Five-year follow-up was obtained in 98% of eligible patients. Stent thrombosis had occurred in 12 patients (3.6%) [definite 6 (1.8%), probable 1 (0.3%) and possible 5 (1.5%)]. Eighty-one percent of the population was free of complications. Major adverse cardiac events occurred in 74 (21%) patients and were as follows: cardiac death 3%, noncardiac death 4%, myocardial infarction 2%, target lesion revascularization 8%, non-target lesion revascularization target vessel revascularization 3%, coronary artery bypass graft 2%. Non-TVR was performed in 8%. CONCLUSION: Our data confirm the good long-term outcome of patients treated with SES. The incidence of complications and sub acute thrombosis at 5 years in routine clinical practice reproduces the results of prospective randomized trials.


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Secondary growth of the vasculature results in the thickening of plant structures and continuously produces xylem tissue, the major biological carbon sink. Little is known about the developmental control of this quantitative trait, which displays two distinct phases in Arabidopsis thaliana hypocotyls. The later phase of accelerated xylem expansion resembles the secondary growth of trees and is triggered upon flowering by an unknown, shoot-derived signal. We found that flowering-dependent hypocotyl xylem expansion is a general feature of herbaceous plants with a rosette growth habit. Flowering induction is sufficient to trigger xylem expansion in Arabidopsis. By contrast, neither flower formation nor elongation of the main inflorescence is required. Xylem expansion also does not depend on any particular flowering time pathway or absolute age. Through analyses of natural genetic variation, we found that ERECTA acts locally to restrict xylem expansion downstream of the gibberellin (GA) pathway. Investigations of mutant and transgenic plants indicate that GA and its signaling pathway are both necessary and sufficient to directly trigger enhanced xylogenesis. Impaired GA signaling did not affect xylem expansion systemically, suggesting that it acts downstream of the mobile cue. By contrast, the GA effect was graft transmissible, suggesting that GA itself is the mobile shoot-derived signal.


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Purpose: The mechanisms by which CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ T cells (Tregs) regulate effector T cells in a transplantation setting and their in vivo homeostasis still remain to be clarified. Using a mouse adoptive transfer and skin transplantation model, we analyzed the in vivo expansion, effector function and trafficking of effector T cells and donor-specific Tregs, in response to an allograft. Methods and materials: Antigen-specific Tregs were generated and expanded in vitro by culturing freshly isolated Tregs from BALB/c mice (H2d) with syngeneic dendritic cells pulsed with an allopeptide (here the Kb peptide derived from the MHC class I molecule of allogeneic H2b mice). Fluorescent-labelled CD4+CD25- naive T cells and donor-antigen-specific Tregs were transferred alone or coinjected into syngeneic BALB/c-Nude recipients transplanted with allogeneic C57BL/6xBALB/c donor skin. Results: As opposed to their in vitro hyporesponsiveness, Tregs divided in vivo, migrated and accumulated in the allograft draining lymph nodes (drLN) and within the graft. The co-transfer of Tregs did not modify the early proliferation and homing of CD4+CD25- T cells to secondary lymphoid organs. But, in the presence of Tregs, effector T cells produced significantly less IFN- and IL-2 effector cytokines, while higher amounts of IL-10 were detected in the spleen and drLN of these mice. Furthermore, time-course studies showed that Tregs were recruited into the allograft at a very early stage posttransplantation and prevented infiltration by effector T cells. Conclusion: Overall, our results suggest that suppression of graft rejection involves the early recruitment of donor-specific Tregs at the sites of antigenic challenge and that Tregs mainly regulate the effector arm of T cell alloresponses.


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Subclavian steal phenomenon due to proximal subclavian artery stenosis or occlusion is not un-common but often remains asymptomatic. We describe the case of a 66-year-old man with end-stage renal disease hemodialysed through a brachio-brachial loop graft of the left forearm. Echo-Doppler precerebral examination showed a high reversed flow of 570 ml/min in the ipsilateral vertebral artery. After successful endovascular recanalization of the subclavian artery, access blood flow increased and vertebral flow decreased to 30 ml/min. Complete neurological examination was normal both before and after endovascular treatment. This case demonstrates how high a subclavian steal can be without causing symptoms and how well precerbral and cerebral circulation can adapt to hemodynamic changes.


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Inhibitory MHC receptors determine the reactivity and specificity of NK cells. These receptors can also regulate T cells by modulating TCR-induced effector functions such as cytotoxicity, cytokine production, and proliferation. Here we have assessed the capacity of mouse T cells expressing the inhibitory MHC class I receptor Ly49A to respond to a well-defined tumor Ag in vivo using Ly49A transgenic mice. We find that the presence of Ly49A on the vast majority of lymphocytes prevents the development of a significant Ag-specific CD8+ T cell response and, consequently, the rejection of the tumor. Despite minor alterations in the TCR repertoire of CD8+ T cells in the transgenic lines, precursors of functional tumor-specific CD8+ T cells exist but could not be activated most likely due to a lack of appropriate CD4+ T cell help. Surprisingly, all of these effects are observed in the absence of a known ligand for the Ly49A receptor as defined by its ability to regulate NK cell function. Indeed, we found that the above effects on T cells may be based on a weak interaction of Ly49A with Kb or Db class I molecules. Thus, our data demonstrate that enforced expression of a Ly49A receptor on conventional T cells prevents a specific immune response in vivo and suggest that the functions of T and NK cells are differentially sensitive to the presence of inhibitory MHC class I receptors.


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The free extended lateral arm flap (ELAF) has gained increasing popularity thank to its slimness and versatility, longer neurovascular pedicle, and greater flap size when compared with the original flap design. The aim of this study was to assess the donor-site morbidity associated with this extended procedure. A retrospective study of 25 consecutive patients analyzing postoperative complications using a visual analogue scale questionnaire revealed high patients satisfaction and negligible donor-site morbidity of the ELAF. Scar visibility was the commonest negative outcome. Impaired mobility of the elbow had the highest correlation with patient dissatisfaction. Sensory deficits or paresthetic disorders did not affect patient satisfaction. The extension of the lateral arm flap and positioning over the lateral humeral epicondyle is a safe and well-accepted procedure with minimal donor-site morbidity. To optimize outcomes, a maximal flap width of 6 or 7 cm and intensive postoperative mobilization therapy is advisable.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the prognostic factors and the ophthalmologic follow-up on cataract formation following total body irradiation (TBI) prior to bone marrow transplantation (BMT). METHODS AND MATERIALS: Between 1980 and 1992, 494 patients were referred to our department for TBI prior to BMT. The mean age was 32 +/- 11 (median: 32, range: 2-63) years and the male to female ratio was 1.6 (304:190). The majority of patients were treated for acute leukemia (lymphoblastic, n = 177, 36%; or nonlymphoblastic , n = 139, 28%); 80 (16%) for chronic myeloid leukemia, 60 (12%) for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, 23 (5%) for multiple myeloma, and 15 (3%) for other malignancies. Two hundred and fifty-four (51%) patients were grafted in the first complete remission (CR), 118 (24%) in second CR. Allogenic BMT was performed in 210 (43%) patients, and autologous BMT in 284 (57%). Methotrexate combined to steroids (n = 47, 22%) or to cyclosporine (n = 163, 78%) was administered for graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) prophylaxis. In 188 patients (38%), heparin was used in the prevention of veno-occlusive disease (VOD) of the liver. Furthermore, steroid administration was registered in 223 (45%). The conditioning chemotherapy consisted of cyclophosphamide (Cy) alone in 332 (67%) patients. Total-body irradiation was administered either in single dose (STBI; 10 Gy in 1 day, n = 291) or in six fractions (FTBI; 12 Gy over 3 consecutive days, n = 203) before BMT. The mean instantaneous dose rate was 0.0574 +/- 0.0289 Gy/min (0.024-0.1783). It was < 0.048 Gy/min in 157 patients (LOW group), > or = 0.048 Gy/min and <0.09 Gy/min in 301 patients (MEDIUM group), and > or = 0.09 Gy/min in 36 patients (HIGH group). RESULTS: When considering all patients, 42 (8.5%) patients developed cataracts after 13 to 72 months (median: 42 months) with a 5-year estimated cataract incidence (ECI) of 23%. Thirty-three (11.3%) out of 291 patients in the STBI group, and 9 (4.4%) out of 203 patients in the FTBI group developed cataracts with 5-year estimated incidences of 34 and 11%, respectively (p = 0.0004). Seven (19.4%) out of 36 patients in the HIGH group, 33 (10.9%) out of 301 in the MEDIUM group, and 2 (1.2%) out of 157 in the LOW group developed cataracts with respective 5-year cataract incidences of 54%, 30%, and 3.5% (HIGH vs. MEDIUM, p = 0.07; MEDIUM vs. LOW, p = 0.0001; HIGH vs. LOW, p < 0.0001). On the other hand, patients who received heparin as prophylactic treatment against VOD of the liver had less cataracts than those who did not receive (5-year ECI of 16% vs. 28%, respectively; p = 0.01). There was no statistically significant difference in terms of 5-year ECI according to age, sex, administration of steroids, GvHD prophylaxis, type of BMT, or previous cranial radiotherapy in children. Multivariate analysis revealed that the instantaneous dose rate (p = 0.001), and the administration of heparin against VOD (p = 0.05) were the two independent factors influencing the cataract incidence, while age, fractionation, and use of steroids were not. Among the 42 patients who developed cataracts, 38 had bilateral extracapsular cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation, and only 4 (10%) developed secondary cataracts in a median follow-up period of 39 months. CONCLUSION: Among the abovementioned TBI parameters, high instantaneous dose rate seems to be the main risk factor of cataract formation, and the administration of heparin appears to have a protective role in cataractogenesis. On the other hand, ionizing radiation seems to have a protective effect on posterior capsule opacification following extracapsular cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation.


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In islet transplantation, nonimmunological factors such as limited growth capacity or increased death rate could reduce the beta cell mass in the graft and lead to failure of the transplant. We studied the evolution of beta cell replication and mass after transplantation of insufficient, minimally sufficient, or excessive islet tissue. Streptozocin diabetic C57BL/6 mice received 150 or 300 syngeneic islets under the kidney capsule and normal mice received 300 islets. In streptozocin diabetic mice 300 islets restored normoglycemia; beta cell replication in transplanted islets was similar to replication in normal pancreas and beta cell mass in the graft remained constant. In contrast, 150 islets were insufficient to achieve normoglycemia; beta cell replication was increased initially but not by 18 or 30 d despite persistent hyperglycemia, and beta cell mass fell progressively. When islets were transplanted into normal recipients, beta cell replication remained normal but beta cells underwent atrophy and mass in the graft was substantially reduced. Therefore, with a successful islet transplant, in diabetic mice beta cell replication and mass remain constant. In contrast, when insufficient islet tissue is transplanted an initial increase in beta cell replication can not compensate for a decline in beta cell mass. When excessive islet tissue is transplanted, beta cell mass is reduced despite normal beta cell replication.