1000 resultados para Gil Eanes


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Oceans have shown tremendous importance and impact on our lives. Thus the need for monitoring and protecting the oceans has grown exponentially in recent years. On the other hand, oceans have economical and industrial potential in areas such as pharmaceutical, oil, minerals and biodiversity. This demand is increasing and the need for high data rate and near real-time communications between submerged agents became of paramount importance. Among the needs for underwater communications, streaming video (e.g. for inspecting risers or hydrothermal vents) can be seen as the top challenge, which when solved will make all the other applications possible. Presently, the only reliable approach for underwater video streaming relies on wired connections or tethers (e.g. from ROVs to the surface) which presents severe operational constraints that makes acoustic links together with AUVs and sensor networks strongly appealing. Using new polymer-based acoustic transducers, which in very recent works have shown to have bandwidth and power efficiency much higher than the usual ceramics, this article proposes the development of a reprogrammable acoustic modem for operating in underwater communications with video streaming capabilities. The results have shown a maximum data-rate of 1Mbps with a simple modulation scheme such as OOK, at a distance of 20 m.


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Eye tracking as an interface to operate a computer is under research for a while and new systems are still being developed nowadays that provide some encouragement to those bound to illnesses that incapacitates them to use any other form of interaction with a computer. Although using computer vision processing and a camera, these systems are usually based on head mount technology being considered a contact type system. This paper describes the implementation of a human-computer interface based on a fully non-contact eye tracking vision system in order to allow people with tetraplegia to interface with a computer. As an assistive technology, a graphical user interface with special features was developed including a virtual keyboard to allow user communication, fast access to pre-stored phrases and multimedia and even internet browsing. This system was developed with the focus on low cost, user friendly functionality and user independency and autonomy.


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In the Brazilian Amazon, large areas of abandoned lands may revert to secondary forest. In the process, pioneer tree species have an important role to restore productivity in old fields and improve environmental conditions. To determine potential photosynthesis (Apot), stomatal conductance (g), transpiration (E), and leaf micronutrient concentrations in Ochroma pyramidale (Cav. ex Lam.) Urban a study was carried out in the Brazilian Amazon (01o 51' S; 60o 04' W). Photosynthetic parameters were measured at increasing [CO2], saturating light intensity (1 mmol (photons) m-2 s-1), and ambient temperature. The rate of electron-transport (J), Apot,and water-use efficiency (WUE) increased consistently at increasing internal CO2 concentration (Ci). Conversely, increasing [CO2] decreased gs, E, and photorespiration (Pr). At the CO2-saturated region of the CO2 response curve (1.1 mmol (CO2) mol-1(air), J was 120 μmol (e-) m-2s-1 and Apot reached up to 24 μmol (CO2) m-2s-1. Likewise, at saturating C1 g and E were 30 and 1.4 mmol (H2O) m-2s-1, respectively, and P 2 r about 1.5 μmol (CO2) m-2s-1. Foliar nutrients were 185, 134, 50, and 10 μmol (element) m-2 (leaf area) for Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu, respectively. It was concluded that [CO ] probably limits light saturated photosynthesis in this site. Furthermore, from a nutritional point of view, the low Fe to Cu ratio (15:1) may reflect nutritional imbalance in O. pyramidale at this site.


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Studies on nutritional status and leaf traits were carried out in two tropical tree species Swietenia macrophylla King (mahogany) and Dipetryx odorata Aubl. Willd. (tonka bean) planted under contrasting light environments in Presidente Figueiredo-AM, Brazil. Leaves of S. macrophylla and D. odorata were collected in three year-old trees grown under full sunlight (about 2000 µmol m-2 s-1) and natural shade under a closed canopy of Balsa-wood plantation (Ochroma pyramidale Cav. Ex. Lam.Urb) about 260 µmol m-2 s-1. The parameters analysed were leaf area (LA), leaf dry mass (LDM), specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf nutrient contents. It was observed that, S. macrophylla leaves grown under full sunlight showed LA 35% lower than those grown under shade. In D. odorata leaves these differences in LA were not observed. In addition, it was observed that S. macrophylla shade leaves, for LDM, were 50% smaller than sun leaves, while in D. odorata, there differences were not observed. SLA in S. macrophylla presented that sun leaves were three times smaller than those grown under shade. In D. odorata, no differences were observed. Nutrient contents in S. macrophylla, regardless of their light environments, showed higher contents for P and Ca than those found in D. odorata. The N, K, Fe and Mn contents in S. macrophylla leaves decreased under shade. Finally, we suggest that the decreasing in leaf nutrient contents may have a negative influence on leaf growth. The results demonstrated that the tested hypothesis is true for leaf traits, which D. odorata, late-successional species, showed lower plasticity for leaf traits than Swietenia macrophylla, mid-successional species.


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Um novo gênero e espécie de Reduviinae (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Reduviidae) do Estado do Amazonas, Brasil, são descritos. Uma chave taxonômica para os gêneros Americanos de Reduviinae é fornecida.


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Este estudo propõe uma nova metodologia de exploração do pau-rosa (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke) em substituição ao método tradicional, predatório, de corte raso. Avaliando-se a biomassa da rebrota de copas (galhos e folhas) e de cepas cortadas a 1 m de altura do solo, será possível inferir sobre o manejo de plantios visando maximizar a produção de óleo essencial desta espécie. Os plantios estão localizados na Reserva Florestal Adolph Ducke, Manaus, Brasil. Treze anos após a poda das copas e do corte das árvores a 1 m do solo, o peso seco da rebrota da copa (39,5 kg) foi significativamente superior ao peso seco de galhos e folhas das árvores testemunha (23 kg) e da rebrota das cepas (13,7 kg), revelando que a poda da copa estimulou maior produtividade de galhos e folhas das árvores do plantio. Como o peso do fuste representou 85,5% da média do peso total das árvores e a produtividade de óleo é diretamente proporcional á biomassa aérea, a exploração atual é predominantemente feita através do corte raso das árvores. A alta capacidade de rebrota da copa e o maior rendimento de óleo a partir de galhos e folhas em relação à madeira, no entanto, indicam que o manejo dos plantios desta espécie poderá ser feito através da poda da copa das árvores, evitando a destruição total das árvores e uma possível extinção da espécie.


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A autoecologia das três espécies florestais em linhas de enriquecimento foi avaliada junto com o monitoramento do microclima e fertilidade do solo na floresta primária de terra-firme da Amazônia brasileira. A área situa-se no município de Novo Aripuanã Amazonas - Brasil (5º18'S, 60º04'W.). Nas três diferentes larguras de linhas (3, 5 e 7m) foram monitoradas os parâmetros de radiação com fotografias hemisféricas e sensor RFA. As linhas de 5 e 7m classificam-se como grande abertura de dossel (19,77-20,78%), a de 3m mostrou maior variação na radiação RFA. Quanto à análise química do solo observou-se, uma redução significativa de K e Ca em relação ao aumento das larguras das linhas. Também foram monitorados os crescimentos em altura e diâmetro, índice de ganho foliar e o teor de clorofila nas plântulas das três espécies estidadas: Astronium lecointei Ducke, Cordia goeldiana Huber e Scleronema micranthum Ducke. Todas espécies sofreram devido à alta radiação e ao estresse hídrico. Astronium lecointei apresentou uma maior resistência tanto durante forte seca, como também ao excesso de chuva. Scleronema micranthum apresentou diferenças de crescimento entre linhas, principalmente na estação chuvosa. Beneficiou-se positivamente com a radiação direta nas linhas largas de enriquecimento. As duas apresentaram alta amplitude de nicho entre tolerante à sombra a intermediária. Já C.goeldiana apresentou maior variação em seu crescimento (CV: Cordia goeldiana: 113> Astronium lecointei: 60,6> Scleronema micranthum: 59,7). A largura de linha de 5m na floresta primária de terra-firme foi suficiente para estabelecimento de espécies tolerante à sombra e intermediária.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Estudos da Criança (área de especialização em Educação Especial)


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O estudo foi conduzido em um plantio de pau-rosa com 36 anos, localizado na Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke, Manaus-AM, Brasil, latitude 03º00' 00 "e 03º08'00" S e longitude 59º52'40 "e 59º58'00" W. Foi determinada a biomassa da rebrota da copa das árvores de pau-rosa (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke, Lauraceae), podadas duas vezes (em 2000 e 2002) e das árvores podadas três vezes (em 1987, 2000 e 20002). Os resultados não indicaram diferenças significativas entre o DAP, altura total, número de brotos/fuste, comprimento e diâmetro dos brotos e peso verde da copa das árvores podadas duas ou três vezes. Os coeficientes de regressão e de correlação de Pearson indicaram que a biomassa da copa das árvores podadas pela terceira vez está fortemente correlacionada com a radiação PAR direta, PAR difusa, PAR total e o índice de área foliar. O elevado número de brotos/fuste revelou boa capacidade da rebrota da copa após sucessivas podas, fato que possibilita o manejo da biomassa das árvores através de podas.


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Composite films with filler microparticles of Barium ferrite dispersed within P(VDF-TrFE) as polymeric matrix have been prepared by solvent evaporation. The lowest BaFO content of 1% wt acts as a small defect within the polymeric matrix, reducing the values of the dielectric and mechanical properties of the pure P(VDF-TrFE). For filler contents up to a 20%, the BaFO filler reinforces the matrix and measured properties increase their values. This trend is not followed by the electrical conductivity. We extended the study to fibers composed by BaFe12O19 microparticles in a PVDF matrix. Due to the big size of BaFO particles (1 micron in diameter), proper fabrication of the fiber shaped composites has not been achieved. We found that true BaFO content are always lower than nominal ones. Results are discussed in terms of the influence of size and morphology of the BaFO particles on the initial properties of the polymeric matrix.


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Series: "Advances in intelligent systems and computing , ISSN 2194-5357, vol. 417"


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Se describieron tres nuevas especies de Righiodrilus Zicsi, 1995 para la Amazonía: R. andake sp. n., R. inga sp. n. y R. muinanei. Con las nuevas adiciones el género suma 26 especies. Se presenta una clave para las especies y algunos comentarios relacionados con las características y presencia en usos del terreno de Righiodrilus.


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Objectives: To evaluate neophyte contact lens wearers’ fitting to rigid gas permeable (RGP) contact lenses in terms of wearing time, tear volume, stability, corneal staining, and subjective ratings, over a 1-month period of time. Methods: Twenty-two young healthy subjects were enrolled for wearing RGP on a daily wear basis. The participants included in this study never wore contact lenses and showed a value under 10 in McMonnies Questionnaire. Contact Lens Dry Eye Questionnaire, Visual Analog Scales, Schirmer test, tear film break-up time (BUT), and corneal staining grading were performed. Follow-up visits were scheduled at 1, 7, 15, and 28 days. Results: Six subjects dropped out due to discomfort from the study before 1 month (27% of discontinuation rate). Successful RGP wearers (16 participants) achieved high levels of subjective vision and reported comfort scores of approximately 9 of 10 between 10 and 15 days. They reported wearing their lenses for an average of 10.1262.43 hr after 1 month of wear. Conversely, unsuccessful wearers discontinued wearing the lenses after the first 10 to 15 days, showing comfort scores and wearing time significantly lower compared with the first day of wear. Schirmer test showed a signifi- cant increase at 10 days (P,0.001), and the BUT trends decreased after the first week of wear in unsuccessful group. Conclusions: Symptomatology related with dryness and discomfort, detected during the first 10 days of the adaptation, may help the clinician to predict those participants who will potentially fail to adapt to RGP lens wear.


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With the present study we aimed to analyze the relationship between infants' behavior and their visual evoked-potential (VEPs) response. Specifically, we want to verify differences regarding the VEP response in sleeping and awake infants and if an association between VEP components, in both groups, with neurobehavioral outcome could be identified. To do so, thirty-two full-term and healthy infants, approximately 1-month of age, were assessed through a VEP unpatterned flashlight stimuli paradigm, offered in two different intensities, and were assessed using a neurobehavioral scale. However, only 18 infants have both assessments, and therefore, these is the total included in both analysis. Infants displayed a mature neurobehavioral outcome, expected for their age. We observed that P2 and N3 components were present in both sleeping and awake infants. Differences between intensities were found regarding the P2 amplitude, but only in awake infants. Regression analysis showed that N3 amplitude predicted an adequate social interactive and internal regulatory behavior in infants who were awake during the stimuli presentation. Taking into account that social orientation and regulatory behaviors are fundamental keys for social-like behavior in 1-month-old infants, this study provides an important approach for assessing physiological biomarkers (VEPs) and its relation with social behavior, very early in postnatal development. Moreover, we evidence the importance of the infant's state when studying differences regarding visual threshold processing and its association with behavioral outcome.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Design e Marketing