898 resultados para General education system


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação e Comunicação Multimédia.


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From the analysis of typical animal populations, the author tries to draw an outline of a general bionomic system and to describe the effects of predominant ecological factors (wave action, insolation, salinity and contents of sea water) on the characteristic species (Tectarius nodulosus, Tectarius novaezelandiae, Chthamalus stellatus, Tetraclita porcsa, Ostrea forskali, Balanus tintinna bulum and Madreporaria). He also outlined a rapid sketch of seasonal variations of the biota.


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Einstellungen stellen als Teil der professionellen Handlungskompetenz von Lehrpersonen eine wichtige handlungsleitende Determinante des Unterrichtsgeschehens dar. Hierzu wird auf Basis der Theorie des geplanten Verhaltens ein Erwartungs-mal-Wert-theoretisches Einstellungsinstrument faktoriell validiert und der Zusammenhang der inklusiven Einstellung, Normvorstellung und Lehrerselbstwirksamkeitsüberzeugung mit der selbstberichteten Individualisierungspraxis von Lehrpersonen betrachtet. Die Ergebnisse einer exploratorischen Faktorenanalyse zeigen in Studie I drei Einstellungsfaktoren, die in Studie II konfirmatorisch bestätigt wurden. Studie III zeigt, dass die selbstberichtete Individualisierungspraxis durch die Normvorstellung und die Intention, sich den Herausforderungen eines inklusiven Unterrichtes anzunehmen, vorhergesagt werden kann. Die Intention mediiert dabei den Zusammenhang der selbstberichteten Individualisierungspraxis mit der Einstellung vollständig und mit der Normvorstellung partiell. Die Lehrerselbstwirksamkeitsüberzeugung sagt demgegenüber die selbstberichtete Individualisierungspraxis weder direkt noch indirekt vorher. (DIPF/Orig.)


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O estudo desenvolveu-se no âmbito do sistema educativo angolano, com professores peritos de Química que lecionavam a 7a classe (12-13 anos de idade), com o objetivo de caraterizar o conhecimento desses professores sobre o currículo tendo em conta que o currículo de qualquer disciplina e de qualquer nível de ensino representa as aprendizagens consideradas relevantes pelos decisores devendo considerar as capacidades e aspirações do aluno, a língua, o meio e a cultura, a história e a arte, as exigências de trabalho e as interações de caráter societal. Dai que o professor, para poder planear as atividades de ensino e aprendizagem, tem, necessariamente, de conhecer o currículo no sentido de proporcionar ao educando os saberes da disciplina e explorar as articulações necessárias para a sua digna integração na complexa sociedade atual. Para o efeito, entrevistamos 16 professores selecionados como peritos. Num desenho metodológico exploratório, a técnica utilizada foi a entrevista e os dados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo e categorizados. Os resultados revelaram que os professores peritos manifestaram um considerável domínio de conhecimento do currículo de Química e valorizaram a articulação vertical e horizontal dos seus conteúdos.


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Das Wort Transparenz ist aus den aktuellen, öffentlichen Debatten um Informationsfreiheit nicht mehr wegzudenken. Doch wer den Transparenzdiskurs ausschließlich auf politischer Ebene im Kontext von Whistleblowern, Wikileaks, NSA-Affäre oder Piraten-Partei verortet, verkennt, dass Transparenz, wie Han feststellt, als ein systematischer Zwang wirkt, der alle gesellschaftlichen Bereiche – also auch das Bildungswesen – erfasst und sie tiefgreifend verändert. [...] Die Hattie-Studie markiert hier einen besonderen Höhepunkt, da sie alle bisher veröffentlichten Studien an Umfang und Aufwand deutlich übertrifft und dabei den Anspruch erhebt, Lernen und Lehren sichtbar zu machen. Doch welches Recht hat der Sehende auf das Sichtbar-zu-Machende? Wer profitiert hier? Unter welchen Bedingungen kann der oder die Durch-Schaute diese Veräußerung des Selbst verweigern, d.h. seine bzw. ihre Undurchschaubarkeit geltend machen? Welche anthropologischen und gesellschaftlichen Konsequenzen folgen aus dem Anspruch, den Menschen durchschaubar zu machen? Und dürfen bzw. können wir die Preisgabe von Geheimnissen bedenkenlos fordern? Bevor diese Fragen rund um die Hattie-Studie erörtert werden, sei zum Zwecke eines tieferen Verständnisses zunächst nach der Herkunft dieses Transparenztraums und des damit verbundenen Strebens nach Durch-Sichtigkeit von Mensch und Gesellschaft gefragt. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação e Comunicação Multimédia


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This study has four major purposes. First, it compares school guidance of homeroom teachers in Korea and Finland, in order to understand the reality of education, based on the teachers’ perceptions. Secondly, it also considers the topic within its historical, social, and cultural backgrounds, from a critical standpoint. Thirdly, it investigates the direction of the improvement of school guidance, based on the analysis of similarities and differences between Korea and Finland, with regards to the meaning, practice, and environmental factors of the school guidance. Lastly, the influential factors surrounding the school guidance are noted by analysing empirical data from a microscopic approach, and extending the understanding of it into a social context. As for the methods, it employs thematic analysis approach through 10 homeroom teacher interviews in the lower secondary schools. As a result, firstly, the teachers in both countries assumed similarly, that the role of the teacher was not only to teach the subject, but also to care about every aspects of the students’ development in their school life. In addition, they accepted the fact that school guidance became more significant. However, the school guidance became the top priority for the Korean teachers, while teaching subject is the main task for the Finnish teachers. Secondly, the homeroom teachers in both countries hoped to have a better working environment, to perform school guidance concerning education budget for the resources of school guidance, tight curriculum, and increasing the teachers’ tasks. Thirdly, the school guidance in Korea seemed to be influenced by social expectation and government demand, whereas, the Finnish teachers considered school guidance in more aspects of adjustment and academic motivation, rather than resolving the social problems. Fourthly, the Korean teachers perceived that the trust and respect from the society and home became weakened, also expressing doubts about the educational policies and the attitude of the government with regards to school guidance. On the other hand, the Finnish teachers believed that they were trusted and respected by the society. However, blurred lines in the roles and accountability between the homeroom teachers, home, and the society were also controversial among the teachers in both countries. To sum up, Finland needs to ameliorate the system and conditions for school guidance of the homeroom teachers. The consensus on the role and tasks of Finnish homeroom teachers for school guidance seem to be also necessary. Meanwhile, Korea should improve the social system and social consciousness of the teacher, school guidance, and schooling, preceding the reform of the education system or conditions.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação e Comunicação Multimédia.


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Résumé : La réussite et la persévérance des étudiants inscrits en formation générale adulte est un enjeu social et éducatif au Québec. La diversité et la fragilité de cette clientèle en est un second. Pour l’enseignant dans ce contexte, il est essentiel que des stratégies pédagogiques renforçant l’estime de soi et permettant la différenciation étayent son intervention. Cependant, celui-ci se sent parfois démuni. Des informations sur le parcours scolaire antérieur des étudiants qui lui sont confiés et sur les défis à relever pour chacun lui permettraient d’être plus proactif quant aux risques de décrochage. Un portrait-questionnaire a été élaboré pour répondre au besoin de ces enseignants qui veulent mieux connaître leurs élèves pour mieux les accompagner. Il peut devenir un point d’ancrage pour une relation éducative éclairée et collaborative. Des entrevues interrogeant des enseignants sur leurs perceptions avant l’élaboration de l’outil puis après sa mise à l’essai nous informent sur la pertinence et le gain possible de cette démarche.


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My article is a succinct overview of macro-Polish governments’ evolution over 25 years of political transformation. It is presented from the perspective of education for democracy, in a democracy and not about democracy. I explain how Poles, after they got rid of the monistic doctrine of the totalitarian state, have become subjected to a covert process of democratization of education and the school system. I analyze public education, mechanisms and structures for its management in a way that counteracts democratic change. The school is subjected to political game-makers. It becomes an institution which is painfully ineffective and without a face. This institution destroys tradition and causes intellectual regression. There are threats to educational reforms which lie not only in the sociopolitical mechanisms, but also and perhaps primarily within the education system, which has not created procedures to eliminate Pharisees of innovation from it. After 25 years of transformation, the Polish educational system is not only partially reprivatized but highly bureaucratic and fully involved in political parties.


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Rezension von: Oskar Anweiler/Hans-Jürgen Fuchs/Martina Dorner/Eberhard Petermann (Hrsg.): Bildungspolitik in Deutschland 1945-1990. Ein historisch-vergleichender Quellenband. Opladen: Leske + Budrich 1992, 574 S.


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In an attempt taken to reconstruct the current issues in the field of early childhood education, what becomes particularly important are the questions related to the way of organizing education in Poland and around the globe, i.e. in diverse cultural environments. The current problems diagnosed can contribute to redefining the goals of the school. Without a recognition of the difficulties, it is impossible to determine the direction of research or an action plan towards an actual, substantial reform of education. In an effort to rebuild schools, it is therefore necessary to create a debate about development trends of education in the twenty-first century in Poland and in the world. The comparative perspective adopted can facilitate outlining a broad and multi-dimensional context decisive for the value of the educational discourse.


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The article is devoted to the discussion of education and language policy as factors of ethnic assimilation and on the other hand as a factor of the revitalization of an indigenous culture. The study analyses the position of the Sami language and culture in the education system in Norway. It focuses on language as the main cultural factor of Sami ethnic identity. The author emphasizes the assimilation and marginalization process of the minority language policy in Norway and the possibilities of language revitalization in contemporary Sami society.