927 resultados para G-PROTEIN GENE


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This dissertation primarily describes chemical-scale studies of G protein-coupled receptors and Cys-loop ligand-gated ion channels to better understand ligand binding interactions and the mechanism of channel activation using recently published crystal structures as a guide. These studies employ the use of unnatural amino acid mutagenesis and electrophysiology to measure subtle changes in receptor function.

In chapter 2, the role of a conserved aromatic microdomain predicted in the D3 dopamine receptor is probed in the closely related D2 and D4 dopamine receptors. This domain was found to act as a structural unit near the ligand binding site that is important for receptor function. The domain consists of several functionally important noncovalent interactions including hydrogen bond, aromatic-aromatic, and sulfur-π interactions that show strong couplings by mutant cycle analysis. We also assign an alternate interpretation for the linear fluorination plot observed at W6.48, a residue previously thought to participate in a cation-π interaction with dopamine.

Chapter 3 outlines attempts to incorporate chemically synthesized and in vitro acylated unnatural amino acids into mammalian cells. While our attempts were not successful, method optimizations and data for nonsense suppression with an in vivo acylated tRNA are included. This chapter is aimed to aid future researchers attempting unnatural amino acid mutagenesis in mammalian cells.

Chapter 4 identifies a cation-π interaction between glutamate and a tyrosine residue on loop C in the GluClβ receptor. Using the recently published crystal structure of the homologous GluClα receptor, other ligand-binding and protein-protein interactions are probed to determine the similarity between this invertebrate receptor and other more distantly related vertebrate Cys-loop receptors. We find that many of the interactions previously observed are conserved in the GluCl receptors, however care must be taken when extrapolating structural data.

Chapter 5 examines inherent properties of the GluClα receptor that are responsible for the observed glutamate insensitivity of the receptor. Chimera synthesis and mutagenesis reveal the C-terminal portion of the M4 helix and the C-terminus as contributing to formation of the decoupled state, where ligand binding is incapable of triggering channel gating. Receptor mutagenesis was unable to identify single residue mismatches or impaired protein-protein interactions within this domain. We conclude that M4 helix structure and/or membrane dynamics are likely the cause of ligand insensitivity in this receptor and that the M4 helix has an role important in the activation process.


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The neurotransmitter serotonin (5-HT) has a multifaceted function in the modulation of information processing through the activation of multiple receptor families, including G-protein-coupled receptor subtypes (5-HT1, 5-HT2, 5-HT4-7) and ligand-gated ion channels (5-HT3). The largest population of serotonergic neurons is located in the midbrain, specifically in the raphe nuclei. Although the medial and dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) share common projecting areas, in the basal ganglia (BG) nuclei serotonergic innervations come mainly from the DRN. The BG are a highly organized network of subcortical nuclei composed of the striatum (caudate and putamen), subthalamic nucleus (STN), internal and external globus pallidus (or entopeduncular nucleus in rodents, GPi/EP and GPe) and substantia nigra (pars compacta, SNc, and pars reticulata, SNr). The BG are part of the cortico-BG-thalamic circuits, which play a role in many functions like motor control, emotion, and cognition and are critically involved in diseases such as Parkinson's disease (PD). This review provides an overview of serotonergic modulation of the BG at the functional level and a discussion of how this interaction may be relevant to treating PD and the motor complications induced by chronic treatment with L-DOPA.


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豆科植物是动物获取植物蛋白的主要来源之一。豆类种子储藏蛋白作为一种多基因家族的产物专一性地积累于种子的发育过程。植物遗传工程需要深入地了解基因的特异性表达及调控。种子储藏蛋白基因为这类研究提供了一个理想的研究系统。在我国生长着大量的野生豆科资源,许多优良性状被期望应用于将来的植物遗传工程研究.本文选择了一种富含种子储藏蛋白高达50%的野生大豆品种Glycine soja 79-34作为材料进行了以下的研究: 1、大豆7s储藏蛋白基因同源片段的克隆。 以原生质体作为初始材料游离大片段染色体DNA,原生质体经低渗处理而破裂,方法简便,得到的DNA分子量大且重复率高。大片段染色体DNA经EcoRI酶切后,用32P标记的大豆a'-亚基基因作为探针进行分子杂交,得同源片段的杂交带。其中分子量大约为6.3kb的同源片段被克隆到Puc9质粒中,通过x-gal/IPTG培养基及原位杂交初步筛选出5个克隆。进一步的Sourthern分子杂交确认了一个克隆包含7s储藏蛋白a'-亚基基因的同源片段。其详细的序列分析尚需进一步进行。 2、种子储藏蛋白基因在体细胞胚胎发生中的表达。 以授粉20天左右的幼胚作为外植体,在含有2mg/l 2,4,5-T的B5液体培养基中直接诱导愈伤组织,一个月内得到了均一的野生大豆悬浮培养体系。悬浮培养细胞转至含有0.5mg/l萘乙酸,O.1mg/l 2,4-D,0.5mg/l BA,0.5mg/l玉米素的B5液体培养基中,得到了处于不同发育阶段的体细胞胚。分别从体细胞胚及悬浮培养细胞中提取总RNA,以种子储藏蛋白基因为探针,RNA斑点杂交首先证明种子储藏蛋白基因在体细胞胚中转录水平上的表达,而在末分化的悬浮培养细胞中则检测不到.从处于不同发育时期(球形胚,心形胚,鱼雷形胚及带有分化子叶的胚)的体细胞中分别提取盐溶蛋白,用大豆储藏蛋白的兔抗血清做Western blotting分析,发现最早在球形胚中即能检测到种子储藏蛋白的积累,大大早于合子胚发育过程中种子储藏蛋白积累的时期.随着体细胞的发育,储藏蛋白的积累略有增加,但总体水平上不如合子胚发育中的明显。本研究从几个方面探讨了种子储藏蛋白基因在体细胞胚及合子胚发育过程中表达的相似性及差异,并对其产生差异的原因作出了推测。 3、果蝇同源转化基因在植物基因组中的检测及表达的探讨。 果蝇同源转化基因(Homeotic gene)被认为是早期胚胎发育过程中形态发生的开关基因。在动物界中已有80多个同源序列从不同进化水平的动物中分离出来,是一个非常保守而与发育密切相关的基因。本研究以果蝇同源转化基因为探针,分别在野生大豆及土豆的基因组中都检测到了该基因同源序列的存在。用野生大豆染色体DNA的多种内切酶片段做分子杂交分析发现至少有一个拷贝的基因同源性非常高。进一步关于该基因表达的研究发现,在未成熟胚及浸泡过夜的种子中都能检测到该基因的表达,但在休眠种子,萌发5天以上的种子及成熟叶片中未能检测到。该基因的表达只局限于早期发育,因而推测其功能有与动物界中的一般性。


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细胞分裂素是一类重要的植物激素,它参与调节许多植物的生命活动过程。本文从几个方面研究了细胞分裂素的作用。 在细胞分裂素的活性测定中,通过改进尾穗蔸苋红素合成法建立了一种简便、准确的生物试法,同时还建立了根据物理化学和免疫学原理而测定细胞分裂素的HPLC和ELISA方法,使得细胞分裂素的定量更加准确。经过对上述三种方法的相互验证实验表明,同时采用二种方法可以保证细胞分裂素分析的准确和可靠。 细胞分裂素可以促进黄瓜子叶的扩张。利用离体黄瓜子叶,分析BA诱发其扩张与子叶内源细胞分裂素之间的关系,实验证明,BA能促进玉米素及其核苷的迅速积累,进而诱发子叶的扩张。上述结果还表明,黄瓜子叶可能具有合成细胞分裂素的能力。 荸荠球茎是一种贮藏器官,但实验测定发现其中含有细胞分裂素的生理活性形式——异戊烯基腺嘌呤核苷(iPA),而且合成它的前体腺嘌呤的含量也十分丰富,考虑到球茎与种子的类似之处,推测它可能做为合成细胞分裂素的一个源,而且其合成途径可能有别于植物其它组织。 农杆菌中的异戊烯基转移酶(ipt)基因是负责细胞分裂素生物合成的关键基因。将ipt基因克隆后对其启动子进行了改造,分别构建了如下三种基因:(1) ipt启动子+ipt编码区和3,区(ipt),(2)磷酸核酮糖羧化酶小亚基启动子SSU 301+ipt编码区和3,区(SSU -ipt),(3)豌豆种子特异性启动子viciln+ipt编码区和3,区(vic-ipt)。上述三种基因经农杆菌介导转化烟草,获得了16株再生植株,经Southern杂交证明其中15株的基因组上含有正常整合的ipt基因。Northern杂交表明有13株转基因烟草中的ipt基因能转录出大小正常的ipt mRNA并促进了细胞分裂素的生物合成。 实验表明,转基因烟草中ipt基因的表达受到多种因素的调控。首先启动子决定了ipt基因的表达模式,SSU -ipt基因的表达受光的诱导,黑暗中这种基因的转录完全停止,而vic-ipt基因的表达是种子特异性的,它不在烟草营养生长器官如根、茎、叶和愈伤组织中表达。第二,生长素能降低ipt基因的表达活性。第三,在整体植物的根中,存在某些反式因子,能够控制ipt基因的过量表达,这其中可能涉及到细胞内的蛋白因子、基因的甲基化作用及细胞分裂素的反馈调节等。 vic-ipt基因在烟草种子中的特异性表达导致种子内形成了一个细胞分裂素合成的源(source)。对种子中营养物质积累的研究表明,ipt基因的表达促进了种子干物质的积累,其中作用最明显的是增加种子内蛋白质的合成。转入vic-ipt基因后的烟草种子其萌发率没有显著变化,但幼苗的生长速率明显加快,这表明细胞分裂素能调节植株的生长。 通过Northern杂交检测转基因烟草中基因表达的调控,实验证明,ipt基因的表达明显抑制一组植物病理相关蛋白(PR)基因的转录活性,这组基因编码:几丁质酶,β-1,3一葡萄糖苷酶,伸展蛋白和渗调蛋白。对这些调控作用的生理学意义还有待进一步探索。 上述结果表明,在高等植物中,除了传统上认为根是合成细胞分裂素的部位之外,其它组织和器官也具有合成细胞分裂素的能力,其中合成能力最强的是一些离体组织和贮藏器官。农杆菌中的细胞分裂素生物合成基因(ipt)能够在高等植物的基因组中正常的整合和表达,并受到植物体内生理、发育等多种因素的调控,而与整体植物的正常生理过程协调一致。ipt基因的表达还能够调节植物体的生长和发育,包括种子发育时营养物质的积累、幼苗的生长和某些相关基因的表达。对上述问题的深入研究,必将促进细胞分裂素及其相关生理学和发育学研究的进展。


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水稻、玉米、小麦和大麦等许多主要禾本科作物的第一限制性氨基酸是赖氨酸。本文将一个来源于四棱豆的高赖氨酸蛋白基因导入水稻,以研究通过转基因改善蛋白质的可能,获得有经济价值和社会意义的转基因作物。 构建了含有高赖氨酸蛋白基因(Lys)、gus基因及植物选择标记潮霉素磷酸转移酶基因(hpt)的植物表达载体pBRLys;在pBRLys中,该高赖氨酸蛋白基因由目前已知最强的单子叶植物启动子玉米Ubiquitin 1启动子调控。用基因枪轰击法将pBRLys导入水稻幼胚或幼胚诱导的愈伤组织。共得到36株潮霉素抗性再生植株,经分子检测有22株为转基因植株。 实验中对影响水稻转化、再生和移栽一些条件进行了研究。从潮霉素筛选浓度、愈伤组织干燥处理、光照对分化的影响、多效唑的影响和移栽环境等做了一些简化和改善。 PCR检测、PCR-Southern杂交和Southern杂交表明潮霉素基因和Lys基因已经整合到转基因水稻的基因组中,外源基因在转基因水稻基因组中以1个拷贝以上的形式存在。同时,GUS组织化学染色表明转基因水稻植株的叶、茎和根中都有gus基因的表达。 初步对5株转基因植株进行赖氨酸含量测定,结果表明:与非转化对照相比,有两棵植株赖氨酸含量提高,分别增加6.0%和12.4%。对更多抗性转化植株的分子检测、GUS分析和赖氨酸含量测定正在进行之中。


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Intergeneric hybridization between the epinepheline serranids Cephalopholis fulva and Paranthias furcifer in waters off Bermuda was investigated by using morphological and molecular characters. Putative hybrids, as well as members of each presumed parent species, were analyzed for 44 morphological characters and screened for genetic variation at 16 nuclear allozyme loci, two nuclear (n)DNA loci, and three mitochondrial (mt)DNA gene regions. Four of 16 allozyme loci, creatine kinase (CK-B*), fumarase (FH*), isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICDH-S*), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH-B*), were unique in C. fulva and P. furcifer. Restriction fragments of two nuclear DNA intron regions, an actin gene intron and the second intron in the S7 ribosomal protein gene, also exhibited consistent differences between the two presumed parent species. Restriction fragments of three mtDNA regions—ND4, ATPase 6, and 12S/16S ribosomal RNA—were analyzed to identify maternal parentage of putative hybrids. Both morphological data and nuclear genetic data were found to be consistent with the hypothesis that the putative hybrids were the result of interbreeding between C. fulva and P. furcifer. Mean values of 38 morphological characters were different between presumed parent species, and putative hybrids were intermediate to presumed parent species for 33 of these characters. A principal component analysis of the morphological and meristic data was also consistent with hybridization between C. fulva and P. furcifer. Thirteen of 15 putative hybrids were heterozygous at all diagnostic nuclear loci, consistent with F1 hybrids. Two putative hybrids were identified as post-F1 hybrids based on homozygosity at one nuclear locus each. Mitochondrial DNA analysis showed that the maternal parent of all putative hybrid individuals was C. fulva. A survey of nuclear and mitochondrial loci of 57 C. fulva and 37 P. furcifer from Bermuda revealed no evidence of introgression between the parent species mediated by hybridization.


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Chronic exposure to morphine can induce drug addiction and neural injury, but the exact mechanism is not fully understood. Here we show that morphine induces autophagy in neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells and in the rat hippocampus. Pharmacological approach shows that this effect appears to be mediated by PTX-sensitive G protein-coupled receptors signaling cascade. Morphine increases Beclin 1 expression and reduces the interaction between Beclin 1 and Bcl-2, thus releasing Beclin 1 for its pro-autophagic activity. Bcl-2 overexpression inhibits morphine-induced autophagy, whereas knockdown of Beclin 1 or knockout of ATG5 prevents morphine-induced autophagy. In addition, chronic treatment with morphine induces cell death, which is increased by autophagy inhibition through Beclin 1 RNAi. Our data are the first to reveal that Beclin 1 and ATG5 play key roles in morphine-induced autophagy, which may contribute to morphine-induced neuronal injury.


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The pathogenic process of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) infection is poorly understood. To explore the differential expression of kidney genes as a result of HPAIV infection, two cDNA libraries were constructed from uninfected and infected kidneys by suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH). Fifteen genes including IFN-stimulated genes (ISG12), lymphocyte antigen 6 complex locus E gene (LY6E), matrix Gla protein gene (MGP), lysozyme gene, haemopoiesis related membrane protein I gene, KIAA1259, MGC68696, G6pe-prov protein gene (G6PC), MGC4504, alcohol dehydrogenase gene (ADH), glutathione S-transferase gene (GST), sodium-dependent high-affinity dicarboxylate transporter gene (SDCT), Synaptotagmin XV (SytXV) and two novel genes were found significantly up-regulated or dramatically suppressed. Differential expression of these genes was further identified by Northern blot. Functional analysis indicated that the regulation of their expression might contribute to the pathogenic process of HPAIV infection. In contrast, the increased expression of three IFN-stimulated genes named ISG12, LY6E, and haemopoiesis related membrane protein 1 gene might reflect host defense responses. Further study showed that ISG12 protein failed to directly interact with NS1 protein of HPAIV which expressed simultaneously in the organs where HPAIV replication occurred, by use of BacterioMatch two-hybrid system. Therefore, our findings may provide new insights into understanding the molecular mechanism underlying the pathophysiological process of HPAIV infection in chicken. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We have evaluated the efficacy of RecA, a prokaryotic protein involved with homologous recombination, to direct site-specific mutagenesis in zebrafish embryos. For this we coinjected a vector containing a mutated enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) gene plus 236-nucleotide corrective single-stranded DNAs coated with RecA into I-cell zebrafish embryos. Twenty-hours after fertilization, about 5% to 20% of injected embryos showed EGFP expression in I or more cells when RecA-coated corrective DNAs were used, but not when RecA was omitted. Mutated EGFP genes with 1-bp insertions or deletions were inefficiently activated, whereas those with 7-bp insertions were activated about 4-fold more efficiently. RecA-coated template strand had a higher efficiency than its complementary strand in activation of EGFP expression. Prior irradiation of the embryos with UV light enhanced RecA-mediated restoration of gene activity, suggesting that the effects we observed were augmented by one or more factors of zebrafish DNA repair systems.


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α1-肾上腺素受体(α1-Adrenergic receptor,α1-AR)是G蛋白偶联受体(G-protein coupled receptor,GPCR),也是内源性儿茶酚胺、去甲肾上腺素和肾上腺素最重要的靶受体之一.α1-AR广泛分布于机体的各种器官、组织和细胞中,并介导多种生理效应,如血管收缩、蛋白质合成及心脏变力变时作用等[1,2].很多研究已经证实,α1-AR及其信号转导通路与许多心血管疾病存在密切关系[3,4].蛋白质组学可提供一种发现在疾病情况下异常表达蛋白质的方法,为疾病的早期诊断和愈后判断提供指南,并为针对性疾病治疗提供科学依据.本研究以乳鼠心肌细胞为实验模型,利用双向凝胶电泳和飞行时间质谱分析苯肾上腺素诱导乳鼠心肌细胞表达变化的蛋白质.1实验部分1.1试剂苯肾上腺素(Phenylephine,PE)购自Sigma公司;胰蛋白酶和DMEM购自Hyclone公司;IPG预制胶条(pH=5~8,胶条长17 cm),载体两性电解质(B io-Lyte5-8)购于B io-Rad公司;TPCK修饰的测序级胰酶购自Promega公司;其它试剂均为国产分析纯.1.2实验过程(1)乳鼠心肌细胞培养及样...


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A new antimicrobial protein gene of the anti-lipopolysaccharide factor family (tentatively named as ALFFc) has been cloned from hemocytes of the Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis by rapid amplification of 3' and 5' complementary DNA ends with polymerase chain reaction. The full-length complementary DNA of ALFFc consists of 600 bp with a 369-bp open reading frame, encoding 123 amino acids. The deduced peptide contains a putative signal peptide of 25 amino acids and mature peptide of 98 amino acids. The molecular mass of the deduced mature peptide is 13799.16 Da. It is highly cationic, with a theoretical pI of 10.3. The deduced amino acid sequence of ALFFc showed 56% homology with sequences of Tachypleus tridentatus and L. polyhemus. The tissue expression profile of this gene was studied by Northern blot, and ALFFc transcripts were mainly detected in hemocytes, gill, and intestine. RNA in situ hybridization showed that ALFFc was constitutively expressed in hemocytes. Capillary electrophoresis reverse transcriptase PCR was used to quantify the variation of messenger RNA transcription level during the artificial infection process with Vibrio anguillarum. Significant enhancement of ALFFc transcription appeared during the first 24 hours in response to Vibrio infection. These results provide useful information for understanding the function of ALFFc in shrimp.


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Cannabinoid receptors are members of the large family of G-protein coupled receptors. Two types of cannabinoid receptor have been discovered: CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are localised predominantly in the brain whereas CB2 receptors are more abundant in peripheral nervous system cells. CB1 receptors have been related with a number of disorders, including depression, anxiety, stress, schizophrenia, chronic pain and obesity. For this reason, several cannabinoid ligands were developed as drug candidates. Among these ligands, a prominent position is occupied by SR141716 (Rimonabant), which is a pyrazole derivative with inverse agonist activity discovered by Sanofi-Synthelabo in 1994. This compound was marketed in Europe as an anti-obesity drug, but subsequently withdrawn due to its side-effects. Since the relationship between the CB1 receptors’ functional modification, density and distribution, and the beginning of a pathological state is still not well understood, the development of radio-ligands suitable for in vivo PET (Positron Emission Tomography) functional imaging of CB1 receptors remains an important area of research in medicine and drug development. To date, a few radiotracers have been synthesised and tested in vivo, but most of them afforded unsatisfactory brain imaging results. A handful of radiolabelled CB1 PET ligands have also been submitted to clinical trials in humans. In this PhD Thesis the design, synthesis and characterization of three new classes of potential high-affinity CB1 ligands as candidate PET tracers is described.


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After becoming competent for resuming meiosis, fully developed mammalian oocytes are maintained arrested in prophase I until ovulation is triggered by the luteotropin surge. Meiotic pause has been shown to depend critically on maintenance of cAMP level in the oocyte and was recently attributed to the constitutive Gs (the heterotrimeric GTP-binding protein that activates adenylyl cyclase) signaling activity of the G protein-coupled receptor GPR3. Here we show that mice deficient for Gpr3 are unexpectedly fertile but display progressive reduction in litter size despite stable age-independent alteration of meiotic pause. Detailed analysis of the phenotype confirms premature resumption of meiosis, in vivo, in about one-third of antral follicles from Gpr3-/- females, independently of their age. In contrast, in aging mice, absence of GPR3 leads to severe reduction of fertility, which manifests by production of an increasing number of nondeveloping early embryos upon spontaneous ovulation and massive amounts of fragmented oocytes after superovulation. Severe worsening of the phenotype in older animals points to an additional role of GPR3 related to protection (or rescue) of oocytes from aging. Gpr3-defective mice may constitute a relevant model of premature ovarian failure due to early oocyte aging.


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BACKGROUND: Stimulation of beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenergic receptors (ARs) in the heart results in positive inotropy. In contrast, it has been reported that the beta(3)AR is also expressed in the human heart and that its stimulation leads to negative inotropic effects. METHODS AND RESULTS: To better understand the role of beta(3)ARs in cardiac function, we generated transgenic mice with cardiac-specific overexpression of 330 fmol/mg protein of the human beta(3)AR (TGbeta(3) mice). Hemodynamic characterization was performed by cardiac catheterization in closed-chest anesthetized mice, by pressure-volume-loop analysis, and by echocardiography in conscious mice. After propranolol blockade of endogenous beta(1)- and beta(2)ARs, isoproterenol resulted in an increase in contractility in the TGbeta(3) mice (30%), with no effect in wild-type mice. Similarly, stimulation with the selective human beta(3)AR agonist L-755,507 significantly increased contractility in the TGbeta(3) mice (160%), with no effect in wild-type mice, as determined by hemodynamic measurements and by end-systolic pressure-volume relations. The underlying mechanism of the positive inotropy incurred with L-755,507 in the TGbeta(3) mice was investigated in terms of beta(3)AR-G-protein coupling and adenylyl cyclase activation. Stimulation of cardiac membranes from TGbeta(3) mice with L-755,507 resulted in a pertussis toxin-insensitive 1.33-fold increase in [(35)S]GTPgammaS loading and a 1.6-fold increase in adenylyl cyclase activity. CONCLUSIONS: Cardiac overexpression of human beta(3)ARs results in positive inotropy only on stimulation with a beta(3)AR agonist. Overexpressed beta(3)ARs couple to G(s) and activate adenylyl cyclase on agonist stimulation.