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Researchers have noted that relationships created between instructors and clients in therapeutic wilderness experiences are unique (Russell, 2003; Russell & Phillips-Miller, 2001; Sklar, Anderson, & Autry, 2007; Taniguchi et al., 2009), but little research has been done to explore these relationships. The present study is an investigation of how instructors build and maintain relationships with participants, conceptualize these relationships, and define success in these tasks. Nine instructors from a wilderness program for at-risk youth participated in interviews. Data were analyzed using a line-by-line coding technique. Results of this study add to existing research on wilderness therapy and therapeutic wilderness experiences, provide models of successful instructing, and guide programs and instructors in the services they provide to their participants.
Detrusor underactivity (DU) increases susceptibility to urinary retention and accordingly further complicates the management of urinary incontinence. Bladder muscle stretch, a lack of estrogen, and aging are 3 notable DU risk factors. The aim of this research is to better characterize the changes in cellular composition of the bladder that result from these 3 risk factors to gain a better understanding of DU pathogenesis and pathobiology. This research focuses on the effects of a lack of estrogen while also providing an outline for determining the effects of bladder muscle stretch and aging on the cellular composition of the bladder.
Electricity markets in the United States presently employ an auction mechanism to determine the dispatch of power generation units. In this market design, generators submit bid prices to a regulation agency for review, and the regulator conducts an auction selection in such a way that satisfies electricity demand. Most regulators currently use an auction selection method that minimizes total offer costs ["bid cost minimization" (BCM)] to determine electric dispatch. However, recent literature has shown that this method may not minimize consumer payments, and it has been shown that an alternative selection method that directly minimizes total consumer payments ["payment cost minimization" (PCM)] may benefit social welfare in the long term. The objective of this project is to further investigate the long term benefit of PCM implementation and determine whether it can provide lower costs to consumers. The two auction selection methods are expressed as linear constraint programs and are implemented in an optimization software package. Methodology for game theoretic bidding simulation is developed using EMCAS, a real-time market simulator. Results of a 30-day simulation showed that PCM reduced energy costs for consumers by 12%. However, this result will be cross-checked in the future with two other methods of bid simulation as proposed in this paper.
An analysis of print Holocaust denial literature as it compares to internet Holocaust denial, with a focus on how the transition from print literature to the internet has affected Holocaust denial.
Phonological development in hearing children of deaf parents Dr. Diane Lillo-Martin 5/9/2010 The researcher wishes to determine the significance of a unique linguistic environment on the effects of phonological development. The research examines whether 3 hearing children of deaf parents, hereafter referred to as CODAs, have inconsistencies, as compared to children in a typical linguistic environment, in their syllable structure, phonological processes or phonemic inventories. More specifically, the research asks whether their speech is more consistent with children of typical environments or more similar to children with phonological delays or disorders or articulation disorders. After the examination of these three components to a child's phonological development, it can be concluded that the linguistic environment of CODA children does not negatively hinder their phonological language development.
This thesis is an examination of the memoirs of three core Holocaust writers, Elie Wiesel (Night and Day), Primo Levi (If This is A Man), and Charlotte Delbo (Auschwitz and After), exploring the ways in which each of the three authors uses his or her memoir to simultaneously document and resist the dehumanizing influence of the concentration camp experience.
This thesis presents a numerical study of reaction and diffusion phenomena in wall-coated heat-exchanger microreactors. Specifically, the interactions between an endothermic and exothermic catalyst layer separated by an impermeable wall is studied to understand the inherent behavior of the system. Two modeling approaches are presented, the first under the assumption of a constant thermal gradient and neglecting heat of reaction and the second considering both catalyst layers and reaction heat. Both studies found that thicker, more thermally insulating catalyst layers increase the effectiveness of the exothermic reaction by allowing for accumulation of reaction heat while thinner catalyst layers for the endothermic catalyst allow for direct access of the reactant to higher wall temperatures.
Lack of linearity and sensitivity, oxygen dependence, biofouling and tissue inflammation hinder the development of implantable biosensors for continuous monitoring of glucose. Herein, we report the development of stacked outer membranes based on LBL/PVA hydrogels that improve sensor sensitivity, linearity, oxygen independence and counter biofouling and inflammation. While the inner LBL membrane affords tunable diffusivity, the outer PVA is capable of releasing anti-inflammatory drugs/tissue response modifying agents to counter acute and chronic inflammation, and to induce neo-angiogenesis at the implant site. Sensors were fabricated by immobilizing GOx enzyme on top of 50 μm platinum wires, followed by deposition of stacked LBL/PVA hydrogel membranes. The response of the sensors at 0.7V to various glucose concentrations was studied. Michelis-Menten analysis was performed to quantify sensor performance in terms of linearity and oxygen dependence. The interplay between sensor performance and inward glucose diffusivity was elucidated using (i) various LBL membranes and (ii) various freeze-thaw (FT) cycles of PVA. Incorporation of LBL/PVA stacked membranes resulted in an 8 fold increase in sensor linearity and a 9 fold decrease in oxygen dependence compared to controls. The enhancement in the sensor performance is attributed to (i) the oxygen storing capability of PVA hydrogel due to the formation of hydrophobic domains during its freezing/ thawing employed for its physical crosslinking and (ii) regulation of glucose flux by the inner LBL membrane. Such membranes offer significant advantages over presently available outer membranes in lieu of (i) their ability to control inflammation, (ii) their modulus that closely matches that of subcutaneous human tissue, (iii) non-necessity of reactive chemical crosslinking agents, (iv) tunable sensitivity and (v) supplemental storage of oxygen.
Alkylphenols are pollutants that are present in marine sediments and fishes. In earlier work it has been discovered that alkylphenols are present in the Homarus americanus, or the American lobster. Research suggests that alkylphenols could behave as endocrine disruptors as they have been found to affect juvenile hormone activity. It has been hypothesized that lobsters may be able to rid themselves of alkylphenol contamination through secreting these compounds into the environment or sequestering them in their tissues. In this study, I address the question of how lobsters may rid themselves of alkylphenols by analyzing hemolymph, muscle, gill, and shell samples and by looking for the presence of alkylphenols in natural and artificially injected lobsters. A total of thirty lobsters were analyzed. In my first study I found alkylphenols only in the gill tissue samples of natural lobsters after alkylphenols were initially found in the hemolymph, and found none in the muscle and shell samples. The types of alkylphenols found in the gills were often different than the alkylphenols found in the hemolymph. The gills are known as a site for exchange for the lobster. The lobster may not only be excreting alkylphenols from its gill surfaces but these findings suggest that the lobster may also be acquiring alkylphenols in the environment from these surfaces. It is possible that the lobsters may have ingested additional contaminants after the hemolymph samples were taken and before the gill samples were taken. As for the shell and muscle samples, it is possible that by our method the levels were too low to detect since we have a threshold of detection of 1ng/mL. It is also a conclusion that alkylphenols were not sequestered in these tissues. In the second study, an expanded set of muscles samples from natural lobsters were tested as well as additional lobsters that were artificially injected with one of our alkylphenol compounds of interest, compound three. We found that lobsters injected with peak three showed significantly higher alkylphenol concentrations in all tissues, most notably the gill samples. The non-injected lobsters that died shortly after being in the laboratory, showed mostly peak three but their overall values were much less than those of the injected lobsters.
The structures of two substituted acetylene compounds have been characterized from their microwave rotational spectra. In the first study, two structures of 6-methyl-3-heptyne have been determined. This compound can be thought of as an ethyl group separated from an isobutyl group by a C≡C spacer. Both structures have the ethyl and isobutyl groups eclipsed, consistent with the dominant interaction determining the orientation about the acetylene axis being the weak dispersion attraction between the end groups. One structure is with the isobutyl group in a symmetric conformation and the other with the isobutyl group asymmetric. In addition, the microwave spectrum of the butane analogue 3,5-octadiyne has been observed. This compound consists of two ethyl groups separated by two C≡C spacers. The study is still in progress, but it appears that the ethyl end groups are freely rotating. Therefore, it seems that the dispersion attractions between the end groups are too weak at this longer distance of about 7 Å. The structures of several fluorocarbons have also been studied by microwave spectroscopy. The structures of perfluoropentane and perfluorohexane have been shown to be helical, like the polymer polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon©). The structure of perfluoropropane and two conformers of 1H-heptafluoropropane have been determined to be non-helical. It is apparent that the steric and dipole repulsions between fluorine atoms that have been attributed to the helical structure of longer fluorocarbon chains are not sufficient in a three carbon chain to cause a twist in the structures.
This manual is written to provide students taking the venture consulting class a better understanding of how to consult a small or medium sized business. It covers topics such as how to find a client, how to determine the business problem, how to collect data from customers as well as managers and employees, and how to come up with solution recommendations. By reading the manual, students will gain a better understanding of the consulting industry and will have a guide to help them through the project.
This is a magazine article that explores the rising problem of mental health in college students, focusing on Connecticut. It explores the experiences of three college students dealing with depression and bipolar disorder, a family who lost a child to suicide, and the measures taken by colleges in Connecticut to curb the problem.
This study examined the meaning making processes of self-defining memories in adolescents, as well as how they co-construct the narratives of these events with their parents. The sample consisted of 53 students, aged 12-14, who came in for recorded laboratory sessions to discuss self-defining memories with their parents. These sessions were later coded on levels of meaning making and co-construction. These codes were, then, analyzed with the adolescents’ questionnaire scores regarding friendship quality, internalizing, and externalizing behaviors. The data revealed that adolescents and parents were both rated higher for more complex levels of meaning making and that those rated higher for more complex meaning making abilities had better friendship qualities. The implications of these findings were discussed in terms of their importance for parents supporting their children’s emotional expressivity, narrative abilities, and meaning making strategies.
The Hasse-Minkowski theorem concerns the classification of quadratic forms over global fields (i.e., finite extensions of Q and rational function fields with a finite constant field). Hasse proved the theorem over the rational numbers in his Ph.D. thesis in 1921. He extended the research of his thesis to quadratic forms over all number fields in 1924. Historically, the Hasse-Minkowski theorem was the first notable application of p-adic fields that caught the attention of a wide mathematical audience. The goal of this thesis is to discuss the Hasse-Minkowski theorem over the rational numbers and over the rational function fields with a finite constant field of odd characteristic. Our treatments of quadratic forms and local fields, though, are more general than what is strictly necessary for our proofs of the Hasse-Minkowski theorem over Q and its analogue over rational function fields (of odd characteristic). Our discussion concludes with some applications of the Hasse-Minkowski theorem.
The purpose of this study is to fill a gap in the literature by investigating how an ignored population of women, women over age 50, copes with HIV/ AIDS. Older women are referred to as "invisible victims" with regard to HIV/AIDS. Previous research on coping with HIV/ AIDS focuses mostly on men. Of the research that does focus on women, older women are often overlooked. Although older women are a minority compared to other HIV-infected populations in the US, they are just as deserving of recognition and care as any other population. Data was collected through open-ended, in-depth interviews with four women individually. Recruitment of the sample is from several health institutions serving HIV/AIDS populations. The major topics discussed in the interviews include: demographics, what it is like to live with HIV or AIDS, and way of coping with HIV/ AIDS, including social support, religion, and health behaviors. The data analysis process is a qualitative one, with exploration of major themes and presentation of rich descriptions to illustrate those themes. Results from the data show that in terms of coping, all four participants found it most difficult to cope with a different aspect of living with HIV. Regardless of this finding, participants still employed similar coping strategies. As hypothesized, social support and religious/ spiritual support are important aspects in coping with HIV for all participants. The use of education as a coping mechanism was not an anticipated result. Yet, education was a constant theme, whether it was educating oneself about the disease to better understand it or educating others as to prevent them from contracting HIV. A variety of different positive coping strategies were employed by the participants in coping with their HIV, including altering negative health habits and staying optimistic. Negative coping strategies were also employed, but these seemed to be discussed less throughout the interviews. Overall, the results of this study demonstrate the resilience of these women in terms of finding ways of living with HIV instead of dying from HIV.