946 resultados para Foreign elements in a language


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Gennany has recently witnessed a vast increase in anti-foreign violence. Assembling data from a wide variety of recent research, the paper addresses two basic questions: to what extent is the outburst of xenophobic attacks a German peculiarity? and what are the explanations for the mcreasing violence? An analysis of criminal statistics of various European countries and of comparative opinion polls in the European Community shows that Germany has indeed witnessed a growth of anti-foreign sentiment, and a level of violence that is conspicuous from a com­ parative perspective. Four possible determinants of this peculiarity of recent German history are discussed: (1) the growing ethnic and cultural heterogeneity due to the vast increase in immigration from non-European countries; (2) the increasing costs of foreigners' claims on the German welfare state; (3) the economic context of immigration; and (4) the transformation of national identity in the context of German unification. It is shown that neither the rate of immigration nor the position of foreigners in the German welfare state yields satisfactory explanations for the recent upsurge in violence, which only occurred after unification. The key for an explanation lies in a particu­lar macro-constellation that is characterized by the concurrence of a massive wave of immigration with an economic crisis, and with the ethnicization of German national identity in the context of unification. Anti-foreign sentiments do not automatically follow increases in immigration, but grow in a specific political climate to which the political elites actively contribute.


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Solar nebula processes led to a depletion of volatile elements in different chondrite groups when compared to the bulk chemical composition of the solar system deduced from the Sun's photosphere. For moderately-volatile elements, this depletion primarily correlates with the element condensation temperature and is possibly caused by incomplete condensation from a hot solar nebula, evaporative loss from the precursor dust, and/or inherited from the interstellar medium. Element concentrations and interelement ratios of volatile elements do not provide a clear picture about responsible mechanisms. Here, the abundance and stable isotope composition of the moderately- to highly-volatile element Se are investigated in carbonaceous, ordinary, and enstatite chondrites to constrain the mechanism responsible for the depletion of volatile elements in planetary bodies of the inner solar system and to define a δ(82/78)Se value for the bulk solar system. The δ(82/78)Se of the studied chondrite falls are identical within their measurement uncertainties with a mean of −0.20±0.26‰ (2 s.d., n=14n=14, relative to NIST SRM 3149) despite Se abundance depletions of up to a factor of 2.5 with respect to the CI group. The absence of resolvable Se isotope fractionation rules out a kinetic Rayleigh-type incomplete condensation of Se from the hot solar nebula or partial kinetic evaporative loss on the precursor material and/or the parent bodies. The Se depletion, if acquired during partial condensation or evaporative loss, therefore must have occurred under near equilibrium conditions to prevent measurable isotope fractionation. Alternatively, the depletion and cooling of the nebula could have occurred simultaneously due to the continuous removal of gas and fine particles by the solar wind accompanied by the quantitative condensation of elements from the pre-depleted gas. In this scenario the condensation of elements does not require equilibrium conditions to avoid isotope fractionation. The results further suggest that the processes causing the high variability of Se concentrations and depletions in ordinary and enstatite chondrites did not involve any measurable isotope fractionation. Different degrees of element depletions and isotope fractionations of the moderately-volatile elements Zn, S, and Se in ordinary and enstatite chondrites indicate that their volatility is controlled by the thermal stabilities of their host phases and not by the condensation temperature under canonical nebular conditions.


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SIMS analyses have been carried out on clinopyroxenes, plagioclases and amphiboles of six gabbroic samples from Holes 921-924 of the Ocean Drilling Program Leg 153 sited in the MARK area of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at the ridge-transform intersection, to investigate the rare earth, trace and volatile element distribution in the lower ocean crust during igneous crystallization and higher grade metamorphic conditions. The metagabbros underwent granulite to subgreenschist facies conditions through three main tectono-metamorphic phases: (1) ductile regime (750 < T < 1000 °C and P = 0.3 GPa); (2) transitional regime (600 < T < 700 °C and P = 0.2 GPa); (3) brittle regime (350 < T < 600 °C and P < 0.2 GPa). Igneous clinopyroxenes show Cl-chondrite normalized patterns depleted in LREE, and nearly flat for HREE. The rare earth and trace element distributions in igneous clinopyroxenes and plagioclases indicate that these minerals act as REE reservoirs, and comprise the main contribution to the overall rock content. The abundances in igneous minerals reflect the degree of fractionation of the parent liquids. In metamorphic clinopyroxenes recrystallized in anhydrous assemblages, the REE and trace elements patterns mimic those of the primary ones. Conversely, clinopyroxerie re-equilibrated in amphibolebearing assemblages shows a significant increase in REE, Ti, Zr, Y and V, a negative Eu anomaly, and slight decreases in Sr and Ba. An overall increase of REE and some trace elements is evident in hydrous assemblages, with preferential partitioning in the amphibole. It shows high Ti (18196-22844 ppm), LREE depleted patterns and LaN/SmN = 0.10-0.33, LaN/YbN = 0.10-0.30. Amphiboles from granoblastic assemblages show homogeneous patterns with no or a positive anomaly for TiN and negative anomalies for SrN and ZrN. Volatiles in amphibole are low, with Cl/F < 1; H2O% is significantly lower than the stoichiometric ratio (1.33-1.53%). The composition of the clinopyroxene and amphibole recrystallized in low-strain domains records evidence of incomplete re-equilibration, and element diffusion and partitioning is in part controlled by the textural site. The possible origins of the fluids involved in the metamorphic recrystallization are discussed: (1) remobilization from igneous amphibole; (2) exsolution from evolved melts; (3) introduction of seawater-derived fluids modified in rock-dominated systems; (4) injection of highly evolved hydrous melts during the metamorphic process.