997 resultados para Food - Labeling


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Silica-based functionalized terbium fluorescent nanoparticles were prepared, characterized and developed as a fluorescence probe for antibody labeling and time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay. The nanoparticles were prepared in a water-in-oil (W/O) microemulsion containing a strongly fluorescent Tb3+ chelate. N,N.N-1,N-1-12,6-bis(3'-aminomethyl-1'-pyrazolyl)phenylpyridine] tetrakis(acetate)-Tb3+ (BPTA-Tb3+), Triton X-100, octanol, and cyclohexane by controlling copolymerization of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) and 3-[2-(2- aminoethylamino)-ethylamino]propyl-trimethoxysilane (AEPS) with ammonia water. The characterizations by transmission electron microscopy and fluorometric quantum methods show that the nanoparticles are spherical and uniform in size, 45 +/- 3 nm in diameter, strongly fluorescent with fluorescence yield of 10% and a long fluorescence lifetime of 2.0 ms. The amino groups directly introduced to the nanoparticle's surface by using AEPS in the preparation made the surface modification and bioconjugation of the nanoparticles easier. The nanoparticle-labeled anti-human alpha-fetoprotein antibody was prepared and used for time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay of (x-fetoprotein (AFP) in human serum samples. The assay response is linear from 0.10 ng ml(-1) to about 100 ng ml(-1) with the detection limit of 0.10 ng ml(-1). The coefficient variations (CVs) of the method are less than 9.0%. and the recoveries are in the range of 84-98% for human serum sample measurements. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel [Ru(bpy)(2) (dcbpy)NHS] labeling/aptamer-based biosensor combined with gold nanoparticle amplification for the determination of lysozyme with an electrochemiluminescence (ECL) method is presented. In this work, an aptamer, an ECL probe, gold nanoparticle amplification, and competition assay are the main protocols employed in ECL detection. With all the protocols used, an original biosensor coupled with an aptamer and [Ru(bpy)(2)(dcbpy)NHS] has been prepared. Its high selectivity and sensitivity are the main advantages over other traditional [Ru(bpy)(3)](2+) biosensors. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) characterization illustrate that this biosensor is fabricated successfully. Finally, the biosensor was applied to a displacement assay in different concentrations of lysozyme solution, and an ultrasensitive ECL signal was obtained. The ECL intensity decreased proportionally to the lysozyme concentration over the range 1.0 x 10-(13)-1.0 x 10(-8) mol L-1 with a detection limit of 1.0 x 10(-13) mol L-1.


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A microsecond time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopic analysis set was developed, A chelate-cyclic anhydride of diethylenetrimin pentaacetic acid anhydride (DTPAA) was synthesized. An anti-HBs antibody was purified, A EU3+ -DTPAA-anti-HBs label was prepared by two step procedure. We described the optimal condtion with EU3+ as marker and DTPAA as chelate bounding to antibody molecule. Labeling parameters such as solvent pH, protein and chelate molar ratio, reaction time, separation method were discussed in detail.


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Since the discovery of multiple bioactivities for agarobiose oligomers, a quantitative method has been in great need to monitor the agarobiose oligomers. This report demonstrates that agarobiose oligomers can be separated with high resolution in HPLC after introducing a-naphthylamine into compounds. Agarobiose oligomers ranged from biose to decaose were isolated by Sephadex column. HPLC analysis indicated that each oliomer could be quantified with good linearity and a low detection limit of 0.1-4 mug/ml. The chromatographic profiles of agaro-oligosaccharides with different hydrolysis modes (hydrochloride, citric acid, solid acid, and hydroxyl radical degradation) showed that agarobiose could be obtained more than 57.8% using solid acid mediated hydrolysis, while hydrochloride acid could degrade agar into a series of agaro-oligosaccharides from biose to decaose. The yield of oligosaccharides was low if hydrolyzed by citric acid. The Fenton degradation can increase the speed of hydrolysis, but the product was complex. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In amphioxus embryos, the nascent and early mesoderm (including chorda-mesoderm) was visualized by expression of a Brachyury gene (AmBra-2). A band of mesoderm is first detected encircling the earliest (vegetal plate stage) gastrula sub-equatorially. Soon thereafter, the vegetal plate invaginates. resulting in a cap-shaped gastrula with the mesoderm localized at the blastoporal lip and completely encircling the blastopore. As the gastrula stage progresses, DiI (a vital dye) labeling demonstrates that the entire mesoderm is internalized by a slight involution of the epiblast into the hypoblast all around the perimeter of the blastopore. Subsequently. during the early neurula stage, the internalized mesoderm undergoes anterior extension mid-dorsally (as notochord) and dorsolaterally (in paraxial regions when segments will later form). By the late neurula stage, AmBra-2 is no longer transcribed throughout the mesoderm as a whole; instead. expression is detectable only in the posterior mesoderm and in the notochord, but not in par axial mesoderm where definitive somites have formed.


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A species-specific SCAR marker for rainbow trout, which was used to detect adulteration and fraudulent labeling in Atlantic salmon products, has been developed based on the AFLP analysis and evaluated in this study. The SCAR marker could be amplified and visualized in 1% agarose gel in all tested rainbow trout samples and absent in all salmon samples. Using DNA admixtures, the detection of 1% (0.5 ng), 10% (5 ng) rainbow trout DNA in Atlantic salmon DNA for fresh and processed samples, respectively was readily achieved. The molecular approach was sensitive and demonstrated to be a rapid and reliable method for identifying frauds in salmon products and could be extended for applications of species identification in food industry.


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Benthic foraminiferal analysis of 29 samples in surface sediments from the southern Okinawa Trough is carried out. The results indicate that benthic foraminiferal abundance decreases rapidly with increasing water depth. Percentage frequencies of agglutinated foraminifera further confirm the modem shallow carbonate lysocline in the southern Okinawa Trough. From continental shelf edge to the bottom of Okinawa Trough, benthic foraminiferal fauna in the surface sediments can be divided into 5 assemblages: (1) Continental shelf break assemblage, dominated by Cibicides pseudoungerianus, corresponds to subsurface water mass of the Kuroshio Current; (2) upper continental slope assemblage, dominated by Cassidulina carinata, Globocassidulina subglobosa, corresponds to intermediate water mass of the Kuroshio Current; (3) intermediate continental slope assemblage, dominated by Uvigerina hispida, corresponds to the Okinawa Trough deep water mass above the carbonate lysocline; (4), lower continental slope - trough bottom assemblage, dominated by Pullenia bulloides, Epistominella exigua and Cibicidoides hyalinus, corresponds to deep water mass of the Okinawa Trough; and (5) trough bottom agglutinated assemblage, dominated by Rhabdammina spp., Bathysiphon flavidus, corresponds to I strongly dissolved environment of the trough bottom. The benthic foraminiferal fauna in the southern Okinawa Trough are controlled jointly by water masses and food supply. Water temperature, oxygen concentration and carbonate dissolution of the water masses are important controlling factors especially for the continental shelf break and trough bottom assemblages. The food supply also plays an important role in these benthic foraminiferal assemblages along the western slope. of the Okinawa Trough. Both the abundance and the 5 assemblages of benthic foraminifera correspond well to the organic matter supply along the continental slope and a lateral transport of TSM (total suspended matter) and POC (particulate organic carbon) from the shelf break to the deep water is also an important food supply for benthic fauna in this region.