923 resultados para Fishes Reproduction
[ES]Durante la campaña La Bocaina 0497 se llevaron a cabo una serie de 14 lances con una red de arrastre pelágico de tipo comercial entre 20 y 700 m. de profundidad y una porspección acústica con una ecosonda SIMRAD EK-500 en aguas neríticas y oceánicas adyacentes a Lanzarote, Fuerteventura y Gran Canaria. Además se obtuvieron imágenes SST para obtener información de las condiciones hidrológicas en el área de estudio. Los resultados mostraron que la caballa Scomber japonicus presentaba gran variabilidad espacial en biomasa entre las diferentes localidades muestreadas.
[EN] Diel Vertical Migrants (DVMs) are mainly zooplankton and micronekton which migrate upward from 400-500 m depth every night to feed on the productive epipelagic zone, coming back at dawn to the mesopelagic zone, where they defecate, excrete, and respire the ingested carbon. DVMs should contribute to the biological pump in the ocean and, accordingly, to the global CO2 balance. Although those migrants are mainly small fishes, cephalopods and crustaceans, the lanternfishes (myctophidae) usually contribute up to 80% of total DVMs biomass. Thus, myctophids may represent a pathway accounting for a substantial export of organic carbon to the deep ocean. However, the magnitude of this transport is still poorly known. In order to assess this active flux of carbon, we performed a preliminary study of mesopelagic organisms around the Canary Islands. Here we present the results of diet, daily rations and feeding chronology of Lobianchia dofleini, Hygophum hygomii and Ceratoscopelus maderensis, 3 dominant species of myctophids performing diel vertical migrations in the Subtropical Eastern North Atlantic Ocean. Samples were obtained on board the RV La Bocaina during June 2009. Myctophids were sorted and fixed in 4% buffered formalin and the stomach contents of target species were examined and weighted. Feeding chronology was approached by studying stomach fullness and state of digestion of prey items in individuals from hauls performed at different times and depths. Our results provide further information about lanternfishes feeding ecology in relation to their vertical migration patterns as well as their contribution to the biological carbon pump.
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[EN]Multicellular red algae (Rhodophyta) have some of the most complex life cycles known in living organisms. Economically valuable seaweeds, such as phycocolloid producers, have a triphasic (gametophyte, carposporophyte, and tetrasporophyte) life cycle, not to mention the intricate alternation of generations in the edible “sushi-alga” nori. It is a well-known fact that reproductive processes are controlled by one or more abiotic factor(s), including day length, light quality, temperature, and nutrients. Likewise, endogenous chemical factors such as plant growth regulators have been reported to affect reproductive events in some red seaweeds. Still, in the genomic era and given the high throughput techniques at our disposal, our knowledge about the endogenous molecular machinery lags far behind that of higher plants.
Eukaryotic ribosomal DNA constitutes a multi gene family organized in a cluster called nucleolar organizer region (NOR); this region is composed usually by hundreds to thousands of tandemly repeated units. Ribosomal genes, being repeated sequences, evolve following the typical pattern of concerted evolution. The autonomous retroelement R2 inserts in the ribosomal gene 28S, leading to defective 28S rDNA genes. R2 element, being a retrotransposon, performs its activity in the genome multiplying its copy number through a “copy and paste” mechanism called target primed reverse transcription. It consists in the retrotranscription of the element’s mRNA into DNA, then the DNA is integrated in the target site. Since the retrotranscription can be interrupted, but the integration will be carried out anyway, truncated copies of the element will also be present in the genome. The study of these truncated variants is a tool to examine the activity of the element. R2 phylogeny appears, in general, not consistent with that of its hosts, except some cases (e.g. Drosophila spp. and Reticulitermes spp.); moreover R2 is absent in some species (Fugu rubripes, human, mouse, etc.), while other species have more R2 lineages in their genome (the turtle Mauremys reevesii, the Japanese beetle Popilia japonica, etc). R2 elements here presented are isolated in 4 species of notostracan branchiopods and in two species of stick insects, whose reproductive strategies range from strict gonochorism to unisexuality. From sequencing data emerges that in Triops cancriformis (Spanish gonochoric population), in Lepidurus arcticus (two putatively unisexual populations from Iceland) and in Bacillus rossius (gonochoric population from Capalbio) the R2 elements are complete and encode functional proteins, reflecting the general features of this family of transposable elements. On the other hand, R2 from Italian and Austrian populations of T. cancriformis (respectively unisexual and hermaphroditic), Lepidurus lubbocki (two elements within the same Italian population, gonochoric but with unfunctional males) and Bacillus grandii grandii (gonochoric population from Ponte Manghisi) have sequences that encode incomplete or non-functional proteins in which it is possible to recognize only part of the characteristic domains. In Lepidurus couesii (Italian gonochoric populations) different elements were found as in L. lubbocki, and the sequencing is still in progress. Two hypothesis are given to explain the inconsistency of R2/host phylogeny: vertical inheritance of the element followed by extinction/diversification or horizontal transmission. My data support previous study that state the vertical transmission as the most likely explanation; nevertheless horizontal transfer events can’t be excluded. I also studied the element’s activity in Spanish populations of T. cancriformis, in L. lubbocki, in L. arcticus and in gonochoric and parthenogenetic populations of B. rossius. In gonochoric populations of T. cancriformis and B. rossius I found that each individual has its own private set of truncated variants. The situation is the opposite for the remaining hermaphroditic/parthenogenetic species and populations, all individuals sharing – in the so far analyzed samples - the majority of variants. This situation is very interesting, because it isn’t concordant with the Muller’s ratchet theory that hypothesizes the parthenogenetic populations being either devoided of transposable elements or TEs overloaded. My data suggest a possible epigenetic mechanism that can block the retrotransposon activity, and in this way deleterious mutations don’t accumulate.
Many factors influence the propensity of young women to seek appropriate maternal healthcare, and they need to be considered when analyzing these women’s reproductive behavior. This study aimed to contribute to the analysis concerning Kenyan young women’s determinants on maternal healthcare-seeking behavior for the 5 years preceding the 2008/9 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey. The specific objectives were to: investigate the individual and contextual variables that may explain maternal healthcare habits; measure the individual, household and community effect on maternal healthcare attitudes in young women; assess the link between young women’s characteristics and the use of facilities for maternal healthcare; find a relationship between young women’s behavior and the community where they live; examine how the role of the local presence of healthcare facilities influences reproductive behavior, and if the specificity of services offered by healthcare facilities affects their inclination to use healthcare facilities, and measure the geographic differences that influence the propensity to seek appropriate maternal healthcare. The analysis of factors associated with maternal healthcare-seeking behavior for young women in Kenya was investigated using multilevel models. We performed three major analyses, which concerned the individual and contextual determinants influencing antenatal care (discussed in Part 6), delivery care (Part 7), and postnatal care (Part 8). Our results show that there is a significant variation in antenatal, delivery and postnatal care between communities, even if the majority of variability is explained by individual characteristics. There are differences at the women’s level on the probability of receiving antenatal care and delivering in a healthcare facility instead of at home. Moreover, community factors and availability of healthcare facilities on the territory are also crucial in influencing young women’s behavior. Therefore, policies addressed to youth’s reproductive health should also consider geographic inequalities and different types of barriers in access to healthcare facilities.
Despite extensive studies focus mainly on sexual reproductive characteristics in tropical scleractinian species, there is limited knowledge on temperate regions. The Mediterranean is a biodiversity hotspot under intense pressure from anthropogenic impacts. Climatic models further predict that the Mediterranean basin will be one of the most impacted regions by the ongoing warming trend. This makes it a potential model of more global patterns to occur in the world’s marine biota, and a natural focus of interest for research on climate. The present research contributed to increase data on reproductive modes and sexuality of temperate scleractinian corals, highlighting their developmental plasticity, showing different forms of propagation and different responses to environmental change. For the first time, sexuality and reproductive mode in Caryophyllia inornata were determined. An unusual embryogenesis without a clear seasonal pattern was observed, suggesting the possibility of an asexual origin. Sexual reproduction of Astroides calycularis was governed by annual changes in seawater temperature, as observed for other Mediterranean dendrophylliids. Defining the reproductive biology of these species is the starting point for studying their potential response to variations of environmental parameters, on a global climate change context. The results on the influence of temperature on reproductive output of the zooxanthellate (symbiosis with unicellular algae) Balanophyllia europaea and the non-zooxanthellate Leptopsammia pruvoti suggest that the latter may be quite tolerant to temperature increase, since the zooxanthellate species resulted less efficient at warm temperatures. A possible explanation could be related to their different trophic system. In B. europaea thermal tolerance is primarily governed by the symbiotic algae, making it more sensitive to temperature changes. On the contrary, the absence of symbionts in L. pruvoti might make it more resistant to temperature. In a progressively warming Mediterranean, the efficiency on scleractinian reproduction could be influenced in different ways, reflecting their extraordinary adaptability.
Die geschlechtliche Fortpflanzung ist ein universelles Merkmal und erlaubt es genetische Variation innerhalb von Blütenpflanzen zu schaffen. Die Evolution der sexuellen und reproduktiven Systeme wurde hier auf mehreren zeitlichen Ebenen, in verschiedenen Arten von Lebensraum studiert und mit fast allen möglichen Methoden im Labor, im Gewächshaus sowie im Feld untersucht. Drei Hauptteile sind in dieser Arbeit enthalten und entsprechen jeweils einem unterschiedlichen Niveau der Zeit: Gattung, Untergattung und Arten. Der erste Teil zeigt, dass die PO-Verhältnisse Untersuchungen systematisch in jeder Pflanzen-Gattung oder Untergattung untersucht werden müssen. Dieses güngstige, schnelle und leistungsstarke Werkzeug kann eine Vielzahl von Informationen über die Modi der Pflanzenreproduktion produzieren, ohne die Verwendung von teuren und langen Experimenten. Darüber hinaus könnte diese Maßnahme auch ergänzende Daten über die Taxonomie dieser untersuchten Gruppen geben. Das zweite Kapitel befasst sich mehr mit der Taxonomie der Ehrenpreis(Veronica)-Arten als die beiden anderen und zeigt, dass verschiedene Ereignisse der interspezifischen Reproduktion in einem der Hotspots der Artenvielfalt in Europa (der Balkan-Halbinsel) auftreten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass morphologische und genetische Daten inkongruent sind und die Analyse der Taxonomie dieser Arten oder Unterart schwierig ist. Das letzteKapitel erzählt die Geschichte einer erfolgreichen Invasion, die während des letzten Jahrhunderts in Europa ablief trotz der Tatsache, dass die Arten obligate Fremdbefruchter sind und dass keine Samen-Produktion in der Region beobachtet wurde. Dieses Manuskript erläutert den Weg der Pflanze, um die “Baker-Regel“ zu umgehen. Diese Regel besagt, dass selbst-inkompatible Arten erfolgloser bei der Invasion neuer Lebensräume sind. Dennoch schafft es die hier untersuchte Art einen großen Teil der europäischen Rasen zu bevölkern und zeigt dabei genetische und morphologische Veränderungen auf diesem Weg.rnSchließlich wird in diesen drei verschiedenen Papieren versucht, die Verbindung zwischen der Mikro-und Makroevolution in der geschlechtlichen Fortpflanzun in Ehrenpreis (Veronica) unter Betracht verschiedener sexueller Systeme und der Stammesgeschichte, sowie der Migration zu klären.
The thesis aims to expose the advances achieved in the practices of captive breeding of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla). Aspects investigated concern both approaches livestock (breeding selection, response to hormonal stimulation, reproductive performance, incubation of eggs) and physiological aspects (endocrine plasma profiles of players), as well as engineering aspects. Studies conducted on various populations of wild eel have shown that the main determining factor in the selection of wild females destined to captive breeding must be the Silver Index which may determine the stage of pubertal development. The hormonal induction protocol adopted, with increasing doses of carp pituitary extract, it has proven useful to ovarian development, with a synchronization effect that is positively reflected on egg production. The studies on the effects of photoperiod show how the condition of total darkness can positively influence practices of reproductions in captivity. The effects of photoperiod were also investigated at the physiological level, observing the plasma levels of steroids ( E2, T) and thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) and the expression in the liver of vitellogenin (vtg1 and vtg2) and estradiol membrane receptor (ESR1). From the comparison between spontaneous deposition and insemination techniques through the stripping is inferred as the first ports to a better qualitative and quantitative yield in the production of eggs capable of being fertilized, also the presence of a percentage of oocytes completely transparent can be used to obtain eggs at a good rate of fertility. Finally, the design and implementation of a system for recirculating aquaculture suited to meet the needs of species-specific eel showed how to improve the reproductive results, it would be preferable to adopt low-flow and low density incubation.
The Adriatic sturgeon, Acipenser naccarii (Bonaparte, 1836), is a highly threatened species due to human activities, particularly overfishing and habitat destruction. Its peculiar ecology and biology (restricted areal and anadromy) makes this species particularly vulnerable. In March 2010 the IUCN has identified the Adriatic sturgeon as a critically endangered species according to the Red List of Threatened Species. Due to its rapid decline, starting from the 80s, at present there is no evidence of natural reproduction in wild environment, which makes the Adriatic sturgeon dependenton captive breeding programs that need to be improved in order to be effective for the survival of the species. For this purpose this study aims to characterize artificial restocking population of Adriatic sturgeon, with both genetic and physiological analysis in order to establish an efficient restocking program for future reproductions. The research is structured on two levels: First genetically, by analyzing 9 microsatellite loci. This gives information relatively about parent allocation and kinship between individuals that were sampled for this study. Hence to predict which reproduction events are the most optimal in terms of incrementing genetic diversity, by the estimation of multilocus pairwise band sharing coefficients. Second step, physiological analysis: testosterone (T) concentration levels in each individual were measured for sexing, without sacrificing the lives of the animals with the use of an invasive examination of the gonads. The combination of interdisciplinary analysis is important to obtain an overall picture in order to indicate the main broodstock participating in reproduction events and future optimal potential participants, in order to ensure a valid management for restocking program and their monitoring.
In this study we provide a baseline data on semidemersal fish assemblages and biology in a heterogeneous and yet less studied portion of the shelf of Antalya Gulf. The distribution of fish abundance in three transects subjected to different fisheries regulations (fishery vs non fishery areas), and including depths of 10, 25, 75, 125, 200 m, was studied between May 2014 and February 2015 in representative months of winter, spring, summer and autumn seasons. A total of 76 fish species belonging to 40 families was collected and semidemersal species distribution was analyzed in comparison with the whole community. Spatial distribution of fish was driven mainly by depth and two main assemblages were observed: shallow waters (10-25; 75 m) and deep waters (125-200 m). Significant differences among transects were found for the whole community but not for the semidemersal species. Analysis showed that this was due to a strong relation of these species with local environmental characteristics rather than to a different fishing pressure over transects. Firstly all species distribute according to the bathymetrical gradient and secondly to the bottom type structure. Semidemersal species were then found more related to zooplankton and suspended matter availability. The main morphological characteristics, sex and size distribution of the target semidemersal species Spicara smaris (Linnaeus, 1758), Saurida undosquamis (Richardson, 1848), Pagellus acarne (Risso, 1827) were also investigated.
Despite evidence for the important role of oestrogens in the aetiology and pathophysiology of chronic immune/inflammatory diseases, the previous view of an unequivocal beneficial effect of oestrogens on RA compared with a detrimental effect on SLE has to be reconsidered. Likewise, the long-held belief that RA remits in the majority of pregnant patients has been challenged, and shows that only half of the patients experience significant improvement when objective disease activity measurements are applied. Pregnancies in patients with SLE are mostly successful when well planned and monitored interdisciplinarily, whereas a small proportion of women with APS still have adverse pregnancy outcomes in spite of the standard treatment. New prospective studies indicate better outcomes for pregnancies in women with rare diseases such as SSc and vasculitis. Fertility problems are not uncommon in patients with rheumatic disease and need to be considered in both genders. Necessary therapy, shortly before or during the pregnancy, demands taking into account the health of both mother and fetus. Long-term effects of drugs on offspring exposed in utero or during lactation is a new area under study as well as late effects of maternal rheumatic disease on children.