998 resultados para Filosofia literária
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este artigo é fruto de reflexões oriundas de uma pesquisa, em andamento, a partir de observação acerca do trabalho pedagógico relacionado à literatura infantil nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental em uma escola pública, municipal, do Estado de São Paulo. Compreendemos que aprender a ler não é uma prática natural, espontânea, mas uma prática cultural criada pelo homem e, por isso, deve ser conteúdo escolar. Neste sentido, cabe ao professor ensinar a seus alunos atitudes, escolhas, ou seja, ações intelectuais que permitam ao leitor mirim colocar a compreensão como objetivo de sua leitura e que aprenda a mobilizar várias estratégias de leitura para atingir esse objetivo, uma vez que os dados revelados pela pesquisa “A Literatura na escola: espaços e contextos – a realidade brasileira e portuguesa” mostram que, apesar dos investimentos em programas de fomento à leitura, como, por exemplo, o Programa Nacional de Biblioteca na Escola – PNBE, nossas escolas, em sua grande maioria, não conseguem formar leitores qualitativamente melhores.Visto a necessidade de (re) pensarmos as práticas relacionadas à leitura e, especificamente, à leitura literária, nossa discussão se dirige a questões referentes ao modo como a leitura e o livro de literatura infantil são trabalhados, por professores e seus alunos, em sala de aula, e a influência dessas práticas no processo de atribuição de sentido das crianças ao que seja o ato de ler, bem como em relação a sua própria identidade de leitores em formação. O debate gerado pela pesquisa que deu origem a este texto evidencia o quanto as crianças sentem-se capazes e ativas em seu processo de apropriação da leitura literária decorrente do trabalho pedagógico relacionado à literatura infantil por meio da abordagem do ensino de estratégias de leitura.
This article analyses the constitutions of the Philosophy of Education’s field in Brazil, from 1990 to the present day, with the purpose of analyzing the genealogy of his “crisis” as a discipline, discussing the dilemmas of its development and to indicate their main challenges today. For such purposes, by means of a genealogical method, we analyze the conceptions of philosophy of education drawn from the theoretical perspective, as well as rebuild historically the clashes caused about certain topics and, particularly, about the human formation. We conclude that the thematic shifts produced and the proliferation of those perspectives were responsible for producing lands to the dialogue between them, however, this strategy does not alleviate some problems of Philosophy of Education in Brazil, demonstrating the presence of two philosophical traditions in the current debate and demanding position of those who work in this field of research and teaching in relation to them.
Hegel’s identification with idealism may not apprehend adequately his philosophical thinking if one takes it as a definitive and absolute determination because he is a dialectical thinker or even better speculative. In this sense the moment of materiality cannot be just put aside as a contingency but it is more the opposition through which the spirit fulfills itself. This one cannot be what it is without assuming the materiality as well as the matter cannot be effective without being overtaken in the spirit. The totality appointed by Hegel in the absolute spirit means precisely to know and to recognize one another in the other and also by the other as itself. The spirit only raises to itself insofar it assumes its opposition in matter and by being determined it determines itself but this cannot be fulfilled anywhere but in the matter. In the same way the matter cannot be effective without going beyond itself or being considered in thought, that is not as well establishing itself. If the spirit and the matter are effective insofar they are in relation with one another then the primacy of one over the other can only be understood as a result and not as a starting point. In this way the first moment must not be taken as something static but as coming to be.
The Hegelian philosophy is presented as a progress in relation to other philosophies and it offers to take in itself all the other demonstrations. Thereby, Hegel intends to carry out his philosophical effort towards the establishment of a philosophical system. It is a comprehension recognized and exposed by Hegel in his doctoral thesis, i.e., that philosophy only becomes possible as a system. In this sense, the treatment dispensed to each one of his works necessarily evokes a relationship with all other. An work taken in isolation gets the feeling that something else should be presented, however, every work written by Hegel also contemplates a relation with his other works. In this sense, the objective here is to considerate Hegel’s Philosophy of Law in his philosophical system seeking to explicit its specific place, as well as its transit among the works of the thinker as a whole. The Philosophy of Law finds its particular moment in the ambit of the objective spirit or during the subjective spirit’s effectuation. However, it is assumed here the perspective that the Philosophy of Law represents, as the objective spirit does, a moment of mediation as well as a there-being whereby the absolute spirit’s effectuation would happen. Furthermore, Hegel’s Philosophy represents the presentation of what he considers as extremely important in philosophy, that is precisely, the need to sublate the separation between man and the world. It is not enough for Hegel, the affirmation of the being and the thinking in itself, but it is required to confirm them in their being other that will be evinced being itself. Thus, Philosophy is given as a reconstruction or as the factual knowledge as a science ceasing to be so only love of learning. This means in other words that philosophy deals with the world, in the world and for the world being much more than a speech to the world to be the talk of the world itself. If philosophy is the owl of Minerva who always arrives late, she does it for the reasons of the other to be recognized.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The literary criticism was developed in Brazil in the period that comprehends the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. During that time, the mean of dissemination of the criticism were the footnotes of the newspapers, places in which literature was discussed and the critics expressed their personal impressions about literary works with the objective of orientating the good taste of the readers. With the progressive evolution of journalism and of the newspaper's audience, the criticism columns became incompatible with the informative part of the periodicals, being transferred to the literary supplements, during a transition phase, until it was concentrated in the universitary field. This change in the paradigms of the production of criticism also caused a change in the profile of the literary critics and in the criteria to do the criticism. Before, if the critics were professionals that only needed to have enough erudition to judge the literary works, they turn into literature experts and need to use scientific methodologies in the literary analysis, while the cultural journalist begins to look at the events and literary works as products which belong to a market that needs to be reported. This research proposes studying and comparing the critics published in the column Prosa de Sábado, of the literary supplement Sabático, produced by Silviano Santiago, critic of an academic origin, and Sérgio Augusto, journalist critic, with the objective of identifying similarities and contrasts between them, and analyse the relation of this critics with their distinct fields of literary legitimation, as well as reflecting about the presence of the literary criticism and of the critics in the current press
This paper concentrates on the analysis of how, through the narrative elements, as narrator, characters and story, Guimarães Rosa builds the theme of justice in tales of Sagarana. While all the collection is taken into consideration, we emphasize in the study: O burrinho pedrês, Duelo, São Marcos, Corpo Fechado, Conversa de bois and A hora e vez de Augusto Matraga . We realize that justice built in tales always has two manifestations: human justice and divine justice, which regulates all the events of the stories
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT