863 resultados para Family-centered care
Over the last 2 decades, survival rates in critically ill cancer patients have improved. Despite the increase in survival, the intensive care unit (ICU) continues to be a location where end-of-life care takes place. More than 20% of deaths in the United States occur after admission to an ICU, and as baby boomers reach the seventh and eighth decades of their lives, the volume of patients in the ICU is predicted to rise. The aim of this study was to evaluate intensive care unit utilization among patients with cancer who were at the end of life. End of life was defined using decedent and high-risk cohort study designs. The decedent study evaluated characteristics and ICU utilization during the terminal hospital stay among patients who died at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center during 2003-2007. The high-risk cohort study evaluated characteristics and ICU utilization during the index hospital stay among patients admitted to MD Anderson during 2003-2007 with a high risk of in-hospital mortality. Factors associated with higher ICU utilization in the decedent study included non-local residence, hematologic and non-metastatic solid tumor malignancies, malignancy diagnosed within 2 months, and elective admission to surgical or pediatric services. Having a palliative care consultation on admission was associated with dying in the hospital without ICU services. In the cohort of patients with high risk of in-hospital mortality, patients who went to the ICU were more likely to be younger, male, with newly diagnosed non-metastatic solid tumor or hematologic malignancy, and admitted from the emergency center to one of the surgical services. A palliative care consultation on admission was associated with a decreased likelihood of having an ICU stay. There were no differences in ethnicity, marital status, comorbidities, or insurance status between patients who did and did not utilize ICU services. Inpatient mortality probability models developed for the general population are inadequate in predicting in-hospital mortality for patients with cancer. The following characteristics that differed between the decedent study and high-risk cohort study can be considered in future research to predict risk of in-hospital mortality for patients with cancer: ethnicity, type and stage of malignancy, time since diagnosis, and having advance directives. Identifying those at risk can precipitate discussions in advance to ensure care remains appropriate and in accordance with the wishes of the patient and family.^
Over the last decade, adverse events and medical errors have become a main focus of interest for the standards of quality and safety in the U.S. healthcare system (Weinstein & Henderson, 2009). Particularly when a medical error occurs, the disclosure of medical errors and its practices have become a focal point of the healthcare process. Patients and family members who have experienced a medical error might be able to provide knowledge and insight on how to improve the disclose process. However, patient and family member are not typically involved in the disclosure process, thus their experiences go unnoticed. ^ The purpose of this research was to explore how best to include patients and family members in the disclosure process regarding a medical error. The research consisted of 28 qualitative interviews from three stakeholder groups: Hospital Administrators, Clinical Service Providers, and Patients and Family Members. They were asked for their ideas and suggestions on how best to include patients and family members in the disclosure process. Framework Analysis was used to analyze this data and find prevalent themes based on the primary research question. A secondary aim was to index categories created based on the interviews that were collected. Data was used from the Texas Disclosure and Compensation Study with Dr. Eric Thomas as the Principal Investigator. Full acknowledgement of access to this data is given to Dr. Thomas. ^ The themes from the research revealed that each stakeholder group was interested and open to including patients and family members in the disclosure process and that the disclosure process should not be a "one-way" avenue. The themes gave many suggestions regarding how to best include patients and family members in the disclosure process of a medical error. Secondary aims revealed several ways to assess the ideas and suggestion given by the stakeholders. Overall, acceptability of getting the perspective of patients and family members was the most common theme. Comparison of each stakeholder group revealed that including patients and family members would be beneficial to improving hospital disclosure practices. ^ Conclusions included a list of recommendations and measureable appropriate strategies that could provide hospital with key stakeholders insights on how to improve their disclosure process. Sharing patients and family members experience with healthcare providers can encourage a shift in culture where patients are valued and active in participating in hospital practices. To my knowledge, this research is the very first of its kind and moves the disclosure process conversation forward in a patient-family member inclusion direction that will assist in improving disclosure practices. Future research should implement and evaluate the success of the various inclusion strategies.^
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The Patient Informatics Consult Service (PICS) at the Eskind Biomedical Library at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) provides patients with consumer-friendly information by using an information prescription mechanism. Clinicians refer patients to the PICS by completing the prescription and noting the patient's condition and any relevant factors. In response, PICS librarians critically appraise and summarize consumer-friendly materials into a targeted information report. Copies of the report are given to both patient and clinician, thus facilitating doctor-patient communication and closing the clinician-librarian feedback loop. Moreover, the prescription form also circumvents many of the usual barriers for patients in locating information, namely, patients' unfamiliarity with medical terminology and lack of knowledge of authoritative sources. PICS librarians capture the time and expertise put into these reports by creating Web-based pathfinders on prescription topics. Pathfinders contain librarian-created disease overviews and links to authoritative resources and seek to minimize the consumer's exposure to unreliable information. Pathfinders also adhere to strict guidelines that act as a model for locating, appraising, and summarizing information for consumers. These mechanisms—the information prescription, research reports, and pathfinders—serve as steps toward the long-term goal of full integration of consumer health information into patient care at VUMC.
O diagnóstico de câncer infantojuvenil e as demandas do seu tratamento transforma a vida da família, particularmente das mães que acompanham seus filhos de perto e não medem esforços para oferecer-lhes o melhor. O cuidado prestado pelas mães é permeado de influências culturais que podem favorecer a introdução de terapias complementares no cuidado dos seus filhos. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os sentidos das experiências de um grupo de mães de crianças e adolescentes com câncer com a terapia complementar. Para alcançar este objetivo, realizou-se estudo com abordagem metodológica qualitativa, adotando o referencial teórico da Antropologia Médica e a narrativa como método. Após aprovação ética da pesquisa, foram convidadas a participar do estudo quinze mães de crianças e adolescentes com câncer, em acompanhamento terapêutico em serviço de saúde localizado no interior do estado de São Paulo. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de duas entrevistas semiestruturadas com cada participante, realizadas nas dependências do complexo hospitalar e nos domicílios, no período de julho de 2014 a julho de 2015. A partir das entrevistas foram construídas as narrativas individuais das participantes e utilizamos os pressupostos dos modelos explicativos para organizar os dados relativos à reconstrução das experiências das mães acerca da causa, tratamento e o prognóstico da doença. Para a análise dos dados provenientes das narrativas, utilizou-se a análise temática indutiva. Relacionaram-se os aspectos semelhantes e os particulares das narrativas sobre as experiências das mães com os tratamentos complementares e eles foram integrados em dois temas representativos, apresentados sob a forma de sínteses narrativas ou unidades de sentidos. Os resultados foram analisados e apresentados a partir das narrativas temáticas: Quando um filho tem câncer, não se imagina a força de uma mãe, em que se apresenta a persistência, energia, entusiasmo e motivação das mães para lidar com as demandas do diagnóstico oncológico e tratamento do câncer, bem como a sua influência nas decisões que garantem a qualidade do tratamento dos filhos, incluindo ou não a incorporação de práticas alternativas; e A utilização da terapia complementar motivada pela esperança, em que o sentido atribuído pelas mães à incorporação de terapias complementares no cuidado do filho é o de renovação da esperança, com o propósito de promoção do bem-estar da criança ou adolescente e cura da doença. Os sentidos dessas experiências foram explicados por meio de conceitos derivados da antropologia. A interpretação das narrativas centradas na experiência de um grupo de mães de crianças e adolescentes oncológicos com a terapia complementar, a partir do sistema cultural, permitiu-nos explicar compreensivamente como a cultura influencia o cuidado prestado pelas mães aos seus filhos, por meio dos sentidos. Os sentidos das experiências desse grupo de mães constituem-se em conhecimento que pode ser aplicado na prática clínica e em pesquisas futuras
Na construção de políticas sociais atribuiu-se um papel central à família na proteção social e no cuidado com os seus membros. Na saúde, a família assume essa centralidade na Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF), sendo compreendida como objeto da atenção em saúde. Essa centralidade se deu a partir de uma pretensão de mudança no modelo assistencial que visasse a integralidade do cuidado e um olhar para as condições de vida como fundamentais no processo saúde-doença. Tais transformações nos sentidos e práticas de saúde têm sido desafiadoras. A partir da perspectiva Construcionista Social, que orienta esse estudo, compreendemos que os sentidos são construídos nas interações entre as pessoas e que esses configuram práticas sociais. Diante deste quadro de desafios na ESF e a partir da perspectiva adotada, temos como objetivo compreender os sentidos produzidos por profissionais de equipes de saúde sobre famílias em contextos de reuniões de discussão de família/caso na ESF, buscando analisar como esses configuram a produção de práticas de cuidado e também como se dá a dinâmica de construção desses sentidos a partir das negociações entre os participantes. A constituição do corpus foi feita a partir da observação e registros em áudio de 16 reuniões de duas equipes de saúde da família, contando com 26 participantes, dentre eles profissionais e estagiários de diferentes especialidades. A análise foi feita a partir da perspectiva das práticas discursivas, com os seguintes passos: 1) transcrição do material; 2) leitura intensiva e organização do material; 3) construção de sentidos sobre a família, e análise dos repertórios interpretativos, discursos usados, e implicações para ação; e 4) narrativa ilustrativa da dinâmica dos sentidos. Os sentidos construídos na análise foram: a) Família como pessoas que moram juntas: os repertórios usados descreviam os modos de ser família a partir do ambiente em que ela vive, entendendo a família como informante e cuidadora dos seus membros; b) Família como responsável pelo cuidado: repertórios de família como aquela que dá suporte aos seus membros e é responsável por eles; e, por vezes, está sobrecarregada com esses cuidados; c) Família como problema: repertórios que configuravam a família como aquela que é responsável pelo problema de saúde dos seus membros, como aquela que funciona como um estressor para eles ou como aquela que está em situação de risco; e d) Família como rede de relações, sentido que foi usado, mais comumente, em conversas sobre casos complexos, com discussões voltadas para configurações, estruturas e dinâmicas familiares. A partir da análise do processo de discussão da equipe em torno de um \"caso\", foi possível ilustrar o dinamismo desses sentidos nas conversas e como esses são negociados a todo momento. A análise nos permite considerar que há esforços dos profissionais em voltar a atenção do cuidado para a família, porém ainda são comuns práticas centradas no indivíduo e pouco pautadas no contexto e nas condições de vida das famílias. Compreendemos que dar visibilidade a esses diferentes sentidos e seu uso permite reflexões sobre como cada forma de descrever as famílias possibilita a construção de práticas distintas, o que pode contribuir para uma maior reflexão dos profissionais de saúde sobre sua prática cotidiana (Apoio Capes e Fapesp- 2014/08618-6).
Perinatal depression significantly impacts the mother, her partner, the unborn fetus, and the infant/child after delivery. A review of the literature supports the need for preventive intervention methods as research has shown that even with successful treatment, disruptions in attachment, temperament, and cognitive development often remain. Primary care settings are ideal targets for prevention given that they can reach a number of people at low-cost without the stigma associated with seeking help in a mental health facility. This paper purposes a preventive intervention method for perinatal depression that can be implemented in primary care settings in both Western and non-Western countries. The intervention targets two of the primary risk factors for perinatal depression; partner support and relationship quality. The intervention is structured around key target periods in gestational development and during the early weeks after delivery. Suggestions for each target visit are based on prior research that has demonstrated how psychoeducation about the transition to parenthood, as well as increased communication, can positively affect partner support and relationship quality. The ultimate goal of the intervention is not only to prevent perinatal depression but also to improve the mental health and wellbeing of the entire family system.
Kabuki Syndrome (KS) is a rare genetic disorder first diagnosed in 1981 (Matsumoto & Niikawa, 2003). It's clinical presentation and treatment is unknown by most clinicians the mental health fields. Children with KS present with unique facial characteristics, mental retardation, health problems and socio-emotional delays that are often mistaken for other diagnostic problems. Literature detailing the psychological and psychosocial features of this disorder is scant, and psychotherapeutic approaches have not been described. In this article we present a brief review of Kabuki Syndrome, highlighting its signs and symptoms. Differential diagnoses are identified to aid the clinician in better understanding this unique and relatively unheard of syndrome. Finally, a client-centered play therapy and parent consultation approach is described that addresses the many child and family challenges that may accompany KS.
This study aimed to identify factors associated with the likelihood of IPV cessation among women attending Spanish primary healthcare. Of the 2465 women who reported lifetime IPV, 36.1 % stated that violence had ceased. Those women not currently abused had higher levels of education and social support, were workers or students, and had no dependent children. When IPV duration was less than 5 years, the likelihood of cessation was two times higher than when IPV continued beyond 5 years. For women who have experienced physical IPV, the probability of ending the violent relationship was 10 times higher than for those suffering from psychological IPV. The implications of the findings regarding clinical significance and future research are discussed.
Background. There are a significant number of studies assessing the negative health consequences of violence against women. However, a limited number of studies analyse the health consequences of violence committed against young women by different types of aggressors. Objectives. The goal of this study is to assess the prevalence of interpersonal violence against young women in Spain and analyse its impact on the physical and mental health of the victims. Methods. A total of 1076 women aged 18–25 years attending Spanish primary care services were selected. We estimated the prevalence of interpersonal violence and compared the health data and demographic characteristics of abused and non-abused young women, multi-logistic regression models were fitted. The Wald test was used to assess whether there were differences in the negative health consequences of intimate partner (IPV) versus non-IPV. Results. As many as 27.6% young women reported a history of abuse, of whom 42.7% had been assaulted by their partner, 41.1% by someone other than their partner and 16.2% both by their partner and another person. The distribution of social and demographic characteristics was similar for IPV and non-IPV victims. Young abused women were three times more likely to suffer psychological distress and have somatic complaints, and they were four times more likely to use medication as compared to non-abused women. Conclusion. Our results suggest that all forms of violence compromise young women’s health seriously. Including patients’ history of abuse in their health record may help make more informed clinical decisions and provide a more integrated care.
Background Many breast cancer survivors continue to have a broad range of physical and psychosocial problems after breast cancer treatment. As cancer centres move forward with earlier discharge of stable breast cancer survivors to primary care follow-up it is important that comprehensive evidence-based breast cancer survivorship care is implemented to effectively address these needs. Research suggests primary care providers are willing to provide breast cancer survivorship care but many lack the knowledge and confidence to provide evidence-based care. Purpose The overall purpose of this thesis was to determine the challenges, strengths and opportunities related to implementing comprehensive evidence-based breast cancer survivorship guidelines by primary care physicians and nurse practitioners in southeastern Ontario. Methods This mixed-methods research was conducted in three phases: (1) synthesis and appraisal of clinical practice guidelines relevant to provision of breast cancer survivorship care within the primary care practice setting; (2) a brief quantitative survey of primary care providers to determine actual practices related to provision of evidence-based breast cancer survivorship care; and (3) individual interviews with primary care providers about the challenges, strengths and opportunities related to provision of comprehensive evidence-based breast cancer survivorship care. Results and Conclusions In the first phase, a comprehensive clinical practice framework was created to guide provision of breast cancer survivorship care and consisted of a one-page checklist outlining breast cancer survivorship issues relevant to primary care, a three-page summary of key recommendations, and a one-page list of guideline sources. The second phase identified several knowledge and practice gaps, and it was determined that guideline implementation rates were higher for recommendations related to prevention and surveillance aspects of survivorship care and lowest related to screening for and management of long-term effects. The third phase identified three major challenges to providing breast cancer survivorship care: inconsistent educational preparation, provider anxieties, and primary care burden; and three major strengths or opportunities to facilitate implementation of survivorship care guidelines: tools and technology, empowering survivors, and optimizing nursing roles. A better understanding of these challenges, strengths and opportunities will inform development of targeted knowledge translation interventions to provide support and education to primary care providers.
Copyright © 2016 Frederico Rosário et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
A Estratégia Saúde da Família apresenta-se como uma possibilidade de reestruturação da atenção primária, a partir de um conjunto de ações conjugadas em sintonia com os princípios de intersetorialidade, descentralização, equidade, coresponsabilidade e priorização de grupos populacionais com maior risco de adoecerem ou morrerem. Assim, este estudo objetivou caracterizar a percepção dos usuários da Unidade Básica de Saúde da Família (UBSF) sobre o Programa Saúde da Família (PSF). Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo desenvolvido na USF Barra de Sirinhaém, do Estado de Pernanbuco. Para tanto, contou-se com a participação de 54 usuárias do sexo feminino. Estas responderam a um formulário sócio-demográfico e um roteiro de entrevista semi-diretiva. Os discursos foram submetidos a análise de conteúdo à luz da literatura pertinente. Os principais resultados mostraram que a percepção das usuárias acerca do Programa de Saúde Familiar é de que este ainda funciona com abordagem curativa, mas que possuem maior acessibilidade e construíram um vínculo mais efetivo com os profissionais de saúde. Diante do exposto infere-se que a estratégia de saúde da família ainda não se concretiza pela dificuldade das pessoas entenderem a filosofia do programa, ainda polarizarem uma visão hospitalocêntrica da saúde e revelaram um certo alheamento da compreensão do significado do PSF. Palavras-chave: Estratégia Saúde da Família; Percepção; Assistência à Saúde.
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