993 resultados para Estimador de Horvitz-Thompson
Research on limnology in southern Europe had achieved a notable presence in the international arena before the onset of the current dramatic cuts in public investment in science. We assessed the limnological research published in peer-reviewed journals by Spanish and Portuguese (i.e., Iberian) researchers during the decade prior to the economic recession (2000 to 2009). The Thompson Reuters Web of Knowledge database was used to retrieve all publications on limnology authored by researchers affiliated with Spanish or Portuguese institutions independently of the geographical setting of the study. The publishing pattern was characterised in terms of authors, journals, and citation statistics. In addition, a thematic characterisation of the research was performed by a manual assignation of several categorical descriptors combined with a blind word count analysis. Iberian researchers produced an annual mean of 278 papers on limnology. Papers were published in journals that had impact factors ranging from 0.1 to 31.4, with a mean of 2.0. Based on citations, the impact of the Iberian limnological research was not due to a few highly cited papers but rather to a wide number of publications; each paper received a mean of 8 citations. The Iberian limnological research involved up to 5460 researchers, with a mean of 4.3 authors per paper. The research largely focused on fluvial systems, with 47 % of total publications (2778) devoted to these ecosystems. There was a dominant focus on local, within-system aspects of study sites and the research was mostly restricted to the Iberian Peninsula; larger spatial scales of analysis (i.e., landscape, regional, or global) tended to be overlooked. Iberian research addressed fundamental (75 %) rather than applied (17 %) or methodological (5 %) questions and was vastly dominated by observational approaches (75 %). Interestingly, Iberian limnological research increased its scientific productivity during the analysed decade at a higher rate than its international counterpart (increase of 119 %). Overall, Iberian research on limnology appeared to be in good health during the analysed decade. Certain areas have been more studied than others, which opens opportunities to develop new research.
Nonnative brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis are abundant in Pine Creek and its main tributary, Bogard Spring Creek, California. These creeks historically provided the most spawning and rearing habitat for endemic Eagle Lake rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss aquilarum. Three-pass electrofishing removal was conducted in 2007–2009 over the entire 2.8-km length of Bogard Spring Creek to determine whether brook trout removal was a feasible restoration tool and to document the life history characteristics of brook trout in a California meadow stream. After the first 2 years of removal, brook trout density and biomass were severely reduced from 15,803 to 1,192 fish/ha and from 277 to 31 kg/ha, respectively. Average removal efficiency was 92–97%, and most of the remaining fish were removed in the third year. The lack of a decrease in age-0 brook trout abundance between 2007 and 2008 after the removal of more than 4,000 adults in 2007 suggests compensatory reproduction of mature fish that survived and higher survival of age-0 fish. However, recruitment was greatly reduced after 2 years of removal and is likely to be even more depressed after the third year of removal assuming that immigration of fish from outside the creek continues to be minimal. Brook trout condition, growth, and fecundity indicated a stunted population at the start of the study, but all three features increased significantly every year, demonstrating compensatory effects. Although highly labor intensive, the use of electrofishing to eradicate brook trout may be feasible in Bogard Spring Creek and similar small streams if removal and monitoring are continued annually and if other control measures (e.g., construction of barriers) are implemented. Our evidence shows that if brook trout control measures continue and if only Eagle Lake rainbow trout are allowed access to the creek, then a self-sustaining population ofEagle Lake rainbow trout can become reestablished
Si sou calbs i voleu deixar de ser-ho, o si la vostra parella és calba i enyoreu aquells cabells llargs i espessos que lluïa a l'època hippie, esteu de sort. Però aneu alerta, perquè si sou d'aquelles persones que els agrada dir que no té pèls a la llengua, potser ara us en sortiran. O almenys això és el que hom pot pensar després de sentir una de les darreres notícies de ciència de gran ressò mediàtic: s'ha aconseguit que a un ratolí modificat genèticament per no tenir cap pèl li'n creixin. Els artífexs han estat els membres d'un equip de recerca de l'Institut Kennedy Krieger de la Johns Hopkins University, dels EUA, encapçalat per Catherine Thompson. I esclar, molts ja s'imaginen lluint llargues i espesses cabelleres on ara només tenen lluentors [...].
Sanoittajaa ei mainita.
Atividades de conservação e melhoramento genético requerem medidas de tamanho efetivo para manutenção e controle do potencial evolutivo das populações sob manipulação. Populações naturais são, muitas vezes, estruturadas e, conseqüentemente, podem apresentar algum grau de endogamia e parentesco. O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever um simples estimador de tamanho efetivo de endogamia para populações de espécies monóicas com qualquer nível de endogamia e parentesco. O estimador foi derivado, assumindo-se que a endogamia é a mesma em todos os indivíduos da população. Ele pode ser utilizado em populações com pedigree conhecido ou o parentesco médio entre pares de indivíduos da população-alvo pode ser estimado a partir de dados de marcadores genéticos co-dominantes. Um exemplo é dado onde o estimador é aplicado em uma população de uma espécie arbórea monóica, Euterpe edulis.
Este trabalho foi realizado em eucaliptais localizados em áreas de relevo acidentado da Mata Atlântica, no Município de Belo Oriente, Vale do Rio Doce, Minas Gerais, no período de janeiro de 2002 a fevereiro de 2005, em cinco talhões de Eucalyptus spp., totalizando 160,22 ha. Os objetivos foram desenvolver planos de amostragem para formigas-cortadeiras pelo método de transectos em faixas; determinar o melhor estimador de densidade populacional de formigueiros para os métodos de transectos em faixa e em linha; e validar o melhor plano de amostragem. Em cada entrelinha de plantio de cada talhão, os ninhos de formigas-cortadeiras foram localizados, georreferenciados e medidos. Foram gerados mapas com a localização dos ninhos e das árvores nos talhões, que serviram para a simulação dos planos. Concluiu-se que qualquer uma das linhas testadas para o lançamento de primeiro transecto pode ser utilizada no monitoramento de formigas-cortadeiras na área de estudo. A distância ótima entre os transectos em faixa foi de 96 m. A estimativa da densidade de ninhos de formigas-cortadeiras pelo estimador de área proporcional, usando transectos em faixa, é mais precisa do que pelo estimador Cottam & Curtis, com a utilização de transectos em linha, pois o primeiro produz resultados iguais aos do censo. O uso operacional dos transectos em faixa, com o estimador de área proporcional, lançados a cada 96 m a partir da terceira linha de plantio é valido para estimar a área total de formigueiros na região.
Alkuperäislevy on Victor 16614.
Kansanlaulu, Suomi.
Soitinnus: lauluääni, piano.
Caracterização da estrutura fundiária do município de Bandeirantes - PR, utilizando geoprocessamento
As técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e o uso dos Sistemas de Informações Geográficas (SIG) facilitam a elaboração de mapas temáticos. Mapas com informações detalhadas são importantes instrumentos para que os municípios conheçam melhor sua realidade. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no município de Bandeirantes, Estado do Paraná, Brasil, visando a analisar sua estrutura fundiária, baseada nas classes de tamanho dos imóveis rurais. A partir de mapas de imóveis rurais e de cartas topográficas do IBGE, obteve-se o mapa fundiário digital do município. Imagens orbitais e fotografias aéreas foram utilizadas para o ajuste das linhas divisórias dos imóveis, cuja validação se deu por incursões a campo. O número e o tamanho dos imóveis de 1950 foram comparados com dados de 2006, e a distribuição e concentração dos imóveis foram analisadas utilizando o estimador de intensidade Kernel. Os imóveis com área menor que o módulo rural se concentram nas microbacias mais distantes da sede do município e correspondem a 60% do total. Dos demais, 31% são pequenas, 7% médias e 2% grandes propriedades, que ocupam, respectivamente, 16%, 27%, 25% e 32% da área do município.
Operation Musketeer, a combined joint Anglo-French operation aimed at regaining control of the Suez Canal in 1956, has received much attention from scholars. The most common approach to the crisis has been to examine the political dimension. The political events that led Prime Minister Anthony Eden’s cabinet to decide to use military force against the wishes of their superior American ally and in the face of American economic pressure and a Soviet threat to attack Paris and London with rockets have been analysed thoroughly. This is particularly the case because the ceasefire and eventual withdrawal were an indisputable defeat of British policy in the Middle East. The military operation not only ruined Prime Minister Eden’s career, but it also diminished the prestige of Britain. It was the beginning of the end, some claim. The British Empire would never be the same. As the consequences of using force are generally considered more important than the military operations themselves, very little attention has been paid to the military planning of Operation Musketeer. The difference between the number of publications on Operation Corporate of the Falklands War and Operation Musketeer is striking. Not only has there been little previous research on the military aspects of Musketeer, the conclusions drawn in the existing works have not reached a consensus. Some historians, such as Correlli Barnett, compare Musketeer to the utter failures of the Tudor landings and Gallipoli. Among significant politicians, Winston Churchill, who had retired from the prime ministership only a year before the Suez Crisis, described the operation as “the most ill-conceived and ill-executed imaginable”. Colin McInnes, a well-known author on British defence policy, represents the middle view when he describes the execution as “far from failure”. Finally, some, like Julian Thompson, the Commander of 3 Commando Brigade during the Falklands War, rate the military action itself as being successful. The interpretation of how successful the handling of the Suez Crisis was from the military point of view depends very much on the approach taken and the areas emphasised in the subject. Frequently, military operations are analysed in isolation from other events. The action of a country’s armed forces is separated from the wider context and evaluated without a solid point of comparison. Political consequences are often used as validated criteria, and complicated factors contributing to military performance are ignored. The lack of comprehensive research on the military action has left room for an analysis concentrating on the military side of the crisis.