776 resultados para Escolas do ensino médio


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The Gymnastic as a manifestation of the Body Culture Movement should be part of the contents worked in scholar Physical Education, throughout the process of Basic teaching. However, according to studies conducted by researchers from academic Gymnastics school knowledge involving the gymnastics have been tentatively taught in school by numerous factors. For this, the objective of this research was to understand and analyze the opinion of students in middle and high school about gymnastics classes developed with the involvement of graduation scholarship holder and the coordination of the project Gymnastics Goes to School from the UNESP/Campus Rio Claro “Núcleos de Ensino”, in 2012. This research used a questionnaire with topics about the Gymnastic with options: Never Practiced, Like a Lot, Like, Am Indifferent, Dislike, Hate with a space for writing and drawing, relevant to the research objectives. The research was performed with 79 students in middle and high school. With data analysis, it was observed that the students identified themselves more with the Artistic Gymnastic, followed by Rhythmic and Acrobatic Gymnastic and, at last, the General Gymnastic, both through the questionnaire and trough the drawings, which goes against the results from the article published in 2010 by Pereira et al, entitled The students detest the contents gymnastic in physical education classes: motives and alternatives, where the students understand the gymnastics activities only as support, abdominal and stretching. Therefore, to have a real understanding of gymnastics in school, there is a need for teachers to explain and develop the contents gimmicks, so the students could understand the difference among Gymnastics activities and, at the same time, discovering the pleasures of this body practice


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Faço parte do grupo de estudos sobre Jovens, Violência e Educação que desenvolve o estudo que procura compreender os modos de inserção da escola no bairro e os modos de inclusão dos jovens na comunidade e na própria escola. Os objetivos gerais do estudo são caracterizar os modos de inserção das escolas e dos jovens no bairro, o imaginário dos jovens sobre a escola, sobre seus projetos de vida e a prevenção da violência escolar. A participação neste grupo de pesquisa fez com que interesse se direcionasse à temática família, escola e comunidade. Assim sendo constituem-se objetivos específicos deste estudo: investigar a relação escola/família. Este estudo foi feito em duas escolas da periferia da cidade de Rio Claro- SP. Essas escolas atendem alunos moradores na região que pertencem aos extratos sócios econômicos mais baixos da população. O bairro é conhecido na cidade como violento, com ocorrências de assassinatos, tiroteios, brigas e presença do tráfico de drogas. Tanto é que este bairro é considerado área prioritária pela Prefeitura Municipal de Rio Claro – SP para intervenções que objetivem a prevenção da violência de jovens. Os dados coletados por meio de questionários e entrevistas foram pelo grupo com alunos do 8º ano e 9º ano do ensino fundamental e 1º ano do ensino médio. Esses dados serão analisados neste estudo


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This work had how I aim to notice what it happens in the recreation of two schools of basic teaching I, more precisely with children of the 2nd and 3rd year, analysing what they do and since they play. The interest in observing this moment is the fact of, at present, the children they have not many places to play, principally due to the violence and gradually places with structure for the same thing; the streets are already not any more places where the child can play the friends calmly, interact with other, his turn discovers the world and principally to enjoy itself. With these facts the school becomes the most appropriate place so that the child can play and interact with other children and at the same time to be protected leaving so the most carefree parents. The school becomes the great back yard in the life of the child, when several activities are happening there more and in this way developing not only the communication, the spirit of collaboration and of companionship, the co-ordination motora in general and the autonomy. Therefore the recreation makes an important time into the school life, moment in which the child can practise the universal right that is secured of playing


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This article analyzes the pedagogical coordination work in public schools of the state of São Paulo within a context of educational reforms occurred between 1996 and 2010. The paper analyzes the main resolutions published by the Secretariate of Education regarding the functions performed by coordinating teachers, and discusses data obtained from empirical research conducted with three schools in inner cities of the state of São Paulo, specifically in the final years of elementary school and high-school. The analysis has enabled us to identify the implications of educational reforms on the functions of coordinating teachers. In addition, we have identified and interpreted the ways in which subjects are (re)adjusted in school management and organization.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this paper, we aim at describing and assessing Environmental Education in Pedagogical Policy Projects (PPP) drawn by eight elementary schools belonging to the city school network of the city of Araraquara, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. A framework was designed to detail references to topics and activities related to the environment contained in the respective PPP. Next, the information obtained was recorded under two categories: a) content and activities, and b) theoretical background. It was found that, although seven out of the eight PPP studied pointed to work towards environment-related topics, they do not enable the theoretical and methodological grounds behind their programmed actions be identified.


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The objective of this study is to present an analysis of students performance in public schools of Araraquara in relation to the proficiency in mathematics, addressing the Sistema de Avaliação de Rendimento Escolar do Estado de São Paulo (SARESP), which is an important tool for support the Secretaria Estadual da Educação in definitions focused on educational policies. To perform the analysis of students performance were considered notes in math tests, achieved by students from the third grade of high school in eleven state public schools of Araraquara. To achieve the proposed objective, were used data from SARESP for the period between 2008 and 2011, made available by the State Secretariat of Education (SEE). The results showed that students in the third grade of high school of public schools in Araraquara are in the worst levels of proficiency in mathematics considered by SARESP. This result demonstrates an urgent need to seek explanations and ways to overcome this situation.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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This is a survey conducted in 2009 with 2,282 students of both sexes enrolled in the three grades of high school in three cities of the west of Sao Paulo state (Assis, Presidente Prudente and Ourinhos). The data collection instrument was a self-administered and anonymous questionnaire with 131 questions. In this article, we reflect on how in schools the research participants reproduce and reinforce the hegemonic discourses of control of sexualities guided by the attempt to promote heterosexuality as the only form of sexual intelligibility, to the detriment of other forms of expression of sexuality. We discuss how homophobia and the devices of social control of sexuality (re) produce prejudices and stereotypies, resulting in vulnerabilities that non-heterosexual teenagers have, such as homophobic victimization, social and affective isolation, ideations and suicide attempts. The study shows that the invariant were discrimination, homophobic violence and the insults that are perpetrated in the values and discourses of adolescents at school and in their family, demonstrating the institutionalization of homophobia as a regulatory practice of the psychological and social construction of gender and sexual identities. We highlight how important it is for the school to appropriate the means of deconstruction of heterocentric normativity to preserve the rights and citizenship of the people who do not identify with the prevailing models of heterosexuality.


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This paper presents an analysis of the content in acoustics present in physics textbooks recommended by PNLEM, which used the same criteria of evaluation from used by experts in the analysis of such books. In this way, we observed that such texts have evolved little in comparison with the textual presentations reviewed in 1998 and published in the journal Science and Education [1], which were analyzed ten physics textbooks for high school, among which the most commom, at the time, in Brazilian schools. Although we identified the inclusion of some aspects of the culture of sound and music, there are still several conceptual and historical distortions, besides the little importance has been given to links CTSA, among them, studies of soundscapes that, even, are mentioned.


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Apresentamos neste trabalho experiências obtidas na aplicação de um dos jogos desenvolvidos como parte do projeto de Extensão “Ensinado Matemática através de Jogos, Modelos Geométricos e Informática”, o qual tem como objetivo desenvolver entre os alunos do ensino fundamental e médio o estímulo pelo interesse em Matemática e o aprimoramento de seus conhecimentos nesta área, o que é propiciado através do contato com problemas desafiantes e da interação com outros colegas e docentes, despertando o gosto e interesse pela investigação matemática, através dos jogos, modelos geométricos e softwares. O “Ensinando Matemática através de jogos, modelos geométricos e informática” conta com a colaboração de 3 docentes do departamento de Matemática da UNESP-Bauru e envolve a cidade de Bauru com várias escolas públicas de ensino médio, participando as três séries deste nível. Um dos objetivos dos departamentos de Matemática das universidades brasileiras é estimular o interesse dos graduandos ingressantes pelo raciocínio lógico. Outro ângulo é buscar meios de incentivo para alunos e professores, na tentativa de colaborar para a melhoria do quadro brasileiro que se coloca. Com este projeto estamos estimulando o gosto pela Matemática, propiciando uma maior interação professor / aluno, e promovendo uma aproximação comunidade / universidade, fazendo com que o aluno tenha uma nova visão da Matemática através dos jogos. Assim, de forma lúdica, estamos fazendo com que este aluno pense nos conceitos aprendidos na sala de aula, questione a lógica usada para fazer o pensamento, fazendo com que este estudante crie conexões entre as várias áreas da matemática. Dentre os jogos aplicados, o “fecha a caixa” tem nos proporcionado atingir este objetivo, como apresentamos no decorrer do nosso texto.


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The communication in public institutions has mediating character to strengthen the commitment to the citizens and creating channels aimed at high-quality information and transparency. This article deals with public communication, marked by public relations actions in the context of the federal public university through the project called “UFABC in Schools”, Federal University of ABC . The project objectives are to promote the policy of quotas established by the Federal Government and strengthen the relationship with high school students from public schools located in the ABC Paulista region.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE


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O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar e discutir os resultados de parte de uma pesquisa empírica levada a cabo em 2008 com alunos de espanhol de um dos Centros de Estudos de Línguas mantido pelo governo estadual de São Paulo. Tínhamos como meta conhecer e mensurar, até onde fosse possível, o nível de motivação dos alunos em sala de aula, assim como as suas principais causas. Uma vez que tais Centros são, no momento, os responsáveis em São Paulo pela aplicação da lei que torna obrigatória a oferta de língua espanhola nas escolas de nível médio do país (no que se refere à escola pública estadual), consideramos pertinente divulgar tais resultados, de forma que as discussões suscitadas por eles possam contribuir para um ensino de línguas mais motivador e, portanto, mais eficiente. A pesquisa, de cunho quantitativo e qualitativo, contou com 161 alunos informantes. Os principais resultados apontaram que i) os estudantes em geral encontram-se motivados durante as aulas de espanhol; ii) a figura do professor, o esforço depreendido, o conteúdo, a autonomia de escolha do idioma estudado e o prazer que têm em aprender a LE foram as principais causas de motivação apresentadas; iii) a falta de conhecimento sobre aspectos culturais da língua alvo foi apontada como uma das principais causas de desmotivação; iv) as atividades descritas como mais motivadoras foram, pela ordem, jogos e brincadeiras, vídeos/filmes e músicas; v) as atividades consideradas menos motivadoras foram seminário, prova oral/chamada oral e redação.