826 resultados para Emergency housing
Early admission to hospital with minimum delay is a prerequisite for successful management of acute stroke. We sought to determine our local pre- and in-hospital factors influencing this delay. Time from onset of symptoms to admission (admission time) was prospectively documented during a 6-month period (December 2004 to May 2005) in patients consecutively admitted for an acute focal neurological deficit presented at arrival and of presumed vascular origin. Mode of transportation, patient's knowledge and correct recognition of stroke symptoms were assessed. Physicians contacted by the patients or their relatives were interviewed. The influence of referral patterns on in-hospital delays was further evaluated. Overall, 331 patients were included, 249 had an ischaemic and 37 a haemorrhagic stroke. Forty-five patients had a TIA with neurological symptoms subsiding within the first hours after admission. Median admission time was 3 hours 20 minutes. Transportation by ambulance significantly shortened admission delays in comparison with the patient's own means (HR 2.4, 95% CI 1.6-3.7). The only other factor associated with reduced delays was awareness of stroke (HR 1.9, 95% CI 1.3-2.9). Early in-hospital delays, specifically time to request CT-scan and time to call the neurologist, were shorter when the patient was referred by his family or to a lesser extent by an emergency physician than by the family physician (p < 0.04 and p < 0.01, respectively) and were shorter when he was transported by ambulance than by his own means (p < 0.01). Transportation by ambulance and referral by the patient or family significantly improved admission delays and early in-hospital management. Correct recognition of stroke symptoms further contributed to significant shortening of admission time. Educational programmes should take these findings into account.
Pregnant women are exposed to an increased risk for developing pulmonary embolism (PE), a main cause for maternal mortality. Surgical pulmonary embolectomy is one important therapeutic and potential life-saving armamentarium, considering pregnancy as a relative contraindication for thrombolysis. We present a case of a 36-year-old woman with massive bilateral PE after emergent caesarean delivery, requiring reanimation by external heart massage. The onset of massive intrauterine bleeding contraindicated thrombolysis and emergency surgical pulmonary embolectomy, followed by a hysterectomy, were preformed successfully. Acute surgical pulmonary embolectomy may be an option in critically diseased high-risk patients, requiring a multiteam approach, and should be part of the therapeutic armamentarium of the attending cardiac surgeon.
BACKGROUND: Frequent emergency department (ED) users meet several of the criteria of vulnerability, but this needs to be further examined taking into consideration all vulnerability's different dimensions. This study aimed to characterize frequent ED users and to define risk factors of frequent ED use within a universal health care coverage system, applying a conceptual framework of vulnerability. METHODS: A controlled, cross-sectional study comparing frequent ED users to a control group of non-frequent users was conducted at the Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland. Frequent users were defined as patients with five or more visits to the ED in the previous 12 months. The two groups were compared using validated scales for each one of the five dimensions of an innovative conceptual framework: socio-demographic characteristics; somatic, mental, and risk-behavior indicators; and use of health care services. Independent t-tests, Wilcoxon rank-sum tests, Pearson's Chi-squared test and Fisher's exact test were used for the comparison. To examine the -related to vulnerability- risk factors for being a frequent ED user, univariate and multivariate logistic regression models were used. RESULTS: We compared 226 frequent users and 173 controls. Frequent users had more vulnerabilities in all five dimensions of the conceptual framework. They were younger, and more often immigrants from low/middle-income countries or unemployed, had more somatic and psychiatric comorbidities, were more often tobacco users, and had more primary care physician (PCP) visits. The most significant frequent ED use risk factors were a history of more than three hospital admissions in the previous 12 months (adj OR:23.2, 95%CI = 9.1-59.2), the absence of a PCP (adj OR:8.4, 95%CI = 2.1-32.7), living less than 5 km from an ED (adj OR:4.4, 95%CI = 2.1-9.0), and household income lower than USD 2,800/month (adj OR:4.3, 95%CI = 2.0-9.2). CONCLUSIONS: Frequent ED users within a universal health coverage system form a highly vulnerable population, when taking into account all five dimensions of a conceptual framework of vulnerability. The predictive factors identified could be useful in the early detection of future frequent users, in order to address their specific needs and decrease vulnerability, a key priority for health care policy makers. Application of the conceptual framework in future research is warranted.
BACKGROUND: In Switzerland, patients may undergo "blood tests" without being informed what these are screening for. Inadequate doctor-patient communication may result in patient misunderstanding. We examined what patients in the emergency department (ED) believed they had been screened for and explored their attitudes to routine (non-targeted) human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) screening. METHODS: Between 1st October 2012 and 28th February 2013, a questionnaire-based survey was conducted among patients aged 16-70 years old presenting to the ED of Lausanne University Hospital. Patients were asked: (1) if they believed they had been screened for HIV; (2) if they agreed in principle to routine HIV screening and (3) if they agreed to be HIV tested during their current ED visit. RESULTS: Of 466 eligible patients, 411 (88%) agreed to participate. Mean age was 46 ± 16 years; 192 patients (47%) were women; 366 (89%) were Swiss or European; 113 (27%) believed they had been screened for HIV, the proportion increasing with age (p ≤0.01), 297 (72%) agreed in principle with routine HIV testing in the ED, and 138 patients (34%) agreed to be HIV tested during their current ED visit. CONCLUSION: In this ED population, 27% believed incorrectly they had been screened for HIV. Over 70% agreed in principle with routine HIV testing and 34% agreed to be tested during their current visit. These results demonstrate willingness among patients concerning routine HIV testing in the ED and highlight a need for improved doctor-patient communication about what a blood test specifically screens for.
BACKGROUND: The numbers of people attending emergency departments (EDs) at hospitals are increasing. We aimed to analyse trends in ED attendance at a Swiss university hospital between 2002 and 2012, focussing on age-related differences and hospital admission criteria. METHODS: We used hospital administrative data for all patients aged ≥16 years who attended the ED (n = 298,306) at this university hospital between 1 January 2002, and 31 December 2012. We descriptively analysed the numbers of ED visits according to the admission year and stratified by age (≥65 vs <65 years). RESULTS: People attending the ED were on average 46.6 years old (standard deviation 20 years, maximum range 16‒99 years). The annual number of ED attendances grew by n = 6,639 (27.6%) from 24,080 in 2002 to 30,719 in 2012. In the subgroup of patients aged ≥65 the relative increase was 42.3%, which is significantly higher (Pearson's χ2 = 350.046, df = 10; p = 0.000) than the relative increase of 23.4% among patients <65 years. The subgroup of patients ≥65 years attended the ED more often because of diseases (n = 56,307; 85%) than accidents (n = 9,844; 14.9%). This subgroup (patients ≥65 years) was also more often admitted to hospital (Pearson's χ2 = 23,377.190; df = 1; p = 0.000) than patients <65 years. CONCLUSIONS: ED attendance of patients ≥65 years increased in absolute and relative terms. The study findings suggest that staff of this ED may want to assess the needs of patients ≥65 years and, if necessary, adjust the services (e.g., adapted triage scales, adapted geriatric screenings, and adapted hospital admission criteria).
Objective: Frequent Emergency Department (ED) users are vulnerable individuals and discrimination is usually associated with increased vulnerability. The aim of this study was to investigate frequent ED users' perceptions of discrimination and to test whether they were associated with increased vulnerability. Methods: In total, 250 adult frequent ED users were interviewed in Lausanne University Hospital. From a previously published questionnaire, we assessed 15 dichotomous sources of perceived discrimination. Vulnerability was assessed using health status: objective health status (evaluation by a healthcare practitioner including somatic, mental health, behavioral, and social issues - dichotomous variables) and subjective health status [self-evaluation including health-related quality of life (WHOQOL) and quality of life (EUROQOL) - mean-scores]. We computed the prevalence rates of perceived discrimination and tested associations between perceived discrimination and health status (Fischer's exact tests, Mann-Whitney U-tests)
As long as the social rented sector - which comprised 6% of the housing stock - housed traditional families and the allocation procedures were rather loose, little commotion came about. A combination of changes in family structures (leading to the in stream of ethnic minorities), economic changes (leading to the in stream of poor people), and the strengthening of allocation procedures towards those most in need, did change perceptions. Marginalisation and ghettoisation became during the 1990s the buzzwords when talking and writing about social rented housing. In this article, we will explain the background of the scapegoat trends and the possible consequences for social tenants in particular and for the social rental housing in general.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
La surveillance de l’influenza s’appuie sur un large spectre de données, dont les données de surveillance syndromique provenant des salles d’urgences. De plus en plus de variables sont enregistrées dans les dossiers électroniques des urgences et mises à la disposition des équipes de surveillance. L’objectif principal de ce mémoire est d’évaluer l’utilité potentielle de l’âge, de la catégorie de triage et de l’orientation au départ de l’urgence pour améliorer la surveillance de la morbidité liée aux cas sévères d’influenza. Les données d’un sous-ensemble des hôpitaux de Montréal ont été utilisées, d’avril 2006 à janvier 2011. Les hospitalisations avec diagnostic de pneumonie ou influenza ont été utilisées comme mesure de la morbidité liée aux cas sévères d’influenza, et ont été modélisées par régression binomiale négative, en tenant compte des tendances séculaires et saisonnières. En comparaison avec les visites avec syndrome d’allure grippale (SAG) totales, les visites avec SAG stratifiées par âge, par catégorie de triage et par orientation de départ ont amélioré le modèle prédictif des hospitalisations avec pneumonie ou influenza. Avant d’intégrer ces variables dans le système de surveillance de Montréal, des étapes additionnelles sont suggérées, incluant l’optimisation de la définition du syndrome d’allure grippale à utiliser, la confirmation de la valeur de ces prédicteurs avec de nouvelles données et l’évaluation de leur utilité pratique.
Ce mémoire évalue l’efficacité de Housing First (HF) sur la stabilité résidentielle de personnes itinérantes ayant des troubles mentaux et son rapport coût-efficacité différentiel (RCED) sous une perspective sociétale. Une étude à répartition aléatoire (n=469) comparant HF avec les services usuels (SU) a été réalisée à Montréal, Canada. Des questionnaires ont été distribués à intervalles de 3- et 6- mois pendant 24 mois. Le temps passé en logement stable est passé de 6,44% à 62,21% pour les HF ayant des besoins élevés vs. 6,64% à 23,34% chez leurs homologues SU. Les pourcentages correspondants des participants ayant des besoins modérés sont de 12,13% à 79,58% pour HF vs. 6,45% à 34,01% pour SU. Le coût total des participants ayant des besoins élevés est de 73 301$/an pour HF vs. 64 715$/an pour SU (RCED=49,85$/jour); celui des participants ayant des besoins modérés est de 47 746$/an pour HF vs. 46 437$/an pour SU (RCED=3,65$/jour). Les diminutions de coûts associées à HF ont compensé une partie importante des coûts de l’intervention.
This paper explores situations where tenants in public houses, in a specific neighborhood, are given the legislated right to buy the houses they live in or can choose to remain in their houses and pay the regulated rent. This type of legislation has been passed in many European countries in the last 30-35 years (the U.K. Housing Act 1980 is a leading example). The main objective with this type of legislation is to transfer the ownership of the houses from the public authority to the tenants. To achieve this goal, selling prices of the public houses are typically heavily subsidized. The legislating body then faces a trade-off between achieving the goals of the legislation and allocating the houses efficiently. This paper investigates this specific trade-off and identifies an allocation rule that is individually rational, equilibrium selecting, and group non-manipulable in a restricted preference domain that contains “almost all” preference profiles. In this restricted domain, the identified rule is the equilibrium selecting rule that transfers the maximum number of ownerships from the public authority to the tenants. This rule is preferred to the current U.K. system by both the existing tenants and the public authority. Finally, a dynamic process for finding the outcome of the identified rule, in a finite number of steps, is provided.
Compte-rendu / Review
Au Canada, les Commissions d'Examen des Troubles Mentaux de chaque province ont la responsabilité de déterminer les conditions de prise en charge des personnes déclarées Non Criminellement Responsables pour cause de Troubles Mentaux (NCRTM) et de rendre, sur une base annuelle une des trois décisions suivantes: a) détention dans un hôpital, b) libération conditionnelle, ou c) libération absolue. Pour favoriser la réinsertion sociale, la libération conditionnelle peut être ordonnée avec la condition de vivre dans une ressource d’hébergement dans la communauté. Parmi les personnes vivant avec une maladie mentale, l’accès aux ressources d’hébergement a été associé à une plus grande stabilité résidentielle, une réduction de nombre et de la durée de séjours d'hospitalisation ainsi qu’une réduction des contacts avec le système judiciaire. Toutefois, l’accès aux ressources d’hébergement pour les personnes trouvées NCRTM est limité, en partie lié à la stigmatisation qui entoure cette population. Il existe peu d’études qui traitent du placement en ressources d’hébergement en psychiatrie légale. Pour répondre à cette question, cette thèse comporte trois volets qui seront présentés dans le cadre de deux manuscrits: 1) évaluer le rôle du placement en ressources d’hébergement sur la réhospitalisation et la récidive chez les personnes trouvées NCRTM; 2) décrire les trajectoires de disposition et de placement en ressources d’hébergement, et 3) mieux comprendre les facteurs associés à ces trajectoires. Les données de la province du Québec du Projet National de Trajectoires d’individus trouvés NCRTM ont été utilisées. Un total de 934 personnes trouvées NCRTM entre le 1er mai 2000 et le 30 avril 2005 compose cet échantillon. Dans le premier manuscrit, l’analyse de survie démontre que les individus placés dans un logement indépendant suite à une libération conditionnelle de la Commission d’Examen sont plus susceptibles de commettre une nouvelle infraction et d’être ré-hospitalisés que les personnes en ressources d’hébergement. Dans le deuxième article, l'analyse de données séquentielle a généré quatre modèles statistiquement stables de trajectoires de disposition et de placement résidentiel pour les 36 mois suivant un verdict de NCRTM: 1) libération conditionnelle dans une ressource d’hébergement (11%), 2) libération conditionnelle dans un logement autonome (32%), 3) détention (43%), et 4) libération absolue (14%). Une régression logistique multinomiale révèle que la probabilité d'un placement en ressource supervisée comparé au maintien en détention est significativement réduite pour les personnes traitées dans un hôpital spécialisé en psychiatrie légale, ainsi que pour ceux ayant commis un délit sévère. D'autre part, la probabilité d’être soumis à des dispositions moins restrictives (soit le logement indépendant et la libération absolue) est fortement associée à des facteurs cliniques tels qu’un nombre réduit d'hospitalisations psychiatriques antérieures, un diagnostic de trouble de l'humeur et une absence de diagnostic de trouble de la personnalité. Les résultats de ce projet doctoral soulignent la valeur protectrice des ressources en hébergement pour les personnes trouvées NCRTM, en plus d’apporter des arguments solides pour une gestion de risque chez les personnes trouvées NCRTM qui incorpore des éléments contextuels de prévention du risque, tel que l’accès à des ressources d’hébergement.
Housing is one of the primary human needs. It is second only to the need for food and clothing. From a macro perspective, housing is an industry that can prove itself to be a growth engine for a nation, particularly a developing nation like India. Housing has been one of the top priorities for the various governments in India since the seventies. The need for housing has been increasing at a phenomenal pace in India and so also the need for housing finance. Since the growth in supply of housing could not keep pace with the growth in its demand, housing shortage has been on the rise over the years. Housing finance industry which was relatively dormant till the early nineties underwent sweeping changes ever since the initiation of financial sector deregulation measures. Financial deregulation measures brought about several changes in this industry, the first and foremost being the fast growth rate in the industry coupled with cutthroat competition among the industry players. This trend has been quite prominent since the entry of commercial banks into this arena. Accordingly, there has been a surge in the growth of retail (personal) loans segment, particularly in respect of housing loans. This is evident from the fact that housing loans disbursed by banks as a percentage of their total loans has increased from just 2.79% as of end-March 1997 to as high as 12.52% as of end-March 2007. Thus, there has been an unprecedented growth rate in the disbursement of housing loans by banks, and as of 31 March 2007 the outstanding balance of housing loans by all banks in India stands at Rs.230689 Crore, as against just Rs.7946 Crore as of 31 March 1997, the growth rate being 35.82 %CAGR (for the eleven years’ period, FY 1997-‘2007). However, in spite of the impressive growth in housing finance over the years, there are growing apprehensions regarding its inclusiveness, i.e. accessibility to the common man, the underprivileged sections of the society to housing finance etc. Of late, it is widely recognized that formal housing finance system, particularly the commercial banks (CBs) – most dominant among the players – is fast becoming exclusive in operations, with nearly 90% of the total housing credit going to the rich and upper middle income group, primarily the salaried class. The case of housing finance companies (HFCs) is quite similar in this regard. The poor and other marginalized sections are often deprived of adequate credit facilities for housing purpose. Studies have revealed that urban housing poverty is much more acute than the rural probably because of the very fast process of urbanization coupled with constant rural to urban migration