900 resultados para Embodied emotion
L’educació emocional a través de la música per afavorir la convivencia l’aula en l’Educació Primària
L’educació emocional cada dia guanya més rellevància en l’àmbit educatiu. S’està comprovant que les emocions estan molt lligades al desenvolupament intel·lectual i social de les persones. La pràctica inclosa en aquest treball pretén afirmar la hipòtesi de que l’educació emocional a través de la música afavoreix la convivència a l’aula. Grans teòrics, al llarg de la història, han destinat part de la seva carrera a l’estudi de l’evolució del concepte d’emoció i les diferents vessants relacionades amb aquesta, com la intel·ligència emocional i/o l’educació emocional. L’ús de la musica com a recurs per treballar l’educació emocional ha permès un progrés en la convivència a l’aula, gràcies al seu efecte socialitzador.
El següent treball tracta sobre les principals relacions existents entre la memòria i les emocions. Una vegada revisats els dos conceptes de manera separada, el nostre objectiu serà vincular els dos conceptes, per tal de saber com influeixen les emocions en el processos mnèmics com són la codificació, la consolidació i el record. Per assolir aquest objectiu, també realitzarem una part empírica en la qual prendrem com a referent la teoria de la Memòria Dependent de l'Estat d'Ànim proposada per Bower (1981). En la línia d'aquesta teoria, la hipòtesi general que ens plantegem a la part empírica és que si induïm a un subjecte a un estat d'ànim determinat i li fem aprendre un llistat de paraules amb diferent valència emocional, recordarà millor les paraules que coincideixin amb l'estat afectiu del subjecte en el moment de l'aprenentatge. Per a resoldre aquesta hipòtesi prendrem com a referent el disseny experimental de Meilan, Carro, Guerrero, Carpi, Gómez & Palmero (2012). Els nostres resultats recolzen les hipòtesis basades en la teoria de congruència afectiva de Bower (1981) i, parcialment el disseny d'investigació de Meilan et. al (2012).
Objectives: The efficacy of drug-based treatments and psychological interventions on the primary negative symptoms of schizophrenia remains limited. Recent literature has distinguished negative symptoms associated with a diminished capacity to experience, from those associated with a limited capacity for expression. The positive emotions program for schizophrenia (PEPS) is a new method that specifically aims to reduce the syndrome of a diminished capacity to experience. Methods: The intervention's vital ingredients were identified through a literature review of emotion in schizophrenia and positive psychology. The program has been beta-tested on various groups of health-care professionals. Results: A detailed description of the final version of PEPS is presented here. The French version of the program is freely downloadable. Conclusion: PEPS is a specific, short, easy to use, group-based intervention to improve pleasure, and motivation in schizophrenia. It was built considering a recovery-oriented approach to schizophrenia.
«Comiat de Vic» forma part del recull de cançons populars que Jacint Verdaguer va enviar al seu amic i erudit mallorquí Marià Aguiló. La lletra de la cançó traça un itinerari a través de la ciutat que va fent menció dels edificis religiosos que es troben durant el trajecte. L’emoció acumulada i el dolor de la partença indiquen que probablement es tracta del comiat definitiu d’un condemnat a mort.
We develop a growth model where knowledge is embodied in individuals and diffused across sectors through labor mobility. The existence of labor mobility costs constrains mobility and, thus, generates labor misallocation. Different levels of labor misallocation imply different levels of exploitation of available knowledge and, therefore, different total factor productivity across countries. We derive a positive relationship between growth and labor mobility, which is consistent with the empirical evidence, by assuming aggregate constant returns to capital. We also analyze the short and long run effects of labor mobility costs in the case of decreasing returns to capital. It turns out that changes in mobility costs have larger economic effects when different types of worker have small rather than large complementarities. Finally, we show that different labor income taxes or labor market tightness imply different rates of labor mobility and, therefore, can explain differences in Gross Domestic Product across countries.
As part of the Affective Computing research field, the development of automatic affective recognition systems can enhance human-computer interactions by allowing the creation of interfaces that react to the user's emotional state. To that end, this Master Thesis brings affect recognition to nowadays most used human computer interface, mobile devices, by developing a facial expression recognition system able to perform detection under the difficult conditions of viewing angle and illumination that entails the interaction with a mobile device. Moreover, this Master Thesis proposes to combine emotional features detected from expression with contextual information of the current situation, to infer a complex and extensive emotional state of the user. Thus, a cognitive computational model of emotion is defined that provides a multicomponential affective state of the user through the integration of the detected emotional features into appraisal processes. In order to account for individual differences in the emotional experience, these processes can be adapted to the culture and personality of the user.
El turismo es a menudo el aspecto promocional más visible en el proceso de creación y proyección de una determinada imagen territorial. Esto es debido a que la actividad turística acumula un amplio bagaje en aspectos vinculados a la comercialización de espacios geográficos, y esta circunstancia incide, por ejemplo, en la presencia de numerosa literatura relacionada con la promoción, el marketing y el branding de espacios turísticos. A nivel metodológico, se ha optado por un análisis de fuentes documentales, que ha servido para fijar los cimientos de la evolución de la comunicación de los espacios turísticos mediante el uso de marcas. Se concluye que el registro de la comunicación turística ha experimentado una clara mutación en base a una doble dualidad: de la información a la persuasión y de la promoción a la emoción. Asi mismo, el trabajo en cuestión muestra de qué forma la estrategia comunicativa transcurre nuevamente entorno a las necesidades emociona les del potencial turista y/o visitante en detrimento de las necesidades de información subyacentes al propio destino turístico.
The fusion of knowledge, the interrelationship of disciplines and, finally, the interaction of learning fields, provides new challenges for an auto denominated global society. The contemporary value of landscape, linked to the patent commodification of culture, the commercial construction of identities, the triumph of inauthenticity, of the induced representation or the economy of symbolism, open up great prospects for studying the symbolic value of landscape. The rapprochement of geographical praxis to the study of space intangibles, linked to the discovery of emotional geographies, besides the growing interest of communicational sciences on the territorial discourse, allow us to envisage a communicative study of landscape based on a fusion of geographical and communicational knowledge. The balancing of the variables: geography, landscape, emotion and communication, enables the progress towards analysing the emotionalisation of space to discern its intangible value, which emerges from the application of different communication techniques.
This preliminary study aims to investigate children’s ability to understand that the emotional expressions that occur in pretend play do not necessarily coincide with the emotions people feel inside. Previous research has found that children aged 4 and 6 have difficulty to distinguish between the external and the internal emotion of a character who pretends an emotion. In the present work, thirteen 4-year-olds and eight 6-year-olds were administered stories in which a character simulated an emotion. Differently from previous research, the questions addressed to the children did not focus on the distinction external/internal emotion but on the distinction between real/pretend emotion. Furthermore, since previous research has suggested that children may understand better selfpretence than pretence of others, the participants in our study were engaged in a pretence situation where they had to pretend to be happy. The results obtained showed that, contrary to previous research, most 4- and 6-year-olds realize that pretend emotions may not be real, and this was true both for self-pretence and for the pretence of others
Music is one of the most pleasant human experiences, even though it has no direct biological advantage. However little is known about individual differences in how people experience reward in music-related activities. The goal of the present study was to describe the main facets of music experience that could explain the variance observed in how people experience reward associated with music. To this end we developed the Barcelona Music Reward Questionnaire (BMRQ), which was administrated to three large samples. Our results showed that the musical reward experience can be decomposed into five reliable factors: Musical Seeking, Emotion Evocation, Mood Regulation, Social Reward, and Sensory-Motor. These factors were correlated with socio-demographic factors and measures of general sensitivity to reward and hedonic experience. We propose that the five-factor structure of musical reward experience might be very relevant in the study of psychological and neural bases of emotion and pleasure associated to music.
Yritys edistää menestymistään oikeanlaisen johtamisen sekä työn imua omaavan henkilöstön kautta. Johtajuus käsittää asioiden- ja henkilöiden johtamisen sekä valmentamisen. Tutkimus etenee johtamisen teemasta valmentamisen ja motivaation kautta työn imun kokemuksiin. Henkilöjohtaminen tarkoittaa lähes kokonaan esimiehen käyttäytymistä, mikä on koko ajan tarkkailun alla, halusi hän sitä tai ei. Leader -johtaja tekee organisaatiossa muutosta. Valmentaminen on erinomainen tapa päästä lähelle työntekijöitä ja aikaansaada oikeansuuntaista ja haluttua kehitystä. Valmentamisen yksi tärkeimmistä työkaluista on avoimet kysymykset, joiden avulla esimies pystyy auttamaan valmennettavaa löytämään omat vahvuutensa, kehittämiskohteensa sekä motivaationlähteensä. Työn imu on yksi työhyvinvoinnin käsitteistä. Työn imulla tarkoitetaan myönteistä tunne- ja motivaatiotäyttymyksen tilaa, jota luonnehtivat tarmokkuus (vigor), omistautuminen (dedication) ja uppoutuminen (absorption). Se on pitkäkestoinen ja kaikkialle levittyvä tila, joka ei kohdistu mihinkään yhteen tiettyyn asiaan, tapahtumaan, yksilöön tai käyttäytymiseen.
Researching research is not a common theme in educational drama. Nor is the educational drama process from a participant perspective a typical focus of research, at least not if the participants are disabled. Yet this is the theme of this thesis, a drama in three acts. The aim of this thesis is to describe, analyse, and discuss both the ways in which research within educational drama can be carried out and represented, and the experiences of the participants of the educational drama process. The theoretical framework that steers the research process is built up of two pairs of frames, each of them, like Russian nesting dolls, containing further frames. The first frame, relating to the outcomes of conducting research in educational drama, comprises philosophical, representational, and personal theories. As the second question asks what educational drama is, the subject related frame is built up of pedagogical, drama educational, and aesthetic theories. The study in its entirety follows the structure of the researcher’s hermeneutical learning process and takes the form of a journey starting from what is familiar, stretching towards what is new and different, and finally returning back to the beginning with a new view on what was there at the start. The thesis consists of two separate but related studies. The first, a familiar study conducted earlier, Alpha in Act I, was carried out among upper secondary school pupils. In the second, the new and therefore unfamiliar study, Omega in Act III, the participants are adult individuals who are physically and communicatively disabled. In between these two Acts an element of “Verfremdung” where the Alpha study is systematically scrutinized as the purpose is to teach and to manage the reader to think. Meta-discussions on the philosophical issues of the study are conducted throughout the text, parallel to the empirical parts. The outcomes of the first research question show that philosophical, methodical, and representational consistency is crucial for research. While this may sound like stating the obvious, this has nevertheless not always been considered fact, especially not within qualitative research. The outcomes further stress that representational issues are also to be recognized when presenting non-rational aspects of educational drama. By wording the world, through the use of visualising language, the surplus of meanings of educational drama can be, as they are within this study, made visible, sensible, and almost tangible, not only cognitively understandable. The outcomes of the second question point to the different foci of the studies, with Alpha focusing on the rationally retold experiences and Omega focusing on nonrational experiences. The outcomes expose educational drama as a learning process comprising doing, reflecting, and being. The doing aspect communicates the concrete efforts in creating a piece of theatre, while the being aspect relates experiences of being as situated, embodied and sensuous, reciprocal, empowering, aesthetic and artistic, and existential. Reflection is the twine that runs throughout the process and connects both doing and being. In summary, the outcomes could be formulated as “learning from learning how to make theatre”.
The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the dynamics of the socio-technical system in the field of ageing. The study stems from the notion that the ageing of the population as a powerful megatrend has wide societal effects, and is not just a matter for the social and health sector. The central topic in the study is change: not only the age structures and structures of society are changing, but also at the same time there is constant development, for instance, in technologies, infrastructures and cultural perceptions. The changing concept of innovation has widened the understanding of innovations related to ageing from medical and assistive technological innovations to service and social innovations, as well as systemic innovations at different levels, which means the intertwined and co-evolutionary change in technologies, structures, services and thinking models. By the same token, the perceptions of older people and old age are becoming more multi-faceted: old age is no longer equated to illnesses and decline, but visions of active ageing and a third age have emerged, which are framed by choices, opportunities, resources and consumption in later life. The research task in this study is to open up the processes and mechanisms of change in the field of ageing, which are studied as a complex, multi-level and interrelated socio-technical system. The question is about co-effective elements consisting of macro-level landscape changes, the existing socio-technical regime (the rule system, practices and structures) and bottom-up niche-innovations. Societal transitions do not account for the things inside the regime alone, or for the long-term changes in the landscape, nor for the radical innovations, but for the interplay between all these levels. The research problem is studied through five research articles, which offer micro-level case studies to macro-level phenomenon. Each of the articles focus on different aspects related to ageing and change, and utilise various datasets. The framework of this study leans on the studies of socio-technical systems and multi-level perspective on transitions mainly developed by Frank Geels. Essential factors in transition from one socio-technological regime to another are the co-evolutionary processes between landscape changes, regime level and experimental niches. Landscape level changes, like the ageing of the population, destabilise the regime in the forms of coming pressures. This destabilization offers windows for opportunity to niche-innovations outside or at fringe of the regime, which, through their breakthrough, accelerate the transition process. However, the change is not easy because of various kinds of lock-ins and inertia, which tend to maintain the stability of the regime. In this dissertation, a constructionist approach of society is applied leaning mainly to the ideas of Anthony Giddens’ theory of structuration, with the dual nature of structures. The change is taking place in the interplay between actors and structures: structures shape people’s practices, but at the same time these practices constitute and reproduce social systems. Technology and other material aspects, as part of socio-technical systems, and the use of them, also take part in the structuration process. The findings of the study point out that co-evolutionary and co-effective relationships between economic, cultural, technological and institutional fields, as well as relationships between landscape changes, changes in the local and regime-level practices and rule systems, are a very complex and multi-level dynamic socio-technical phenomenon. At the landscape level of ageing, which creates the pressures and triggers to the regime change, there are three remarkable megatrends: demographic change, changes in the global economy and the development of technologies. These exert pressures to the socio-technical regime, which as a rule system is experiencing changes in the form of new markets and consumer habits, new ways of perceiving ageing, new models of organising the health care and other services and as new ways of considering innovation and innovativeness. There are also inner dynamics in the relationships between these aspects within the regime. These are interrelated and coconstructed: the prevailing perceptions of ageing and innovation, for instance, reflect the ageing policies, innovation policies, societal structures, organising models, technology and scientific discussion, and vice versa. Technology is part of the inner dynamics of the sociotechnological regime. Physical properties of the artefacts set limitations and opportunities with regard to their functions and uses. The use of and discussion about technology, contributes producing and reproducing the perceptions of old age. For societal transition, micro-level changes are also needed, in form of niche-innovations, for instance new services, organisational models or new technologies, Regimes, as stabilitystriven systems, tend to generate incremental innovations, but radically new innovations are generated in experimental niches protected from ‘normal’ market selection. The windows of opportunity for radical novelties may be opened if the circumstances are favourable for instance by tensions in the socio-technical regime affected by landscape level changes. This dissertation indicates that a change is taking place, firstly, in the dynamic interactionbetween levels, as a result of purposive action and governance to some extent. Breaking the inertia and using the window of opportunity for change and innovation offered by dynamics between levels, presupposes the actors’ special capabilities and actions such as dynamic capabilities and distance management. Secondly, the change is taking place the socio-technological negotiations inside the regime: interaction between technological and social, which is embodied in the use of technology. The use of technology includes small-level contextual scripts that also participate in forming broader societal scripts (for instance defining old age at the society level), which in their turn affect the formation of policies for innovation and ageing. Thirdly, the change is taking place by the means of active formation of the multi-actor innovation networks, where the role of distance management is crucial to facilitate the communication between actors coming from different backgrounds as well as to help the niches born outside the regime to utilise the window of opportunity offered by regime destabilisation. This dissertation has both theoretical and practical contributions. This study participates in the discussion of action-oriented view on transition by opening up of the socio-technological, coevolutionary processes of the multi-faceted phenomenon of ageing, which has lacked systematic analyses. The focus of this study, however, is not on the large-scale coordination and governance, but rather on opening up the incremental elements and structuration processes, which contribute to the transition little by little, and which can be affected to. This increases the practical importance of this dissertation, by highlighting the importance of very tiny, everyday elements in the change processes in the long run.