955 resultados para Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy
Radiation dose assessment is essential for several medical treatments and diagnostic procedures. In this context, nanotechnology has been used in the development of improved radiation sensors, with higher sensitivity as well as smaller sizes and energy dependence. This paper deals with the synthesis and characterization of gold/alanine nanocomposites with varying mass percentage of gold, for application as radiation sensors. Alanine is an excellent stabilizing agent for gold nanoparticles because the size of the nanoparticles does not augment with increasing mass percentage of gold, as evidenced by UV-vis spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering, and transmission electron microscopy. X-ray diffraction patterns suggest that the alanine crystalline orientation undergoes alterations upon the addition of gold nanoparticles. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy indicates that there is interaction between the gold nanoparticles and the amine group of the alanine molecules, which may be the reason for the enhanced stability of the nanocomposite. The application of the nanocomposites as radiation detectors was evaluated by the electron spin resonance technique. The sensitivity is improved almost 3 times in the case of the nanocomposite containing 3% (w/w) gold, so it can be easily tuned by changing the amount of gold nanoparticles in the nanocomposites, without the size of the nanoparticles influencing the radiation absorption. In conclusion, the featured properties, such as homogeneity, nanoparticle size stability, and enhanced sensitivity, make these nanocomposites potential candidates for the construction of small-sized radiation sensors with tunable sensitivity for application in several medical procedures.
The aim of this PhD thesis was to study at a microscopic level different liquid crystal (LC) systems, in order to determine their physical properties, resorting to two distinct methodologies, one involving computer simulations, and the other spectroscopic techniques, in particular electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. By means of the computer simulation approach we tried to demonstrate this tool effectiveness for calculating anisotropic static properties of a LC material, as well as for predicting its behaviour and features. This required the development and adoption of suitable molecular models based on a convenient intermolecular potentials reflecting the essential molecular features of the investigated system. In particular, concerning the simulation approach, we have set up models for discotic liquid crystal dimers and we have studied, by means of Monte Carlo simulations, their phase behaviour and self-assembling properties, with respect to the simple monomer case. Each discotic dimer is described by two oblate GayBerne ellipsoids connected by a flexible spacer, modelled by a harmonic "spring" of three different lengths. In particular we investigated the effects of dimerization on the transition temperatures, as well as on the characteristics of molecular aggregation displayed and the relative orientational order. Moving to the experimental results, among the many experimental techniques that are typically employed to evaluate LC system distinctive features, ESR has proved to be a powerful tool in microscopic scale investigation of the properties, structure, order and dynamics of these materials. We have taken advantage of the high sensitivity of the ESR spin probe technique to investigate increasingly complex LC systems ranging from devices constituted by a polymer matrix in which LC molecules are confined in shape of nano- droplets, as well as biaxial liquid crystalline elastomers, and dimers whose monomeric units or lateral groups are constituted by rod-like mesogens (11BCB). Reflection-mode holographic-polymer dispersed liquid crystals (H-PDLCs) are devices in which LCs are confined into nanosized (50-300 nm) droplets, arranged in layers which alternate with polymer layers, forming a diffraction grating. We have determined the configuration of the LC local director and we have derived a model of the nanodroplet organization inside the layers. Resorting also to additional information on the nanodroplet size and shape distribution provided by SEM images of the H-PDLC cross-section, the observed director configuration has been modeled as a bidimensional distribution of elongated nanodroplets whose long axis is, on the average, parallel to the layers and whose internal director configuration is a uniaxial quasi- monodomain aligned along the nanodroplet long axis. The results suggest that the molecular organization is dictated mainly by the confinement, explaining, at least in part, the need for switching voltages significantly higher and the observed faster turn-off times in H-PDLCs compared to standard PDLC devices. Liquid crystal elastomers consist in cross-linked polymers, in which mesogens represent the monomers constituting the main chain or the laterally attached side groups. They bring together three important aspects: orientational order in amorphous soft materials, responsive molecular shape and quenched topological constraints. In biaxial nematic liquid crystalline elastomers (BLCEs), two orthogonal directions, rather than the one of normal uniaxial nematic, can be controlled, greatly enhancing their potential value for applications as novel actuators. Two versions of a side-chain BLCEs were characterized: side-on and end-on. Many tests have been carried out on both types of LCE, the main features detected being the lack of a significant dynamical behaviour, together with a strong permanent alignment along the principal director, and the confirmation of the transition temperatures already determined by DSC measurements. The end-on sample demonstrates a less hindered rotation of the side group mesogenic units and a greater freedom of alignment to the magnetic field, as already shown by previous NMR studies. Biaxial nematic ESR static spectra were also obtained on the basis of Molecular Dynamics generated biaxial configurations, to be compared to the experimentally determined ones, as a mean to establish a possible relation between biaxiality and the spectral features. This provides a concrete example of the advantages of combining the computer simulation and spectroscopic approaches. Finally, the dimer α,ω-bis(4'-cyanobiphenyl-4-yl)undecane (11BCB), synthesized in the "quest" for the biaxial nematic phase has been analysed. Its importance lies in the dimer significance as building blocks in the development of new materials to be employed in innovative technological applications, such as faster switching displays, resorting to the easier aligning ability of the secondary director in biaxial phases. A preliminary series of tests were performed revealing the population of mesogenic molecules as divided into two groups: one of elongated straightened conformers sharing a common director, and one of bent molecules, which display no order, being equally distributed in the three dimensions. Employing this model, the calculated values show a consistent trend, confirming at the same time the transition temperatures indicated by the DSC measurements, together with rotational diffusion tensor values that follow closely those of the constituting monomer 5CB.
Ionenkäfige und speziell Penningfallen stellen sich in der Atomphysik als außergewöhnliche Werkzeuge heraus. Zum einen bieten diese 'Teilchencontainer' die Möglichkeit atomphysikalische Präzisionsmessungen durchzuführen und zum anderen stellen Penningfallen schwingungsfähige Systeme dar, in welchen nichtlineare dynamische Prozesse an gespeicherten Teilchen untersucht werden können. In einem ersten Teil der Arbeit wurde mit der in der Atomphysik bekannten Methode der optischen Mikrowellen-Doppelresonanz Spektroskopie der elektronische g-Faktor von Ca+ mit einer Genauigkeit von 4*10^{-8} zu gJ=2,00225664(9) bestimmt. g-Faktoren von Elektronen in gebundenen ionischen Systemen sind fundamentale Größen der Atomphysik, die Informationen über die atomare Wellenfunktion des zu untersuchenden Zustandes liefern. In einem zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde hinsichtlich der Untersuchungen zur nichtlinearen Dynamik von parametrisch angeregten gespeicherten Elektronen beobachtet, dass ab bestimmten kritischen Teilchendichten in der Penningfalle die gespeicherten Elektronen kollektive Eigenschaften manifestieren. Weiterhin wurde bei der Anregung der axialen Eigenbewegung ein Schwellenverhalten der gemessenen Subharmonischen zur 2*omega_z-Resonanz beobachtet. Dieser Schwelleneffekt lässt sich mit der Existenz eines Dämpfungsmechanismus erklären, der auf die Elektronenwolke einwirkt, so dass eine Mindestamplitude der Anregung erforderlich ist, um diese Dämpfung zu überwinden. Durch Bestimmung der charakteristischen Kurven der gedämpften Mathieuschen Differentialgleichung konnte das beobachtete Phänomen theoretisch verstanden werden.
Die Struktur des Haupt-Lichtsammlerproteins II (LHCIIb) höherer Pflanzen ist aufgrund kristallographischer Strukturanalysen zu 94% aufgeklärt. Dennoch ist es bislang nicht gelungen, die aminoterminale Region des Komplexes vollständig zu lokalisieren. In einem ersten Abschnitt dieser Dissertation sollte anhand einer vergleichenden Bindungsstudie mit Hilfe von in vitro - Rekonstitutionen des LHCIIb geklärt werden, ob es sich bei dem so genannten N - terminalen Trimerisierungsmotiv des Lichtsammlerproteins um eine Interaktionsstelle mit dem Phospholipid Phosphatidylglyzerin handelt. Dazu wurden mehrere vergleichende Lipidbindungsstudien an rekombinantem Wildtyp - Protein und verschiedenen LHCIIb - Trimerisierungsmotiv - Mutanten durchgeführt, die allerdings nicht zu reproduzierbaren Ergebnissen führten.Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wurden intra- und intermolekulare Distanzmessungen an rekombinantem LHCIIb mit Hilfe der Elektronenspin - Resonanz - Spektroskopie durchgeführt. Dazu wurden zweifach mit einem Spin - Label markierte LHCIIb - Monomere und Trimere mit je einer Markierungsposition pro Monomer benutzt. Im Anschluss an die Messungen wurden die erhaltenen Distanzinformationen zusammen mit den bereits zugänglichen Kristallstrukturdaten des Komplexes für eine Modellierung der aminoterminalen Region des LHCIIb verwendet. Die resultierenden Modelle lassen den Schluss zu, dass es im LHCIIb - Trimer zu konformativen Restriktionen des Aminoterminus kommt. Dem entgegen findet man eine größere konformative Diversität in den vermessenen monomeren Komplexen.
The idea was to obtain nanowires in a chemical laboratory under convenient and simple conditions by employing templates. Thus it was possible to produce nanochains by interlinking of gold colloids synthesized by the two-phase-method of M. Brust with by making use of vanadiumoxide nanotubes as template. The length of the resulting nanowires is varying between 1100 nm and 200 nm with a diameter of about 16 nm. Due to a flexible linker the obtained nanowires are not completely rigid. These unique structural features could make them interesting objects for structuring and assembling in the nanoscale range. Another way to produce gold nanowires was realized by a two-step surface metallization procedure, using type I collagen fibres as a template. Gold colloids were used to label the collagen fibres by direct electrostatic interaction, followed by growth steps to enhance the size of the adsorbed colloidal gold crystals, resulting in a complete metallization of the template surface. The length of the resulting gold nanowires reaches several micrometers, with a diameter ~ 100 to 120 nm. To gain a deeper insight into the process of biomineralization the cooperative effect of self-assembled monolayers as substrate and a soluble counterpart on the nucleation and crystal growth of calcium phosphate was studied by diffusion techniques with a pH switch as initiator. As soluble component Perlucin and Nacrein were used. Both are proteins originally extracted from marine organisms, the first one from the Abalone shell and the second one from oyster pearls. Both are supposed to facilitate the calcium carbonate formation in vivo. Studies with Perlucin revealed that this protein shows a clear cooperative effect at a very low concentration with a hydrophobic surface promoting the calcium phosphate precipitation resulting in a sponge like structure of hydroxyapatite. The Perlucin molecule is very flexible and is unfolded by adsorbing to the hydrophobic surface and uncovers its active side. Hydrophilic surfaces did not have a deeper impact. Studies with Nacrein as additive have shown that the protein stabilizes octacalcium phosphate at room temperature on carboxylic self-assembled monolayer and at 34 °C on all other employed surfaces by interaction with the mineral. On the hydroxyl-, alkyl-, and amin-terminated self-assembled monolayers at room temperature the octacalcium phosphate get transformed to hydroxyapatite. Main analytical techniques which are used in this work are transmission electron microscopy, high resolution scanning electron microscopy, surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, Raman micro-spectroscopy and quartz crystal microbalance.
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) is an advanced clinical and research application which guarantees a specific biochemical and metabolic characterization of tissues by the detection and quantification of key metabolites for diagnosis and disease staging. The "Associazione Italiana di Fisica Medica (AIFM)" has promoted the activity of the "Interconfronto di spettroscopia in RM" working group. The purpose of the study is to compare and analyze results obtained by perfoming MRS on scanners of different manufacturing in order to compile a robust protocol for spectroscopic examinations in clinical routines. This thesis takes part into this project by using the GE Signa HDxt 1.5 T at the Pavillion no. 11 of the S.Orsola-Malpighi hospital in Bologna. The spectral analyses have been performed with the jMRUI package, which includes a wide range of preprocessing and quantification algorithms for signal analysis in the time domain. After the quality assurance on the scanner with standard and innovative methods, both spectra with and without suppression of the water peak have been acquired on the GE test phantom. The comparison of the ratios of the metabolite amplitudes over Creatine computed by the workstation software, which works on the frequencies, and jMRUI shows good agreement, suggesting that quantifications in both domains may lead to consistent results. The characterization of an in-house phantom provided by the working group has achieved its goal of assessing the solution content and the metabolite concentrations with good accuracy. The goodness of the experimental procedure and data analysis has been demonstrated by the correct estimation of the T2 of water, the observed biexponential relaxation curve of Creatine and the correct TE value at which the modulation by J coupling causes the Lactate doublet to be inverted in the spectrum. The work of this thesis has demonstrated that it is possible to perform measurements and establish protocols for data analysis, based on the physical principles of NMR, which are able to provide robust values for the spectral parameters of clinical use.
Il cancro della prostata (PCa) è il tumore maligno non-cutaneo più diffuso tra gli uomini ed è il secondo tumore che miete più vittime nei paesi occidentali. La necessità di nuove tecniche non invasive per la diagnosi precoce del PCa è aumentata negli anni. 1H-MRS (proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy) e 1H-MRSI (proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging) sono tecniche avanzate di spettroscopia in risonanza magnetica che permettono di individuare presenza di metaboliti come citrato, colina, creatina e in alcuni casi poliammine in uno o più voxel nel tessuto prostatico. L’abbondanza o l’assenza di uno di questi metaboliti rende possibile discriminare un tessuto sano da uno patologico. Le tecniche di spettroscopia RM sono correntemente utilizzate nella pratica clinica per cervello e fegato, con l’utilizzo di software dedicati per l’analisi degli spettri. La quantificazione di metaboliti nella prostata invece può risultare difficile a causa del basso rapporto segnale/rumore (SNR) degli spettri e del forte accoppiamento-j del citrato. Lo scopo principale di questo lavoro è di proporre un software prototipo per la quantificazione automatica di citrato, colina e creatina nella prostata. Lo sviluppo del programma e dei suoi algoritmi è stato portato avanti all’interno dell’IRST (Istituto Romagnolo per lo Studio e la cura dei Tumori) con l’aiuto dell’unità di fisica sanitaria. Il cuore del programma è un algoritmo iterativo per il fit degli spettri che fa uso di simulazioni MRS sviluppate con il pacchetto di librerie GAMMA in C++. L’accuratezza delle quantificazioni è stata testata con dei fantocci realizzati all’interno dei laboratori dell’istituto. Tutte le misure spettroscopiche sono state eseguite con il nuovo scanner Philips Ingenia 3T, una delle machine di risonanza magnetica più avanzate per applicazioni cliniche. Infine, dopo aver eseguito i test in vitro sui fantocci, sono stati acquisiti gli spettri delle prostate di alcuni volontari sani, per testare se il programma fosse in grado di lavorare in condizioni di basso SNR.
Although magnetic resonance spectroscopy can be used as a unique tool to study molecular diffusion, it is rarely used to measure the diffusion properties of intramyocellular and extramyocellular lipids. Lipids have very low apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs), which make these measurements difficult and necessitate strong diffusion gradients and long diffusion times. Consequence is that these measurements have inherently low signal-to-noise ratio and are prone to artifacts. The addition of physiological triggering and individual storage and processing of the spectra is seen to be a possible approach to maximize signal intensity and achieve high reproducibility of the experiments. Thus, the optimized measurement protocol was used to investigate the diffusion properties of lipids in human skeletal muscle in vivo. At a diffusion time of about 110 ms, intramyocellular lipids show a significantly lower ADC (2.0 × 10(-6) mm(2)/s, 95% confidence interval 1.10 × 10(-6) to 2.94 × 10(-6) mm(2)/s) than extramyocellular lipids (1.58 × 10(-5) mm(2)/s, 95% confidence interval 1.41 × 10(-5) to 1.75 × 10(-5) mm(2)/s). Because the chemical properties of both lipid pools can be assumed to be similar, the difference can only be attributed to restricted or severely hindered diffusion in the intramyocellular droplets.
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy enables insight into the chemical composition of spinal cord tissue. However, spinal cord magnetic resonance spectroscopy has rarely been applied in clinical work due to technical challenges, including strong susceptibility changes in the region and the small cord diameter, which distort the lineshape and limit the attainable signal to noise ratio. Hence, extensive signal averaging is required, which increases the likelihood of static magnetic field changes caused by subject motion (respiration, swallowing), cord motion, and scanner-induced frequency drift. To avoid incoherent signal averaging, it would be ideal to perform frequency alignment of individual free induction decays before averaging. Unfortunately, this is not possible due to the low signal to noise ratio of the metabolite peaks. In this article, frequency alignment of individual free induction decays is demonstrated to improve spectral quality by using the high signal to noise ratio water peak from non-water-suppressed proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy via the metabolite cycling technique. Electrocardiography (ECG)-triggered point resolved spectroscopy (PRESS) localization was used for data acquisition with metabolite cycling or water suppression for comparison. A significant improvement in the signal to noise ratio and decrease of the Cramér Rao lower bounds of all metabolites is attained by using metabolite cycling together with frequency alignment, as compared to water-suppressed spectra, in 13 healthy volunteers.
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) of skeletal muscle has been successfully applied by physiologists over several decades, particularly for studies of high-energy phosphates (by (31)P-MRS) and glycogen (by (13)C-MRS). Unfortunately, the observation of these heteronuclei requires equipment that is typically not available on clinical MR scanners, such as broadband capability and a second channel for decoupling and nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE). On the other hand, (1)H-MR spectra of skeletal muscle can be acquired on many routine MR systems and also provide a wealth of physiological information. In particular, studies of intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) attract physiologists and endocrinologists because IMCL levels are related to insulin resistance and thus can lead to a better understanding of major health problems in industrial countries. The combination of (1)H-, (13)C-, and (31)P-MRS gives access to the major long- and short-term energy sources of skeletal muscle. This review summarizes the technical aspects and unique MR-methodological features of the different nuclei. It reviews clinical studies that employed MRS of one or more nuclei, or combinations of MRS with other MR modalities. It also illustrates that MR spectra contain additional physiological information that is not yet used in routine clinical applications.
Adult-onset growth hormone (GH) deficiency (GHD) is associated with insulin resistance and decreased exercise capacity. Intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) depend on training status, diet, and insulin sensitivity. Using magnetic resonance spectroscopy, we studied IMCL content following physical activity (IMCL-depleted) and high-fat diet (IMCL-repleted) in 15 patients with GHD before and after 4 mo of GH replacement therapy (GHRT) and in 11 healthy control subjects. Measurements of insulin resistance and exercise capacity were performed and skeletal muscle biopsies were carried out to assess expression of mRNA of key enzymes involved in skeletal muscle lipid metabolism by real-time PCR and ultrastructure by electron microscopy. Compared with control subjects, patients with GHD showed significantly higher difference between IMCL-depleted and IMCL-repleted. GHRT resulted in an increase in skeletal muscle mRNA expression of IGF-I, hormone-sensitive lipase, and a tendency for an increase in fatty acid binding protein-3. Electron microscopy examination did not reveal significant differences after GHRT. In conclusion, variation of IMCL may be increased in patients with GHD compared with healthy control subjects. Qualitative changes within the skeletal muscle (i.e., an increase in free fatty acids availability from systemic and/or local sources) may contribute to the increase in insulin resistance and possibly to the improvement of exercise capacity after GHRT. The upregulation of IGF-I mRNA suggests a paracrine/autocrine role of IGF-I on skeletal muscle.
NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) and NASH (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis) are of increasing importance, both in connection with insulin resistance and with the development of liver cirrhosis. Histological samples are still the 'gold standard' for diagnosis; however, because of the risks of a liver biopsy, non-invasive methods are needed. MAS (magic angle spinning) is a special type of NMR which allows characterization of intact excised tissue without need for additional extraction steps. Because clinical MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and MRS (magnetic resonance spectroscopy) are based on the same physical principle as NMR, translational research is feasible from excised tissue to non-invasive examinations in humans. In the present issue of Clinical Science, Cobbold and co-workers report a study in three animal strains suffering from different degrees of NAFLD showing that MAS results are able to distinguish controls, fatty infiltration and steatohepatitis in cohorts. In vivo MRS methods in humans are not obtainable at the same spectral resolution; however, know-how from MAS studies may help to identify characteristic changes in crowded regions of the magnetic resonance spectrum.
PURPOSE To study the apparent diffusivity and its directionality for metabolites of skeletal muscle in humans in vivo by (1) H magnetic resonance spectroscopy. METHODS The diffusion tensors were determined on a 3 Tesla MR system using optimized acquisition and processing methods including an adapted STEAM sequence with orientation-dependent diffusion weighting, pulse-triggering with individually adapted delays, eddy-current correction schemes, median filtering, and simultaneous prior-knowledge fitting of all related spectra. RESULTS The average apparent diffusivities, as well as the fractional anisotropies of taurine (ADCav = 0.74 × 10(-3) s/mm(2) , FA = 0.46), creatine (ADCav = 0.41 × 10(-3) s/mm(2) , FA = 0.33), trimethylammonium compounds (ADCav = 0.48 × 10(-3) s/mm(2) , FA = 0.34), carnosine (ADCav = 0.46 × 10(-3) s/mm(2) , FA = 0.47), and water (ADCav = 1.5 × 10(-3) s/mm(2) , FA = 0.36) were estimated. The diffusivities of most metabolites and water were significantly different from each other. Diffusion was found to be anisotropic and the diffusion tensors showed tensor correlation coefficients close to 1 and were hence found to be essentially coaligned. The magnitudes of apparent metabolite diffusivities were largely ordered according to molecular weight, with taurine as the smallest molecule diffusing fastest, both along and across the fiber direction. CONCLUSION Diffusivities, directional dependence of diffusion and fractional anisotropies of (1) H MRS-visible muscle metabolites were presented. It was shown that metabolites share diffusion directionality with water and have similar fractional anisotropies, hinting at similar diffusion barriers. Magn Reson Med, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) were used to non-invasively determine if cirrhosis induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl$\sb4$) and phospholipase-D (PLD) could be distinguished from fatty infiltration in rat. MRS localization and water suppression methods were developed, implemented and evaluated in terms of their application to in vivo proton NMR studies of experimental liver disease. MRS studies were also performed to quantitate fatty infiltration resulting from carbon tetrachloride (CCl$\sb4$) or alcohol (ethanol) administration and the MRS results were confirmed using biochemical total lipid analysis and histology. $\rm T\sb1$ weighted MR images acquired weekly, 48 hours post administration, demonstrated only a slight increase in overall liver intensity with CCl$\sb4$ or alcohol administration, which is consistent with previously reported results. The MR images were able to detect nodules resulting from CCl$\sb4$+PLD induced cirrhosis as hypointense regions, also consistent with previous reports. Localized in vivo water and lipid proton $\rm T\sb1$ relaxation time measurements were performed and demonstrated no statistically significant trends for either agent. In vivo proton spectra were also acquired using stimulated echo techniques to quantitatively follow the changes in liver lipid content. The changes in liver lipid content observed using MRS were verified by total lipid analysis using the Folch technique and histology. The in vivo $\rm T\sb1$ and lipid quantification data str inconsistent with the previous hypothesis that the changes in $\rm T\sb1$ weighted images were the result of increased "free" water content and, therefore, increased water $\rm T\sb1$ relaxation times. These data indicate that the long term changes are more likely the result of changes in lipid content. The data are also shown to agree with the accepted hypothesis that the time course and mechanism of fatty infiltration are different for CCl$\sb4$ and alcohol. The hypothesis that the lipids resulting from either protocol are from the same lipid fraction(s), presumably triglycerides, is also supported. And lastly, on the basis of MR images and quantitative MRS lipid information, it was shown that cirrhosis could be distinguished from fatty infiltration. ^
We postulated that neuromuscular disuse results in deleteriously affected tissue-vascular fluid exchange processes and subsequently damages the important oxidative bioenergetic process of intramuscular lipid metabolism. The in-depth research reported in the literature is somewhat limited by the ex vivo nature and sporadic time-course characterization of disuse atrophy and recovery. Thus, an in vivo controlled, localized animal model of disuse atrophy was developed in one of the hindlimbs of laboratory rabbits (employing surgically implanted tetrodotoxin (TTX)-filled mini-osmotic pump-sciatic nerve superfusion system) and tested repeatedly with magnetic resonance (MR) throughout the 2-week period of temporarily induced disuse and during the recovery period (following explantation of the TTX-filled pump) for a period of 3 weeks. Controls consisted of saline/"sham"-implanted rabbit hindlimbs. The validity of this model was established with repeated electrophysiologic nerve conduction testing using a clinically appropriate protocol and percutaneously inserted small needle stimulating and recording electrodes. Evoked responses recorded from proximal (P) and distal (D) sites to the sciatic nerve cuff in the TTX-implanted group revealed significantly decreased (p $<$ 0.001) proximal-to-distal (P/D) amplitude ratios (as much as 50-70% below Baseline/pre-implanted and sham-implanted group values) and significantly increased (p $<$ 0.01) differential latency (PL-DL) values (as much as 1.5 times the pre- and sham-implanted groups). By Day 21 of recovery, observed P/D and PL-DL levels matched Baseline/sham-implemented levels. MRI-determined cross-sectional area (CSA) values of Baseline/pre-implanted, sham- or TTX-implanted, and recovering/explanted and the corresponding contralateral hindlimb tibialis anterior (TA) muscles normalized to tibial bone (TB) CSA (in TA/TB ratios) revealed that there was a significant decline (indicative of atrophic response) from pre- and sham-implanted controls by as much as 20% (p $<$ 0.01) at Day 7 and 50-55% (p $<$ 0.001) at Day 13 of TTX-implantation. In the non-implanted contralaterals, a significant increase (indicative of hypertrophic response) by as much as 10% (p $<$ 0.025) at Day 7 and 27% (p $<$ 0.001) at Day 13 + TTX was found. The induced atrophic/hypertrophic TA muscles were observed to be fully recovered by Day 21 post-explantation as evidenced by image TA/TB ratios. End-point biopsy results from a small group of rabbits revealed comprehensive atrophy of both Type I and Type II fibers, although the heterogeneity of the response supports the use of image-guided, volume-localized proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to noninvasively assess tissue-level metabolic changes. MRS-determined results of a 0.25cc volume of tissue within implanted limb TA muscles under resting/pre-ischemic, ischemic-stressed, and post-ischemic conditions at timepoints during and following disuse atrophy/recovery revealed significantly increased intramuscular spectral lipid levels, as much as 2-3 times (p $<$ 0.01) the Baseline/pre-implanted values at Day 7 and 6-7 times (p $<$ 0.001) at Day 13 + TTX, which approached normal levels (compared to pre- and sham-implanted groups) by Day 21 of post-explanation recovery. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^