880 resultados para Economical and feasibility study


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Die Trocknung ist eines der am häufigsten verwendeten Verfahren, um die Haltbarkeit von landwirtschaftlichen Gütern zu verlängern. Von den vielen gebräuchlichen Trocknungsarten ist die Konvektionstrocknung, die Luft als Energie- und Feuchteträger verwendet, weiterhin die wichtigste. Trotz ihrer Nachteile und ihres hohen spezifischen Energieverbrauchs sind Satztrockner für die Getreide-, Kräuter- und Heutrocknung noch weit verbreitet. Ferner werden Konvektionstrockner gemeinhin zur künstlichen Trocknung eingesetzt. Diese Arbeit ist Teil eines Forschungsprojekts, welches eine sorptionsgestützte solare Trocknung von landwirtschaftlichen Gütern untersucht. Bei dieser wird kühle feuchte Luft in Kontakt mit einer konzentrierten hygroskopischen Salzlösung gebracht. Während dieses Prozesses wird die Luft entfeuchtet und mit Hilfe der freigesetzten Verdampfungsenthalpie erwärmt. Die Anwendung dieses Verfahrens zur Trocknung landwirtschaftlicher Güter ist besonders interessant für Produkte, die bei niedrigen Temperaturen verarbeitet werden, um ihre Qualität nicht negativ zu beeinflussen. Bei allen energieintensiven Prozessen und vor allem bei der Verwendung von Solarenergie ist ein effizienter Energieverbrauch äußerst wichtig für den technischen und ökonomischen Erfolg. Eine ungleichmäßige Trocknung ist oftmals bei Satztrocknern zu beobachten, was die Energieeffizienz negativ beeinflusst. Aus diesem Grund lag im agrartechnischen Teil des Projekts der Schwerpunkt auf der Trocknung bei niedrigen Temperaturen und geringer Luftfeuchte, die der Sorptionsprozess liefert, sowie auf der Verbesserung der Luftverteilung und der Gleichmäßigkeit der Trocknung in lockeren und verdichteten Schüttungen. Es wurden Dünnschicht-Trocknungsexperminente für Blattsellerie bei unterschiedlichen Lufttemperaturen und unterschiedlicher relativer Luftfeuchte durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eindeutig, dass nicht nur die Lufttemperatur einen großen Einfluss auf die Trocknungsgeschwindigkeit hat, sondern auch die relative Luftfeuchte. Dies ist vor allem bei niedrigen Temperaturen, wie sie vom Sorptionssystem geliefert werden, der Fall. Um die Luftverteilung und Gleichmäßigkeit der Trocknung lockerer Schüttungen zu untersuchen, wurde ein Kistentrockner experimentell und in Strömungssimulationen getestet. Die Leistung des ursprünglichen Trockners wurde signifikant durch einfache Veränderungen des Designs verbessert. Diese stellten einen gleichmäßigeren Luftstrom durch das Produkt sicher. Die Trocknung von Heu-Rundballen stellt eine Herausforderung dar, da diese sehr stark verdichtet sind und die Dichte innerhalb eines Ballens stark schwankt. Strömungs- und Trocknungssimulationen so wie experimentelle Messungen zeigten, dass das Trocknerdesign einen großen Einfluss auf die Gleichmäßigkeit der Trocknung hat. Bei den einfachsten Trocknervarianten war die Verteilung auch bei optimal gepressten Ballen unzureichend, während komplexere Trockner eine gleichmäßigere Trocknung erzielten. Jedoch werden auch hier die Ergebnisse stark von der Verteilung der Dichte im Ballen beeinflusst, welche in der Praxis weiterhin nicht ideal ist. Abschließend wurde, um den Trocknungsfortschritt zu überwachen, eine Methodik getestet, bei der zur Messung des durchschnittlichen aktuellen Feuchtegehalts des Produktes psychrometrische Messungen und Messungen des Luftstroms in kurzen Abständen durchgeführt wurden. Die Menge des tatsächlich entfernten Wassers stimmte in den meisten Fällen gut mit der geschätzten Menge überein. Jedoch hängt der Erfolg dieser Methode stark von der Genauigkeit der Messfühler ab.


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In this thesis, a dual mode tunable gas sensor based on intracavity laser absorption spectroscopy (ICLAS) principle is investigated, both, numerically and experimentally. In order to minimize the cost and size of the gas sensor, relative intensity noise (RIN) is implemented as a detection parameter. Investigation is performed to determine the effect of injection current, operating temperature, mode spacing, and cavity length on RIN. It has been found that it is best to operate the gas sensor at smaller mode spacing and near the threshold current or at larger mode spacing and far above the threshold current for the use of RIN as the readout parameter.


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by Daniel K. Moon.


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Monográfico con el título: 'Aprendizaje basado en problemas'.Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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L'ús d'esperma criopreservada en la inseminació artificial (IA) d'espècies d'interès productiu permet un major control sanitari i la creació de bancs de germoplasma d'alt valor genètic, entre d'altres avantatges. En el mercat porcí la major part de les inseminacions són encara realitzades amb semen refrigerat degut a l'èxit de l'aplicació de diluents de llarga durada i també a causa de la sensibilitat de l'esperma porcina a la criopreservació. Malgrat que aquesta sensibilitat ve donada per característiques particulars de la fisiologia espermàtica en l'espècie, algunes ejaculacions mantenen els paràmetres de qualitat espermàtica després de la criopreservació (ejaculacions amb bona "congelabilitat", GFEs) enfront d'altres que no sobreviuen al procés (ejaculacions amb mala "congelabilitat", PFEs). El primer objectiu de l'estudi va ser comparar ambdós grups en termes de fertilitat in vivo. El segon objectiu va ser testar l'eficiència de la inseminació postcervical (post-CAI) amb l'esperma criopreservada. El tercer objectiu va ser buscar predictors de la congelabilitat de les ejaculacions, tant en les GFEs com en les PFEs i en tres passos del procés de criopreservació (a 17ºC, a 5ºC i a 240 min postdescongelació). Aquest objectiu es va dur a terme mitjançant l'avaluació de paràmetres convencionals de qualitat espermàtica i a través de l'estudi de la localització i la reactivitat sota el microscopi de tres proteïnes (GLUT3, HSP90AA1 i Cu/ZnSOD) relacionades amb la fisiologia espermàtica i amb possibles rols en la congelabilitat. El quart objectiu va ser quantificar l'expressió de les tres proteïnes per transferència western, tant en espermatozoides d'ejaculacions GFEs com en els d'ejaculacions PFEs i en els tres passos abans esmentats, per tal de determinar el seu potencial com a predictores de la congelabilitat. Pel primer i el segon objectiu, 86 truges van ser inseminades per post-CAI amb 26 ejaculacions de mascles Piétrain dividides en una porció refrigerada a 17ºC (tractament control) i una porció criopreservada, ambdues porcions classificades alhora com a GFEs o PFEs. Els resultats més rellevants van demostrar que les probabilitats d'embaràs eren dues vegades menors en inseminacions amb esperma criopreservada d'ejaculacions PFEs (P < 0.05) que en inseminacions amb esperma criopreservada d'ejaculacions GFEs, fet que indica que les ejaculacions amb percentatges elevats d'espermatozoides mòbils progressius i d'integritat de membrana (per sobre del 40% en les GFEs) són més favorables a provocar embarassos que no pas aquelles ejaculacions amb una pobra funció espermàtica in vitro (PFEs). Ni el nombre de truges que van donar a llum, ni la quantitat de garrins, ni el risc de reflux espermàtic van ser significativament diferents entre les inseminacions amb esperma criopreservada d'ejaculacions GFEs i les inseminacions control amb semen refrigerat, la qual cosa demostra la bona aplicabilitat de la inseminació post-CAI amb l'esperma criopreservada. Finalment, pel tercer i quart objectius van ser criopreservades 29 i 11 ejaculacions de mascles Piétrain, respectivament. Dos paràmetres cinètics espermàtics, la linealitat (LIN) i la rectitud (STR), van mostrar una hiperactivació de la mobilitat superior en les ejaculacions PFEs que en les GFEs després de 30 min a 5ºC durant la criopreservació. A més, la combinació d'ambdós paràmetres va donar una fiabilitat propera al 72% en la predicció de la congelabilitat de les ejaculacions porcines. Tot i que no va ser possible predir la congelabilitat mitjançant l'avaluació de les tres proteïnes al microscopi, els resultats de transferència western van revelar diferències en l'expressió de la HSP90AA1 en l'esperma a 17ºC, molt possiblement relacionades amb la millor supervivència a la criopreservació dels espermatozoides d'ejaculacions GFEs. Aquests resultats suggereixen que la promoció de la criopreservació d'esperma porcina per la seva aplicació en IA passa pel desenvolupament de tests per la predicció de la congelabilitat en semen refrigerat.


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The long-term stability, high accuracy, all-weather capability, high vertical resolution, and global coverage of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) radio occultation (RO) suggests it as a promising tool for global monitoring of atmospheric temperature change. With the aim to investigate and quantify how well a GNSS RO observing system is able to detect climate trends, we are currently performing an (climate) observing system simulation experiment over the 25-year period 2001 to 2025, which involves quasi-realistic modeling of the neutral atmosphere and the ionosphere. We carried out two climate simulations with the general circulation model MAECHAM5 (Middle Atmosphere European Centre/Hamburg Model Version 5) of the MPI-M Hamburg, covering the period 2001–2025: One control run with natural variability only and one run also including anthropogenic forcings due to greenhouse gases, sulfate aerosols, and tropospheric ozone. On the basis of this, we perform quasi-realistic simulations of RO observables for a small GNSS receiver constellation (six satellites), state-of-the-art data processing for atmospheric profiles retrieval, and a statistical analysis of temperature trends in both the “observed” climatology and the “true” climatology. Here we describe the setup of the experiment and results from a test bed study conducted to obtain a basic set of realistic estimates of observational errors (instrument- and retrieval processing-related errors) and sampling errors (due to spatial-temporal undersampling). The test bed results, obtained for a typical summer season and compared to the climatic 2001–2025 trends from the MAECHAM5 simulation including anthropogenic forcing, were found encouraging for performing the full 25-year experiment. They indicated that observational and sampling errors (both contributing about 0.2 K) are consistent with recent estimates of these errors from real RO data and that they should be sufficiently small for monitoring expected temperature trends in the global atmosphere over the next 10 to 20 years in most regions of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). Inspection of the MAECHAM5 trends in different RO-accessible atmospheric parameters (microwave refractivity and pressure/geopotential height in addition to temperature) indicates complementary climate change sensitivity in different regions of the UTLS so that optimized climate monitoring shall combine information from all climatic key variables retrievable from GNSS RO data.


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Despite its relevance to a wide range of technological and fundamental areas, a quantitative understanding of protein surface clustering dynamics is often lacking. In inorganic crystal growth, surface clustering of adatoms is well described by diffusion-aggregation models. In such models, the statistical properties of the aggregate arrays often reveal the molecular scale aggregation processes. We investigate the potential of these theories to reveal hitherto hidden facets of protein clustering by carrying out concomitant observations of lysozyme adsorption onto mica surfaces, using atomic force microscopy. and Monte Carlo simulations of cluster nucleation and growth. We find that lysozyme clusters diffuse across the substrate at a rate that varies inversely with size. This result suggests which molecular scale mechanisms are responsible for the mobility of the proteins on the substrate. In addition the surface diffusion coefficient of the monomer can also be extracted from the comparison between experiments and simulations. While concentrating on a model system of lysozyme-on-mica, this 'proof of concept' study successfully demonstrates the potential of our approach to understand and influence more biomedically applicable protein-substrate couples.


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This paper was given at a meeting of the Society held on 12 January 2006 and it discusses the relationship between academic research and developer-funded archaeology in Britain today, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each. It considers the relationship between archaeological theory and practice and discusses the changing roles of academics, fieldworkers and managers. It argues that important issues need to be resolved, including the dissemination of information from recent archaeological fieldwork and the use of ‘grey literature’ in informing more ambitious interpretations of the past.


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Objectives: To assess the impact of a closed-loop electronic prescribing, automated dispensing, barcode patient identification and electronic medication administration record (EMAR) system on prescribing and administration errors, confirmation of patient identity before administration, and staff time. Design, setting and participants: Before-and-after study in a surgical ward of a teaching hospital, involving patients and staff of that ward. Intervention: Closed-loop electronic prescribing, automated dispensing, barcode patient identification and EMAR system. Main outcome measures: Percentage of new medication orders with a prescribing error, percentage of doses with medication administration errors (MAEs) and percentage given without checking patient identity. Time spent prescribing and providing a ward pharmacy service. Nursing time on medication tasks. Results: Prescribing errors were identified in 3.8% of 2450 medication orders pre-intervention and 2.0% of 2353 orders afterwards (p<0.001; χ2 test). MAEs occurred in 7.0% of 1473 non-intravenous doses pre-intervention and 4.3% of 1139 afterwards (p = 0.005; χ2 test). Patient identity was not checked for 82.6% of 1344 doses pre-intervention and 18.9% of 1291 afterwards (p<0.001; χ2 test). Medical staff required 15 s to prescribe a regular inpatient drug pre-intervention and 39 s afterwards (p = 0.03; t test). Time spent providing a ward pharmacy service increased from 68 min to 98 min each weekday (p = 0.001; t test); 22% of drug charts were unavailable pre-intervention. Time per drug administration round decreased from 50 min to 40 min (p = 0.006; t test); nursing time on medication tasks outside of drug rounds increased from 21.1% to 28.7% (p = 0.006; χ2 test). Conclusions: A closed-loop electronic prescribing, dispensing and barcode patient identification system reduced prescribing errors and MAEs, and increased confirmation of patient identity before administration. Time spent on medication-related tasks increased.


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Immobilised Os species prepared via chemical vapour deposition (CVD) of Os-3(CO)(12) onto MCM-41 are active and selective catalysts for the dihydroxylation of trans-stilbene in acetone and water, using N-methylmorpholine N-oxide as the oxidant. A detailed temperature programmed decomposition study of the solids enables to identify the active sites as Os-x(CO)(y) surface species. The initial loading of the MCM-41 with the trinuclear precursor, as well as the temperature of the post-synthesis oxidising treatment, are found to have a significant impact on the structure/geometry of the resulting surface species, and thus their catalytic properties. We show how it is also affected by the confined environment of the MCM-41 mesopores and especially the curvature of the 30 Angstrom diameter channels. Finally, a careful study of the catalytic properties of the materials together with a study of the reactivity of the reaction products under similar conditions enable to suggest a mechanism involving the reaction of the oxidant with the osmium carbonyl surface species to form the catalytically active Os-oxo sites, and the formation of an osmoate-type species (through adsorption of the alkene onto the Os-oxo site) which subsequently reacts with the solvent to produce the diol. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the structure and shear flow behavior of a side-on liquid crystalline triblock copolymer, named PBA-b-PA444-b-PBA (PBA is poly(butyl acrylate) and PA444 is a poly(acrylate) with a nematic liquid crystal side-on mesogen), in the self-assembled lamellar phase and in the disordered phase. Simultaneous oscillatory shear and small-angle X-ray scattering experiments show that shearing PBA-b-PA444-b-PBA at high frequency and strain amplitudes leads to the alignment of the lamellae with normals perpendicular to the shear direction and to the velocity gradient direction, i.e., in the perpendicular orientation. The order-to-disorder transition temperature (T-ODT) is independent of the applied strain, in contrast to results reported in the literature for coil-coil diblock copolymers, which show an increase in T-ODT with shear rate. It is possible that in our system, T-ODT does not depend on the applied strain because the fluctuations are weaker than those present in coil-coil diblock copolymer systems.


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A series of fourteen novel pyrrole monomers substituted at the 3-position with aliphatic and aromatic crown-ether moieties have been synthesised in good yield and characterised extensively. Several of these compounds were electropolymerised successfully in acetonitrile, using both potentiostatic and galvanostatic modes and the electrochemical properties of those systems were studied via cyclic voltammetry in aqueous and organic media. Novel crown-ether substituted polypyrrole derivatives revealed reversible redox couples in LiClO4/CH3CN (0.1 M). The morphology of these novel crown-ether substituted polypyrrole derivatives was characterised by scanning electron microscopy. These polymers exhibited an open porous structure and half the charge was required when compared to polypyrrole to afford films of equal thickness. The mass change during polymerisation was followed by electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance measurement, and the rate of polymer growth was found to be nonlinear when compared to polypyrrole. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A nickel catalyst was modeled with ligand L-2, [ NH = CH-CH = CH-O](-), which should have potential use as a syndiotactic polyolefin catalyst, and the reaction mechanism was studied by theoretical calculations using the density functional method at the B3LYP/ LANL2MB level. The mechanism involves the formation of the intermediate [(NiLMe)-Me-2](+), in which the metal occuples a T-shaped geometry. - This intermediate has two possible structures with the methyl group trans either to the oxygen or to the nitrogen atom of L-2. The results show that both structures can lead to the desired product via similar reaction paths, A and B. Thus, the polymerization could be considered as taking place either with the alkyl group occupying the position trans to the Ni-O or trans to the Ni-N bond in the catalyst. The polymerization process thus favors the catalysis of syndiotactic polyolefins. The syndiotactic synthesis effects could also be enhanced by variations in the ligand substituents. From energy considerations, we can conclude that it is more favorable for the methyl group to occupy the trans-O position to form a complex than to occupy the trans-N position. From bond length considerations, it is also more favoured for ethene to occupy the trans-O position than to occupy the trans-N position.


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Three copper(II) complexes, [CuL1], [CuL2] and [CuL3] where L-1, L-2 and L-3 are the tetradentate di-Schiff-base ligands prepared by the condensation of acetylacetone and appropriate diamines (e.g. 1,2-diaminoethane, 1,2-diaminopropane and 1,3-diaminopropane, respectively) in 2:1 ratios, have been prepared. These complexes act as host molecules and include a guest sodium ion by coordinating through the oxygen atoms to result in corresponding new trinuclear complexes, [(CuL1)(2)Na(ClO4)(H2O)][CuL1], [(CuL2)(2)Na(ClO4)(H2O)] (2) and [(CuL3)(2)Na(ClO4)(H2O)] (3) when crystallized from methanol solution containing sodium perchlorate. All three complexes have been characterized by single crystal X-ray crystallography. In all the complexes, the sodium cation has a six-coordinate distorted octahedral environment being bonded to four oxygen atoms from two Schiff-base complexes of Cu(II) in addition to a perchlorate anion and a water molecule. The copper atoms are four coordinate in a square planar environment being bonded to two oxygen atoms and two nitrogen atoms of the Schiff-base ligand. The variable temperature susceptibilities for complexes 1-3 were measured over the range 2-300 K. The isotropic Hamiltonian, H = g(1)beta HS1 + g(2)beta HS2 + J(12)S(1)S(2) + g(3)beta HS3 for complex 1 and H = g(1)beta HS1 + g2 beta HS2 +J(12)S(1)S(2) for complexes 2 and 3 has been used to interpret the magnetic data. The best fit parameters obtained are: g(1) = g(2) = 2.07(0), J = - 1.09(1) cm(-1) for complex 1, g(1) = g(2) = 2.06(0), J = -0.55(1) cm(-1) for complex 2 and g1 = g2 = 2.07(0).J = -0.80(1) cm(-1) for 3. Electrochemical studies displayed an irreversible Cu(II)/Cu(I) one-electron reduction process. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.