893 resultados para Design of Experiments and Sample Surveys
In this paper we present a new population-based implant design methodology, which advances the state-of-the-art approaches by combining shape and bone quality information into the design strategy. The method may enhance the mechanical stability of the fixation and reduces the intra-operative in-plane bending which might impede the functionality of the locking mechanism. The computational method is presented for the case of mandibular locking fixation plates, where the mandibular angle and the bone quality at screw locations are taken into account. The method automatically derives the mandibular angle and the bone thickness and intensity values at the path of every screw from a set of computed tomography images. An optimization strategy is then used to optimize the two parameters of plate angle and screw position. The method was applied to two populations of different genders. Results for the new design are presented along with a comparison with a commercially available mandibular locking fixation plate (MODUS(®) TriLock(®) 2.0/2.3/2.5, Medartis AG, Basel, Switzerland). The proposed designs resulted in a statistically significant improvement in the available bone thickness when compared to the standard plate. There is a higher probability that the proposed implants cover areas of thicker cortical bone without compromising the bone mineral density around the screws. The obtained results allowed us to conclude that an angle and screw separation of 129° and 9 mm for females and 121° and 10 mm for males are more suitable designs than the commercially available 120° and 9 mm.
The quantification of the structural properties of snow is traditionally based on model-based stereology. Model-based stereology requires assumptions about the shape of the investigated structure. Here, we show how the density, specific surface area, and grain boundary area can be measured using a design-based method, where no assumptions about structural properties are necessary. The stereological results were also compared to X-ray tomography to control the accuracy of the method. The specific surface area calculated with the stereological method was 19.8 ± 12.3% smaller than with X-ray tomography. For the density, the stereological method gave results that were 11.7 ± 12.1% larger than X-ray tomography. The statistical analysis of the estimates confirmed that the stereological method and the sampling used are accurate. This stereological method was successfully tested on artificially produced ice beads but also on several snow types. Combining stereology and polarisation microscopy provides a good estimate of grain boundary areas in ice beads and in natural snow, with some limitatio
The epidemiology of wheeze in children, when assessed by questionnaires, is dependent on parents' understanding of the term "wheeze". In a questionnaire survey of a random population sample of 4,236 children aged 6-10 yrs, parents' definition of wheeze was assessed. Predictors of a correct definition were determined and the potential impact of incorrect answers on prevalence estimates from the survey was assessed. Current wheeze was reported by 13.2% of children. Overall, 83.5% of parents correctly identified "whistling or squeaking" as the definition of wheeze; the proportion was higher for parents reporting wheezy children (90.4%). Frequent attacks of reported wheeze (adjusted odds ratio (OR) 3.0), maternal history of asthma (OR 1.5) and maternal education (OR 1.5) were significantly associated with a correct answer, while the converse was found for South Asian ethnicity (OR 0.6), first language not English (OR 0.6) and living in a deprived neighbourhood (OR 0.6). In summary, the present study showed that misunderstanding could lead to an important bias in assessing the prevalence of wheeze, resulting in an underestimation in children from South Asian and deprived family backgrounds. Prevalence estimates for the most severe categories of wheeze might be less affected by this bias and questionnaire surveys on wheeze should incorporate measures of parents' understanding of the term wheeze.
The objective of this study is to determine the impact of expectation associated with placebo and caffeine ingestion. We used a three-armed, randomized, double-blind design. Two three-armed experiments varying instruction (true, false, control) investigated the role of expectations of changes in arousal (blood pressure, heart rate), subjective well-being, and reaction time (RT). In Experiment 1 (N = 45), decaffeinated coffee was administered, and expectations were produced in one group by making them believe they had ingested caffeinated coffee. In Experiment 2 (N = 45), caffeinated orange juice was given in both experimental groups, but only one was informed about the true content. In Experiment 1, a significant effect for subjective alertness was found in the placebo treatment compared to the control group. However, for RT and well-being no significant effects were found. In Experiment 2, no significant expectancy effects were found. Caffeine produced large effects for blood pressure in both treatments compared to the control group, but the effects were larger for the false information group. For subjective well-being (alertness, calmness), considerable but nonsignificant changes were found for correctly informed participants, indicating possible additivity of pharmacologic effect and expectations. The results tentatively indicate that placebo and expectancy effects primarily show through introspection.
Human leishmaniasis is a major public health problem in many countries, but chemotherapy is in an unsatisfactory state. Leishmania major phosphodiesterases (LmjPDEs) have been shown to play important roles in cell proliferation and apoptosis of the parasite. Thus LmjPDE inhibitors may potentially represent a novel class of drugs for the treatment of leishmaniasis. Reported here are the kinetic characterization of the LmjPDEB1 catalytic domain and its crystal structure as a complex with 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) at 1.55 A resolution. The structure of LmjPDEB1 is similar to that of human PDEs. IBMX stacks against the conserved phenylalanine and forms a hydrogen bond with the invariant glutamine, in a pattern common to most inhibitors bound to human PDEs. However, an extensive structural comparison reveals subtle, but significant differences between the active sites of LmjPDEB1 and human PDEs. In addition, a pocket next to the inhibitor binding site is found to be unique to LmjPDEB1. This pocket is isolated by two gating residues in human PDE families, but constitutes a natural expansion of the inhibitor binding pocket in LmjPDEB1. The structure particularity might be useful for the development of parasite-selective inhibitors for the treatment of leishmaniasis.
From the customer satisfaction point of view, sound quality of any product has become one of the important factors these days. The primary objective of this research is to determine factors which affect the acceptability of impulse noise. Though the analysis is based on a sample impulse sound file of a Commercial printer, the results can be applied to other similar impulsive noise. It is assumed that impulsive noise can be tuned to meet the accepTable criteria. Thus it is necessary to find the most significant factors which can be controlled physically. This analysis is based on a single impulse. A sample impulsive sound file is tweaked for different amplitudes, background noise, attack time, release time and the spectral content. A two level factorial design of experiments (DOE) is applied to study the significant effects and interactions. For each impulse file modified as per the DOE, the magnitude of perceived annoyance is calculated from the objective metric developed recently at Michigan Technological University. This metric is based on psychoacoustic criteria such as loudness, sharpness, roughness and loudness based impulsiveness. Software called ‘Artemis V11.2’ developed by HEAD Acoustics is used to calculate these psychoacoustic terms. As a result of two level factorial analyses, a new objective model of perceived annoyance is developed in terms of above mentioned physical parameters such as amplitudes, background noise, impulse attack time, impulse release time and the spectral content. Also the effects of the significant individual factors as well as two level interactions are also studied. The results show that all the mentioned five factors affect annoyance level of an impulsive sound significantly. Thus annoyance level can be reduced under the criteria by optimizing the levels. Also, an additional analysis is done to study the effect of these five significant parameters on the individual psychoacoustic metrics.
The Environmental Process and Simulation Center (EPSC) at Michigan Technological University started accommodating laboratories for an Environmental Engineering senior level class CEE 4509 Environmental Process and Simulation Laboratory since 2004. Even though the five units that exist in EPSC provide the students opportunities to have hands-on experiences with a wide range of water/wastewater treatment technologies, a key module was still missing for the student to experience a full cycle of treatment. This project fabricated a direct-filtration pilot system in EPSC and generated a laboratory manual for education purpose. Engineering applications such as clean bed head loss calculation, backwash flowrate determination, multimedia density calculation and run length prediction are included in the laboratory manual. The system was tested for one semester and modifications have been made both to the direct filtration unit and the laboratory manual. Future work is also proposed to further refine the module.
The objective of this research was to develop a high-fidelity dynamic model of a parafoilpayload system with respect to its application for the Ship Launched Aerial Delivery System (SLADS). SLADS is a concept in which cargo can be transfered from ship to shore using a parafoil-payload system. It is accomplished in two phases: An initial towing phase when the glider follows the towing vessel in a passive lift mode and an autonomous gliding phase when the system is guided to the desired point. While many previous researchers have analyzed the parafoil-payload system when it is released from another airborne vehicle, limited work has been done in the area of towing up the system from ground or sea. One of the main contributions of this research was the development of a nonlinear dynamic model of a towed parafoil-payload system. After performing an extensive literature review of the existing methods of modeling a parafoil-payload system, a five degree-of-freedom model was developed. The inertial and geometric properties of the system were investigated to predict accurate results in the simulation environment. Since extensive research has been done in determining the aerodynamic characteristics of a paraglider, an existing aerodynamic model was chosen to incorporate the effects of air flow around the flexible paraglider wing. During the towing phase, it is essential that the parafoil-payload system follow the line of the towing vessel path to prevent an unstable flight condition called ‘lockout’. A detailed study of the causes of lockout, its mathematical representation and the flight conditions and the parameters related to lockout, constitute another contribution of this work. A linearized model of the parafoil-payload system was developed and used to analyze the stability of the system about equilibrium conditions. The relationship between the control surface inputs and the stability was investigated. In addition to stability of flight, one more important objective of SLADS is to tow up the parafoil-payload system as fast as possible. The tension in the tow cable is directly proportional to the rate of ascent of the parafoil-payload system. Lockout instability is more favorable when tow tensions are large. Thus there is a tradeoff between susceptibility to lockout and rapid deployment. Control strategies were also developed for optimal tow up and to maintain stability in the event of disturbances.
When a concrete slab experiences differential volume change due to temperature, moisture, and shrinkage gradients, it deforms. The stresses induced by these differential volume changes can reduce the pavement’s fatigue life. Differential volume change is quantified by the equivalent temperature difference required to deform a comparable flat slab to the same shape as the actual slab. This thesis presents models to predict the equivalent temperature difference due to moisture warping and differential drying shrinkage. Moisture warping occurs because a portion of drying shrinkage is reversible, while differential drying shrinkage is due to the irreversible portion of drying shrinkage. The amount of reversible shrinkage was investigated for concretes made with different types of aggregate, including lightweight and recycled. Another source of differential volume change is built-in curl, which is caused by temperature gradients at the time of paving. This thesis also presents a comparison of methods used to quantify built-in curl.
The use of conventional orifice-plate meter is typically restricted to measurements of steady flows. This study proposes a new and effective computational-experimental approach for measuring the time-varying (but steady-in-the-mean) nature of turbulent pulsatile gas flows. Low Mach number (effectively constant density) steady-in-the-mean gas flows with large amplitude fluctuations (whose highest significant frequency is characterized by the value fF) are termed pulsatile if the fluctuations have a direct correlation with the time-varying signature of the imposed dynamic pressure difference and, furthermore, they have fluctuation amplitudes that are significantly larger than those associated with turbulence or random acoustic wave signatures. The experimental aspect of the proposed calibration approach is based on use of Coriolis-meters (whose oscillating arm frequency fcoriolis >> fF) which are capable of effectively measuring the mean flow rate of the pulsatile flows. Together with the experimental measurements of the mean mass flow rate of these pulsatile flows, the computational approach presented here is shown to be effective in converting the dynamic pressure difference signal into the desired dynamic flow rate signal. The proposed approach is reliable because the time-varying flow rate predictions obtained for two different orifice-plate meters exhibit the approximately same qualitative, dominant features of the pulsatile flow.
Building energy meter network, based on per-appliance monitoring system, willbe an important part of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure. Two key issues exist for designing such networks. One is the network structure to be used. The other is the implementation of the network structure on a large amount of small low power devices, and the maintenance of high quality communication when the devices have electric connection with high voltage AC line. The recent advancement of low-power wireless communication makes itself the right candidate for house and building energy network. Among all kinds of wireless solutions, the low speed but highly reliable 802.15.4 radio has been chosen in this design. While many network-layer solutions have been provided on top of 802.15.4, an IPv6 based method is used in this design. 6LOWPAN is the particular protocol which adapts IP on low power personal network radio. In order to extend the network into building area without, a specific network layer routing mechanism-RPL, is included in this design. The fundamental unit of the building energy monitoring system is a smart wall plug. It is consisted of an electricity energy meter, a RF communication module and a low power CPU. The real challenge for designing such a device is its network firmware. In this design, IPv6 is implemented through Contiki operation system. Customize hardware driver and meter application program have been developed on top of the Contiki OS. Some experiments have been done, in order to prove the network ability of this system.
To mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and reduce U.S. dependence on imported oil, the United States (U.S.) is pursuing several options to create biofuels from renewable woody biomass (hereafter referred to as “biomass”). Because of the distributed nature of biomass feedstock, the cost and complexity of biomass recovery operations has significant challenges that hinder increased biomass utilization for energy production. To facilitate the exploration of a wide variety of conditions that promise profitable biomass utilization and tapping unused forest residues, it is proposed to develop biofuel supply chain models based on optimization and simulation approaches. The biofuel supply chain is structured around four components: biofuel facility locations and sizes, biomass harvesting/forwarding, transportation, and storage. A Geographic Information System (GIS) based approach is proposed as a first step for selecting potential facility locations for biofuel production from forest biomass based on a set of evaluation criteria, such as accessibility to biomass, railway/road transportation network, water body and workforce. The development of optimization and simulation models is also proposed. The results of the models will be used to determine (1) the number, location, and size of the biofuel facilities, and (2) the amounts of biomass to be transported between the harvesting areas and the biofuel facilities over a 20-year timeframe. The multi-criteria objective is to minimize the weighted sum of the delivered feedstock cost, energy consumption, and GHG emissions simultaneously. Finally, a series of sensitivity analyses will be conducted to identify the sensitivity of the decisions, such as the optimal site selected for the biofuel facility, to changes in influential parameters, such as biomass availability and transportation fuel price. Intellectual Merit The proposed research will facilitate the exploration of a wide variety of conditions that promise profitable biomass utilization in the renewable biofuel industry. The GIS-based facility location analysis considers a series of factors which have not been considered simultaneously in previous research. Location analysis is critical to the financial success of producing biofuel. The modeling of woody biomass supply chains using both optimization and simulation, combing with the GIS-based approach as a precursor, have not been done to date. The optimization and simulation models can help to ensure the economic and environmental viability and sustainability of the entire biofuel supply chain at both the strategic design level and the operational planning level. Broader Impacts The proposed models for biorefineries can be applied to other types of manufacturing or processing operations using biomass. This is because the biomass feedstock supply chain is similar, if not the same, for biorefineries, biomass fired or co-fired power plants, or torrefaction/pelletization operations. Additionally, the research results of this research will continue to be disseminated internationally through publications in journals, such as Biomass and Bioenergy, and Renewable Energy, and presentations at conferences, such as the 2011 Industrial Engineering Research Conference. For example, part of the research work related to biofuel facility identification has been published: Zhang, Johnson and Sutherland [2011] (see Appendix A). There will also be opportunities for the Michigan Tech campus community to learn about the research through the Sustainable Future Institute.