997 resultados para DETERIORO CONGNITIVO


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Incluye Bibliografía


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La congestión de tránsito se ha transformado en un severo flagelo en las ciudades grandes, tanto en países industrializados como en los en desarrollo. El aumento de la demanda de transporte y del tránsito urbanos han traído como consecuencia mayores tiempos de viaje, accidentes, problemas ambientales y deterioro de la calidad de vida, bastante mayores que los considerados aceptables por los ciudadanos.Los negativos impactos de la congestión exigen un esfuerzo multidisciplinario para mantenerla bajo control y asegurar la sostenibilidad de los niveles de vida. La gravedad del problema ha hecho que la CEPAL, con el apoyo de la GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit), esté desarrollando un proyecto de análisis de medidas que contribuyan al control de la congestión. En su marco se han analizado acciones sobre la oferta y sobre la demanda de transporte y se está llevando a cabo un programa de divulgación.Para mayores antecedentes, sírvase consultar a Alberto Bull .


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Preocupa deterioro de la situación laboral Ser joven en Iberoamérica Columna de opinión de José Luis Machinea: Por un pacto de cohesión social Precisiones: Mercados de carbono: oportunidad para América Latina y el Caribe Indicadores Rezago económico provoca deterioro social en Haití Publicaciones recientes Calendario


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En este documento se examina la pertinencia y oportunidad de las Reformas Fiscales Ambientales (RFA) para tres servicios públicos en cinco países de la región (Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, México y Uruguay). Se discute el significado de la RFA en la oferta y uso de esos servicios y se muestra que existen prioridades comunes y específicas de cada país, dependiendo de cómo son producidos, “comercializados” y utilizados, lo que a su vez se relaciona con las estructuras sociales y productivas, las políticas públicas, y la conformación y dinámica de los mercados relevantes. Luego de caracterizar las estructuras de mercado, políticas de precios y tarifas, y acceso o uso de los servicios por estratos de hogares y sectores productivos, se identifican políticas fiscales ambientales que cabría considerar, tomando como referencia las experiencias exitosas de países más avanzados. Se identifican los posibles efectos no deseados por su regresividad o deterioro de la competitividad de agentes productores y se discuten medidas compensatorias o complementarias de las innovaciones ambientales.


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Durante 2015, las cuentas fiscales de América Latina registraron, en promedio, un leve deterioro, de modo que se alcanzó un déficit fiscal del 3,0% del PIB y un nivel de deuda pública bruta del 34,7% del PIB. De los 19 países considerados, en 11 se incrementaron simultáneamente el déficit fiscal y la deuda pública como proporción del PIB. La región comenzó a acumular deuda pública, sobre todo interna, después de la crisis financiera internacional de 2008, como respuesta a crecientes necesidades de financiamiento frente a un escenario de desaceleración.


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Edición realizada con motivo del proyecto "Raúl Prebisch y los desafíos del Desarrollo del siglo XXI"


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In order to evaluate the quality of life of patients with head and neck cancer, this study analyzed data of 24 patients with squamous cell carcinoma, which indicated therapy was radiotherapy or not be combined with chemotherapy and surgery. The study was conducted in the Unit of Radiotherapy of Megavoltage located in the São José de Rio Preto-SP, in the period August 2007 to January 2008. Then, it was used the questionnaire of quality of life from University of Washington which enabled the identification of different quality of life patterns associated with the different stages of radiotherapy, indicating to be viable the prospect of recognition of prognostic factors of reduction in multiple domains of quality of life. From the data collected and analyzed, it was identified that the areas with the worst score in the begin of radiotherapy were appearance, speech and anxiety; during the treatment were taste, saliva and anxiety; and in the end were taste, saliva and swallowing. Throughout the treatment, it was observed the deterioration of patients' mood. In this regard, emphasizes the importance of dental and psychological follow-up, within the framework of a multidisciplinary care for patients with head and neck cancer during radiotherapy treatment.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the development of specific domains of Numerical Cognition (Number Sense – NS, Number Comprehension – NC, Number Production – NP, and Calculation – CA) in Brazilian children with Specific Learning Disorders. The study included 72 children (36 boys), from 9-to 10-years-old, enrolled in 4th and 5th years of elementary school of public schools at countryside of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. They were divided into three groups: control (CT, N = 42), Developmental Dyslexia (DL, N = 11) and Developmental Dyscalculia combined with dyslexia (DDc, N = 19). All participants had intellectual level within the normal range, however, children from the last two groups had Learning Disorders classified by School Achievement Test - TDE (Stein, 1994) and DDc children received necessarily classification as 'inferior' in Arithmetic Test of TDE. The children did not differ in NS. DL and DDc children showed slight deficits in NC. However, DDc children had moderate in NP and mild to moderate deficits in CA, which indicates a more generalized impairment in Numerical Cognition. Furthermore, DDc children showed discrepancy in Numerical Cognition performance when compared to the other groups. Thus, children with Learning Disorders showed different performances in Numerical Cognition, although both groups had preserved SN, DDc children showed higher deficits and discrepancy in relation DL and typically developing children.


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Studies have shown that encopresis, related to bowel control disorder, can bring significant impact for the individual life, such as low self-esteem and deficits in social interaction. Despite the significant impairment recognized that this disorder can have on child development, the scientific literature has given little attention to the theme, with a low number of publications on the subject. Thus, this paper investigated Brazilian publications in psychology related to encopresis between 1994 and 2013 in data base Lilacs and Scielo. 231 articles were found and were selected those that reported only intervention in encopresis. There were five articles and four published by the same journal and described behavioral interventions, and one author wrote three. The other one was psychoanalytic. The surveys were conducted with children and adolescents and behavioral interventions have been successful with remission of encopresis symptoms. The data affirm the deficiency in publications in the area and possibly limited number of psychologists investigating the issue, which is of significant importance.