964 resultados para Confederate States of America. Army of Northern Virginia.


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ENGLISH: The growth of northern bluefin tuna is described by a two-stanza model. For fish between 191 and 564 mm in length the Gompertz curve, with values of 581 mm and 4.32 for Loo and K (annual), respectively, is used. The fish between 564 and 1530 mm grow linearly, at the rate of 0.709 mm per day. Age-O fish tagged and released in the western Pacific Ocean have been recaptured in the western, central, and eastern Pacific. The minimum time between release in the western Pacific and recapture in the eastern Pacific is 215 days. Older fish, mostly Land 2-year olds, tagged and released in the eastern Pacific have been recaptured in the eastern and western Pacific. The minimum time between release in eastern Pacific and recapture in the western Pacific is 674 days. The coefficient of natural mortality is estimated from data on growth and ambient temperature to be 0.276 on an annual basis, with 90-percent confidence limits of 0.161 and 0.47L Spawning of northern bluefin takes place only in the western Pacific. Some of the juveniles migrate to the eastern Pacific, where they reside for several months to several years before returning to the western Pacific. The portion of fish which migrate to the eastern Pacific varies among years, and this appears to be an important cause of the annual variation in the catches in the eastern Pacific Ocean. SPANISH: El crecimiento del atún aleta azul del norte es descrito por un modelo de dos estadios. Para los peces de entre 191 y 564 mm de talla se usa la curva de Gompertz, con valores de 581 mm y 4.32 para Loo y K (anual), respectivamente. Los peces de entre 564 y 1530 mm crecen de forma lineal, a 0.709 mm por día. Peces de edad Omarcados y liberados en el Pacífico occidental han sido recapturados en el Pacífico occidental, central, y oriental. La demora mínima entre la liberación en el Pacífico occidental y la recaptura en el Pacífico oriental es de 215 días. Peces mayores, principalmente de 1 ó 2 años de edad, marcados y liberados en el Pacífico oriental han sido re capturados en el Pacífico occidental y oriental. La demora mínima entre la liberación en el Pacífico oriental y la recaptura en el Pacífico occidental es de 674 días. Se estima el coeficiente de mortalidad natural a partir de los datos de crecimiento y temperatura ambiental en un 0.276 anual, con límites de confianza al 90% de 0.161 y 0.471. El aleta azul del norte desova únicamente en el Pacífico occidental. Algunos de los juveniles migran al Pacífico oriental, donde permanecen entre varios meses y varios años antes de regresar al Pacífico occidental. La porción de los peces que migran al Pacífico oriental varía entre años, y ésto parece ser una causa importante de la variación anual en las capturas en el Océano Pacífico oriental. (PDF contains 94 pages.)


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ENGLISH: The spawning of Pacific northern bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, takes place only in the western Pacific Ocean (WPO), but substantial numbers of the juveniles migrate to the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO), where they remain for several months, or longer, and the.n return to the WPO. Lengthfrequency and tagging data show that many bluefin arrive in the EPO as 1-and 2-year olds, and remain there for one or two fishing seasons before returning to the WPO. The proportion of the fish which make the west-to-east migration varies among years. The numbers of 1-, 2-, 3-, 4, and >4 –year olds in the catches of the EPO are estimated for most years of the 1952-1991 period. SPANISH: EI desove del atun aleta azul del norte del Pacifico, Thunnus thynnus, ocurre solamente en el Océano Pacifico occidental (WPO), pero números substanciales de los juveniles migran al Océano Pacifico oriental (OPO), donde permanecen unos meses, 0 mas, antes de regresar al WPO. Datos de marcado y frecuencia de talla indican que muchos aletas azules llegan al OPO a 1 o 2 anos de edad, y permanecen alIi una 0 dos temporadas de pesca antes de regresar al WPO. La proporcion de los peces que migra del oeste al este varia entre anos. Se estima el numero de peces de 1, 2, 3, 4, Y>4 anos de edad en las capturas del OPO para la mayoria de los anos del periodo de 1952-1991. (PDF contains 40 pages.)


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In order to make a sound proposal to the Kainji Lake Fisheries Management and Conservation Unit regarding the amendment of the existing Fisheries Laws and Regulations, including the raise of fishing license fees, the Fisheries Departments of 21 Nigerian States were visited in August-September 2000. In that occasion the staff was interviewed, existing documents were revised, and the results were compared with those of Kebbi and Niger State


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Part I

Studies of vibrational relaxation in excited electronic states of simple diatomic molecules trapped in solid rare-gas matrices at low temperatures are reported. The relaxation is investigated by monitoring the emission intensity from vibrational levels of the excited electronic state to vibrational levels of the ground electronic state. The emission was in all cases excited by bombardment of the doped rare-gas solid with X-rays.

The diatomics studied and the band systems seen are: N2, Vegard-Kaplan and Second Positive systems; O2, Herzberg system; OH and OD, A 2Σ+ - X2IIi system. The latter has been investigated only in solid Ne, where both emission and absorption spectra were recorded; observed fine structure has been partly interpreted in terms of slightly perturbed rotational motion in the solid. For N2, OH, and OD emission occurred from v' > 0, establishing a vibrational relaxation time in the excited electronic state of the order, of longer than, the electronic radiative lifetime. The relative emission intensity and decay times for different v' progressions in the Vegard-Kaplan system are found to depend on the rare-gas host and the N2 concentration, but are independent of temperature in the range 1.7°K to 30°K.

Part II

Static crystal field effects on the absorption, fluorescence, and phosphorescence spectra of isotopically mixed benzene crystals were investigated. Evidence is presented which demonstrate that in the crystal the ground, lowest excited singlet, and lowest triplet states of the guest deviate from hexagonal symmetry. The deviation appears largest in the lowest triplet state and may be due to an intrinsic instability of the 3B1u state. High resolution absorption and phospho- rescence spectra are reported and analyzed in terms of site-splitting of degenerate vibrations and orientational effects. The guest phosphorescence lifetime for various benzene isotopes in C6D6 and sym-C6H3D3 hosts is presented and discussed.


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Northern Ireland has approximately 1670 lakes, which cover 4.4% of the land surface. However, most of the water area is accounted for by the large lakes such as Lough Neagh (385 km2) and Lower Lough Erne (109.5 km ). The majority of lakes are less than 100 hectares in area. They tend to be distributed towards the south and west of the Province, where extensive drumlin swarms are rich in small waterbodies. In 1988-1991, 610 of the 708 lakes between one and 100 hectares were sampled by the Northern Ireland Lake Survey. The objective was to assess their conservation status based on their aquatic macrophyte flora, but in addition to extensive plant surveys, the water of each lake was analysed for a range of chemical variables. This article reports on a full-scale survey carried out in early March 2002. The survey was taken with help of two helicopters. The authorise summarise the results of the chemical analysis of the survey.


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The energy spectrum of heavily-doped molecular crystals was treated in the Green’s function formulation. The mixed crystal Green’s function was obtained by averaging over all possible impurity distributions. The resulting Green’s function, which takes the form of an infinite perturbation expansion, was further approximated by a closed form suitable for numerical calculations. The density-of-states functions and optical spectra for binary mixtures of normal naphthalene and deuterated naphthalene were calculated using the pure crystal density-of-state functions. The results showed that when the trap depth is large, two separate energy bands persist, but when the trap depth is small only a single band exists. Furthermore, in the former case it was found that the intensities of the outer Davydov bands are enhanced whereas the inner bands are weakened. Comparisons with previous theoretical calculations and experimental results are also made.


The energy states and optical spectra of heavily-doped mixed crystals are investigated. Studies are made for the following binary systems: (1) naphthalene-h8 and d8, (2) naphthalene--h8 and αd4, and (3) naphthalene--h8 and βd1, corresponding to strong, medium and weak perturbations. In addition to ordinary absorption spectra at 4˚K, band-to-band transitions at both 4˚K and 77˚K are also analyzed with emphasis on their relations to cooperative excitation and overall density-of-states functions for mixed crystals. It is found that the theoretical calculations presented in a previous paper agree generally with experiments except for cluster states observed in system (1) at lower guest concentrations. These features are discussed semi-quantitatively. As to the intermolecular interaction parameters, it is found that experimental results compare favorably with calculations based on experimental density-of-states functions but not with those based on octopole interactions or charge-transfer interactions. Previous experimental results of Sheka and the theoretical model of Broude and Rashba are also compared with present investigations.


The phosphorescence, fluorescence and absorption spectra of pyrazine-h4 and d4 have been obtained at 4˚K in a benzene matrix. For comparison, those of the isotopically mixed crystal pyrazine-h4 in d4 were also taken. All these spectra show extremely sharp and well-resolved lines and reveal detailed vibronic structure.

The analysis of the weak fluorescence spectrum resolves the long-disputed question of whether one or two transitions are involved in the near-ultraviolet absorption of pyrazine. The “mirror-image relationship” between absorption and emission shows that the lowest singlet state is an allowed transition, properly designated as 1B3u1A1g. The forbidden component 1B2g, predicted by both “exciton” and MO theories to be below the allowed component, must lie higher. Its exact location still remains uncertain.

The phosphorescence spectrum when compared with the excitation phosphorescence spectra, indicates that the lowest triplet state is also symmetry allowed, showing a strong 0-0 band and a “mirror-image relationship” between absorption and emission. In accordance with previous work, the triplet state is designated as 3B3u.

The vibronic structure of the phosphorescence spectrum is very complicated. Previous work on the analysis of this spectrum all concluded that a long progression of v6a exists. Under the high resolution attainable in our work, the supposed v6a progression proves to have a composite triplet structure, starting from the second member of the progression. Not only is the v9a hydrogen-bending mode present as shown by the appearance of the C-D bending mode in the d4 spectrum, but a band of 1207 cm-1 in the pyrazine in benzene system and 1231 cm-1 in the mixed crystal system is also observed. This band is assigned as 2v6b and of a1g symmetry. Its anonymously strong intensity in the phosphorescence spectrum is interpreted as due to the Fermi resonance with the 2v6a and v9a band.

To help resolve the present controversy over the crystal phosphorescence spectrum of pyrazine, detailed vibrational analyses of the emission spectra were made. The fluorescence spectrum has essentially the same vibronic structure as the phosphorescence spectrum.


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The effect of intermolecular coupling in molecular energy levels (electronic and vibrational) has been investigated in neat and isotopic mixed crystals of benzene. In the isotopic mixed crystals of C6H6, C6H5D, m-C6H4D2, p-C6H4D2, sym-C6H3D3, C6D5H, and C6D6 in either a C6H6 or C6D6 host, the following phenomena have been observed and interpreted in terms of a refined Frenkel exciton theory: a) Site shifts; b) site group splittings of the degenerate ground state vibrations of C6H6, C6D6, and sym-C6H3D3; c) the orientational effect for the isotopes without a trigonal axis in both the 1B2u electronic state and the ground state vibrations; d) intrasite Fermi resonance between molecular fundamentals due to the reduced symmetry of the crystal site; and e) intermolecular or intersite Fermi resonance between nearly degenerate states of the host and guest molecules. In the neat crystal experiments on the ground state vibrations it was possible to observe many of these phenomena in conjunction with and in addition to the exciton structure.

To theoretically interpret these diverse experimental data, the concepts of interchange symmetry, the ideal mixed crystal, and site wave functions have been developed and are presented in detail. In the interpretation of the exciton data the relative signs of the intermolecular coupling constants have been emphasized, and in the limit of the ideal mixed crystal a technique is discussed for locating the exciton band center or unobserved exciton components. A differentiation between static and dynamic interactions is made in the Frenkel limit which enables the concepts of site effects and exciton coupling to be sharpened. It is thus possible to treat the crystal induced effects in such a fashion as to make their similarities and differences quite apparent.

A calculation of the ground state vibrational phenomena (site shifts and splittings, orientational effects, and exciton structure) and of the crystal lattice modes has been carried out for these systems. This calculation serves as a test of the approximations of first order Frenkel theory and the atom-atom, pair wise interaction model for the intermolecular potentials. The general form of the potential employed was V(r) = Be-Cr - A/r6 ; the force constants were obtained from the potential by assuming the atoms were undergoing simple harmonic motion.

In part II the location and identification of the benzene first and second triplet states (3B1u and 3E1u) is given.


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A simple model potential is used to calculate Rydberg series for the molecules: nitrogen, oxygen, nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, nitrous oxide, acetylene, formaldehyde, formic acid, diazomethane, ketene, ethylene, allene, acetaldehyde, propyne, acrolein, dimethyl ether, 1, 3-butadiene, 2-butene, and benzene. The model potential for a molecule is taken as the sum of atomic potentials, which are calibrated to atomic data and contain no further parameters. Our results agree with experimentally measured values to within 5-10% in all cases. The results of these calculations are applied to many unresolved problems connected with the above molecules. Some of the more notable of these problems are the reassignment of states in carbon monoxide, the first ionization potential of nitrogen dioxide, the interpretation of the V state in ethylene, and the mystery bands in substituted ethylenes, the identification of the R and R’ series in benzene and the determination of the orbital scheme in benzene from electron impact data.


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Northern rock sole (Lepidopsetta polyxystra) is a commercially important flatfish in Alaska and was recently classified as a distinct species from southern rock sole (L. bilineata). Taxonomic and vital rate data for northern rock sole are still not fully described, notably at early egg and larval stages. In this study, we provide new taxonomic descriptions of late-stage eggs and newly hatched larvae, as well as temperature-response models of hatching (timing, duration, success), and larval size-at-hatch and posthatch survival at four temperatures (2°, 5°, 9°, and 12°C). Time-to-first-hatch, hatch cycle duration, and overall hatching success showed a negative relationship with temperature. Early hatching larvae within each temperature treatment were smaller and had larger yolk sacs, but larvae incubated at higher temperatures (9° and 12°C) had the largest yolk reserves overall. Despite having smaller yolks, size-at-hatch and the maximum size achieved during the hatching cycle was highest for larvae reared at cold temperatures (2° and 5°C), indicating that endogenous reserves are more efficiently used for growth at these temperatures. In addition, larvae reared at high temperatures died more rapidly in the absence of food despite having more yolk reserves than cold-incubated larvae. Overall, northern rock sole eggs and larvae display early life history traits consistent with coldwater adaptation for winter spawning in the North Pacific.


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The northern bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) is a highly mobile apex predator in the Gulf of Maine. Despite current stock assessments that indicate historically high abundance of its main prey, Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus), commercial fishermen have observed declines in the somatic condition of northern bluefin tuna during the last decade. We examined this claim by reviewing detailed logbooks of northern bluefin tuna condition from a local fishermen’s cooperative and applying multinomial regression, a robust tool for exploring how a categorical variable may be related to other variables of interest. The data set contained >3082 observations of condition (fat and oil content and fish shape) from fish landed between 1991 and 2004. Energy from stored lipids is used for migration and reproduction; therefore a reduction in energy acquisition on bluefin tuna feeding grounds could diminish allocations to growth and gamete production and have detrimental consequences for rebuilding the western Atlantic population. A decline in northern bluefin tuna somatic condition could indicate substantial changes in the bottom-up transfer of energy in the Gulf of Maine, shifts in their reproductive or migratory patterns, impacts of fishing pressure, or synergistic effects from multiple causes.


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Examination of hard parts recovered from scats (feces) is currently the most common method for determining the diet of pinnipeds. However, large or sharp prey remains may be spewed (regurgitated) biasing prey composition and size estimations in diet studies based on scats. Percent frequency of occurrence (FO%) and age or size of selected prey remains recovered from northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) scat (n=3444) and spew samples (n=267) collected from rookeries on St. George Island and St. Paul Island, Alaska, between 1990 and 2000 were compared to determine if a bias in prey composition and age or size estimations existed between scats and spews. Overall prey composition was similar between sample type and location, but the relative FO% of primary prey (≥5%) varied by sample type and location. Age or size estimates of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) and of two species of gonatid squids (Gonatopsis borealis and Berryteuthis magister) were significantly larger in spews than in scats. Observed differences in FO% and estimated age or size of prey species whose remains were found in scats and spews likely result from size-selective digestion of prey remains. Scats were biased toward smaller prey remains, whereas spews were biased toward larger prey remains and cephalopod beaks. The percent overlap between age classes of walleye pollock caught by the commercial trawl fishery and age classes of walleye pollock consumed by northern fur seals varied noticeably between sample types for both islands (scats: St. George=15. 5%; St. Paul=4.1%; spews: St. George=94.6%; St. Paul=89.6%). These results demonstrate that the inclusion of multiple sampling methods allows for a more accurate assessment of northern fur seal prey occurrence and prey age and size.


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Monthly catch data of bonito Sarda chiliensis from northern Chile, from 1976 to 1989, were used to obtain a series of estimates of the Z-G parameter (i.e., total mortality minus the growth coefficient in weight). This series was then used to estimate a maximum sustainable yield of 4,500 t/year through a modified version of the surplus production model of J. Csirke and J. Caddy. The status of the fishery is discussed.