964 resultados para Calcul of Reseaux Implicitement Couples
This study presents an assessment of the contributions of various primary producers to the global annual production and N/P cycles of a coastal system, namely the Arcachon Bay, by means of a numerical model. This 3D model fully couples hydrodynamic with ecological processes and simulates nitrogen, silicon and phosphorus cycles as well as phytoplankton, macroalgae and seagrasses. Total annual production rates for the different components were calculated for different years (2005, 2007 and 2009) during a time period of drastic reduction in seagrass beds since 2005. The total demand of nitrogen and phosphorus was also calculated and discussed with regards to the riverine inputs. Moreover, this study presents the first estimation of particulate organic carbon export to the adjacent open ocean. The calculated annual net production for the Arcachon Bay (except microphytobenthos, not included in the model) ranges between 22,850 and 35,300 tons of carbon. The main producers are seagrasses in all the years considered with a contribution ranging from 56% to 81% of global production. According to our model, the -30% reduction in seagrass bed surface between 2005 and 2007, led to an approximate 55% reduction in seagrass production, while during the same period of time, macroalgae and phytoplankton enhanced their productions by about +83% and +46% respectively. Nonetheless, the phytoplankton production remains about eightfold higher than the macroalgae production. Our results also highlight the importance of remineralisation inside the Bay, since riverine inputs only fulfill at maximum 73% nitrogen and 13% phosphorus demands during the years 2005, 2007 and 2009. Calculated advection allowed a rough estimate of the organic matter export: about 10% of the total production in the bay was exported, originating mainly from the seagrass compartment, since most of the labile organic matter was remineralised inside the bay.
Background: In Portugal folic acid supplementation is recommended to start at least 2-3 months before conception for primary prevention of Neural Tube Defects. The aim of this study was to evaluate, within gestations with at least one congenital anomaly, possible association between maternal socio-demographic factors and the use of folic acid. Methods: Using data from the Portuguese national registry of congenital anomalies, for the 2004-2013 period, the association between folic acid use during pregnancy and maternal characteristics was studied using the chi-square test. Results: Considering all reported cases with congenital anomaly, the use of folic acid before conception was reported by 12.7% (n = 1233) of the women; 47.8% (n = 4623) started supplementation during the 1st trimester, 7% (n = 680) did not take folic acid and 32.5% (3143) of the records had no information on folic acid use. Women with professions that require higher academic differentiation started the use of supplements before pregnancy (p <0.001); women under 19 years old and with Arab ethnicity (p <0.001) did not take folic acid. Mothers with a previous pregnancy reported less use of folic acid (11.5% versus 14.7%) than mothers without a previous pregnancy (p <0.001). Conclusions: The results suggest some degree of association between maternal characteristics and use of folic acid. To increase the consumption of folic acid before pregnancy new measures are need to promote this primary prevention, among couples and health professionals. This study highlights some maternal characteristics and subgroups of mothers for who the measures should be reinforced.
Abstract: Quantitative Methods (QM) is a compulsory course in the Social Science program in CEGEP. Many QM instructors assign a number of homework exercises to give students the opportunity to practice the statistical methods, which enhances their learning. However, traditional written exercises have two significant disadvantages. The first is that the feedback process is often very slow. The second disadvantage is that written exercises can generate a large amount of correcting for the instructor. WeBWorK is an open-source system that allows instructors to write exercises which students answer online. Although originally designed to write exercises for math and science students, WeBWorK programming allows for the creation of a variety of questions which can be used in the Quantitative Methods course. Because many statistical exercises generate objective and quantitative answers, the system is able to instantly assess students’ responses and tell them whether they are right or wrong. This immediate feedback has been shown to be theoretically conducive to positive learning outcomes. In addition, the system can be set up to allow students to re-try the problem if they got it wrong. This has benefits both in terms of student motivation and reinforcing learning. Through the use of a quasi-experiment, this research project measured and analysed the effects of using WeBWorK exercises in the Quantitative Methods course at Vanier College. Three specific research questions were addressed. First, we looked at whether students who did the WeBWorK exercises got better grades than students who did written exercises. Second, we looked at whether students who completed more of the WeBWorK exercises got better grades than students who completed fewer of the WeBWorK exercises. Finally, we used a self-report survey to find out what students’ perceptions and opinions were of the WeBWorK and the written exercises. For the first research question, a crossover design was used in order to compare whether the group that did WeBWorK problems during one unit would score significantly higher on that unit test than the other group that did the written problems. We found no significant difference in grades between students who did the WeBWorK exercises and students who did the written exercises. The second research question looked at whether students who completed more of the WeBWorK exercises would get significantly higher grades than students who completed fewer of the WeBWorK exercises. The straight-line relationship between number of WeBWorK exercises completed and grades was positive in both groups. However, the correlation coefficients for these two variables showed no real pattern. Our third research question was investigated by using a survey to elicit students’ perceptions and opinions regarding the WeBWorK and written exercises. Students reported no difference in the amount of effort put into completing each type of exercise. Students were also asked to rate each type of exercise along six dimensions and a composite score was calculated. Overall, students gave a significantly higher score to the written exercises, and reported that they found the written exercises were better for understanding the basic statistical concepts and for learning the basic statistical methods. However, when presented with the choice of having only written or only WeBWorK exercises, slightly more students preferred or strongly preferred having only WeBWorK exercises. The results of this research suggest that the advantages of using WeBWorK to teach Quantitative Methods are variable. The WeBWorK system offers immediate feedback, which often seems to motivate students to try again if they do not have the correct answer. However, this does not necessarily translate into better performance on the written tests and on the final exam. What has been learned is that the WeBWorK system can be used by interested instructors to enhance student learning in the Quantitative Methods course. Further research may examine more specifically how this system can be used more effectively.
The coming out process has been conceptualized as a developmental imperative for those who will eventually accept their same-sex attractions. It is widely accepted that homophobia, heterosexism, and homonegativity are cultural realities that may complicate this developmental process for gay men. The current study views coming out as an extra-developmental life task that is at best a stressful event, and at worst traumatic when coming out results in the rupture of salient relationships with parents, siblings, and/or close friends. To date, the minority stress model (Meyer, 1995; 2003) has been utilized as an organizing framework for how to empirically examine external stressors and mental health disparities for lesbians, gay men, and bisexual individuals in the United States. The current study builds on this literature by focusing on the influence of how gay men make sense of and represent the coming out process in a semi-structured interview, more specifically, by examining the legacy of the coming out process on indicators of wellness. In a two-part process, this study first employs the framework well articulated in the adult attachment literature of coherence of narratives to explore both variation and implications of the coming out experience for a sample of gay men (n = 60) in romantic relationships (n = 30). In particular, this study employed constructs identified in the adult attachment literature, namely Preoccupied and Dismissing current state of mind, to code a Coming Out Interview (COI). In the present study current state of mind refers to the degree of coherent discourse produced about coming out experiences as relayed during the COI. Multilevel analyses tested the extent to which these COI dimensions, as revealed through an analysis of coming out narratives in the COI, were associated with relationship quality, including self-reported satisfaction and observed emotional tone in a standard laboratory interaction task and self-reported symptoms of psychopathology. In addition, multilevel analyses also assessed the Acceptance by primary relationship figures at the time of disclosure, as well as the degree of Outness at the time of the study. Results revealed that participant’s narratives on the COI varied with regard to Preoccupied and Dismissing current state of mind, suggesting that the AAI coding system provides a viable organizing framework for extracting meaning from coming out narratives as related to attachment relevant constructs. Multilevel modeling revealed construct validity of the attachment dimensions assessed via the COI; attachment (i.e., Preoccupied and Dismissing current state of mind) as assessed via the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) was significantly correlated with the corresponding COI variables. These finding suggest both methodological and conceptual convergence between these two measures. However, with one exception, COI Preoccupied and Dismissing current state of mind did not predict relationship outcomes or self-reported internalizing and externalizing symptoms. However, further analyses revealed that the degree to which one is out to others moderated the relationship between COI Preoccupied and internalizing. Specifically, for those who were less out to others, there was a significant and positive relationship between Preoccupied current state of mind towards coming out and internalizing symptoms. In addition, the degree of perceived acceptance of sexual orientation by salient relationship figures at the time of disclosure emerged as a predictor of mental health. In particular, Acceptance was significantly negatively related to internalizing symptoms. Overall, the results offer preliminary support that gay men’s narratives do reflect variation as assessed by attachment dimensions and highlights the role of Acceptance by salient relationship figures at the time of disclosure. Still, for the most part, current state of mind towards coming out in this study was not associated with relationship quality and self-reported indicators of mental health. This finding may be a function of low statistical power given the modest sample size. However, the relationship between Preoccupied current state of mind and mental health (i.e., internalizing) appears to depend on degree of Outness. In addition, the response of primary relationships figures to coming out may be a relevant factor in shaping mental health outcomes for gay men. Limitations and suggestions for future research and clinical intervention are offered.
Dans la pratique actuelle de la curiethérapie à bas débit, l'évaluation de la dose dans la prostate est régie par le protocole défini dans le groupe de travail 43 (TG-43) de l'American Association of Physicists in Medicine. Ce groupe de travail suppose un patient homogène à base d'eau de même densité et néglige les changements dans l'atténuation des photons par les sources de curiethérapie. En considérant ces simplifications, les calculs de dose se font facilement à l'aide d'une équation, indiquée dans le protocole. Bien que ce groupe de travail ait contribué à l'uniformisation des traitements en curiethérapie entre les hôpitaux, il ne décrit pas adéquatement la distribution réelle de la dose dans le patient. La publication actuelle du TG-186 donne des recommandations pour étudier des distributions de dose plus réalistes. Le but de ce mémoire est d'appliquer ces recommandations à partir du TG-186 pour obtenir une description plus réaliste de la dose dans la prostate. Pour ce faire, deux ensembles d'images du patient sont acquis simultanément avec un tomodensitomètre à double énergie (DECT). Les artéfacts métalliques présents dans ces images, causés par les sources d’iode, sont corrigés à l'aide d’un algorithme de réduction d'artefacts métalliques pour DECT qui a été développé dans ce travail. Ensuite, une étude Monte Carlo peut être effectuée correctement lorsque l'image est segmentée selon les différents tissus humains. Cette segmentation est effectuée en évaluant le numéro atomique effectif et la densité électronique de chaque voxel, par étalonnage stoechiométrique propre au DECT, et en y associant le tissu ayant des paramètres physiques similaires. Les résultats montrent des différences dans la distribution de la dose lorsqu'on compare la dose du protocole TG-43 avec celle retrouvée avec les recommandations du TG-186.
Poverty is a multi-dimensional socio-economic problem in most sub-Saharan African countries. The purpose of this study is to analyse the relationship between household size and poverty in low-income communities. The Northern Free State region in South Africa was selected as the study region. A sample of approximately 2 900 households was randomly selected within 12 poor communities in the region. A poverty line was calculated and 74% of all households were found to live below the poverty line. The Pearson’s chi-square test indicated a positive relationship between household size and poverty in eleven of the twelve low-income communities. Households below the poverty line presented larger households than those households above the poverty line. This finding is in contradiction with some findings in other African countries due to the fact that South Africa has higher levels of modernisation with less access to land for subsistence farming. Effective provision of basic needs, community facilities and access to assets such as land could assist poor households with better quality of life. Poor households also need to be granted access to economic opportunities, while also receiving adult education regarding financial management and reproductive health.
In this contribution, a system identification procedure of a two-input Wiener model suitable for the analysis of the disturbance behavior of integrated nonlinear circuits is presented. The identified block model is comprised of two linear dynamic and one static nonlinear block, which are determined using an parameterized approach. In order to characterize the linear blocks, an correlation analysis using a white noise input in combination with a model reduction scheme is adopted. After having characterized the linear blocks, from the output spectrum under single tone excitation at each input a linear set of equations will be set up, whose solution gives the coefficients of the nonlinear block. By this data based black box approach, the distortion behavior of a nonlinear circuit under the influence of an interfering signal at an arbitrary input port can be determined. Such an interfering signal can be, for example, an electromagnetic interference signal which conductively couples into the port of consideration. © 2011 Author(s).
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This study investigated the effect of different photoperiods (24 h of light (L):0 h of darkness (D); 20L:4D; 16L:8D; 12L:12D; and 8L:16D) on the reproduction and growth of Betta splendens. The results showed that spawning frequency was significantly higher in couples reared under 16L:8D and 12L:12D, in comparison with other treatments. The highest number of eggs per spawn was obtained under 16L:8D (544.76±375.23) and 12L:12D (471.13±261.52), and the lowest values were detected for 24L:0D (128.55±58.14) and 20L:4D (187.87±103.84). Fertility and fecundity also showed significantly higher average values in 16L:8D and 12L:12D when compared with 24L:0D and 20L:4D treatments. Egg volume and perivitelline space were significantly higher in 24L:0D treatments that showed the lowest numbers of eggs per spawn, while the vitelline volume did not show significant differences. Other variables such as breeders weight gain and condition factor (K) were not statistically different. Moreover, the final length varies according to photoperiod and gender. These results demonstrated a key role for the photoperiod upon B. splendens reproduction. The best reproductive performance is achieved under the photoperiods that best approached those that occur in spring and summer (16L:8D and 12L:12D), coinciding with their best seasons for reproduction.
The aim of this thesis was to describe and explore how the partner relationship of patient–partner dyads isaffected following cardiac disease and, in particular, atrial fibrillation (AF) in one of the spouses. The thesis is based on four individual studies with different designs: descriptive (I), explorative (II, IV), and cross-sectional (III). Applied methods comprised a systematic review (I) and qualitative (II, IV) and quantitative methods (III). Participants in the studies were couples in which one of the spouses was afflicted with AF. Coherent with a systemic perspective, the research focused on the dyad as the unit of analysis. To identify and describe the current research position and knowledge base, the data for the systematic review were analyzed using an integrative approach. To explore couples’ main concern, interview data (n=12 couples) in study II were analyzed using classical grounded theory. Associations between patients and partners (n=91 couples) where analyzed through the Actor–Partner Interdependence Model using structural equation modelling (III). To explore couples’ illness beliefs, interview data (n=9 couples) in study IV were analyzed using Gadamerian hermeneutics. Study I revealed five themes of how the partner relationship is affected following cardiac disease: overprotection, communication deficiency, sexual concerns, changes in domestic roles, and adjustment to illness. Study II showed that couples living with AF experienced uncertainty as the common main concern, rooted in causation of AF and apprehension about AF episodes. The theory of Managing Uncertainty revealed the strategies of explicit sharing (mutual collaboration and finding resemblance) and implicit sharing (keeping distance and tacit understanding). Patients and spouses showed significant differences in terms of self-reported physical and mental health where patients rated themselves lower than spouses did (III). Several actor effects were identified, suggesting that emotional distress affects and is associated with perceived health. Patient partner effects and spouse partner effects were observed for vitality, indicating that higher levels of symptoms of depression in patients and spouses were associated with lower vitality in their partners. In study IV, couples’ core and secondary illness beliefs were revealed. From the core illness belief that “the heart is a representation of life,” two secondary illness beliefs were derived: AF is a threat to life, and AF can and must be explained. From the core illness belief that “change is an integral part of life,” two secondary illness beliefs were derived: AF is a disruption in our lives, and AF will not interfere with our lives. Finally, from the core illness belief that “adaptation is fundamental in life,” two secondary illness beliefs were derived: AF entails adjustment in daily life, and AF entails confidence in and adherence to professional care. In conclusion, the thesis result suggests that illness, in terms of cardiac disease and AF, affected and influenced the couple on aspects such as making sense of AF, responding to AF, and mutually incorporating and dealing with AF in their daily lives. In the light of this, the thesis results suggest that clinicians working with persons with AF and their partners should employ a systemic view with consideration of couple’s reciprocity and interdependence, but also have knowledge regarding AF, in terms of pathophysiology, the nature of AF (i.e., cause, consequences, and trajectory), and treatments. A possible approach to achieve this is a clinical utilization of an FSN based framework, such as the FamHC. Even if a formalized FSN framework is not utilized, partners should not be neglected but, rather, be considered a resource and be a part of clinical caring activities. This could be met by inviting partners to take part in rounds, treatment decisions, discharge calls or follow-up visits or other clinical caring activities. Likewise, interventional studies should include the couple as a unit of analysis as well as the target of interventions.
Abstract : 5-Methylcytosine is an epigenetic mark, which can be oxidized to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) in DNA by ten-eleven translocation (TET) oxygenases. It is an initial step in the demethylation of 5mC. Levels of 5hmC is relatively high in the brain compared to other organs, but these levels are known to be significantly reduced during the development of a brain tumor, especially in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). However, no known mechanisms may fully explain this abnormality. The objectives of my project were to (1) understand the implications of the demethylation pathway mediated by TET, and (2) gain a deeper insight in the epigenetic make-up of brain tumors. (1) U87 cells were incubated with 5mC, 5hmC, 5-formylcytosine (5fC) or co-incubated of 5hmC with 3,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2’-deoxyuridine (dTHU) over a timeline of 0, 24, 48 and 96 hours. (2) 130 brain tumors (GBM= 79; grade II/III= 51) were obtained directly from surgery and immediately suspended in DNA extraction buffer. Both cell samples and tumor tissues underwent DNA extraction and DNA digestion protocols. The percent per cytosine (%/C) was obtained by quantification of 5mC, 5hmC, 5fC, 5-hydroxymethyluracil (5hmU) and 5formyluracil (5fU) using LC-MS/MS. (1) Cellular incubations showed that it is possible to increase levels of 5hmC in DNA, but also a slight increase in 5mC levels throughout the experiment. 5HmC levels dramatically increased by 1.9-fold after 96h. On the other hand, no increase was observed in 5fC levels. Both 5hmC and 5fC incubations were accompanied by high increases in 5hmU and 5fU levels respectively. The addition of dTHU to the 5hmC incubation decreased 5hmU incorporation by 65%. (2) The average levels of 5mC, 5hmC and 5fC, in brain tumors, were 4.0, 0.15 and 0.021 %/C respectively. 5HmU and 5fU levels were present at comparable levels of 5hmC and 5fC. Levels of 5hmC, 5hmU and 5fU were significantly lower in the DNA of GBM specimens. There was a strong correlation between 5mC with 5hmC and 5fC in GBM, but this was absent in low grade tumors. The presence of 5hmU and 5fU in brain tumor and the increase in their levels during cell incubations indicate a deamination activity in these cancerous cells, which may impinge on the cellular levels of 5hmC, in particular. Furthermore, upon the incubations with 5hmC, downstream levels of 5fC did not increase suggesting a TET malfunction. TET activity is maintained in GBMs, but impaired in low grade tumors due to isocitrate dehydrogenase-1 (IDH1) mutations. Therefore, in brain tumors, a strong deamination activity and TET impairment may lead to epigenetic reduction of 5hmC.
Characterized for the first time in erythrocytes, phosphatidylinositol phosphate kinases (PIP kinases) belong to a family of enzymes that generate various lipid messengers and participate in several cellular processes, including gene expression regulation. Recently, the PIPKIIα gene was found to be differentially expressed in reticulocytes from two siblings with hemoglobin H disease, suggesting a possible relationship between PIPKIIα and the production of globins. Here, we investigated PIPKIIα gene and protein expression and protein localization in hematopoietic-derived cells during their differentiation, and the effects of PIPKIIα silencing on K562 cells. PIPKIIα silencing resulted in an increase in α and γ globins and a decrease in the proliferation of K562 cells without affecting cell cycle progression and apoptosis. In conclusion, using a cell line model, we showed that PIPKIIα is widely expressed in hematopoietic-derived cells, is localized in their cytoplasm and nucleus, and is upregulated during erythroid differentiation. We also showed that PIPKIIα silencing can induce α and γ globin expression and decrease cell proliferation in K562 cells.