990 resultados para Boundary Integral Equation
This work provides analytical and numerical solutions for the linear, quadratic and exponential Phan–Thien–Tanner (PTT) viscoelastic models, for axial and helical annular fully-developed flows under no slip and slip boundary conditions, the latter given by the linear and nonlinear Navier slip laws. The rheology of the three PTT model functions is discussed together with the influence of the slip velocity upon the flow velocity and stress fields. For the linear PTT model, full analytical solutions for the inverse problem (unknown velocity) are devised for the linear Navier slip law and two different slip exponents. For the linear PTT model with other values of the slip exponent and for the quadratic PTT model, the polynomial equation for the radial location (β) of the null shear stress must be solved numerically. For both models, the solution of the direct problem is given by an iterative procedure involving three nonlinear equations, one for β, other for the pressure gradient and another for the torque per unit length. For the exponential PTT model we devise a numerical procedure that can easily compute the numerical solution of the pure axial flow problem
In this work we provide a new mathematical model for the Pennes’ bioheat equation, assuming a fractional time derivative of single order. Alternative versions of the bioheat equation are studied and discussed, to take into account the temperature-dependent variability in the tissue perfusion, and both finite and infinite speed of heat propagation. The proposed bioheat model is solved numerically using an implicit finite difference scheme that we prove to be convergent and stable. The numerical method proposed can be applied to general reaction diffusion equations, with a variable diffusion coefficient. The results obtained with the single order fractional model, are compared with the original models that use classical derivatives.
This work reports the implementation and verification of a new so lver in OpenFOAM® open source computational library, able to cope with integral viscoelastic models based on the integral upper-convected Maxwell model. The code is verified through the comparison of its predictions with analytical solutions and numerical results obtained with the differential upper-convected Maxwell model
In this work we develop a new mathematical model for the Pennes’ bioheat equation assuming a fractional time derivative of single order. A numerical method for the solu- tion of such equations is proposed, and, the suitability of the new model for modelling real physical problems is studied and discussed
In this work we perform a comparison of two different numerical schemes for the solution of the time-fractional diffusion equation with variable diffusion coefficient and a nonlinear source term. The two methods are the implicit numerical scheme presented in [M.L. Morgado, M. Rebelo, Numerical approximation of distributed order reaction- diffusion equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 275 (2015) 216-227] that is adapted to our type of equation, and a colocation method where Chebyshev polynomials are used to reduce the fractional differential equation to a system of ordinary differential equations
The usual high cost of commercial codes, and some technical limitations, clearly limits the employment of numerical modelling tools in both industry and academia. Consequently, the number of companies that use numerical code is limited and there a lot of effort put on the development and maintenance of in-house academic based codes. Having in mind the potential of using numerical modelling tools as a design aid, of both products and processes, different research teams have been contributing to the development of open source codes/libraries. In this framework, any individual can take advantage of the available code capabilities and/or implement additional features based on his specific needs. These type of codes are usually developed by large communities, which provide improvements and new features in their specific fields of research, thus increasing significantly the code development process. Among others, OpenFOAM® multi-physics computational library, developed by a very large and dynamic community, nowadays comprises several features usually only available in their commercial counterparts; e.g. dynamic meshes, large diversity of complex physical models, parallelization, multiphase models, to name just a few. This computational library is developed in C++ and makes use of most of all language capabilities to facilitate the implementation of new functionalities. Concerning the field of computational rheology, OpenFOAM® solvers were recently developed to deal with the most relevant differential viscoelastic rheological models, and stabilization techniques are currently being verified. This work describes the implementation of a new solver in OpenFOAM® library, able to cope with integral viscoelastic models based on the deformation field method. The implemented solver is verified through the comparison of the predicted results with analytical solutions, results published in the literature and by using the Method of Manufactured Solutions.
[Excerpt] A large number of constitutive equations were developed for viscoelastic fluids, some empirical and other with strong physical foundations. The currently available macroscopic constitutive equations can be divided in two main types: differential and integral. Some of the constitutive equations, e.g. Maxwell are available both in differential and integral types. However, relevant in tegral models, like K - BKZ, just possesses the integral form. (...)
The usual high cost of commercial codes, and some technical limitations, clearly limits the employment of numerical modelling tools in both industry and academia. Consequently, the number of companies that use numerical code is limited and there a lot of effort put on the development and maintenance of in-house academic based codes . Having in mind the potential of using numerical modelling tools as a design aid, of both products and processes, different research teams have been contributing to the development of open source codes/libraries. In this framework, any individual can take advantage of the available code capabilities and/or implement additional features based on his specific needs. These type of codes are usually developed by large communities, which provide improvements and new features in their specific fields of research, thus increasing significantly the code development process. Among others, OpenFOAM® multi-physics computational library, developed by a very large and dynamic community, nowadays comprises several features usually only available in their commercial counterparts; e.g. dynamic meshes, large diversity of complex physical models, parallelization, multiphase models, to name just a few. This computational library is developed in C++ and makes use of most of all language capabilities to facilitate the implementation of new functionalities. Concerning the field of computational rheology, OpenFOAM® solvers were recently developed to deal with the most relevant differential viscoelastic rheological models, and stabilization techniques are currently being verified. This work describes the implementation of a new solver in OpenFOAM® library, able to cope with integral viscoelastic models based on the deformation field method. The implemented solver is verified through the comparison of the predicted results with analytical solutions, results published in the literature and by using the Method of Manufactured Solutions
OBJETIVO: Descrever as características da hospitalização integral para o tratamento de transtornos alimentares em um serviço especializado de Ribeirão Preto, SP. MÉTODOS: Foram revisados todos os prontuários dos pacientes em seguimento pelo serviço, de 1982 até 2011, especialmente aqueles que tiveram indicação de internação integral. Foram coletados dados sociodemográficos e referentes ao diagnóstico. RESULTADOS: No período referido, 186 pacientes receberam atendimento pelo serviço e, desses, 44,6% (n = 83) foram internados para tratamento. Ao longo do tempo, houve redução na relação atendimento/internação, passando de 77,7% para 36,2% dos casos. A média de internações foi de 1,9 ± 3,9 vezes, e 73,5% (n = 61) dos pacientes foram hospitalizados apenas uma vez. A duração média da internação, independentemente do número de hospitalizações, foi de 70,6 ± 115,9 dias (variação de 3 a 804 dias). A predominância foi do sexo feminino, raça branca, solteira, sem filhos e com idade média de 23,3 ± 10,8 anos. O diagnóstico predominante foi de anorexia nervosa (85,5%), sobretudo em seu tipo restritivo (54,2%). As indicações mais frequentes para internação foram para realização de terapia nutricional (50,9%), seguida da investigação do quadro clínico (30,1%) e por causa de depressão e/ou ideação suicida (10,9%). CONCLUSÃO: A hospitalização integral é uma modalidade terapêutica necessária para o tratamento desses quadros, e sua frequência foi considerada significativa, porém diminuiu ao longo do tempo. Esse resultado pode ser explicado pela tendência de desospitalização a partir da reforma psiquiátrica, do diagnóstico e tratamento mais precoces e da experiência adquirida pelos profissionais do serviço ao longo dos anos.
Much of the information of historical documents about the territory and property are defined on textual form. This information is mostly geographic and defines territorial areas, its limits and boundaries. For the treatment of this data, we have defined one information system where the treatment of the documental references for the study of the settlement and landscape implies a systematization of the information, normalization, integration and graphic and cartographic representation. This methodology was applied to the case study of the boundary of the monastery-diocese of Dume, in Braga - Portugal, for which there are countless documents and references to this site, but where the urban pressure has mischaracterized very significantly the landscape, making the identification of territorial limits quite difficult. The work carried out to give spatial and cartographic expression to the data, by defining viewing criteria according to the recorded information, proved to be a central working tool in the boundary study and in understanding the dynamics of the sites in the various cultural periods.
v.2 pt.1:Cactaceae
OBJETIVO: Quantificar o percentual de contratilidade dos diversos segmentos miocárdicos, em portadores de doença de Chagas, através da medida do strain miocárdico e verificar diferenças na função contrátil radial e longitudinal ventricular entre as formas indeterminada e dilatada da miocardiopatia chagásica crônica quando comparadas a um grupo de indivíduos normais. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 39 indivíduos, 20 (51,3%) do sexo masculino divididos em quatro grupos: Nl: 17 (43,6%) indivíduos normais; Ind: 7 (17,9%) portadores de doença de Chagas forma indeterminada; C1, 7 (17,9%) portadores de doença de Chagas forma crônica com fração de ejeção < 50% e C2: 8 (20,5%) portadores de doença de Chagas forma crônica com fração de ejeção > 50%. Após realização de ecocardiograma basal foram registradas as imagem em Doppler tecidual para a medida do strain miocárdico nos diversos segmentos aos cortes paraesternais, longitudinal e transversal, e apicais, de duas e quatro câmaras. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÃO: O percentual de contração dos diversos segmentos miocárdicos, tanto em seu componente radial quanto longitudinal é maior nos indivíduos normais do que em portadores da forma crônica da doença de Chagas e naqueles com a forma indeterminada da doença quando comparado com chagásicos crônicos com FE < 50%. A contratilidade radial do ventrículo esquerdo é maior que a longitudinal nos três grupos (Nl, Ind e Crônico). Os dados apresentados nos permitem propor um caráter progressivo do acometimento miocárdico em portadores da doença de Chagas.
La pobreza y exclusión social en que se encuentran las familias o individuos que habitan en situación de emergencia social y habitacional en la ciudad de Córdoba, generan pautas de apropiación y construcción de hábitat diferentes al resto de la población. El presente proyecto propone elaborar una estrategia integral de desarrollo e inclusión social y urbana, y definir políticas públicas que puedan dar respuesta al problema socio-habitacional de los sectores de villas de emergencia de la ciudad de Córdoba teniendo en cuenta valores y pautas de la población. Bajo este marco contextual, a través del desarrollo del presente proyecto de investigación aplicada, se busca abordar explícitamente el factor socio-habitacional y su incidencia en los procesos de exclusión de sectores de la población que no acceden a los derechos a la ciudad y que llevan a niveles de tensión social y violencia creciente. Cuando nos referimos al “no acceso” a los derechos a la ciudad, nos referimos al no acceso a beneficios básicos de infraestructura, de servicios de salud y educación de calidad, entre otros. En términos específicos, plantea abordar la dificultad que existe para el desarrollo de políticas y proyectos sectoriales socio-habitacionales para el sector de villas de emergencia que tengan en cuenta los valores, potencialidades y recursos de la población y los actores involucrados en dicha problemática, elaborando una estrategia integral para definir políticas públicas.