991 resultados para Boiling water reactor


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The goal of this work was the treatment of polluted waste gases in a bubble column reactor (BCR), in order to determinate the maximum value of reactor’s efficiency (RE), varying the inlet concentration (C in) of the pollutants. The gaseous mixtures studied were: (i) air with styrene and (ii) air with styrene and acetone. The liquid phase used to contain the biomass in the reactor was a basal salt medium (BSM), fundamental for the microorganisms’ development. The reactor used in this project consists of a glass column of 620mm height and inside diameter 75mm. In all essays there were continually measured: pH, dissolved oxygen and liquid’s temperature. Temperature and pH were controlled (T=24ºC, 7.0 ≤ pH ≤ 7.7). In all experiments the liquid volume (including the biomass) used in the reactor was kept constant (1.5L) as well as the total gas flowrate (1 L/min). Concerning the goal of the work, some parameters were calculated: the organic load (OL), removal efficiency (RE), elimination capacity (EC), biomass concentration (xf) and dry biomass concentration (Xdw). In a first series of experiments, the gas mixture used was air with styrene, varying its concentration from 191 mg.m-3 to 6500 mg.m-3.It was concluded that the RE maximum value (97%) was obtained for C in Sty = 4200 mg.m-3. For the maximum tested value of C in Sty, RE obtained was 20%. In a second step, the gaseous mixture included acetone, varying C in Sty between 225 mg.m-3 and 2659 mg.m-3 and C in Ac between 153mg.m-3 and 1389 mg.m-3. The aim of these tests was the determination of C in Ac for which RE was maximum, obtaining C in Ac = 750 mg.m-3. A third series of experiments was performed, in which C in Ac was maintained equal to that value and C in Sty was varied until higher values (5422 mg.m-3). RE maximum values obtained in this last series were 100% for styrene and 40% for acetone. One important conclusion is the fact that the microorganisms available degrade better styrene than acetone. On the ambit of this study, it was possible to identify the species available in biomass: Xanthobacter antotrophicus py2, Enterobacter aerogenes, Nocardia, Corynebacterium Spp., Rhodococcus rhodochrous e Pseudomonas Sp.


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Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências do Mar (especialidade em Ecologia Marinha), 11 de Setembro de 2015, Universidade dos Açores.


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A Mundotêxtil foi fundada em 1975 tendo iniciado a sua actividade na área comercial de produtos têxteis. Actualmente é o maior produtor nacional de atoalhados de felpo e emprega 575 colaboradores. Como resultado do seu crescimento e sobretudo da actividade de tingimento de fio e felpo, as necessidades de água são consideráveis e o volume de efluentes gerados nos processos industriais é cada vez maior a empresa avançou com a construção de uma estação de tratamento por lamas activadas, colocando-a em funcionamento em Setembro de 2004. Inicialmente surgiram dificuldades para a remoção da cor e da concentração da Carência Química de Oxigénio (CQO) de modo a cumprir os limites máximos de emissão permitidos nas normas de descarga no rio Ave e no Decreto-Lei nº 236/98, de 1 de Agosto. Com a descarga de parte dos efluentes no SIDVA e a utilização de um coagulante adicionado ao reactor o tratamento passou a apresentar melhores resultados. O intuito deste trabalho é o de apresentar soluções de modo a optimizar o funcionamento do tratamento biológico da Mundotêxtil. A optimização pode começar na concepção dos produtos, pode incidir no processo de fabrico para além de poder ser efectuada no seio da estação de tratamento biológico. Foi efectuado um estudo do tratamento biológico por lamas activadas no Laboratório de Tecnologia Química Profª Doutora Lída de Vasconcelos, laboratório tecnológico do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP) que decorreu nos meses de Maio, Junho e Julho de 2010. O estudo laboratorial foi efectuado para três situações distintas: 1) tratamento do efluente bruto sem qualquer tipo de pré-tratamento (ensaios 1 a 3); 2) tratamento do efluente bruto submetido a pré-tratamento com coagulante Ambifloc BIO MD (ensaios 4 e 5) e 3) tratamento com adição de fungos ao tanque de arejamento (ensaio 6). Foram utilizadas duas instalações de tratamento alimentadas a partir do mesmo tanque de alimentação. Os dois sistemas eram idênticos, diferiram nos caudais de alimentação de efluente que foram alterados ao longo do estudo. O efluente a tratar foi fornecido pela empresa Mundotêxtil, sendo recolhido por diversas vezes ao longo dos ensaios. Este efluente foi retirado após o pré-tratamento da empresa, ou seja este efluente é o mesmo que alimenta o tratamento biológico da Mundotêxtil. Devido a este facto o efluente usado no estudo laboratorial teve uma variabilidade no período em que decorreu o estudo, nomeadamente em termos de concentração de CQO e cor. A relação entre a Carência Bioquímica (CBO5) e a CQO situouse entre 0,47 e 0,63 o que traduz que está dentro dos valores típicos para um efluente têxtil. Os melhores resultados globais de remoção de CQO foram obtidos no ensaio 5 e estiveram compreendidos entre 73,2% e 77,5% para o ensaio 5.1 e entre 62,9 e 73,2% para o ensaio 5.2. Neste ensaio foi utilizado o coagulante. Todos os valores de concentração de CQO obtidos nos efluentes dos decantadores para os ensaios 2, 5 e 6 são inferiores aos valores limite de descarga definidos nas normas de descarga no rio Ave e o Decreto-Lei 236/98. Os valores de concentração de Sólidos Suspensos Totais (SST), pH, fósforo, CBO5 e cor nos decantadores cumpriram os limites de descarga definidos nas normas de descarga no rio Ave e no Decreto-Lei nº 236/98 em todos os ensaios. Os parâmetros cinéticos obtidos para os ensaios com descorante são os que melhor se ajustam ao projecto de uma instalação de tratamento biológico por lamas activadas do efluente da Mundotêxtil. Os valores obtidos, após ajuste, são os seguintes: k=0,015 L/(mgSSV*d); Sn=12 mg/L; a=0,7982 kgO2/kgCBO5; b=0,0233 [kgO2/(kgSSV*d); y=0,2253 kgSSV/kgCBO5; kd=0,0036 kgSSV/(kgSSV*d. Com base nos parâmetros cinéticos obtiveram-se os seguintes resultados para o projecto de uma estação de tratamento biológico por lamas activadas: · Tempo de retenção hidráulica no reactor de 1,79 d, · Volume do reactor igual a 3643 m3 · Consumo de oxigénio no reactor de 604 kg/d · Razão de recirculação igual a 0,8 · Volume total do decantador secundário igual a 540 m3 · Diâmetro do decantador secundário igual a 15 m A quantidade de oxigénio necessário é baixa e o valor mais adequado deverá ser da ordem de 1200 kg/d. Também foi efectuada uma análise aos produtos químicos consumidos pela empresa na área das tinturarias com a finalidade de identificar as substâncias com uma maior influência potencial no funcionamento da Estação de Tratamento Biológico. O encolante CB, Cera Têxtil P Líquida, Perfemina P-12, Meropan DPE-P, Meropan BRE-P, Indimina STS e Benzym TEC são os produtos químicos que têm uma influência potencial mais significativa na qualidade dos efluentes. Devido ao facto das temperaturas do efluente alimentado ao tratamento biológico da Mundotêxtil oscilarem entre 35 ºC e 43ºC efectuou-se um estudo às necessidades de água quente das tinturarias e por outro lado à capacidade de aquecimento dos efluentes disponíveis. Actualmente a racionalização dos consumos de água é cada vez mais premente, por isso também é apresentado neste trabalho um estudo para a substituição das máquinas convencionais das tinturarias com uma relação de banho 1:10 por máquinas de banho curto (1:6,5). Verifica-se a redução de consumos de 40% de água, 52% de energia eléctrica, 35% de produtos químicos, 51% das necessidades de vapor e por consequência um aumento da produtividade. A empresa pode reduzir os consumos de água em cerca de 280.000 m3/ano. A utilização do pré-tratamento com o coagulante permitirá baixar a concentração da CQO e reduzir a cor à entrada do reactor tratamento biológico. Deste modo é possível manter um tratamento eficiente à saída do tratamento biológico nas situações de descarga de cores carregadas e carga orgânica elevada. Com este conjunto de soluções, quer sejam aplicadas na totalidade ou não, a empresa Mundotêxtil pode enfrentar o futuro com mais confiança podendo estar preparada para fazer face à escassez de água e custos cada vez maiores da energia. Por outro lado pode tratar os seus efluentes a custos menores. A substituição das máquinas de tingimento por máquinas com relação de banho mais baixa (banho curto) implica investimentos elevados mas estes investimentos são necessários não só por motivos ambientais mas também devido à grande competitividade dos mercados.


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O presente relatório descreve o trabalho de estágio efectuado na empresa Curtumes Aveneda, Lda com o objectivo de optimizar recursos como a água e energia. Foi realizado um diagnóstico energético que permitiu concluir que o consumo de energia na empresa é de 300 tep/ano, pelo que a empresa não é obrigada a adoptar as medidas de Regulamento de Gestão do Consumo de Energia (RGCE). O mesmo diagnóstico aponta para a existência de ineficiências, nomeadamente na tinturaria. Assim, foi projectado um sistema de controlo para adição de água na tinturaria com o intuito de reduzir o consumo de energia e água, e também melhorar a qualidade dos processos de tinturaria, dado que a adição de água é feita manualmente sem controlo de quantidade. Após consulta de fornecedor, o investimento em equipamento para tal sistema é de 10.012,00€ Foi desenvolvido um processo de recurtume compacto no sentido de promover a redução do consumo de água e de energia. Tal processo, quando comparado com um processo normal da empresa, gera uma redução de energia eléctrica no valor de 6.157,05 €/ano, uma redução no consumo de energia térmica da ordem de 904,00 €/ano, e ainda uma redução do consumo de água na ordem de 962 m3/ano correspondente a uma redução de 2.998,76 €/ano no tratamento de efluentes. Outras medidas foram sugeridas, mas sem uma fundamentação técnica e científica suficiente pelo que carecem de um estudo pormenorizado, como a instalação de arrancadores progressivos nos motores dos fulões, a optimização do aquecimento do ar de secagem na estufa com eventual recurso a painéis solares, e a optimização do funcionamento da caldeira dado o seu baixo rendimento.


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The deterioration of water quality by Cyanobacteria cause outbreaks and epidemics associated with harmful diseases in Humans and animals because of the toxins that they release. Microcystin-LR is one of the hepatotoxins most widely studied and the World Health Organization, recommend a maximum value of 1mgL 1 in drinking water. Highly specific recognition molecules, such as molecular imprinted polymers are developed to quantify microcystins in waters for human use and shown to be of great potential in the analysis of these kinds of samples. The obtained results were auspicious, the detection limit found, 1.5mgL 1, being of the same order of magnitude as the guideline limit recommended by the WHO. This technology is very promising because the sensors are stable and specific, and the technology is inexpensive and allows for rapid on-site monitoring.


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The electroactivity of butylate (BTL) is studied by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and square wave voltammetry (SWV) at a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) and a hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE). Britton–Robinson buffer solutions of pH 1.9–11.5 are used as supporting electrolyte. CV voltammograms using GCE show a single anodic peak regarding the oxidation of BTL at +1.7V versus AgCl/ Ag, an irreversible process controlled by diffusion. Using a HMDE, a single cathodic peak is observed, at 1.0V versus AgCl/Ag. The reduction of BTL is irreversible and controlled by adsorption. Mechanism proposals are presented for these redox transformations. Optimisation is carried out univaryingly. Linearity ranges were 0.10–0.50 mmol L-1 and 2.0–9.0 µmolL-1 for anodic and cathodic peaks, respectively. The proposed method is applied to the determination of BTL in waters. Analytical results compare well with those obtained by an HPLC method.


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Seven pyrethroids (bifenthrin, fenpropathrin, k-cyhalothrin, permethrin, a-cypermethrin, fenvalerate, and deltamethrin) were extracted from water using C18 solid-phase extraction disks, followed by gas chromatography with an electron capture detector (GC-ECD) analysis. The limits of detection in water samples ranged from 0.5 ng L-1 (fenpropathrin) to 110 ng L- 1 (permethrin), applying the calibration graph. The effects of different numbers of (re)utilizations of the same disks (up to four times with several concentrations) on the recoveries of the pyrethroids were considered. The recoveries were all between 70 and 120% after four utilizations of the same disk. There was no difference between these recoveries at a confidence level of 95%.


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The construction industry keeps on demanding huge quantities of natural resources, mainly minerals for mortars and concrete production. The depletion of many quarries and environmental concerns about reducing the dumping of construction and demolition waste in quarries have led to an increase in the procuring and use of recycled aggregates from this type of waste. If they are to be incorporated in concrete and mortars it is essential to know their properties to guarantee the adequate performance of the end products, in both mechanical and durability-related terms. Existing regulated tests were developed for natural aggregates, however, and several problems arise when they are applied to recycled aggregates, especially fine recycled aggregates (FRA). This paper describes the main problems encountered with these tests and proposes an alternative method to determine the density and water absorption of FRA that removes them. The use of sodium hexametaphosphate solutions in the water absorption test has proven to improve its efficiency, minimizing cohesion between particles and helping to release entrained air.


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The aim of this paper is to develop models for experimental open-channel water delivery systems and assess the use of three data-driven modeling tools toward that end. Water delivery canals are nonlinear dynamical systems and thus should be modeled to meet given operational requirements while capturing all relevant dynamics, including transport delays. Typically, the derivation of first principle models for open-channel systems is based on the use of Saint-Venant equations for shallow water, which is a time-consuming task and demands for specific expertise. The present paper proposes and assesses the use of three data-driven modeling tools: artificial neural networks, composite local linear models and fuzzy systems. The canal from Hydraulics and Canal Control Nucleus (A parts per thousand vora University, Portugal) will be used as a benchmark: The models are identified using data collected from the experimental facility, and then their performances are assessed based on suitable validation criterion. The performance of all models is compared among each other and against the experimental data to show the effectiveness of such tools to capture all significant dynamics within the canal system and, therefore, provide accurate nonlinear models that can be used for simulation or control. The models are available upon request to the authors.


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The current models are not simple enough to allow a quick estimation of the remediation time. This work reports the development of an easy and relatively rapid procedure for the forecasting of the remediation time using vapour extraction. Sandy soils contaminated with cyclohexane and prepared with different water contents were studied. The remediation times estimated through the mathematical fitting of experimental results were compared with those of real soils. The main objectives were: (i) to predict, through a simple mathematical fitting, the remediation time of soils with water contents different from those used in the experiments; (ii) to analyse the influence of soil water content on the: (ii1) remediation time; (ii2) remediation efficiency; and (ii3) distribution of contaminants in the different phases present into the soil matrix after the remediation process. For sandy soils with negligible contents of clay and natural organic matter, artificially contaminated with cyclohexane before vapour extraction, it was concluded that (i) if the soil water content belonged to the range considered in the experiments with the prepared soils, then the remediation time of real soils of similar characteristics could be successfully predicted, with relative differences not higher than 10%, through a simple mathematical fitting of experimental results; (ii) increasing soil water content from 0% to 6% had the following consequences: (ii1) increased remediation time (1.8–4.9 h, respectively); (ii2) decreased remediation efficiency (99–97%, respectively); and (ii3) decreased the amount of contaminant adsorbed onto the soil and in the non-aqueous liquid phase, thus increasing the amount of contaminant in the aqueous and gaseous phases.


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This work reports a relatively rapid procedure for the forecasting of the remediation time (RT) of sandy soils contaminated with cyclohexane using vapour extraction. The RT estimated through the mathematical fitting of experimental results was compared with that of real soils. The main objectives were: (i) to predict the RT of soils with natural organic matter (NOM) and water contents different from those used in experiments; and (ii) to analyse the time and efficiency of remediation, and the distribution of contaminants into the soil matrix after the remediation process, according to the soil contents of: (ii1) NOM; and (ii2) water. For sandy soils with negligible clay contents, artificially contaminated with cyclohexane before vapour extraction, it was concluded that: (i) if the NOM and water contents belonged to the range of the prepared soils, the RT of real soils could be predicted with relative differences not higher than 12%; (ii1) the increase of NOM content from 0% to 7.5% increased the RT (1.8–13 h) and decreased the remediation efficiency (RE) (99–90%) and (ii2) the increase of soil water content from 0% to 6% increased the RT (1.8–4.9 h) and decreased the RE (99–97%). NOM increases the monolayer capacity leading to a higher sorption into the solid phase. Increasing of soil water content reduces the mass transfer coefficient between phases. Concluding, NOM and water contents influence negatively the remediation process, turning it less efficient and more time consuming, and consequently more expensive.


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Abstract This work reports the analysis of the efficiency and time of soil remediation using vapour extraction as well as provides comparison of results using both, prepared and real soils. The main objectives were: (i) to analyse the efficiency and time of remediation according to the water and natural organic matter content of the soil; and (ii) to assess if a previous study, performed using prepared soils, could help to preview the process viability in real conditions. For sandy soils with negligible clay content, artificially contaminated with cyclohexane before vapour extraction, it was concluded that (i) the increase of soil water content and mainly of natural organic matter content influenced negatively the remediation process, making it less efficient, more time consuming, and consequently more expensive; and (ii) a previous study using prepared soils of similar characteristics has proven helpful for previewing the process viability in real conditions.


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Infiltration galleries are among the oldest known means used for small public water fountains. Owing to its ancestral origin they are usually associated with high quality water. Thirty-one compounds, including pesticides and estrogens from different chemical families, were analysed in waters from infiltration galleries collected in Alto Douro Demarcated Wine region (North of Portugal). A total of twelve compounds were detected in the water samples. Nine of these compounds are described as presenting evidence or potential evidence of interfering with the hormone system of humans and wildlife. Although concentrations of the target analytes were relatively low, many of them below their limit of quantification, four compounds were above quantification limit and two of them even above the legal limit of 0.1 lg/L: dimethoate (30.38 ng/L), folpet (64.35 ng/L), terbuthylazine-desethyl (22.28 to 292.36 ng/L) and terbuthylazine (22.49 to 369.33 ng/L).


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In this study, a method for the electrochemical quantification of the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in beverages was developed. The method is based on the oxidative damage to the purine bases, adenine or guanine, that are immobilized on a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) surface. The oxidative lesions on the DNA bases were promoted by the sulfate radical generated by the persulfate/iron(II) system. The presence of antioxidants on the reactive system promoted the protection of the DNA bases immobilized on the GCE by scavenging the sulfate radical. Square-wave voltammetry (SWV) was the electrochemical technique used to perform this study. The efficiencies of five antioxidants (ascorbic acid, gallic acid, caffeic acid, coumaric acid and resveratrol) in scavenging the sulfate radical and, therefore, their ability to protect the purine bases immobilized on the GCE were investigated. These results demonstrated that the purine-based biosensor is suitable for the rapid assessment of the TAC in flavors and flavored water.


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Amulti-residue methodology based on a solid phase extraction followed by gas chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry was developed for trace analysis of 32 compounds in water matrices, including estrogens and several pesticides from different chemical families, some of them with endocrine disrupting properties. Matrix standard calibration solutions were prepared by adding known amounts of the analytes to a residue-free sample to compensate matrix-induced chromatographic response enhancement observed for certain pesticides. Validation was done mainly according to the International Conference on Harmonisation recommendations, as well as some European and American validation guidelines with specifications for pesticides analysis and/or GC–MS methodology. As the assumption of homoscedasticity was not met for analytical data, weighted least squares linear regression procedure was applied as a simple and effective way to counteract the greater influence of the greater concentrations on the fitted regression line, improving accuracy at the lower end of the calibration curve. The method was considered validated for 31 compounds after consistent evaluation of the key analytical parameters: specificity, linearity, limit of detection and quantification, range, precision, accuracy, extraction efficiency, stability and robustness.