637 resultados para Blunt, Alison
OBJECTIVE: Visual hallucinations are under-reported by patients and are often undiscovered by health professionals. There is no gold standard available to assess hallucinations. Our objective was to develop a reliable, valid, semi-structured interview for identifying and assessing visual hallucinations in older people with eye disease and cognitive impairment. METHODS: We piloted the North-East Visual Hallucinations Interview (NEVHI) in 80 older people with visual and/or cognitive impairment (patient group) and 34 older people without known risks of hallucinations (control group). The informants of 11 patients were interviewed separately. We established face validity, content validity, criterion validity, inter-rater agreement and the internal consistency of the NEVHI, and assessed the factor structure for questions evaluating emotions, cognitions, and behaviours associated with hallucinations. RESULTS: Recurrent visual hallucinations were common in the patient group (68.8%) and absent in controls (0%). The criterion, face and content validities were good and the internal consistency of screening questions for hallucinations was high (Cronbach alpha: 0.71). The inter-rater agreements for simple and complex hallucinations were good (Kappa 0.72 and 0.83, respectively). Four factors associated with experiencing hallucinations (perceived control, pleasantness, distress and awareness) were identified and explained a total variance of 73%. Informants gave more 'don't know answers' than patients throughout the interview (p = 0.008), especially to questions evaluating cognitions and emotions associated with hallucinations (p = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: NEVHI is a comprehensive assessment tool, helpful to identify the presence of visual hallucinations and to quantify cognitions, emotions and behaviours associated with hallucinations.
Acute alcohol consumption has been reported to decrease mean arterial pressure (MAP) during orthostatic challenge, a response that may contribute to alcohol-mediated hypotension and eventually syncope. Muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) increases during orthostatic stress to help maintain MAP, yet the influence of alcohol on MSNA during orthostatic stress has not been determined. We hypothesized that alcohol ingestion would blunt arterial blood pressure and MSNA responses to progressive lower body negative pressure (LBNP). MAP, MSNA, and heart rate (HR) were recorded during progressive LBNP (-5, -10, -15, -20, -30, and -40 mmHg; 3 min/stage) in 30 subjects(age 24 ± 1 yrs). After an initial progressive LBNP protocol (pre-treatment), subjects were randomly assigned to consume alcohol (0.8g ethanol/kg body mass; n=15) or placebo (n=15) and then repeated the progressive LBNP protocol (post-treatment). Alcohol increased (drug × treatment, P ≤ 0.05) resting HR (59 ± 2 to 65 ± 2 beats/min) and MSNA (13 ± 3 to 19 ± 4 bursts/min) when compared to placebo. While alcohol increased MAP (83 ± 2 to 87 ± 2 mmHg), these increases were also observed with placebo (82 ± 2 to 88 ± 1 mmHg; treatment, P < 0.05; drug × treatment, P > 0.05). During progressive LBNP, a prominent decrease in MAP was observed after alcohol (drug × time × treatment, P < 0.05), but not placebo. There was also a significant attenuated response in forearm vascular resistance (FVR) during progressive LBNP (drug × time × treatment, P < 0.05). MSNA and HR increased during all LBNP protocols, but there were no differences between treatments or groups (drugs). In summary, acute alcohol ingestion induces an attenuation in blood pressure response during an orthostatic challenge, possibly due to the effect that alcohol has on impairing peripheral blood vessel constriction.
The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) has been used to quantify SO2 emissions from passively degassing volcanoes. This dissertation explores ASTER’s capability to detect SO2 with satellite validation, enhancement techniques and extensive processing of images at a variety of volcanoes. ASTER is compared to the Mini UV Spectrometer (MUSe), a ground based instrument, to determine if reasonable SO2 fluxes can be quantified from a plume emitted from Lascar, Chile. The two sensors were in good agreement with ASTER proving to be a reliable detector of SO2. ASTER illustrated the advantages of imaging a plume in 2D, with better temporal resolution than the MUSe. SO2 plumes in ASTER imagery are not always discernible in the raw TIR data. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Decorrelation Stretch (DCS) enhancement techniques were compared to determine how well they highlight a variety of volcanic plumes. DCS produced a consistent output and the composition of the plumes was easy to identify from explosive eruptions. As the plumes became smaller and lower in altitude they became harder to distinguish using DCS. PCA proved to be better at identifying smaller low altitude plumes. ASTER was used to investigate SO2 emissions at Lascar, Chile. Activity at Lascar has been characterized by cyclic behavior and persistent degassing (Matthews et al. 1997). Previous studies at Lascar have primarily focused on changes in thermal infrared anomalies, neglecting gas emissions. Using the SO2 data along with changes in thermal anomalies and visual observations it is evident that Lascar is at the end an eruptive cycle that began in 1993. Declining gas emissions and crater temperatures suggest that the conduit is sealing. ASTER and the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) were used to determine the annual contribution of SO2 to the troposphere from the Central and South American volcanic arcs between 2000 and 2011. Fluxes of 3.4 Tg/a for Central America and 3.7 Tg/a for South America were calculated. The detection limits of ASTER were explored. The results a proved to be interesting, with plumes from many of the high emitting volcanoes, such as Villarrica, Chile, not being detected by ASTER.
Fatal falls from great height are a frequently encountered setting in forensic pathology. They present--by virtue of a calculable energy transmission to the body--an ideal model for the assessment of the effects of blunt trauma to a human body. As multislice computed tomography (MSCT) has proven not only to be invaluable in clinical examinations, but also to be a viable tool in post-mortem imaging, especially in the field of osseous injuries, we performed a MSCT scan on 20 victims of falls from great height. We hereby detected fractures and their distributions were compared with the impact energy. Our study suggests a marked increase of extensive damage to different body regions at about 20 kJ and more. The thorax was most often affected, regardless of the amount of impacting energy and the primary impact site. Cranial fracture frequency displayed a biphasic distribution with regard to the impacting energy; they were more frequent in energies of less than 10, and more than 20 kJ, but rarer in the intermediate energy group, namely that of 10-20 kJ.
Beer bottles are often used in physical disputes. If the bottles break, they may give rise to sharp trauma. However, if the bottles remain intact, they may cause blunt injuries. In order to investigate whether full or empty standard half-litre beer bottles are sturdier and if the necessary breaking energy surpasses the minimum fracture-threshold of the human skull, we tested the fracture properties of such beer bottles in a drop-tower. Full bottles broke at 30 J impact energy, empty bottles at 40 J. These breaking energies surpass the minimum fracture-threshold of the human neurocranium. Beer bottles may therefore fracture the human skull and therefore serve as dangerous instruments in a physical dispute.
Attentional focus and practice schedules are important components in learning a new skill. For attention this includes focusing inward or outward, for practice this includes interference between tasks. Little is known about how the two interact. Four groups; blocked/extraneous (BE); blocked/skill-focused (BS); random/extraneous (RE); and random/skill-focused (RS), practiced 100 trials of golf putting and 64 trials of a key-pressing task in addition to responding to a random tone distracting attention towards or away from skill movement. Participants performed immediate and delayed retention tests. Results demonstrated the BE group had decreased RTE scores compared to the BS group. Immediate retention demonstrated superior scores for blocked practice. Delayed retention demonstrated superior CEVE scores for extraneous focus. For golf putting, both attention conditions with blocked practice learned faster compared to random groups. Posttest scores demonstrated the random and skill focused group to improve in all putting conditions.
OBJECTIVE: Anatomic reduction and stable fixation by means of tissue- preserving surgical approaches. INDICATIONS Displaced acetabular fractures. Surgical hip dislocation approach with larger displacement of the posterior column in comparison to the anterior column, transtectal fractures, additional intraarticular fragments, marginal impaction. Stoppa approach with larger displacement of the anterior column in comparison to the posterior column. A combined approach might be necessary with difficult reduction. CONTRAINDICATIONS Fractures > 15 days (then ilioinguinal or extended iliofemoral approaches). Suprapubic catheters and abdominal problems (e.g., previous laparotomy due to visceral injuries) with Stoppa approach (then switch to classic ilioinguinal approach). SURGICAL TECHNIQUE: Surgical hip dislocation: lateral decubitus position. Straight lateral incision centered over the greater trochanter. Entering of the Gibson interval. Digastric trochanteric osteotomy with protection of the medial circumflex femoral artery. Opening of the interval between the piriformis and the gluteus minimus muscle. Z-shaped capsulotomy. Dislocation of the femoral head. Reduction and fixation of the posterior column with plate and screws. Fixation of the anterior column with a lag screw in direction of the superior pubic ramus. Stoppa approach: supine position. Incision according to Pfannenstiel. Longitudinal splitting of the anterior portion of the rectus sheet and the rectus abdominis muscle. Blunt dissection of the space of Retzius. Ligation of the corona mortis, if present. Blunt dissection of the quadrilateral plate and the anterior column. Reduction of the anterior column and fixation with a reconstruction plate. Fixation of the posterior column with lag screws. If necessary, the first window of the ilioinguinal approach can be used for reduction and fixation of the posterior column. POSTOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT: During hospital stay, intensive mobilization of the hip joint using a continuous passive motion machine with a maximum flexion of 90 degrees . No active abduction and passive adduction over the body's midline, if a surgical dislocation was performed. Maximum weight bearing 10-15 kg for 8 weeks. Then, first clinical and radiographic follow-up. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis for 8 weeks postoperatively. RESULTS: 17 patients with a mean follow-up of 3.2 years. Ten patients were operated via surgical hip dislocation, two patients with a Stoppa approach, and five using a combined or alternative approach. Anatomic reduction was achieved in ten of the twelve patients (83%) without primary total hip arthroplasty. Mean operation time 3.3 h for surgical hip dislocation and 4.2 h for the Stoppa approach. Complications comprised one delayed trochanteric union, one heterotopic ossification, and one loss of reduction. There were no cases of avascular necrosis. In two patients, a total hip arthroplasty was performed due to the development of secondary hip osteoarthritis.