930 resultados para Block Faulting
Aims 1 To identify the 3D soft tissue volumetric and linear landmark changes following treatment with the Twin-Block Appliance TBA. 2 To estimate the TBA treatment outcome on the soft tissue facial profile volumetric and linear landmark changes from the Postured Wax Bite (PWB). 3 To identify if there is any association between certain soft tissue landmark variables and successful treatment outcome of the TBA as measured by the reduction in overjet. 4 To assess the effects of TBA treatment on facial expressions. Materials and Methods Forty-seven Caucasian subjects with Class II division 1 were recruited. 3D images captured of each subject, pre-treatment (T1), with the PWB (T2) and at the end of treatment (T3). Soft tissue volumetric and linear changes as well as the correlation between facial parameters and successful treatment were calculated. Results The mean soft tissue volumetric change from T1 to T3 was 22.24 ± 16.73 cm³. Soft tissue profile linear changes from T1-T3 for lower facial landmarks were 4-5 mm. From T1-T3, the mean soft tissue volumetric change of the total sample was 60% of the change produced by the PWB (T1 to T2). Correlations were weak for all 3D facial parameters and successful overjet reduction. Facial expression changes were only significant for the lower landmarks. Conclusions 1 TBA treatment, in growing subjects, increased the lower facial soft tissue volume and caused forward movement of the lower soft tissue facial profile landmarks.2 The PWB can be used to estimate the treatment outcome of the TBA on soft tissue profile changes.3 No association was found between soft tissue landmark variables and successful overjet reduction.4 TBA treatment had no effect on the upper facial landmarks for each facial expression but it changed the lower facial expressions significantly except for maximal smile in males.
Fabrication of nanoscale patterns through the bottom-up approach of self-assembly of phase-separated block copolymers (BCP) holds promise for nanoelectronics applications. For lithographic applications, it is useful to vary the morphology of BCPs by monitoring various parameters to make “from lab to fab” a reality. Here I report on the solvent annealing studies of lamellae forming polystyrene-blockpoly( 4-vinylpyridine) (PS-b-P4VP). The high Flory-Huggins parameter (χ = 0.34) of PS-b-P4VP makes it an ideal BCP system for self-assembly and template fabrication in comparison to other BCPs. Different molecular weights of symmetric PS-b-P4VP BCPs forming lamellae patterns were used to produce nanostructured thin films by spin-coating from mixture of toluene and tetrahydrofuran(THF). In particular, the morphology change from micellar structures to well-defined microphase separated arrangements is observed. Solvent annealing provides a better alternative to thermal treatment which often requires long annealing periods. The choice of solvent (single and dual solvent exposure) and the solvent annealing conditions have significant effects on the morphology of films and it was found that a block neutral solvent was required to realize vertically aligned PS and P4VP lamellae. Here, we have followed the formation of microdomain structures with time development at different temperatures by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The highly mobilized chains phase separate quickly due to high Flory-Huggins (χ) parameter. Ultra-small feature size (~10 nm pitch size) nanopatterns were fabricated by using low molecular weight PSb- P4VP (PS and P4VP blocks of 3.3 and 3.1 kg mol-1 respectively). However, due to the low etch contrast between the blocks, pattern transfer of the BCP mask is very challenging. To overcome the etch contrast problem, a novel and simple in-situ hard mask technology is used to fabricate the high aspect ratio silicon nanowires. The lamellar structures formed after self-assembly of phase separated PS-b-P4VP BCPs were used to fabricate iron oxide nanowires which acted as hard mask material to facilitate the pattern transfer into silicon and forming silicon nanostructures. The semiconductor and optical industries have shown significant interest in two dimensional (2D) molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) as a potential device material due to its low band gap and high mobility. However, current methods for its synthesis are not ‘fab’ friendly and require harsh environments and processes. Here, I also report a novel method to prepare MoS2 layered structures via self-assembly of a PS-b-P4VP block copolymer system. The formation of the layered MoS2 was confirmed by XPS, Raman spectroscopy and high resolution transmission electron microscopy.
This thesis reports the synthesis and/or applications of three types of block copolymers that each bear a low-surface-energy block. First, poly(dimethylsiloxane)-block-poly(2-cinnamoyloxyethyl acrylate) (PDMS-b-PCEA) was synthesized and characterized. Cotton coating using a micellar solution of this block copolymer yielded superhydrophobic cotton fabrics. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and surface property analyses indicated that the PDMS block topped the polymer coating. Photocuring the cotton swatches crosslinked the underlying PCEA layer and yielded permanent coatings. More interestingly, hydrophilically patterned superhydrophobic cotton fabrics were produced using photolithography that allowed the crosslinking of the coating around irradiated fibers but the removal, by solvent extraction, of the coating on fibers that were not irradiated. Since water-based ink only permeated the uncoated regions, such patterned fabric was further used to print ink patterns onto substrates such as fabrics, cardboard, paper, wood, and aluminum foil. Then, another PDMS-based diblock copolymer poly(dimethylsiloxane)-block-poly(glycidyl methacrylate) (PDMS-b-PGMA) was prepared. Different from PCEA that photocrosslinked around cotton fibers, PGMA reacted with hydroxyl groups on cotton fiber surfaces to get covalently attached. Further, different PGMA chains crosslinked with each other. PDMS-b-PGMA-coated cotton fabrics have been used for oil-water separations. In addition, polymeric nanoparticles were grafted onto cotton fiber surface before PDMS-b-PGMA was used to cover the surfaces of the grafted spheres and the residual surfaces of the cotton fibers. These two types of fabrics, coated by the block copolymer alone or by the polymer nanospheres and then the copolymer, were characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), and water repellency analyses. A comprehensive comparative study was made of their performances in oil-water separation. Finally, a fluorinated ABC triblock copolymer poly(acrylic acid)-block-poly(2-cinnamoyloxyethyl methacrylate)-block-poly(2-perfluorooctylethyl methacrylate) (PAA-b-PCEMA-b-PFOEMA) was used to iii encapsulate air nanobubbles. The produced air nanobubbles were thermodynamically stable in water and were some 100 times more stable than commercially available perfluorocarbon-filled microbubbles under ultrasound. These nanobubbles, due to their small sizes and thus ability to permeate the capillary networks of organs and to reach tumors, may expand the applications of microbubbles in diagnostic ultrasonography and find new applications in ultrasound-regulated drug delivery.
Previous studies about the strength of the lithosphere in the Iberia centre fail to resolve the depth of earthquakes because of the rheological uncertainties. Therefore, new contributions are considered (the crustal structure from a density model) and several parameters (tectonic regime, mantle rheology, strain rate) are checked in this paper to properly examine the role of lithospheric strength in the intraplate seismicity and the Cenozoic evolution. The strength distribution with depth, the integrated strength, the effective elastic thickness and the seismogenic thickness have been calculated by a finite element modelling of the lithosphere across the Central System mountain range and the bordering Duero and Madrid sedimentary basins. Only a dry mantle under strike-slip/extension and a strain rate of 10-15 s-1, or under extension and 10-16 s-1, causes a strong lithosphere. The integrated strength and the elastic thickness are lower in the mountain chain than in the basins. These anisotropies have been maintained since the Cenozoic and determine the mountain uplift and the biharmonic folding of the Iberian lithosphere during the Alpine deformations. The seismogenic thickness bounds the seismic activity in the upper–middle crust, and the decreasing crustal strength from the Duero Basin towards the Madrid Basin is related to a parallel increase in Plio–Quaternary deformations and seismicity. However, elasto–plastic modelling shows that current African–Eurasian convergence is resolved elastically or ductilely, which accounts for the low seismicity recorded in this region.
The human pathogens enteropathogenic (EPEC) and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli and the related mouse pathogen Citrobacter rodentium subvert a variety of host cell signaling pathways via their plethora of type III secreted effectors, including triggering of an early apoptotic response. EPEC-infected cells do not develop late apoptotic symptoms, however. In this study we demonstrate that the NleH family effectors, homologs of the Shigella effector kinase OspG, blocks apoptosis. During EPEC infection, NleH effectors inhibit elevation of cytosolic Ca(2+) concentrations, nuclear condensation, caspase-3 activation, and membrane blebbing and promote cell survival. NleH1 alone is sufficient to prevent procaspase-3 cleavage induced by the proapoptotic compounds staurosporine, brefeldin A, and tunicamycin. Using C. rodentium, we found that NleH inhibits procaspase-3 cleavage at the bacterial attachment sites in vivo. A yeast two-hybrid screen identified the endoplasmic reticulum six-transmembrane protein Bax inhibitor-1 (BI-1) as an NleH-interacting partner. We mapped the NleH-binding site to the N-terminal 40 amino acids of BI-1. Knockdown of BI-1 resulted in the loss of NleH's antiapoptotic activity. These results indicate that NleH effectors are inhibitors of apoptosis that may act through BI-1 to carry out their cytoprotective function.
Block copolymers of poly(lactide) and poly(carbonate) were synthetized in three different compositions and characterized by 1H-NMR and ATR analyses. The compatibilization effect of this copolymers on 80/20 (w/w%) PLA/PCL blend was evaluated. SEM micrographs show that all the blends exhibit the typical sea-island morphology characteristic of immiscible blends with PCL finely dispersed in droplets on a PLA matrix. Upon the addiction of the copolymers a reduction on PCL droplets size is observable. At the same time, a Tg depression of the PLA phase is detected when the copolymers are added in the blend. These results indicate that these copolymers are effective as compatibilizers. The copolymer that acts as the best compatibilizer is the one characterized by the same amount of PLA and PC as repeating units. As result, in the blend containing this copolymer PLA phase exhibits the highest spherulitic growth rate. An analyses on PLA phase crystallization behaviour from the glassy state within the blends was evaluated by DSC experiments. Isothermal cold crystallization of the PLA phase is enhanced up an order of magnitude upon the blending with PCL. Annealing experiments demonstrated that the crystallization of the PCL phase induces the formation of active nuclei in PLA when cooled above cooled below Tg. When the crystallization rate of PCL is retarded, a reduction on PLA nucleation is observed.
The Portable Document Format (PDF), defined by Adobe Systems Inc. as the basis of its Acrobat product range, is discussed in some detail. Particular emphasis is given to its flexible object-oriented structure, which has yet to be fully exploited. It is currently used to represent not logical structure but simply a series of pages and associated resources. A definition of an Encapsulated PDF (EPDF) is presented, in which EPDF blocks carry with them their own resource requirements, together with geometrical and logical information. A block formatter called Juggler is described which can lay out EPDF blocks from various sources onto new pages. Future revisions of PDF supporting uniquely-named EPDF blocks tagged with semantic information would assist in composite-pagemakeup and could even lead to fully revisable PDF.
Styrene is a building-block of several compounds used in a wide array of materials and products. The most important human exposure to this substance occurs in industrial settings, especially among reinforced-plastics industry workers. The effect of occupational exposure to styrene on cytogenetics biomarkers has been previously reviewed with positive association observed for chromosomal aberrations, and inconclusive data for the micronucleus assay. Some limitations were noted in those studies, including inadequate exposure assessment and poor epidemiological design. Furthermore, in earlier studies micronuclei frequency was measured with protocols not as reliable as cytokinesis-block micronucleus (CBMN) assay. Aim of the present systematic review and meta-analysis is to investigate genomic instability and DNA damage as measured by the CBMN assay in lymphocytes of subjects exposed to styrene. A total of 11 studies published between 2004 and 2012 were included in the meta-analysis encompassing 479 styrene-exposed workers and 510 controls. The quality of each study was estimated by a quality scoring system which ranked studies according to the consideration of major confounders, exposure characterization, and technical parameters. An overall increase of micronuclei frequencies was found in styrene-exposure workers when compared to referents (meta-MR 1.34; 95% CI 1.18–1.52), with significant increases achieved in six individual studies. The consistency of results in individual studies, the independence of this result from major confounding factors and from the quality of the study strengthens the reliability of risk estimates and supports the use of the CBMN assay in monitoring genetic risk in styrene workers.
International audience
La empresa Celo- Block S.A. de C.V. a lo largo de su historia como centro de trabajo, cuenta con numerosos casos de accidentes de trabajo, por la falta de un programa dirigido a la prevención de riesgos ocupacionales. Es por ello, que se ha considerado diseñar un Programa de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional, teniendo como base principal los lineamientos contenidos en los artículos 8 y 13 de la Ley General de Prevención de Riesgos en los Lugares de Trabajo. Todo ello con la intención de proteger a los trabajadores enfocando la investigación en el análisis de las condiciones físicas actuales, en materia de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional. La Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional aplicada a los lugares de trabajo tiene como objetivo salvaguardar la vida de los trabajadores, a la vez proteger la salud y la integridad física de los mismos, por medio de la puesta en práctica de medidas encaminadas a proporcionar condiciones óptimas en el trabajo. Por lo que la Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional debería ser uno de los puntos clave de cualquier empresa. Dicha propuesta busca como objetivo principal, mejorar el ambiente de trabajo, y contribuir a la reducción de accidentes que pueden lesionar a los trabajadores. Por medio de la elaboración de una política que sirva de guía para la prevención de accidentes ocupacionales, según lo establece la Ley General de Prevención de Riesgos en los Lugares de Trabajo. La metodología utilizada en la investigación, consistió en la elaboración de un diagnóstico, que permitió conocer la situación actual en materia de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional en la empresa, el método de investigación que se implementó fue el análisis, el tipo de investigación que se realizó fue el descriptivo, el diseño de la investigación fue la no experimental, y las fuentes de investigación fueron las primarias y secundarias y se logró a través de las técnicas de investigación como entrevista, encuestas, y observación directa, realizar un mapa de riesgos y localizar los puntos más críticos a los que se encuentran expuestos los trabajadores dentro de su jornada laboral. La sistemática anterior, permitió obtener los siguientes resultados: que la empresa no ha establecido formalmente un Comité de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional y que por lo tanto no cuenta con la estructuración formal de un Programa de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional que contenga planes políticas y procedimientos preventivos que ayuden al bienestar de los trabajadores. El área donde ocurren más accidentes es en Descargado y Colocado debido a que es donde se encuentran la mayoría de factores de riesgo. De acuerdo a la encuesta y la inspección realizada, la empresa carece de señalización en las diferentes áreas, y por último la empresa no posee registro detallado de accidentes laborales, entre otros. Para poder superar las deficiencias encontradas, se realizan las siguientes recomendaciones contenidas dentro de la propuesta de esta investigación: la creación y funcionamiento de un Comité de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional, la creación de políticas por parte de las autoridades de la empresa, el equipamiento de seguridad así como la compra de los insumos básicos de primeros auxilios para la atención de accidentes, la implementación de capacitaciones tanto para el Comité de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional así como también para el resto de los trabajadores, y simulacros los cuales se recomienda que realicen por lo menos dos veces al año. Todo lo anterior, permitirá obtener grandes beneficios a la empresa como la disminución de riesgos de accidentes y enfermedades profesionales, fomentar una cultura de prevención, cumplir con la legislación actual en la materia y evitarse infracciones ocasionadas por incumplimiento de la misma.
The purpose of this project is to develop a three-dimensional block model for a garnet deposit in the Alder Gulch, Madison County, Montana. Garnets occur in pre-Cambrian metamorphic Red Wash gneiss and similar rocks in the vicinity. This project seeks to model the percentage of garnet in a deposit called the Section 25 deposit using the Surpac software. Data available for this work are drillhole, trench and grab sample data obtained from previous exploration of the deposit. The creation of the block model involves validating the data, creating composites of assayed garnet percentages and conducting basic statistics on composites using Surpac statistical tools. Variogram analysis will be conducted on composites to quantify the continuity of the garnet mineralization. A three-dimensional block model will be created and filled with estimates of garnet percentage using different methods of reserve estimation and the results compared.
The conjugate gradient is the most popular optimization method for solving large systems of linear equations. In a system identification problem, for example, where very large impulse response is involved, it is necessary to apply a particular strategy which diminishes the delay, while improving the convergence time. In this paper we propose a new scheme which combines frequency-domain adaptive filtering with a conjugate gradient technique in order to solve a high order multichannel adaptive filter, while being delayless and guaranteeing a very short convergence time.