836 resultados para BRANCHED POLYETHYLENES


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The mid-Cretaceous is thought to be a greenhouse world with significantly higher atmospheric pCO2 and sea-surface temperatures as well as a much flatter latitudinal thermal gradient compared to the present. This time interval was punctuated by the Cenomanian/Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE-2, ~ 93.5 Myr ago), an episode of global, massive organic carbon burial that likely resulted in a large and abrupt pCO2 decline. However, the climatic consequences of this pCO2 drop are yet poorly constrained. We determined the first, high-resolution sea-surface temperature (SST) record across OAE-2 from a deep-marine sedimentary sequence at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1276 in the mid-latitudinal Newfoundland Basin, NW Atlantic. By employing the organic palaeothermometer TEX86, we found that SSTs across the OAE-2 interval were extremely high, but were punctuated by a remarkably large cooling (5-11 °C), which is synchronous with the 2.5-5.5 °C cooling in SST records from equatorial Atlantic sites, and the "Plenus Cold Event". Because this global cooling event is concurrent with increased organic carbon burial, it likely acted in response to the associated pCO2 drop. Our findings imply a substantial increase in the latitudinal SST gradient in the proto-North Atlantic during this period of global cooling and reduced atmospheric pCO2, suggesting a strong coupling between pCO2 and latitudinal thermal gradients under greenhouse climate conditions.


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In this study, we present a unique high-resolution Holocene record of oceanographic and climatic change based on analyses of diatom assemblages combined with biomarker data from a sediment core collected from the Vega Drift, eastern Antarctic Peninsula (EAP). These data add to the climate framework already established by high-resolution marine sedimentary records from the Palmer Deep, western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP). Heavy sea ice conditions and reduced primary productivity were observed prior to 7.4 ka B.P. in relation with the proximity of the glacial ice melt and calving. Subsequent Holocene oceanographic conditions were controlled by the interactions between the Westerlies-Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC)-Weddell Gyre dynamics. A warm period characterized by short seasonal sea ice duration associated with a southern shift of both ACC and Westerlies field persisted until 5 ka B.P. This warm episode was then followed by climate deterioration during the middle-to-late Holocene (5 to 1.9 ka B.P.) with a gradual increase in annual sea ice duration triggered by the expansion of the Weddell Gyre and a strong oceanic connection from the EAP to the WAP. Increase of benthic diatom species during this period was indicative of more summer/autumn storms, which was consistent with changes in synoptic atmospheric circulation and the establishment of low- to high-latitude teleconnections. Finally, the multicentennial scale variability of the Weddell Gyre intensity and storm frequency during the late Holocene appeared to be associated with the increased El Niño-Southern Oscillation frequency.


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The MBT-CBT proxy for the reconstruction of paleotemperatures and past soil pH is based on the distribution of branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether (brGDGT) membrane lipids. The Methylation of Branched Tetraether (MBT) and the Cyclisation of Branched Tetraether (CBT) indices were developed to quantify these distributions, and significant empirical relations between these indices and annual mean air temperature (MAT) and/or soil pH were found in a large data set of soils. In this study, we extended this soil dataset to 278 globally distributed surface soils. Of these soils, 26% contains all nine brGDGTs, while in 63% of the soils the seven most common brGDGTs were detected, and the latter were selected for calibration purposes. This resulted in new transfer functions for the reconstruction of pH based on the CBT index: pH = 7.90-1.97 × CBT (r**2 = 0.70; RMSE = 0.8; n = 176), as well as for MAT based on the CBT index and methylation index based on the seven most abundant GDGTs (defined as MBT'): MAT = 0.81-5.67 × CBT + 31.0 × MBT' (r**2 = 0.59; RMSE = 5.0 °C; n = 176). The new transfer function for MAT has a substantially lower correlation coefficient than the original equation (r**2 = 0.77). To investigate possible improvement of the correlation, we used our extended global surface soil dataset to statistically derive the indices that best describe the relations of brGDGT composition with MAT and soil pH. These new indices, however, resulted in only a relatively minor increase in correlation coefficients, while they cannot be explained straightforwardly by physiological mechanisms. The large scatter in the calibration cannot be fully explained by local factors or by seasonality, but MAT for soils from arid regions are generally substantially (up to 20 °C) underestimated, suggesting that absolute brGDGT-based temperature records for these areas should be interpreted with caution. The applicability of the new MBT'-CBT calibration function was tested using previously published MBT-CBT-derived paleotemperature records covering the last deglaciation in Central Africa and East Asia, the Eocene-Oligocene boundary and the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum. The results show that trends remain similar in all records, but that absolute temperature estimates and the amplitude of temperature changes are lower for most records, and generally in better agreement with independent proxy data.


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A substantial extinction of megafauna occurred in Australia between 50 and 45 kyr ago, a period that coincides with human colonization of Australia. Large shifts in vegetation also occurred around this time, but it is unclear whether the vegetation changes were driven by the human use of fire-and thus contributed to the extinction event-or were a consequence of the loss of megafaunal grazers. Here we reconstruct past vegetation changes in southeastern Australia using the stable carbon isotopic composition of higher plant wax n-alkanes and levels of biomass burning from the accumulation rates of the biomarker levoglucosan from a well-dated sediment core offshore from the Murray-Darling Basin. We find that from 58 to 44 kyr ago, the abundance of plants with the C-4 carbon fixation pathway was generally high-between 60 and 70%. By 43 kyr ago, the abundance of C-4 plants dropped to 30% and biomass burning increased. This transient shift lasted for about 3,000 years and came after the period of human arrival and directly followed megafauna extinction at 48.9-43.6 kyr ago. We conclude that the vegetation shift was not the cause of the megafaunal extinction in this region. Instead, our data are consistent with the hypothesis that vegetation change was the consequence of the extinction of large browsers and led to the build-up of fire-prone vegetation in the Australian landscape.


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Twenty-four sediment samples from DSDP Holes 605 (Leg 93) and 613 (Leg 95) on the New Jersey continental rise were analyzed by pyrolysis-gas chromatography. Twelve of these samples were also analyzed by pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The degree of preservation of sediment organic matter, as determined by these techniques, helped to distinguish slumped sediments from sediments that have not moved from their original place of deposition. Total levels of pyrolyzable organic material, as determined from pyrolysis-gas chromatography, were low in sediments that were not slumped, indicating that the organic material is highly degraded. Nitrogen- and oxygen-containing compounds were the primary compounds detected by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GCMS) analysis of the pyrolyzate of non-slumped sediments. Smaller amounts of aromatic compounds and branched alkanes were also present in some of these samples. In contrast, slumped sediments showed larger amounts of pyrolyzable organic matter, as determined from pyrolysis-gas chromatography, and better preservation of alkyl chains in the sediment organic matter, as suggested by the presence of n-alkanes in GCMS analysis of the pyrolyzate. Better preservation of the organic matter in slumped sediments can be attributed to more moderate bioturbation by bottom-dwelling organisms at the original deposition site.


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A substantial strengthening of the South American monsoon system (SAMS) during Heinrich Stadials (HS) points toward decreased cross-equatorial heat transport as the main driver of monsoonal hydroclimate variability at millennial time-scales. In order to better constrain the exact timing and internal structure of HS1 over tropical South America we assessed two precisely dated speleothem records from central-eastern and northeastern Brazil in combination with two marine records of terrestrial organic and inorganic matter input into the western equatorial Atlantic. During HS1 we recognize at least two events of widespread intensification of the SAMS across the entire region influenced by the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) at 16.11-14.69 kyr BP and 18.1-16.66 kyr BP (labeled as HS1a and HS1c, respectively), separated by a dry excursion from 16.66-16.11 kyr BP (HS1b). In view of the spatial structure of precipitation anomalies, the widespread increase of monsoon precipitation over the SACZ domain was termed 'Mega-SACZ'.


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A number of C25 and C30 highly branched isoprenoid (HBI) sulphur compounds (E.G., thiolanes, 1-oxo-thiolanes, thiophenes, and benzo[b]thiophenes) with 2,6,10,14-tetramethyl-7-(3-methylpentyl)pentadecane and 2,6,10,14,18-pentamethyl-7-(3-methylpentyl)nonadecane carbon skeletons were identified in sediments, ranging from Holocene to Upper Cretaceous. These identifications are based on mass spectral characterisation, desulphurisation, and, in some cases, by comparison of mass spectral and relative retention time data with those of authentic standards. The presence of unsaturated C25 and C30 HBI thiolanes in a Recent sediment from the Black Sea (age 3-6 ka) strongly supports their formation during early diagenesis. The co-occurrence of HBI polyenes (C25 and C30) and unsaturated HBI thiolanes (C25 and C30) possessing two double bonds less than the corresponding HBI polyenes, in this Recent sediment, testifies to the formation of unsaturated HBI thiolanes by a reaction of inorganic sulphur species with double bonds of the HBI polyenes. Furthermore, a diagenetic scheme for HBI sulphur compounds is proposed based on the identification of HBI sulphur compounds in sediment samples with different maturity levels.