Paleoclimate record combinatio of speleothems and of sediment core GeoB3910-2

Autoria(s): Stríkis, Nicolás M; Chiessi, Cristiano Mazur; Cruz, Francisco W; Vuille, Mathias; Cheng, Hai; de Souza Barreto, Eline A; Mollenhauer, Gesine; Kasten, Sabine; Karmann, Ivo; Edwards, R Lawrence; Bernal, Patricio A; dos Reis Sales, Hamilton

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -13.186825 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -42.146853 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -16.147778 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -44.610556 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -4.245000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -36.345000 * DATE/TIME START: 1996-03-30T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1996-03-30T00:00:00




A substantial strengthening of the South American monsoon system (SAMS) during Heinrich Stadials (HS) points toward decreased cross-equatorial heat transport as the main driver of monsoonal hydroclimate variability at millennial time-scales. In order to better constrain the exact timing and internal structure of HS1 over tropical South America we assessed two precisely dated speleothem records from central-eastern and northeastern Brazil in combination with two marine records of terrestrial organic and inorganic matter input into the western equatorial Atlantic. During HS1 we recognize at least two events of widespread intensification of the SAMS across the entire region influenced by the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) at 16.11-14.69 kyr BP and 18.1-16.66 kyr BP (labeled as HS1a and HS1c, respectively), separated by a dry excursion from 16.66-16.11 kyr BP (HS1b). In view of the spatial structure of precipitation anomalies, the widespread increase of monsoon precipitation over the SACZ domain was termed 'Mega-SACZ'.


application/zip, 7 datasets








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Supplement to: Stríkis, Nicolás M; Chiessi, Cristiano Mazur; Cruz, Francisco W; Vuille, Mathias; Cheng, Hai; de Souza Barreto, Eline A; Mollenhauer, Gesine; Kasten, Sabine; Karmann, Ivo; Edwards, R Lawrence; Bernal, Patricio A; dos Reis Sales, Hamilton (2015): Timing and structure of Mega-SACZ events during Heinrich Stadial 1. Geophysical Research Letters, 42(13), 5477-5484, doi:10.1002/2015GL064048

Palavras-Chave #230Th/232Th atom; 230Th/238U; 230Th/238U std dev; 232Th; 232Th std dev; 238U; 238U std dev; Age; AGE; Age, 230Thorium; Age, dated; Age, dated standard deviation; Age dated; Age std dev; BIT; BP=2000 AD; Branched and isoprenoid tetraether index; Ca; Calcium; Center for Marine Environmental Sciences; corrected; corrected, 2 Sigma erro, BP=2000 AD; corrected, BP=2000 AD; d18O; d234U; d234U std dev; delta 18O; delta 234 Uranium; delta 234 Uranium, standard deviation; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Event; High Performance Liquid Chromatography - Mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS); ICP-OES, Inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometry; Initial, corrected; Label; MARUM; Mass spectrometer Finnigan Delta Plus; MC-ICP-MS Thermo-Finnigan Neptune; Measured; Samp com; Sample code/label; Sample comment; Standard deviation; Std dev; Thorium 230/Thorium 232 atomic ratio; Thorium 230/Uranium 238 activity ratio; Thorium 230/Uranium 238 activity ratio, standard deviation; Thorium 232; Thorium 232, standard deviation; Ti; Titanium; uncorrected; uncorrected, 2 Sigma error; Uranium 238; Uranium 238, standard deviation; vs. V-PDB
