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Audit report on the Honey Creek Resort Operations Account maintained by Central Group Management, LLC for the year ended June 30, 2012


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Chemisorption of group-III metal adatoms on Si(111) and Ge(111) has been studied through the ab initio Hartree-Fock method including nonempirical pseudopotentials and using cluster models to simulate the surface. Three different high-symmetry sites (atop, eclipsed, and open) have been considered by using X4H9, X4H7, and X6H9 (X=Si,Ge) cluster models. In a first step, ideal surface geometries have been used. Metal-induced reconstruction upon chemisorption has also been taken into account. Equilibrium distances, binding energies, and vibrational frequencies have been obtained and compared with available experimental data. From binding-energy considerations, the atop and eclipsed sites seem to be the most favorable ones and thus a coadsorption picture may be suggested. Group-III metals exhibit a similar behavior and the same is true for Si(111) and Ge(111) surfaces when chemisorption is considered.


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The Formica rufa group (red wood ants) currently includes six species. Nevertheless, during previous work based on molecular markers, we showed the existence of one population morphologically identified as F. lugubris, but genetically different from all other analysed populations of this species. This population could represent a cryptic species within the Swiss National Park and has been provisionally named Formica lugubris-A2. To verify our hypothesis, we conducted a behavioural test based on the ability of ants to recognize pupae of their own species when compared to those of another species. The three red wood ant species present in the Swiss National Park (F. lugubris, F. paralugubris and F. aquilonia) and the F. lugubris-A2 population were used in our study. Results indicate that the F. lugubris-A2 population differs from other F. lugubris and from all other species in the behaviour of its workers and in the way its pupae are discriminated by other species. This is in accordance with the genetic data and strengthens our hypothesis on the existence of a new cryptic red wood ant species within the Swiss National Park.


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INTRODUCTION: Spinal epidural abscess (SEA) is a very rare condition in pediatric patients. Varicella zoster infection could be a predisposing factor, and SEA should be suspected in patients with signs of secondary bacterial infection and even mild neurological signs. CLINICAL CASE: We describe here a case of a 30-month-old girl with a history of remitting varicella infection, diagnosed for a lumbar epidural abscess and sacro-ileitis, secondary to group A Streptococcus (GAS). DISCUSSION: This is the third case of SEA from GAS reported in the literature in a pediatric population with varicella infection. We discuss here the clinical presentation and the diagnostic challenges for SEA in childhood through a review of the literature.


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Many species contain genetic lineages that are phylogenetically intermixed with those of other species. In the Sorex araneus group, previous results based on mtDNA and Y chromosome sequence data showed an incongruent position of Sorex granarius within this group. In this study, we explored the relationship between species within the S. araneus group, aiming to resolve the particular position of S. granarius. In this context, we sequenced a total of 2447 base pairs (bp) of X-linked and nuclear genes from 47 individuals of the S. araneus group. The same taxa were also analyzed within a Bayesian framework with nine autosomal microsatellites. These analyses revealed that all markers apart from mtDNA showed similar patterns, suggesting that the problematic position of S. granarius is best explained by an incongruent behavior by mtDNA. Given their close phylogenetic relationship and their close geographic distribution, the most likely explanation for this pattern is past mtDNA introgression from S. araneus race Carlit to S. granarius.


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SUMMARY: The shrews of the Sorex araneus group are morphologically .very similar, but have undergone a spectacular chromosomal evolution. Altogether, the shrews of this group present a complete array of every possible level of chromosomal and genetic differentiation. In South-Western Europe, four species are recognised: S. antiriorii, S. araneus, S. coronatus and S. granarius, which differ essentially by the amount and the composition of Robertsonian metacentric chromosomés. Additionally, several chromosome races of S. araneus are also present in the same region (i.e. Bretolet, Carlit, Cordon, Jura and Vaud). The objective of this thesis was to examine the genetic relationships between populations, races and /or species of the Sorex araneus group with a special emphasis onsex-specific markers (mtDNA and Y chromosome). We first investigate the evolutionary history of the shrews of the Sorex araneus group distributed in the South-Western Europe. The results of. these analyses confirmed the difficulty to draw a single dichotomic tree within this group. Incongruent mtDNA and Y chromosome phylogenies suggest further that genetic and chromosomal evolution are in this group partially independent processes and that the evolutionary history of the south-western European populations of the S. araneus group can only be understood if we consider secondary contacts between taxa, after their divergence (with genetic exchanges by means of hybridization and / or introgression). Using one male-inherited, one female inherited and eight biparentally inherited markers, we investigate the population genetic structure of the Valais shrew (Sorex antinorii). Overall there results suggest that two already well-differentiated genetic lineages colonized the Swiss Alps after the last glacial period and came into contact in the Rhône Valley. After the Valais shrew (Sorex antinorii) reached the Swiss Alps, it came into contact with the common shrew (Sorex araneus). When two species come into contact and hybridize, endogenous counter-selection of hybrids is usually first expressed as a reduced fertility or viability in hybrids of the heterogametic sex, a mechanism know as Haldane's rule (Haldane 1922). We first evaluated the extent of introgression for Y chromosome, mtDNA and autosomal markers in a hybrid zone between S. antinoriii and S. araneus. The overall level of genetic and karyotypic differentiation between the two species must be strong .enough to allow the detection asymmetric introgression. Secondly, we compared the levels of gene flow between chromosome common to both species and chromosome differently rearranged in each of them. We detected a significantly stronger genetic structure in rearranged chromosomes. Over a 10-year period, we even observed a decrease of genetic structure for common chromosomes. These results strongly support the role of chromosomal rearrangements in the reproductive barrier between S. araneus and S. anfinorii. Overall, this thesis underlines the need to use different inherited (paternally, maternally and / or biparentally) and chromosomally located (on common vs. on rearranged chromosomes) markers to obtain more accurate pictures of genetic relationships between populations or species. RÉSUMÉ: Les musaraignes du groupe Sorex araneus sont morphologiquement très proches, mais ont connu une spectaculaire évolution chromosomique. Prises dans leur ensemble, les musaraignes de ce groupe présentent tous les nivaux possibles de différenciation génétique et chromosomique. Dans le sud-ouest de l'Europe, quatre espèces appartenant à ce groupe sont présentes : S. antinorii, S. araneus, S. coronatus et S. granarius. Celles-ci diffèrent essentiellement par leur caryotype dont la variabilité est principalement due à des fusions Robertsoniennes. De plus, plusieurs races chromosomiques appartenant à S. araneus sont aussi présentes dans la même région (i.e. les races Bretolet, Carlit, Cordon, Jura et Vaud). L'objectif de cette thèse était d'examiner les relations génétiques entre populations, races et/ou espèces du groupe S. araneus, en utilisant particulièrement des marqueurs liés aux sexes (ADN mitochondrial et Chromosome Y). Nous avons dans un premier temps retracé l'histoire évolutive des musaraignes de ce groupe dans le sud-ouest de l'Europe. Les résultats dé ces analyses confirment qu'il est difficile de tracer un simple arbre dichotomique au sein de ce groupe. Les arbres phylogénétiques obtenus sur l'ADN mitochondrial et le chromosome Y sont incongruents et suggèrent de plus que l'évolution génétique et chromosomique sont des processus indépendants. L'histoire évolutive -des populations de ce groupe ne peut. être comprise qu'en considérant des contacts secondaires entre taxa postérieure à leur divergence et induisant des échanges génétiques par hybridation et/ou introgression. Par la suite, nous avons examiné la structure génétique des populations de la musaraigne du Valais, S. antinorii, en utilisant un marqueur transmis par les mâles, un marqueur transmis par les femelles et huit marqueurs transmis par les 2 sexes. Nos résultats suggèrent que deux lignées génétiquement bien différenciées aient colonisé les Alpes Suisses, après les dernières glaciations et entrent en contact dans là Vallée du Rhône. Après avoir franchi les Alpes Suisses, la musaraigne du Valais est entrée en contact avec là musaraigne commune (S. araneus). Lorsque deux espèces entrent en contact et s'hybrident, la sélection contre les hybrides implique habituellement une baisse de fertilité ou de viabilité des hybrides du sexe hétérogamétique (i.e. les mâles XY chez les mammifères). Ce mécanisme est connu sous le nom de règle de Haldane (Haldane 1922) et implique une plus forte structuration génétique de marqueurs males - spécifiques que des marqueurs femelles spécifiques. Nous avons donc évalué le degré d'introgression des marqueurs situés sur le chromosome Y, sur l'ADN mitochondrial et sur des autosomes dans une zone hybride entre S. araneus et S. antinorii. Le niveau de différenciation chromosomique et génétique entre les 2 espèces doit être suffisamment fort pour ne pas permettre la détection d'une introgression asymétrique entre les sexes. Dans un second temps, nous avons comparé les niveaux de flux de gênes mesurés à l'échelle du chromosome, pour des chromosomes communs aux deux espèces et pour des chromosomes différemment arrangées dans chacune des deux espèces. Nous avons détecté une structure génétique significativement plus forte sur les chromosomes réarrangés et comme la zone hybride a été étudiée à dix années d'intervalle, nous observons même une diminution de la structure génétique pour les chromosomes communs au cours du temps.. Ces résultats soutiennent fortement l'hypothèse d'un rôle des réarrangements chromosomiques dans l'établissement d'une barrière reproductive entre S. araneus et S. antinorii. Ainsi cette thèse souligne l'utilité d'utiliser des marqueurs génétiques avec différents modes de transmission. (par les mâles, par les femelles et/ou par les 2 sexes) ou localisés au niveau du chromosome (chromosomes communs vs chromosomes réarrangés) afin d'obtenir une image plus juste ou du moins plus complète des relations génétiques entre populations ou espèces.


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This paper outlines the approach that the WHO's Family of International Classifications (WHO-FIC) network is undertaking to create ICD-11. We also outline the more focused work of the Quality and Safety Topic Advisory Group, whose activities include the following: (i) cataloguing existing ICD-9 and ICD-10 quality and safety indicators; (ii) reviewing ICD morbidity coding rules for main condition, diagnosis timing, numbers of diagnosis fields and diagnosis clustering; (iii) substantial restructuring of the health-care related injury concepts coded in the ICD-10 chapters 19/20, (iv) mapping of ICD-11 quality and safety concepts to the information model of the WHO's International Classification for Patient Safety and the AHRQ Common Formats; (v) the review of vertical chapter content in all chapters of the ICD-11 beta version and (vi) downstream field testing of ICD-11 prior to its official 2015 release. The transition from ICD-10 to ICD-11 promises to produce an enhanced classification that will have better potential to capture important concepts relevant to measuring health system safety and quality-an important use case for the classification.


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Background And Objectives: Isolated limb perfusion with TNF-alpha and melphalan (TM-ILP) is a limb salvage therapy for non-resectable soft tissue sarcomas (STS) of the extremities. It is indicated for patients for whom amputation or debilitating surgery is the only alternative. It can be used either as an exclusive therapy (in palliation) or as a neo-adjuvant treatment, followed by marginal resection of tumor remnants with minimal functional impairment. Methods: Between February 1992 and March 2006, 57 TM-ILPs were performed on 51 patients with 88% high grade and 84% advanced stage tumors. Results: Mean follow-up is 38.9 months (4-159, median 22 months). Twenty-one percent patients had significant early complications, with 3 major re-operations, and 23% suffered long-lasting complications. Complete response was observed in 25%, partial response in 42%, stable disease in 14% and progressive disease in 14%. Resection of the tumor remnants was possible in 65%. A complementary treatment was necessary in 31%, mostly radiation therapy. A local recurrence was observed in 35%, after a mean of 20.3 months (2-78), and distant relapse was seen in 45%, after a mean of 13.4 months (5-196). Mean Disease-free survival was 14.9 months, and overall 5-year-survival 43.5%. Amputation rate at 5 years was 24%. Conclusions: TM-ILP is a conservative treatment with a high complications rate, but it can be successful even for the most severe STS of extremities. As a consequence the limb can be spared from amputation or debilitating surgery on the long term in about 75% of patients


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A leading hypothesis linking parasites to social evolution is that more genetically diverse social groups better resist parasites. Moreover, group diversity can encompass factors other than genetic variation that may also influence disease resistance. Here, we tested whether group diversity improved disease resistance in an ant species with natural variation in colony queen number. We formed experimental groups of workers and challenged them with the fungal parasite Metarhizium anisopliae. Workers originating from monogynous colonies (headed by a single queen and with low genetic diversity) had higher survival than workers originating from polygynous ones, both in uninfected groups and in groups challenged with M. anisopliae. However, an experimental increase of group diversity by mixing workers originating from monogynous colonies strongly increased the survival of workers challenged with M. anisopliae, whereas it tended to decrease their survival in absence of infection. This experiment suggests that group diversity, be it genetic or environmental, improves the mean resistance of group members to the fungal infection, probably through the sharing of physiological or behavioural defences.


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In swarm robotics, communication among the robots is essential. Inspired by biological swarms using pheromones, we propose the use of chemical compounds to realize group foraging behavior in robot swarms. We designed a fully autonomous robot, and then created a swarm using ethanol as the trail pheromone allowing the robots to communicate with one another indirectly via pheromone trails. Our group recruitment and cooperative transport algorithms provide the robots with the required swarm behavior. We conducted both simulations and experiments with real robot swarms, and analyzed the data statistically to investigate any changes caused by pheromone communication in the performance of the swarm in solving foraging recruitment and cooperative transport tasks. The results show that the robots can communicate using pheromone trails, and that the improvement due to pheromone communication may be non-linear, depending on the size of the robot swarm.


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Audit report on the Honey Creek Resort Operations Account maintained by Central Group Management, LLC for the year ended June 30, 2013