979 resultados para Attenuation and dispersion
We derive asymptotic expansions for the nonnull distribution functions of the likelihood ratio, Wald, score and gradient test statistics in the class of dispersion models, under a sequence of Pitman alternatives. The asymptotic distributions of these statistics are obtained for testing a subset of regression parameters and for testing the precision parameter. Based on these nonnull asymptotic expansions, the power of all four tests, which are equivalent to first order, are compared. Furthermore, in order to compare the finite-sample performance of these tests in this class of models, Monte Carlo simulations are presented. An empirical application to a real data set is considered for illustrative purposes. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In recent years, new precision experiments have become possible withthe high luminosity accelerator facilities at MAMIand JLab, supplyingphysicists with precision data sets for different hadronic reactions inthe intermediate energy region, such as pion photo- andelectroproduction and real and virtual Compton scattering.By means of the low energy theorem (LET), the global properties of thenucleon (its mass, charge, and magnetic moment) can be separated fromthe effects of the internal structure of the nucleon, which areeffectively described by polarizabilities. Thepolarizabilities quantify the deformation of the charge andmagnetization densities inside the nucleon in an applied quasistaticelectromagnetic field. The present work is dedicated to develop atool for theextraction of the polarizabilities from these precise Compton data withminimum model dependence, making use of the detailed knowledge of pionphotoproduction by means of dispersion relations (DR). Due to thepresence of t-channel poles, the dispersion integrals for two ofthe six Compton amplitudes diverge. Therefore, we have suggested to subtract the s-channel dispersion integrals at zero photon energy($nu=0$). The subtraction functions at $nu=0$ are calculated through DRin the momentum transfer t at fixed $nu=0$, subtracted at t=0. For this calculation, we use the information about the t-channel process, $gammagammatopipito Nbar{N}$. In this way, four of thepolarizabilities can be predicted using the unsubtracted DR in the $s$-channel. The other two, $alpha-beta$ and $gamma_pi$, are free parameters in ourformalism and can be obtained from a fit to the Compton data.We present the results for unpolarized and polarized RCS observables,%in the kinematics of the most recent experiments, and indicate anenhanced sensitivity to the nucleon polarizabilities in theenergy range between pion production threshold and the $Delta(1232)$-resonance.newlineindentFurthermore,we extend the DR formalism to virtual Compton scattering (radiativeelectron scattering off the nucleon), in which the concept of thepolarizabilities is generalized to the case of avirtual initial photon by introducing six generalizedpolarizabilities (GPs). Our formalism provides predictions for the fourspin GPs, while the two scalar GPs $alpha(Q^2)$ and $beta(Q^2)$ have to befitted to the experimental data at each value of $Q^2$.We show that at energies betweenpion threshold and the $Delta(1232)$-resonance position, thesensitivity to the GPs can be increased significantly, as compared tolow energies, where the LEX is applicable. Our DR formalism can be used for analysing VCS experiments over a widerange of energy and virtuality $Q^2$, which allows one to extract theGPs from VCS data in different kinematics with a minimum of model dependence.
Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht die biogeochemischen Vorgänge in der Vegetationsschicht (Bestand) und die Rückkopplungen zwischen physiologischen und physikalischen Umweltprozessen, die das Klima und die Chemie der unteren Atmosphäre beeinflussen. Ein besondere Schwerpunkt ist die Verwendung theoretischer Ansätze zur Quantifizierung des vertikalen Austauschs von Energie und Spurengasen (Vertikalfluss) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Wechselwirkungen der beteiligten Prozesse. Es wird ein differenziertes Mehrschicht-Modell der Vegetation hergeleitet, implementiert, für den amazonischen Regenwald parametrisiert und auf einen Standort in Rondonia (Südwest Amazonien) angewendet, welches die gekoppelten Gleichungen zur Energiebilanz der Oberfläche und CO2-Assimilation auf der Blattskala mit einer Lagrange-Beschreibung des Vertikaltransports auf der Bestandesskala kombiniert. Die hergeleiteten Parametrisierungen beinhalten die vertikale Dichteverteilung der Blattfläche, ein normalisiertes Profil der horizontalen Windgeschwindigkeit, die Lichtakklimatisierung der Photosynthesekapazität und den Austausch von CO2 und Wärme an der Bodenoberfläche. Desweiteren werden die Berechnungen zur Photosynthese, stomatären Leitfähigkeit und der Strahlungsabschwächung im Bestand mithilfe von Feldmessungen evaluiert. Das Teilmodell zum Vertikaltransport wird im Detail unter Verwendung von 222-Radon-Messungen evaluiert. Die ``Vorwärtslösung'' und der ``inverse Ansatz'' des Lagrangeschen Dispersionsmodells werden durch den Vergleich von beobachteten und vorhergesagten Konzentrationsprofilen bzw. Bodenflüssen bewertet. Ein neuer Ansatz wird hergeleitet, um die Unsicherheiten des inversen Ansatzes aus denjenigen des Eingabekonzentrationsprofils zu quantifizieren. Für nächtliche Bedingungen wird eine modifizierte Parametrisierung der Turbulenz vorgeschlagen, welche die freie Konvektion während der Nacht im unteren Bestand berücksichtigt und im Vergleich zu früheren Abschätzungen zu deutlich kürzeren Aufenthaltszeiten im Bestand führt. Die vorhergesagte Stratifizierung des Bestandes am Tage und in der Nacht steht im Einklang mit Beobachtungen in dichter Vegetation. Die Tagesgänge der vorhergesagten Flüsse und skalaren Profile von Temperatur, H2O, CO2, Isopren und O3 während der späten Regen- und Trockenzeit am Rondonia-Standort stimmen gut mit Beobachtungen überein. Die Ergebnisse weisen auf saisonale physiologische Änderungen hin, die sich durch höhere stomatäre Leitfähigkeiten bzw. niedrigere Photosyntheseraten während der Regen- und Trockenzeit manifestieren. Die beobachteten Depositionsgeschwindigkeiten für Ozon während der Regenzeit überschreiten diejenigen der Trockenzeit um 150-250%. Dies kann nicht durch realistische physiologische Änderungen erklärt werden, jedoch durch einen zusätzlichen cuticulären Aufnahmemechanismus, möglicherweise an feuchten Oberflächen. Der Vergleich von beobachteten und vorhergesagten Isoprenkonzentrationen im Bestand weist auf eine reduzierte Isoprenemissionskapazität schattenadaptierter Blätter und zusätzlich auf eine Isoprenaufnahme des Bodens hin, wodurch sich die globale Schätzung für den tropischen Regenwald um 30% reduzieren würde. In einer detaillierten Sensitivitätsstudie wird die VOC Emission von amazonischen Baumarten unter Verwendung eines neuronalen Ansatzes in Beziehung zu physiologischen und abiotischen Faktoren gesetzt. Die Güte einzelner Parameterkombinationen bezüglich der Vorhersage der VOC Emission wird mit den Vorhersagen eines Modells verglichen, das quasi als Standardemissionsalgorithmus für Isopren dient und Licht sowie Temperatur als Eingabeparameter verwendet. Der Standardalgorithmus und das neuronale Netz unter Verwendung von Licht und Temperatur als Eingabeparameter schneiden sehr gut bei einzelnen Datensätzen ab, scheitern jedoch bei der Vorhersage beobachteter VOC Emissionen, wenn Datensätze von verschiedenen Perioden (Regen/Trockenzeit), Blattentwicklungsstadien, oder gar unterschiedlichen Spezies zusammengeführt werden. Wenn dem Netzwerk Informationen über die Temperatur-Historie hinzugefügt werden, reduziert sich die nicht erklärte Varianz teilweise. Eine noch bessere Leistung wird jedoch mit physiologischen Parameterkombinationen erzielt. Dies verdeutlicht die starke Kopplung zwischen VOC Emission und Blattphysiologie.
The Southern Tyrrhenian subduction system shows a complex interaction among asthenospheric flow, subducting slab and overriding plate. To shed light on the deformations and mechanical properties of the slab and surrounding mantle, I investigated seismic anisotropy and attenuation properties through the subduction region. I used both teleseisms and slab earthquakes, analyzing shear-wave splitting on SKS and S phases, respectively. The fast polarization directions φ, and the delay time, δt, were retrieved using the method of Silver and Chan [1991. SKS and S φ reveal a complex anisotropy pattern across the subduction zone. SKS-rays sample primarily the sub-slab region showing rotation of fast directions following the curved shape of the slab and very strong anisotropy. S-rays sample mainly the slab, showing variable φ and a smaller δt. SKS and S splitting reveals a well developed toroidal flow at SW edge of the slab, while at its NE edge the pattern is not very clear. This suggests that the anisotropy is controlled by the slab rollback, responsible for about 100 km slab parallel φ in the sub-slab mantle. The slab is weakly anisotropic, suggesting the asthenosphere as main source of anisotropy. To investigate the physical properties of the slab and surrounding regions, I analyzed the seismic P and S wave attenuation. By inverting high-quality S-waves t* from slab earthquakes, 3D attenuation models down to 300 km were obtained. Attenuation results image the slab as low-attenuation body, but with heterogeneous QS and QP structure showing spot of high attenuation , between 100-200 km depth, which could be due dehydration associated to the slab metamorphism. A low QS anomaly is present in the mantle wedge beneath the Aeolian volcanic arc and could indicate mantle melting and slab dehydration.
The use of guided ultrasonic waves (GUW) has increased considerably in the fields of non-destructive (NDE) testing and structural health monitoring (SHM) due to their ability to perform long range inspections, to probe hidden areas as well as to provide a complete monitoring of the entire waveguide. Guided waves can be fully exploited only once their dispersive properties are known for the given waveguide. In this context, well stated analytical and numerical methods are represented by the Matrix family methods and the Semi Analytical Finite Element (SAFE) methods. However, while the former are limited to simple geometries of finite or infinite extent, the latter can model arbitrary cross-section waveguides of finite domain only. This thesis is aimed at developing three different numerical methods for modelling wave propagation in complex translational invariant systems. First, a classical SAFE formulation for viscoelastic waveguides is extended to account for a three dimensional translational invariant static prestress state. The effect of prestress, residual stress and applied loads on the dispersion properties of the guided waves is shown. Next, a two-and-a-half Boundary Element Method (2.5D BEM) for the dispersion analysis of damped guided waves in waveguides and cavities of arbitrary cross-section is proposed. The attenuation dispersive spectrum due to material damping and geometrical spreading of cavities with arbitrary shape is shown for the first time. Finally, a coupled SAFE-2.5D BEM framework is developed to study the dispersion characteristics of waves in viscoelastic waveguides of arbitrary geometry embedded in infinite solid or liquid media. Dispersion of leaky and non-leaky guided waves in terms of speed and attenuation, as well as the radiated wavefields, can be computed. The results obtained in this thesis can be helpful for the design of both actuation and sensing systems in practical application, as well as to tune experimental setup.
The present thesis focuses on elastic waves behaviour in ordinary structures as well as in acousto-elastic metamaterials via numerical and experimental applications. After a brief introduction on the behaviour of elastic guided waves in the framework of non-destructive evaluation (NDE) and structural health monitoring (SHM) and on the study of elastic waves propagation in acousto-elastic metamaterials, dispersion curves for thin-walled beams and arbitrary cross-section waveguides are extracted via Semi-Analytical Finite Element (SAFE) methods. Thus, a novel strategy tackling signal dispersion to locate defects in irregular waveguides is proposed and numerically validated. Finally, a time-reversal and laser-vibrometry based procedure for impact location is numerically and experimentally tested. In the second part, an introduction and a brief review of the basic definitions necessary to describe acousto-elastic metamaterials is provided. A numerical approach to extract dispersion properties in such structures is highlighted. Afterwards, solid-solid and solid-fluid phononic systems are discussed via numerical applications. In particular, band structures and transmission power spectra are predicted for 1P-2D, 2P-2D and 2P-3D phononic systems. In addition, attenuation bands in the ultrasonic as well as in the sonic frequency regimes are experimentally investigated. In the experimental validation, PZTs in a pitch-catch configuration and laser vibrometric measurements are performed on a PVC phononic plate in the ultrasonic frequency range and sound insulation index is computed for a 2P-3D phononic barrier in the sonic frequency range. In both cases the numerical-experimental results comparison confirms the existence of the numerical predicted band-gaps. Finally, the feasibility of an innovative passive isolation strategy based on giant elastic metamaterials is numerically proved to be practical for civil structures. In particular, attenuation of seismic waves is demonstrated via finite elements analyses. Further, a parametric study shows that depending on the soil properties, such an earthquake-proof barrier could lead to significant reduction of the superstructure displacement.
Towards the 3D attenuation imaging of active volcanoes: methods and tests on real and simulated data
The purpose of my PhD thesis has been to face the issue of retrieving a three dimensional attenuation model in volcanic areas. To this purpose, I first elaborated a robust strategy for the analysis of seismic data. This was done by performing several synthetic tests to assess the applicability of spectral ratio method to our purposes. The results of the tests allowed us to conclude that: 1) spectral ratio method gives reliable differential attenuation (dt*) measurements in smooth velocity models; 2) short signal time window has to be chosen to perform spectral analysis; 3) the frequency range over which to compute spectral ratios greatly affects dt* measurements. Furthermore, a refined approach for the application of spectral ratio method has been developed and tested. Through this procedure, the effects caused by heterogeneities of propagation medium on the seismic signals may be removed. The tested data analysis technique was applied to the real active seismic SERAPIS database. It provided a dataset of dt* measurements which was used to obtain a three dimensional attenuation model of the shallowest part of Campi Flegrei caldera. Then, a linearized, iterative, damped attenuation tomography technique has been tested and applied to the selected dataset. The tomography, with a resolution of 0.5 km in the horizontal directions and 0.25 km in the vertical direction, allowed to image important features in the off-shore part of Campi Flegrei caldera. High QP bodies are immersed in a high attenuation body (Qp=30). The latter is well correlated with low Vp and high Vp/Vs values and it is interpreted as a saturated marine and volcanic sediments layer. High Qp anomalies, instead, are interpreted as the effects either of cooled lava bodies or of a CO2 reservoir. A pseudo-circular high Qp anomaly was detected and interpreted as the buried rim of NYT caldera.
To assess the effect of thiazolidinediones on the regulation of inflammatory cytokines related to endometriosis in endometrial tissue and determine whether these effects occur via activation of the peroxisome proliferating activating receptor gamma (PPAR)-γ.
To enhance understanding of the metabolic indicators of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) disease pathogenesis and progression, the urinary metabolomes of well characterized rhesus macaques (normal or spontaneously and naturally diabetic) were examined. High-resolution ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with the accurate mass determination of time-of-flight mass spectrometry was used to analyze spot urine samples from normal (n = 10) and T2DM (n = 11) male monkeys. The machine-learning algorithm random forests classified urine samples as either from normal or T2DM monkeys. The metabolites important for developing the classifier were further examined for their biological significance. Random forests models had a misclassification error of less than 5%. Metabolites were identified based on accurate masses (<10 ppm) and confirmed by tandem mass spectrometry of authentic compounds. Urinary compounds significantly increased (p < 0.05) in the T2DM when compared with the normal group included glycine betaine (9-fold), citric acid (2.8-fold), kynurenic acid (1.8-fold), glucose (68-fold), and pipecolic acid (6.5-fold). When compared with the conventional definition of T2DM, the metabolites were also useful in defining the T2DM condition, and the urinary elevations in glycine betaine and pipecolic acid (as well as proline) indicated defective re-absorption in the kidney proximal tubules by SLC6A20, a Na(+)-dependent transporter. The mRNA levels of SLC6A20 were significantly reduced in the kidneys of monkeys with T2DM. These observations were validated in the db/db mouse model of T2DM. This study provides convincing evidence of the power of metabolomics for identifying functional changes at many levels in the omics pipeline.
We aimed at assessing stent geometry and in-stent contrast attenuation with 64-slice CT in patients with various coronary stents. Twenty-nine patients (mean age 60 +/- 11 years; 24 men) with 50 stents underwent CT within 2 weeks after stent placement. Mean in-stent luminal diameter and reference vessel diameter proximal and distal to the stent were assessed with CT, and compared to quantitative coronary angiography (QCA). Stent length was also compared to the manufacturer's values. Images were reconstructed using a medium-smooth (B30f) and sharp (B46f) kernel. All 50 stents could be visualized with CT. Mean in-stent luminal diameter was systematically underestimated with CT compared to QCA (1.60 +/- 0.39 mm versus 2.49 +/- 0.45 mm; P < 0.0001), resulting in a modest correlation of QCA versus CT (r = 0.49; P < 0.0001). Stent length as given by the manufacturer was 18.2 +/- 6.2 mm, correlating well with CT (18.5 +/- 5.7 mm; r = 0.95; P < 0.0001) and QCA (17.4 +/- 5.6 mm; r = 0.87; P < 0.0001). Proximal and distal reference vessel diameters were similar with CT and QCA (P = 0.06 and P = 0.03). B46f kernel images showed higher image noise (P < 0.05) and lower in-stent CT attenuation values (P < 0.001) than images reconstructed with the B30f kernel. 64-slice CT allows measurement of coronary artery in-stent density, and significantly underestimates the true in-stent diameter compared to QCA.
RMI1 (BLM-Associated Protein 75 or Blap75) is highly conserved from yeast to human. Previous studies have shown that hRMI1 is required for BLM/TopoIIIα/RMI1 complex stability and function. However, in vivo functions of RMI1 remain elusive. To address this question, I generated RMI1 knockout mice by homologous replacement targeting. While RMI1+/- mice showed no obvious phenotype, deletion of both RMI1 alleles leads to early embryonic lethality before implantation. I then generated RMI1/p53 double knockout mice. After ionizing radiation treatment at 4Gy, RMI1/p53 double-heterzygous mice showed shortened tumor latency and aggressive tumor types when comparing with wild type, RMI1+/- and p53+/- control cohorts. My study suggests a dual-functional role of RMI1 in early embryonic development and tumor suppression.
INTRODUCTION: SPARC is a matricellular protein, which, along with other extracellular matrix components including collagens, is commonly over-expressed in fibrotic diseases. The purpose of this study was to examine whether inhibition of SPARC can regulate collagen expression in vitro and in vivo, and subsequently attenuate fibrotic stimulation by bleomycin in mouse skin and lungs. METHODS: In in vitro studies, skin fibroblasts obtained from a Tgfbr1 knock-in mouse (TBR1CA; Cre-ER) were transfected with SPARC siRNA. Gene and protein expressions of the Col1a2 and the Ctgf were examined by real-time RT-PCR and Western blotting, respectively. In in vivo studies, C57BL/6 mice were induced for skin and lung fibrosis by bleomycin and followed by SPARC siRNA treatment through subcutaneous injection and intratracheal instillation, respectively. The pathological changes of skin and lungs were assessed by hematoxylin and eosin and Masson's trichrome stains. The expression changes of collagen in the tissues were assessed by real-time RT-PCR and non-crosslinked fibrillar collagen content assays. RESULTS: SPARC siRNA significantly reduced gene and protein expression of collagen type 1 in fibroblasts obtained from the TBR1CA; Cre-ER mouse that was induced for constitutively active TGF-beta receptor I. Skin and lung fibrosis induced by bleomycin was markedly reduced by treatment with SPARC siRNA. The anti-fibrotic effect of SPARC siRNA in vivo was accompanied by an inhibition of Ctgf expression in these same tissues. CONCLUSIONS: Specific inhibition of SPARC effectively reduced fibrotic changes in vitro and in vivo. SPARC inhibition may represent a potential therapeutic approach to fibrotic diseases.
Development of methods for rapid screening and stratification of subjects after exposure is an integral part of countermeasures against radiation. The potential demographic and exposure history-related heterogeneity of exposed populations warrants robust biomarkers that withstand and reflect such differences. In this study, the effect of aging and repeated exposure on the metabolic response to sublethal irradiation was examined in mice using UPLC-ESI-QTOF mass spectrometry. Aging attenuated postexposure elevation in excretions of DNA damage biomarkers as well as N(1)-acetylspermidine. Although N(1)-acetylspermidine and 2'-deoxyuridine elevation was highly correlated in all age groups, xanthine and N(1)-acetylspermidine elevation was poorly correlated in older mice. These results may reflect the established decline in DNA damage-repair efficiency associated with aging and indicate a novel role for polyamine metabolism in the process. Although repeated irradiation at long intervals did not affect the elevation of N(1)-acetylspermidine, 2'-deoxyuridine, and xanthine, it did significantly attenuate the elevation of 2'-deoxycytidine and thymidine compared to a single exposure. However, these biomarkers were found to identify exposed subjects with accuracy ranging from 82% (xanthosine) to 98% (2'-deoxyuridine), irrespective of their age and exposure history. This indicates that metabolic biomarkers can act as robust noninvasive signatures of sublethal radiation exposure.
Acid rock drainage (ARD) is a problem of international relevance with substantial environmental and economic implications. Reactive transport modeling has proven a powerful tool for the process-based assessment of metal release and attenuation at ARD sites. Although a variety of models has been used to investigate ARD, a systematic model intercomparison has not been conducted to date. This contribution presents such a model intercomparison involving three synthetic benchmark problems designed to evaluate model results for the most relevant processes at ARD sites. The first benchmark (ARD-B1) focuses on the oxidation of sulfide minerals in an unsaturated tailing impoundment, affected by the ingress of atmospheric oxygen. ARD-B2 extends the first problem to include pH buffering by primary mineral dissolution and secondary mineral precipitation. The third problem (ARD-B3) in addition considers the kinetic and pH-dependent dissolution of silicate minerals under low pH conditions. The set of benchmarks was solved by four reactive transport codes, namely CrunchFlow, Flotran, HP1, and MIN3P. The results comparison focused on spatial profiles of dissolved concentrations, pH and pE, pore gas composition, and mineral assemblages. In addition, results of transient profiles for selected elements and cumulative mass loadings were considered in the intercomparison. Despite substantial differences in model formulations, very good agreement was obtained between the various codes. Residual deviations between the results are analyzed and discussed in terms of their implications for capturing system evolution and long-term mass loading predictions.