987 resultados para Aspergillus niger NII 08121


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Acknowledgements We thank Gilead Sciences Europe Ltd., UK for financially supporting logistical aspects of this study. The logistics of the meeting were handled by Congress Care, Den Bosch, The Netherlands. The sponsor was not involved in the selection of the participants or procedures, or in the discussion, data collection, analysis or writing of the manuscript. The medical writer was financially supported by the Dutch Society for Medical Mycology and the Department of Medical Microbiology, Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.


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Au Niger, le taux de mortalité maternelle est estimé à 535 décès pour 100 000 naissances vivantes (INS, 2013) et la probabilité pour un nouveau-né de mourir avant l’âge d’un mois est de 33 ‰. Depuis 2006, le Niger a mis en place une politique de gratuité des soins pour les femmes enceintes et les enfants de 0 à 5 ans, ce qui a contribué à une amélioration significative de la fréquentation des centres de santé. En mars 2012, un processus délibératif fut organisé pendant une conférence de trois jours pour échanger sur les acquis, limites et perspectives de cette nouvelle politique avec 160 participants dont des chercheurs, des humanitaires, des décideurs politiques et des intervenants sur le terrain. L’objectif de cette recherche est de comprendre les effets de cette conférence ainsi que d’explorer les activités du comité de suivi de la feuille de route. La recherche a été réalisée durant deux mois en été 2014 à Niamey et à N’guiguimi. Elle a reposé sur l’utilisation du cadre conceptuel de Boyko et al., (2012) qui permet de décrire les principales caractéristiques et les effets attendus des dialogues délibératifs et comprendre comment les dialogues délibératifs peuvent contribuer à l’élaboration de politiques sur la base de données probantes. Nous avons mis un accent particulier sur les trois formes d’utilisation des connaissances présentées par Dagenais et al., (2013) : instrumentale, conceptuelle et persuasive. Des entretiens semi-directifs ont été effectués avec 22 acteurs impliqués dans la mise en oeuvre des recommandations. Ils ont été enregistrés, retranscrits intégralement et traités avec le logiciel QDA Miner. Les résultats de l’analyse des discours recueillis révèlent une utilisation instrumentale des recommandations et plus visible chez les humanitaires que les décideurs et les acteurs de la société civile. Il ressort aussi de cette analyse une utilisation conceptuelle et persuasive des recommandations à un degré plus faible parmi tous les acteurs. Le comité de suivi de la feuille route de la conférence n’a pratiquement pas fonctionné, par conséquent, le processus n’a pas eu l’impact souhaité. Les principales raisons de cet échec sont liées au contexte de mise en oeuvre des recommandations (arrestation de plusieurs agents du ministère de la Santé publique qui sont des membres clés du comité de suivi à cause du détournement des fonds GAVI, manque de volonté technique et politique) et/ou aux conditions financières (absence de primes pour les membres du comité et de budget de fonctionnement.). Les iv résultats obtenus ont permis de comprendre les énormes défis (contextuels, financiers notamment) qui restent à relever en matière de transfert de connaissance dans le secteur de santé publique au Niger. En ce qui concerne la suite de la conférence, il faudrait accélérer la redynamisation du comité de suivi en le dotant d’un fonds de fonctionnement et en créant une agence autonome de gestion de la gratuité des soins; et renforcer le soutien politique autour de l’Initiative Santé Solidarité Sahel.


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The oxygen isotopes ratios of benthic foraminifera and detailed radiocarbon ages of the organic matter of an over 15 m long sediment core from the outer Niger delta allow us to date the oxygen isotope stage boundaries 1/2 to 11500 (+/- 650) years BP, 2/3 to approximately 23000 (+/- 2000) years BP. The composition of the predominantly terrigenous clays and accessory pelagic fossils reflects the evolution of the climate over the southwestern Sahel zone and the response of the Eastern Tropical Atlantic to these climatic fluctuations during the Late Quaternary. The dilution of the pelagic fossil concentrations by the terrigenous material and the oxygen isotopes ratios of planktonic foraminifera indicate large fluctuations in the freshwater discharge from the Niger, with high precipitations over the drainage area of this river from 4500 (+/- 300) to 11500 (+/- 650) years BP and from 11800 (+(- 600) to 13000 (+/- 600) years BP while the time intervals in between were as dry as today. Relative increase of kaolinite during wet phases and the association of smectite, chlorite and attapulgite during dry ones characterize the response of the weathering in the Niger drainage basins to the climatic fluctuations. The occurrence of 10-14 A mixed-layers prior to 26000 years BP is correlated with moderate alteration of the crystalline substratum outcrops from the middle-lower part of the Niger Basin. High quartz concentrations are particularly typical for the transition between oxygen isotope stages 1 and 2 at the inception of heavy precipitations in the southern Sahel zone. Sedimentation rates were quite constant, 30-35 cm/1000 years; they became unusually large at the beginning of the Holocene from 10900 (+/- 650) to 11500 (+/- 650) years BP where they reached more than 600 cm/1000 years. Bottom waters around 1100 m depth in the Gulf of Guinea responded to changes in paleo-oceanography of the entire Atlantic Ocean as well as to local influences. Abnormal carbon isotopes ratios and the drastic changes from a highly diversified fauna (during stages 2 and 3. and during the last part of stage 1 after approx. 7000 years BP) to a poorly diversified fauna in the intervenin time span point to the development of a local benthic environment which cannot easily be compared with the corresponding continental and slope environments of the entire Atlantic Ocean.


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Time series of terrigenous source elements (Al, K, Ti, Zr) from core GeoB4901-8 recovered from the deep-sea fan of the Niger River record variations in riverine sediment discharge over the past 245,000 yr. Although the flux rates of all the elements depend on physical erosion, which is mainly controlled by the extent of vegetation coverage in central Africa, element/Al ratios reflect conditions for chemical weathering in the river basin. Maximum sediment input to the ocean occurs during cold and arid periods, when precipitation intensity and associated freshwater runoff are reduced. High carbonate contents during the same periods indicate that the sediment supply has a positive effect on river-induced marine productivity. In general, variations in the terrestrial signals contain a strong precessional component in tune with changes in low-latitude solar radiation. However, the terrestrial signal lags the insolation signal by several thousand years. K/Al, Ti/Al, and Zr/Al records reveal that African monsoonal precipitation depends on high-latitude forcing. We attribute the shift between insolation cycle and river discharge to the frequently reported nonlinear response of African climate to primary orbital configurations, which may be caused by a complex interaction of the secondary control parameters, such as surface albedo and/or thermohaline circulation.


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Water activity, temperature and pH are determinants for biotic activity of cellular systems, biosphere function and, indeed, for all life processes. This study was carried out at high concentrations of glycerol, which concurrently reduces water activity and acts as a stress protectant, to characterize the biophysical capabilities of the most extremely xerophilic organisms known. These were the fungal xerophiles: Xeromyces bisporus (FRR 0025), Aspergillus penicillioides (JH06THJ) and Eurotium halophilicum (FRR 2471). High-glycerol spores were produced and germination was determined using 38 media in the 0.995–0.637 water activity range, 33 media in the 2.80–9.80 pH range and 10 incubation temperatures, from 2 to 50°C. Water activity was modified by supplementing media with glycerol+sucrose, glycerol+NaCl and glycerol+NaCl+sucrose which are known to be biologically permissive for X. bisporus, A. penicillioides and E. halophilicum respectively. The windows and rates for spore germination were quantified for water activity, pH and temperature; symmetry/asymmetry of the germination profiles were then determined in relation to supra- and sub-optimal conditions; and pH- and temperature optima for extreme xerophilicity were quantified. The windows for spore germination were ~1 to 0.637 water activity, pH 2.80–9.80 and > 10 and < 44°C, depending on strain. Germination profiles in relation to water activity and temperature were asymmetrical because conditions known to entropically disorder cellular macromolecules, i.e. supra-optimal water activity and high temperatures, were severely inhibitory. Implications of these processes were considered in relation to the in-situ ecology of extreme conditions and environments; the study also raises a number of unanswered questions which suggest the need for new lines of experimentation.


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Purpose - This study intended to characterize fungal contamination in two swine farms, in one feed production unit, and also in one swine slaughterhouse. We aimed to identify where the highest occupational exposure to Aspergillus spp. was detected during the production line.


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Introduction - Within the Aspergillus genus, Aspergillus fumigatus species is one of the most ubiquitous saprophytic fungi and is considered the species with higher clinical relevance. The fungi belonging to the Fumigati section are the most common cause of invasive aspergillosis and a major source of infection related mortality in immunocompromised patients. One of the most abundant metabolites produced by Aspergillus fumigatus is the metabolite gliotoxin, which exhibits a diverse array of biologic effects on the immune system. Further, environments contaminated with A. fumigatus may be the cause or enhance respiratory problems in the workers of those specific settings. These species produce specific allergens and mycotoxins that could cause respiratory disorders. Aim of the study - The aim of the present work was to determine the prevalence of Aspergillus section Fumigati by cultural and molecular methods in poultry; swine and bovine; and large animal (bovine and horses) slaughterhouses.


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Workers from feed production often develop allergic respiratory symptoms and fungi are likely to be a significant contributing factor to these symptoms. This study intended to characterize fungal contamination in two feed production units, one for poultry and other for swine consumption. We aimed at identifying which unit presented the highest risk of occupational exposure to Aspergillus spp.


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The length weight relationship of three benthic bivalves namely, Senilia (= Anadara) senilis (bloody cockle), Tagelus adansonii (knife clam), Tellina nymphalis (soft shell clam) from the Andoni Flats were determined. The bivalves which are of ecological importance were obtained from the intertidal areas of the Andoni Flats. Shell lengths of the bivalves were measured and corresponding dry weight measurements were also taken. The data obtained were then subjected to regression analysis using the FAO-ICLARM Fish Stock Assessment Tools (FiSAT). The length weight relationships obtained from the FiSAT analysis indicated isometric growth for Senilia (= Anadara) senilis, with slope (b) value of 2.942; positive allometric growth for Tagelus adansonii, with a ‘b’ value of 3.395 and negative allometric growth for Tellina nymphalis with ‘b’ value of 2.633. KEYWORDS: bivalves, length-weight, isometric growth, allometric growth, cockle, clam.


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Aspergillus fumigatus is one of the major ubiquitous saprophytic fungi and it is considered one of the fungal species with higher clinical relevance. This study aimed at characterising the prevalence of A. fumigatus complex in one waste-sorting plant and also in one incineration plant. Conventional and molecular methodologies were applied in order to detect its presence. Aspergillus fumigatus complex was the second most frequently found in the air from the waste-sorting plant (16.0%) and from the incineration plant (18.0%). Regarding surfaces, it ranked the third species most frequently found in the waste-sorting plant (13.8%) and the second in the incineration plant (22.3%). In the waste-sorting plant, it was possible to amplify by qPCR DNA from the A. fumigatus complex in all culture-positive sampling sites plus one other sampling site that was negative by culture analysis. Considering the observed fungal load, it is recommended to apply preventive and protective measures in order to avoid or minimise worker's exposure.


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Au Mali, le monde rural est un système complexe dont le développement implique son appréhension dans sa complexité. Cependant, la réalité malienne montre un manque de formation, d'organisation et une exploitation irrationnelle des ressources entravant les efforts du développement. Dans cette situation, il est difficile au crédit rural de jouer son rôle dans le développement. Les paysans du Mali, et plus précisément ceux dans la zone Office de la Haute Vallée du Niger (OHVN), tirent annuellement de leurs cultures, des revenus assez faibles. Malheureusement ces sommes ne restent pas dans le secteur rural pour faciliter la promotion de l'agriculture. Elles sont, pour la plupart, utilisées pour payer les arriérés de crédit. Ainsi, au cours d'un stage que nous avons eu à effectuer à Bancoumana (un secteur tabacole encadré par l'Office), il a été constaté que les paysans sont confrontés à plusieurs problèmes, qu'ils soient d'origine économique, sociologique ou autre. Entre autres problèmes: la faiblesse des revenus d'où incapacité d'investir et d'épargner; - l'insuffisance de sensibilisation sur le crédit rural; - l'insuffisance de formation en gestion et organisation. Dans cette problématique, nous soulevons des points d'ordre économique et social. En fait, dans la politique de crédit pratiquée par de nombreux organismes de développement (expérience vécue en Madagascar), on ne tient pas compte des habitudes et de la tradition en matière de crédit. Les politiques de crédit restent incomprises et inappliquées par les paysans. L'élaboration de ces politiques ne s'appuie pas solidement sur le vécu des participants et des bénéficiaires-cibles, encore moins sur les valeurs. En se basant sur nos investigations antérieures, nous avons jugé nécessaire de voir comment évolue la politique de crédit dans la zone de l'Office de la Haute Vallée du Niger. La présente étude a pour but de comprendre le fonctionnement du crédit rural dans notre zone d'étude, à l'aide d'une analyse descriptive. Nous proposons des recommandations et des suggestions s'il y a lieu.


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A contaminação aleatória de alimentos por micotoxinas afeta as condições de sanidade das dietas de humanos e animais. Dentre as toxinas fúngicas, deoxinivalenol (DON) se destaca pela freqüente contaminação de produtos agrícolas e alimentos e pela sua resistência a degradação pelo emprego de métodos tradicionais de processamento, o que motiva políticas de controle e a busca por técnicas de descontaminação. A descontaminação biológica empregando processsos fermentativos tem sido apontada como uma alternativa promissora, pois permite degradar micotoxinas através do sistema enzimático microbiano e melhorar características funcionais e sensoriais de matérias-primas e insumos alimentícios. Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar condições e mecanismos de biodegradação de deoxinivalenol empregando Aspergillus oryzae e Rhizopus sp. em sistemas fermentativos submersos. Para tanto, foi necessário adequar metodologia para reação de derivação na determinação cromatográfica de DON; estudar o potencial e condições de degradação via fermentação submersa por Aspergillus oryzae e Rhizopus sp.; e avaliar a atividade de oxidoredutases e a citotoxicidade dos extratos fementados. A otimização da metodologia estabeleceu a melhor condição para a reação de derivação com 200 µL de anidrido trifluoroacético e 18 mg de bicarbonato de sódio, durante 6 minutos a 74 °C na faixa entre 7 e 21 µg de DON. A quantificação de DON residual no meio fermentado mostrou que as espécies fúngicas Rhizopus sp. e Aspergillus oryzae possuem a capacidade de degradar DON demonstrando índices médios de 87,4 e 62,4% respectivamente, principalmente quando o meio submerso foi água estéril e fermentação realizada durante 48 horas. A velocidade máxima de degradação neste intervalo foi de 10,8 e 12,4 ppb/h, observando também um aumento na atividade específica da enzima peroxidase. Os extratos dos fermentados com A. oryzae e Rhizopus sp. apresentaram efeito de inibição de proliferação celular (IC50) quando concentrados 10 vezes em 48 e 72 horas respectivamente. Os meios fermentados com Rhizopus sp. apresentaram menor efeito (1,5 vezes) quando comparado com Aspergillus oryzae.


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In vitro experimental environments are used to study interactions between microorganisms, and predict dynamics in natural ecosystems. This study highlights that experimental in vitro environments should be selected to closely match the natural environment of interest during in vitro studies to strengthen extrapolations about aflatoxin production by Aspergillus and competing organisms. Fungal competition and aflatoxin accumulation was studied in soil, cotton wool or tube (water-only) environments, for Aspergillus flavus competition with Penicillium purpurogenum, Fusarium oxysporum or Sarocladium zeae within maize grains. Inoculated grains were incubated in each environment at two temperature regimes (25oC and 30oC). Competition experiments showed interaction between main effects of aflatoxin accumulation and environment at 25oC, but not so at 30oC. However, competition experiments showed fungal populations were always interacting with their environments. Fungal survival differed after the 72-hour incubation in different experimental environments. Whereas, all fungi incubated within the soil environment survived; in the cotton-wool environment, none of the competitors of A. flavus survived at 30 oC. With aflatoxin accumulation, F. oxysporum was the only fungus able to interdict aflatoxin production at both temperatures. This occurred only in the soil environment and fumonisins accumulated instead. Smallholder farmers in developing countries face serious mycotoxin contamination of their grains, and soil is a natural reservoir for the associated fungal propagules, and a drying and storage surface for grains on these farms. Studying fungal dynamics in the soil environment and other environments in vitro can provide insights into aflatoxin accumulation post harvest.


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Photographs and translation


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Aflatoxins are one kind of fungal toxins produced by species of toxigenic Aspergillus (A. flavus and A. parasiticus) and in other words they are secondary metabolites which are considered as one of the threatening factors of food consumer's health. In this research 96 samples of cold-water cultural fish feed, rainbow trout, during the seasons of spring and summer of 2007 (every fifteenth of the month) were randomized (by simple and stratified random) to determine: 1. The prevalence rate of aflatoxigenic species of Aspergillus in stored feed of cold-water cultural fish in West Azarbayjan cultural fish farms in both seasons (spring and summer); 2. The residues of total aflatoxin in stored feed of fish in cultural fish farms of West Azarbayjan in both seasons by ELISA method; and 3. The residues of that toxin in feed produced in aquatic feed factories in Tehran and West Azarbyjan provinces with the same method. In order to study prevalence rate of toxigenic species of Aspergillus, pour-plate culture method by general medium such as Malt Extract Agar (M.E.A.) and Sabouraud-Dextrose Agar (S.D.A.) and by standard No.997 of Iranian Standard Institute were used. The produced colonies were examined microscopically. To determine the aflatoxins residues, ELISA method using Agra-Quant kit of Romer Lab company, were applied. The results of this survey indicated that only 8.3% of the samples were infected by A. flavus. A. parasiticus was not observed. There were no significant differences between the prevalence rate of AFT and seasons/months, either (P<0.05). Evaluating mean of aflatoxin rate showed that the rates of this variable are lower than the tolerance levels designated by the joint FAO/WHO expert committee (The mean of AFT in all data was lower than 11 ppb). Furthermore, mean of total AFT residues rates of stored feed of various cultural center of West Azarbayjan and Tehran factories were comparable in spring and summer, and no significant differences were observed (P<0.05). But there were significant differences between the total aflatoxin rates in the feed of West Azarbayjan factory and spring and summer (P<0.05), and AFT residues in spring (8.6 ppb) were higher than summer (6.1 ppb). Prevalence rates of AFT in Tehran feed factories (9.2 ppb) are higher than W. Azarbayjan (7.4 ppb). In other words, location was considered as a decisive factor in total AFT rates of samples. Moreover, the results indicated that there was significant difference between total aflatoxin rates of feed and cultural centers (P<0.05). The mean of AFT rates in embankment dam cultural fish farms (6.75 ppb) and multi-functions cultural fish farms (6.25 ppb) was higher than individual cultural pond (4.67 ppb). In conclusion, the finally results of this survey indicated that the lower rates of Aspergillus is not effective on the presence of total aflatoxin rates in trout feed. Due to low levels of aflatoxin rates (lower than 20 ppb), the produced feed of cold-cultural fishes, Rainbow Trout, in Tehran and West Azarbayjan provinces, in spring and summer of 2007, were safe and healthy both for fish and their consumers.