998 resultados para Arxiu de Relacions Laborals Teresa Claramunt
Caracterizar o estado nutricional de 3.254 Kaingáng de escolas indígenas de 12 terras indígenas do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Transversal de base escolar. Obtidas medidas de peso (P), estatura (E) e circunferência da cintura (CC) conforme Organização Mundial da Saúde - OMS (1995). Classificação do estado nutricional: crianças: índices E/I, P/I e P/E, de acordo com o National Center for Health Statistics (WHO, 1995) e E/I, P/I e índice de massa corporal/idade (IMC/I) de acordo com OMS (2006); adolescentes: IMC/I (OMS, 1995 e 2006) e E/I (OMS, 2006); adultos: IMC (OMS, 1995) e CC (OMS, 2003). Adolescentes representaram 56% dos avaliados, crianças 42,5%, adultos 1,4% e idosos 0,1%. Deficit estatural de 15,1% (OMS, 1995) e 15,5% (OMS, 2006) entre as crianças e de 19,9% entre adolescentes. Freqüências de excesso de peso foram: crianças: 11% (OMS, 1995) e 5,7% (OMS, 2006); adolescentes: 6,7%; adultos: 79,2%. Entre adultos, 45,3% estavam em risco aumentado para doenças metabólicas. Observada a transição nutricional no segmento, caracterizada por prevalências importantes de baixa estatura na infância e adolescência e sobrepeso proeminente em todas as faixas etárias.
Estudo transversal de base populacional que investigou prevalênciasde anemia e fatores associados à anemia, anemia ferropriva e deficiência de ferro entre crianças de 6 a 60 meses da área urbana de dois municípios do Acre, Brasil (N = 624). Dosagens de hemoglobina sanguínea, ferritina e receptor solúvel de transferrina plasmáticas foram realizadas mediante sangue venoso. Condições sócio-econômicas, demográficas e de morbidade foram obtidas por questionário. Razões de prevalências foram calculadas por regressão de Poisson em modelo hierárquico. As prevalências de anemia, anemia ferropriva e deficiência de ferro foram de 30,6%, 20,9% e 43,5%, respectivamente. Menores de 24 meses apresentaram maior risco para anemia, anemia ferropriva e deficiência de ferro. Pertencer ao maior tercil do índice de riqueza conferiu proteção contra anemia ferropriva (RP = 0,62; IC95%: 0,40-0,98). Pertencer ao maior quartil do índice estatura/idade foi protetor contra anemia (0,62; 0,44-0,86) e anemia ferropriva (0,51; 0,33-0,79), e ocorrência recente de diarréia representou risco (anemia: 1,47; 1,12-1,92 e anemia ferropriva: 1,44; 1,03-2,01). A infestação por geohelmintos conferiu risco para anemia, anemia ferropriva e deficiência de ferro.
Background: HIV-1-infected individuals who spontaneously control viral replication represent an example of successful containment of the AIDS virus. Understanding the anti-viral immune responses in these individuals may help in vaccine design. However, immune responses against HIV-1 are normally analyzed using HIV-1 consensus B 15-mers that overlap by 11 amino acids. Unfortunately, this method may underestimate the real breadth of the cellular immune responses against the autologous sequence of the infecting virus. Methodology and Principal Findings: Here we compared cellular immune responses against nef and vif-encoded consensus B 15-mer peptides to responses against HLA class I-predicted minimal optimal epitopes from consensus B and autologous sequences in six patients who have controlled HIV-1 replication. Interestingly, our analysis revealed that three of our patients had broader cellular immune responses against HLA class I-predicted minimal optimal epitopes from either autologous viruses or from the HIV-1 consensus B sequence, when compared to responses against the 15-mer HIV-1 type B consensus peptides. Conclusion and Significance: This suggests that the cellular immune responses against HIV-1 in controller patients may be broader than we had previously anticipated.
Background: The results of previous studies elsewhere have indicated that GB virus C (GBV-C) infection is frequent in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) due to similar transmission routes of both viruses. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence, incidence density and genotypic characteristics of GBV-C in this population. Methodology/Principal Findings: The study population included 233 patients from a cohort primarily comprised of homosexual men recently infected with HIV-1 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The presence of GBV-C RNA was determined in plasma samples by reverse transcriptase-nested polymerase chain reaction and quantified by real-time PCR. GBV-C genotypes were determined by direct sequencing. HIV viral load, CD4+ T lymphocyte and CD8+ T lymphocyte count were also tested in all patients. The overall prevalence of GBV-C infection was 0.23 (95% CI: 0.18 to 0.29) in the study group. There was no significant difference between patients with and without GBV-C infection and Glycoprotein E2 antibody presence regarding age, sex, HIV-1 viral load, CD4+ and CD8+ T cell counts and treatment with antiretroviral drugs. An inverse correlation was observed between GBV-C and HIV-1 loads at enrollment and after one year. Also, a positive but not significant correlation was observed between GBV-C load and CD4+ T lymphocyte. Phylogenetic analysis of the GBV-C isolates revealed the presence of genotype 1 and genotype 2, these sub classified into subtype 2a and 2b. Conclusion/Significance: GBV-C infection is common in recently HIV -1 infected patients in Sao Paulo, Brazil and the predominant genotype is 2b. This study provides the first report of the GBV-C prevalence at the time of diagnosis of HIV-1 and the incidence density of GBV-C infection in one year.
Background: Since establishing universal free access to antiretroviral therapy in 1996, the Brazilian Health System has increased the number of centers providing HIV/AIDS outpatient care from 33 to 540. There had been no formal monitoring of the quality of these services until a survey of 336 AIDS health centers across 7 Brazilian states was undertaken in 2002. Managers of the services were asked to assess their clinics according to parameters of service inputs and service delivery processes. This report analyzes the survey results and identifies predictors of the overall quality of service delivery. Methods: The survey involved completion of a multiple-choice questionnaire comprising 107 parameters of service inputs and processes of delivering care, with responses assessed according to their likely impact on service quality using a 3-point scale. K-means clustering was used to group these services according to their scored responses. Logistic regression analysis was performed to identify predictors of high service quality. Results: The questionnaire was completed by 95.8% (322) of the managers of the sites surveyed. Most sites scored about 50% of the benchmark expectation. K-means clustering analysis identified four quality levels within which services could be grouped: 76 services (24%) were classed as level 1 (best), 53 (16%) as level 2 (medium), 113 (35%) as level 3 (poor), and 80 (25%) as level 4 (very poor). Parameters of service delivery processes were more important than those relating to service inputs for determining the quality classification. Predictors of quality services included larger care sites, specialization for HIV/AIDS, and location within large municipalities. Conclusion: The survey demonstrated highly variable levels of HIV/AIDS service quality across the sites. Many sites were found to have deficiencies in the processes of service delivery processes that could benefit from quality improvement initiatives. These findings could have implications for how HIV/AIDS services are planned in Brazil to achieve quality standards, such as for where service sites should be located, their size and staffing requirements. A set of service delivery indicators has been identified that could be used for routine monitoring of HIV/AIDS service delivery for HIV/AIDS in Brazil (and potentially in other similar settings).
The prognostic relevance of different molecular markers in lung cancer is a crucial issue still worth investigating, and the specimens collected and analyzed represent a valuable source of material. Cyclin-D1, c-erbB-2 and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) have shown to be promising as prognosticators in human cancer. In this study, we sought to examine the importance of Cyclin-D1, c-erbB-2 and VEGF, and to study the quantitative relationship among these factors and disease progression in metastases vs corresponding primary cancer, and metastatic vs non metastatic cancers. Material and Methods: We used immunohistochemistry and morphometric analysis to evaluate the amount of tumour staining for Cyclin-D1, c-erbB-2 and VEGF in 52 patients with surgically excised ademocarcinoma of the lung, and the outcome for our study was survival time until death from hematogenic metastases. Results: Metastasis presented lower c-erbB-2 expression than corresponding primary cancers (p=0.02). Cyclin-D1 and VEGF expression were also lower in metastases than in corresponding primary cancers, but this difference did not achieve statistical significance. Non-metastatic cancers also presented significantly lower Cyclin-D1 and c-erbB-2 expression than metastatic cancers (p<0.01 and p<0.01, respectively). Equally significant was the difference between higher c-erbB-2 expression by metastatic cancers compared to non-metastatic cancers (p=0.02). Considering survival in Kaplan-Maier analysis, Cyclin-D1 (p=0.04), c-erbB-2 (p=0.04) and VEGF (p<0.01) were important predictors of survival in metastatic cancers.
Entry inhibitor is a new class of drugs that target the viral envelope protein. This region is variable; hence resistance to these drugs may be present before treatment. The aim of this study was to analyze the frequency of patients failing treatment with transcriptase reverse and protease inhibitors that would respond to the entry inhibitors Enfuvirtide, Maraviroc, and BMS-806. The study included 100 HIV-1 positive patients from one outpatient clinic in the city of Sao Paulo, for whom a genotype test was requested due to treatment failure. Proviral DNA was amplified and sequenced for regions of gp120 and gp41. A total of 80 could be sequenced and from those, 73 (91.3%), 5 (6.3%) and 2 (2.5%) were classified as subtype B, F, and recombinants (B/F and B/C), respectively. CXCR4 co-receptor use was predicted in 30% of the strains. Primary resistance to Enfuvirtide was found in 1.3%, following the AIDS Society consensus list, and 10% would be considered resistant if a broader criterion was used. Resistance to BMS-806 was higher; 6 (7.5%), and was associated to non-B strains. Strikingly, 27.5% of samples harbored one or more mutation among A316T, I323V, and S405A, which have been related to decreased susceptibility of Maraviroc; 15% of them among viruses predictive to be R5. A more common mutation was A316T, which was associated to the Brazilian B strain harboring the GWGR motif at the tip of V3 loop and their derivative sequences. These results may be impact guidelines for genotype testing and treatment in Brazil.
Background: Children born small for gestational age (SGA) experience higher rates of morbidity and mortality than those born appropriate for gestational age. In Latin America, identification and optimal management of children born SGA is a critical issue. Leading experts in pediatric endocrinology throughout Latin America established working groups in order to discuss key challenges regarding the evaluation and management of children born SGA and ultimately develop a consensus statement. Discussion: SGA is defined as a birth weight and/or birth length greater than 2 standard deviations (SD) below the population reference mean for gestational age. SGA refers to body size and implies length-weight reference data in a geographical population whose ethnicity is known and specific to this group. Ideally, each country/region within Latin America should establish its own standards and make relevant updates. SGA children should be evaluated with standardized measures by trained personnel every 3 months during year 1 and every 6 months during year 2. Those without catch-up growth within the first 6 months of life need further evaluation, as do children whose weight is <= -2 SD at age 2 years. Growth hormone treatment can begin in SGA children > 2 years with short stature (< -2.0 SD) and a growth velocity < 25th percentile for their age, and should continue until final height (a growth velocity below 2 cm/year or a bone age of > 14 years for girls and > 16 years for boys) is reached. Blood glucose, thyroid function, HbA1c, and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) should be monitored once a year. Monitoring insulin changes from baseline and surrogates of insulin sensitivity is essential. Reduced fetal growth followed by excessive postnatal catch-up in height, and particularly in weight, should be closely monitored. In both sexes, gonadal function should be monitored especially during puberty. Summary: Children born SGA should be carefully followed by a multidisciplinary group that includes perinatologists, pediatricians, nutritionists, and pediatric endocrinologists since 10% to 15% will continue to have weight and height deficiency through development and may benefit from growth hormone treatment. Standards/guidelines should be developed on a country/region basis throughout Latin America.
Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) is an increasing health problem in Brazil because of encroachment of sprawling urban, agricultural, and cattle-raising areas into habitats of subfamily Sigmodontinae rodents, which serve as hantavirus reservoirs. From 1993 through June 2007, a total of 884 cases of HIPS were reported in Brazil (case-fatality rate 39%). To better understand this emerging disease, we collected 89 human serum samples and 68 rodent lung samples containing antibodies to hantavirus from a 2,500-km-wide area in Brazil. RNA was isolated from human samples and rodent lung tissues and subjected to reverse transcription-PCR. Partial sequences of nucleocapsid protein and glycoprotein genes from 22 human and 16 rodent sources indicated only Araraquara virus and Juquitiba virus lineages. The case-fatality rate of HPS was higher in the area with Araraquara virus. This virus, which may be the most virulent hantavirus in Brazil, was associated with areas that have had greater anthropogenic changes.
T cells, adhesion molecules and modulation of apoptosis in visceral leishmaniasis glomerulonephritis
Background: Immune complex deposition is the accepted mechanism of pathogenesis of VL glomerulopathy however other immune elements may participate. Further in the present study, no difference was seen between immunoglobulin and C3b deposit intensity in glomeruli between infected and non-infected dogs thus T cells, adhesion molecules and parameters of proliferation and apoptosis were analysed in dogs with naturally acquired VL from an endemic area. The dog is the most important domestic reservoir of the protozoa Leishmania (L.) chagasi that causes visceral leishmaniasis (VL). The similarity of VL manifestation in humans and dogs renders the study of canine VL nephropathy of interest with regard to human pathology. Methods: From 55 dogs with VL and 8 control non-infected dogs from an endemic area, kidney samples were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for immunoglobulin and C3b deposits, staining for CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, ICAM-1, P-selectin and quantified using morphometry. Besides proliferation marker Ki-67, apoptosis markers M30 and TUNEL staining, and related cytokines TNF-alpha, IL-1 alpha were searched and quantified. Results: We observed similar IgG, IgM and IgA and C3b deposit intensity in dogs with VL and non-infected control dogs. However we detected the Leishmania antigen in cells in glomeruli in 54, CD4+ T cells in the glomeruli of 44, and CD8+ T cells in 17 of a total of 55 dogs with VL. Leishmania antigen was absent and T cells were absent/scarse in eight non-infected control dogs. CD 4+ T cells predominate in proliferative patterns of glomerulonephritis, however the presence of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were not different in intensity in different patterns of glomerulonephritis. The expression of ICAM-1 and P-selectin was significantly greater in the glomeruli of infected dogs than in control dogs. In all patterns of glomerulonephritis the expression of ICAM-1 ranged from minimum to moderately severe and P-selectin from absent to severe. In the control animals the expression of these molecules ranged from absent to medium intensity. It was not observed any correlation between severity of the disease and these markers. There was a correlation between the number of Leishmania antigen positive cells and CD4+ T cells, and between the number of CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells. In dogs presenting different histopathological patterns of glomerulonephritis, parameters of proliferation and apoptosis were studied. Ki-67, a proliferative marker, was not detected locally, but fewer apoptotic cells and lower TNF-alpha expression were seen in infected animals than in non-infected controls. Conclusion: Immunopathogenic mechanisms of VL glomerulonephritis are complex and data in the present study suggest no clear participation of immunoglobulin and C3b deposits in these dogs but the possible migration of CD4+ T cells into the glomeruli, participation of adhesion molecules, and diminished apoptosis of cells contributing to determine the proliferative pattern of glomerulonephritis in VL.
Marinussaurus curupira, a new genus and species of Gymnophthalmidae lizard is described from Iranduba, state of Amazonas, Brazil. The genus is characterized by an elongate body; short and stout pentadactyl limbs; all digits clawed; single frontonasal; two prefrontals; absence of frontoparietals; interparietal and parietals forming a straight posterior margin, with interparietal shorter than parietals; distinctive ear opening and eyelid; few temporals; three pairs of chin shields; nasal divided; a distinct collar; smooth, mainly hexagonal, dorsal scales; smooth quadrangular ventral scales; two precloacal and three femoral pores on each side in males; pores between three or four scales. Parsimony (PAR) and partitioned Bayesian (BA) phylogenetic analyses with morphological and molecular data recovered the new genus as a member of the Ecpleopodini radiation of the Cercosaurinae. A close relationship of the new genus with Arthrosaura is postulated.
Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) is the major cause of lower respiratory tract infections in children under 5 years of age and the elderly, causing annual disease outbreaks during the fall and winter. Multiple lineages of the HRSVA and HRSVB serotypes co-circulate within a single outbreak and display a strongly temporal pattern of genetic variation, with a replacement of dominant genotypes occurring during consecutive years. In the present study we utilized phylogenetic methods to detect and map sites subject to adaptive evolution in the G protein of HRSVA and HRSVB. A total of 29 and 23 amino acid sites were found to be putatively positively selected in HRSVA and HRSVB, respectively. Several of these sites defined genotypes and lineages within genotypes in both groups, and correlated well with epitopes previously described in group A. Remarkably, 18 of these positively selected tended to revert in time to a previous codon state, producing a ""flipflop'' phylogenetic pattern. Such frequent evolutionary reversals in HRSV are indicative of a combination of frequent positive selection, reflecting the changing immune status of the human population, and a limited repertoire of functionally viable amino acids at specific amino acid sites.
The title compound, C(4)H(10)NO(+)center dot C(5)H(8)NOS(2)(-), is built up of a morpholinium cation and a dithiocarbamate anion. In the crystal, two structurally independent formula units are linked via N-H center dot center dot center dot S hydrogen bonds, forming an inversion dimer, with graph-set motif R(4)(4)(12).