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Tissue engineering of skin based on collagen:PCL biocomposites using a designed co-culture system is reported. The collagen:PCL biocomposites having collagen:PCL (w/w) ratios of 1:4, 1:8, and 1:20 have been proven to be biocompatible materials to support both adult normal human epidermal Keratinocyte (NHEK) and mouse 3T3 fibroblast growth in cell culture, respectively, by Dai, Coombes, et al. in 2004. Films of collagen:PCL biocomposites were prepared using non-crosslinking method by impregnation of lyophilized collagen mats with PCL/dichloromethane solutions followed by solvent evaporation. To mimic the dermal/epidermal structure of skin, the 1:20 collagen:PCL biocomposites were selected for a feasibility study of a designed co-culture technique that would subsequently be used for preparing fibroblast/biocomposite/keratinocyte skin models. A 55.3% increase in cell number was measured in the designed co-culture system when fibroblasts were seeded on both sides of a biocomposite film compared with cell culture on one surface of the biocomposite in the feasibility study. The co-culture of human keratinocytes and 3T3 fibroblasts on each side of the membrane was therefore studied using the same co-culture system by growing keratinocytes on the top surface of membrane for 3 days and 3T3 fibroblasts underneath the membrane for 6 days. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and immunohistochemistry assay revealed good cell attachment and proliferation of both human keratinocytes and 3T3 fibroblasts with these two types of cells isolated well on each side of the membrane. Using a modified co-culture technique, a co-cultured skin model presenting a confluent epidermal sheet on one side of the biocomposite film and fibroblasts populated on the other side of the film was developed successfully in co-culture system for 28 days under investigations by SEM and immunohistochemistry assay. Thus, the design of a co-culture system based on 1:20 (w/w) collagen:PCL biocomposite membranes for preparation of a bi-layered skin model with differentiated epidermal sheet was proven in principle. The approach to skin modeling reported here may find application in tissue engineering and screening of new pharmaceuticals. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The early stages of dieting to lose weight have been associated with neuro-psychological impairments. Previous work has not elucidated whether these impairments are a function solely of unsupported or supported dieting. Raised cortico-steroid levels have been implicated as a possible causal mechanism. Healthy, overweight, pre-menopausal women were randomised to one of three conditions in which they dieted either as part of a commercially available weight loss group, dieted without any group support or acted as non-dieting controls for 8 weeks. Testing occurred at baseline and at 1, 4 and 8 weeks post baseline. During each session, participants completed measures of simple reaction time, motor speed, vigilance, immediate verbal recall, visuo-spatial processing and (at Week 1 only) executive function. Cortisol levels were gathered at the beginning and 30 min into each test session, via saliva samples. Also, food intake was self-recorded prior to each session and fasting body weight and percentage body fat were measured at each session. Participants in the unsupported diet condition displayed poorer vigilance performance (p=0.001) and impaired executive planning function (p=0.013) (along with a marginally significant trend for poorer visual recall (p=0.089)) after 1 week of dieting. No such impairments were observed in the other two groups. In addition, the unsupported dieters experienced a significant rise in salivary cortisol levels after 1 week of dieting (p<0.001). Both dieting groups lost roughly the same amount of body mass (p=0.011) over the course of the 8 weeks of dieting, although only the unsupported dieters experienced a significant drop in percentage body fat over the course of dieting (p=0.016). The precise causal nature of the relationship between stress, cortisol, unsupported dieting and cognitive function is, however, uncertain and should be the focus of further research. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The purpose is to develop expert systems where by-analogy reasoning is used. Knowledge “closeness” problems are known to frequently emerge in such systems if knowledge is represented by different production rules. To determine a degree of closeness for production rules a distance between predicates is introduced. Different types of distances between two predicate value distribution functions are considered when predicates are “true”. Asymptotic features and interrelations of distances are studied. Predicate value distribution functions are found by empirical distribution functions, and a procedure is proposed for this purpose. An adequacy of obtained distribution functions is tested on the basis of the statistical 2 χ –criterion and a testing mechanism is discussed. A theorem, by which a simple procedure of measurement of Euclidean distances between distribution function parameters is substituted for a predicate closeness determination one, is proved for parametric distribution function families. The proposed distance measurement apparatus may be applied in expert systems when reasoning is created by analogy.


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Background: Emotional eating in children has been related to the consumption of energy-dense foods and obesity, but the development of emotional eating in young children is poorly understood. Objectives: We evaluated whether emotional eating can be induced in 5-7-y-old children in the laboratory and assessed whether parental use of overly controlling feeding practices at 3-5 y of age predicts a greater subsequent tendency for children to eat under conditions of mild stress at ages 5-7 y. Design: Forty-one parent-child dyads were recruited to participate in this longitudinal study, which involved parents and children being observed consuming a standard lunch, completing questionnaire measures of parental feeding practices, participating in a research procedure to induce child emotion (or a control procedure), and observing children's consumption of snack foods. Results: Children at ages 5-7 y who were exposed to a mild emotional stressor consumed significantly more calories from snack foods in the absence of hunger than did children in a control group. Parents who reported the use of more food as a reward and restriction of food for health reasons with their children at ages 3-5 y were more likely to have children who ate more under conditions of negative emotion at ages 5-7 y. Conclusions: Parents who overly control children's food intake may unintentionally teach children to rely on palatable foods to cope with negative emotions. Additional research is needed to evaluate the implications of these findings for children's food intake and weight outside of the laboratory setting. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT01122290.


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Mikroökonómia tankönyvekből és példatárakból ismert, hogy egy homogén termékű Cournot-oligopol piacon a termelők számának növelésével közelíthető a kompetitív piac. Az iskolapéldában lineáris keresleti görbét és állandó egységköltséget tételeznek fel. Az irodalomban több munka is foglalkozik az említett feltételek enyhítésével. Jelen dolgozatban egy új, egyszerű approximációs tételt igazolunk. Az első szakaszban áttekintjük a Cournot-oligopol játék egyensúlyának egzisztenciájára és a kompetitív piac Cournot-oligopóliumokkal történő approximálhatóságára vonatkozó eredményeket. Az egyensúly létezésével kapcsolatos eredményeket felhasználjuk a második szakaszban található approximációs tételünkhöz, amit aztán összevetünk az irodalomban található approximációs tételekkel.


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Leishmaniasis is one of the most important emerging vector-borne diseases in Western Eurasia. Although winter minimum temperatures limit the present geographical distribution of the vector Phlebotomus species, the heat island effect of the cities and the anthropogenic heat emission together may provide the appropriate environment for the overwintering of sand flies. We studied the climate tempering effect of thermal bridges and the heat island effect in Budapest, Hungary. Thermal imaging was used to measure the heat surplus of heat bridges. The winter heat island effect of the city was evaluated by numerical analysis of the measurements of the Aqua sensor of satellite Terra. We found that the surface temperature of thermal bridges can be at least 3-7 °C higher than the surrounding environment. The heat emission of thermal bridges and the urban heat island effect together can cause at least 10 °C higher minimum ambient temperature in winter nights than the minimum temperature of the peri-urban areas. This milder micro-climate of the built environment can enable the potential overwintering of some important European Phlebotomus species. The anthropogenic heat emission of big cities may explain the observed isolated northward populations of Phlebotomus ariasi in Paris and Phlebotomus neglectus in the agglomeration of Budapest.


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Zinc is essential for the activity of thymulin, a thymic hormone involved in T-lymphocyte differentiation and activation. Zinc deficiency is widespread in populations with HIV infection, and HIV+ drug users are particularly susceptible to zinc deficiency and immune suppression. This dissertation explored the relationship of zinc-bound active thymulin to plasma zinc, CD4+ and CD8+ cell count, the CD4+/CD8+ ratio, and drug use in HIV-infected drug users. Zinc-bound active thymulin was assessed in plasma of HIV+ drug users who were participating in a 30 month zinc supplementation trial. Plasma from 80 participants at the 12 month visit, and 40 of these same participants, randomly selected, at the baseline visit were assessed for zinc-bound active thymulin levels using a modification of the rosette inhibition assay. Thymulin activity was directly associated with CD4+ cell count (β = 0.127, p = 0.002) and inversely associated with cocaine use (β = −0.908, p = 0.026; R2 = 0.188, p = 0.019) independent of HIV viral load, age, gender and antiretroviral use. An increase in thymulin activity was 1.4 times more likely when CD4+ cell count increased (OR = 1.402, 95%CI: 1.006–1.956), independent of change in viral load, antiretroviral use, and age. Participants who used cocaine consistently, were 7.6 times less likely to have an increase in thymulin activity (OR = 0.133, 95%CI: 0.017–1.061). There was a direct correlation between change in plasma zinc and change in zinc-bound active thymulin (r = 0.243, p = 0.13). Analysis of CD4+ cell count decline in 222 participants in the zinc supplementation trial across the 30 months showed that both crack cocaine use and heavy alcohol use accelerated CD4+ cell count decline. Thymulin activity is directly associated with HIV disease progression, measured by CD4+ cell count, and is depressed with cocaine use independent of antiretroviral use and HIV viral load. Cocaine and heavy alcohol accelerate CD4+ cell count decline. The effect of cocaine on thymic output requires further evaluation as a mechanism for the association of cocaine use with faster HIV disease progression.


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The purpose of this research was to explore the differences in factors associated with girls' status and criminal arrests. This study used data from six juvenile justice programs in multiple states, which was derived from the Juvenile Assessment and Intervention System (JAIS). The sample of 908 adolescent girls (ages 13-19) was ethnically and racially diverse (41% African American, 32% white, 12% Hispanic, 11% Native American and 4% Other). A structural equation model (SEM) was analyzed which tested the potential effects of adolescent substance use, truancy, suicidal ideation/attempt, self-harm, peer legal trouble, parental criminal history and parental and non-parental abuse on type of offense (status and criminal) and whether any of these relationships varied as a function of race/ethnicity. ^ Complex relationships emerged regarding both status and more serious criminal arrests. One of the most important findings was that distinct and different patterns of factors were associated with status arrests compared to criminal arrests. For example, truancy and parental abuse were directly associated with status offenses, whereas parental criminal history was directly related to criminal arrests. However, both status and criminal arrests shared common associations, including substance use, which signifies that certain variables are influential regarding both non-criminal and more serious crimes. In addition, significant meditating influences were observed which help to explain some underlying mechanisms involved in girls' arrest patterns. Finally, race/ethnicity moderated a key relationship, which has serious implications for treatment. ^ In conclusion, the present study is an important contribution to research regarding girls' delinquency in that it overcomes limitations in the existing literature in four primary areas: (1) it utilizes a large, multi-state, ethnically and racially diverse sample of justice system-involved girls, (2) it examines numerous co-occurring factors influencing delinquency from multiple domains (family, school, peers, etc.) simultaneously, (3) it formally examines race/ethnicity as a moderator of these multivariate relationships, and (4) it looks at status and criminal arrests independently in order to highlight possible differences in the patterning of risk factors associated with each. These findings have important implications for prevention, treatment and interventions with girls involved in the juvenile justice system.^


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We present an improved database of planktonic foraminiferal census counts from the Southern Hemisphere Oceans (SHO) from 15°S to 64°S. The SHO database combines 3 existing databases. Using this SHO database, we investigated dissolution biases that might affect faunal census counts. We suggest a depth/[DCO3]2- threshold of ~3800 m/[DCO3]2- = ~-10 to -5 µmol/kg for the Pacific and Indian Oceans, and ~4000 m/[DCO3]2- = ~0 to 10 µmol/kg for the Atlantic Ocean, under which core-top assemblages can be affected by dissolution and are less reliable for paleo-sea surface temperature (SST) reconstructions. We removed all core-tops beyond these thresholds from the SHO database. This database has 598 core-tops and is able to reconstruct past SST variations from 2° to 25.5°C, with a root mean square error of 1.00°C, for annual temperatures. To inspect dissolution affects SST reconstruction quality, we tested the data base with two "leave-one-out" tests, with and without the deep core-tops. We used this database to reconstruct Summer SST (SSST) over the last 20 ka, using the Modern Analog Technique method, on the Southeast Pacific core MD07-3100. This was compared to the SSST reconstructed using the 3 databases used to compile the SHO database. Thus showing that the reconstruction using the SHO database is more reliable, as its dissimilarity values are the lowest. The most important aspect here is the importance of a bias-free, geographic-rich, database. We leave this dataset open-ended to future additions; the new core-tops must be carefully selected, with their chronological frameworks, and evidence of dissolution assessed.


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The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) was a global survey of ocean ecosystems aboard the Sailing Vessel Tara. It carried out extensive measurements of evironmental conditions and collected plankton (viruses, bacteria, protists and metazoans) for later analysis using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. The present data set includes properties of seawater, particulate matter and dissolved matter that were measured from discrete water samples collected with Niskin bottles during the 2009-2013 Tara Oceans expedition. Properties include pigment concentrations from HPLC analysis (10 depths per vertical profile, 25 pigments per depth), the carbonate system (Surface and 400m; pH (total scale), CO2, pCO2, fCO2, HCO3, CO3, Total alkalinity, Total carbon, OmegaAragonite, OmegaCalcite, and dosage Flags), nutrients (10 depths per vertical profile; NO2, PO4, N02/NO3, SI, quality Flags), DOC, CDOM, and dissolved oxygen isotopes. The Service National d'Analyse des Paramètres Océaniques du CO2, at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie, determined CT and AT potentiometrically. More than 200 vertical profiles of these properties were made across the world ocean. DOC, CDOM and dissolved oxygen isotopes are available only for the Arctic Ocean and Arctic Seas (2013).


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Extensive investigations of sedimentary barium were performed in the southern South Atlantic in order to assess the reliability of the barium signal in Antarctic sediments as a proxy for paleoproductivity. Maximum accumulation rates of excess barium were calculated for the Antarctic zone south of the polar front where silica accumulates at high rates. The correspondence between barium and opal supports the applicability of barium as a proxy for productivity. Within the Antarctic zone north of today's average sea ice maximum, interglacial vertical rain rates of excess barium are high, with a maximum occurring during the last deglaciation and early Holocene and during oxygen isotope chronozone 5.5. During these periods, the maximum silica accumulation was supposedly located south of the polar front. Glacial paleoproductivity, instead, was low within the Antarctic zone. North of the polar front, significantly higher barium accumulation occurs during glacial times. The vertical rain rates, however, are as high as in the glacial Antarctic zone. Therefore there was no evidence for an increased productivity in the glacial Southern Ocean.


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The exponential growth of studies on the biological response to ocean acidification over the last few decades has generated a large amount of data. To facilitate data comparison, a data compilation hosted at the data publisher PANGAEA was initiated in 2008 and is updated on a regular basis (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.149999). By January 2015, a total of 581 data sets (over 4 000 000 data points) from 539 papers had been archived. Here we present the developments of this data compilation five years since its first description by Nisumaa et al. (2010). Most of study sites from which data archived are still in the Northern Hemisphere and the number of archived data from studies from the Southern Hemisphere and polar oceans are still relatively low. Data from 60 studies that investigated the response of a mix of organisms or natural communities were all added after 2010, indicating a welcomed shift from the study of individual organisms to communities and ecosystems. The initial imbalance of considerably more data archived on calcification and primary production than on other processes has improved. There is also a clear tendency towards more data archived from multifactorial studies after 2010. For easier and more effective access to ocean acidification data, the ocean acidification community is strongly encouraged to contribute to the data archiving effort, and help develop standard vocabularies describing the variables and define best practices for archiving ocean acidification data.


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INTRODUCTION: Severe maternal morbidity , also known as maternal near miss , has been used as an alternative to the study of maternal mortality , since being more frequent shares the same determinants and enables the implementati on of epidem iological surveillance of cases . Since then, hospital audits ha ve been carried out to determine the rates of maternal near miss, its mai n causes and associated factors . More recently, population surveys based on self - reported morbidity have als o been presented as vi able in identifying these cases . OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and associated factors of maternal near miss and complications during pregnancy and puerperal period in Natal/RN. METHODS: A cross - secti onal population - based study was conducted in Natal /RN , Brazil, which has as its target population women aged 15 to 49 years who were pregnant in the last five years. It was carried out a probabilistic sam pling design based on a multi - stage complex sample , in which 60 census tracts were selected from three strata (north , south - east and west). Afterwards, domiciles were visited in order to obtain a sample of the 908 eligible women in whom a questionnaire was applied. The descriptive analyzes and bivariate ass ociations were performed using the Chi - square test and the estimate of the prevalence ratio (PR ) with 95% confidence interval (CI) and considering the weights and design effects . The Poisson regression analysis , also with 5% significance and 95% CI, was us ed for analyzes of associated factors. RESULTS: 848 women were identified and interviewed after visits in 8.227 households corresponding to a response rate of 93 . 4 %. The prevalence of maternal near miss was 41 . 1 /1 000NV, being the Intensive Care Unity stay i ng (19 . 1 /1 000 LB ) and eclampsia (13 . 5/1000LB) the most important marker s . The prevalence of complications in the puerperal peri od was 21 . 2 %, and hemorrhage (10 . 7%) and urinary tract infection (10 . 7%) the most frequently reported clinical conditions and rema in ing in the hospital for over a week after delivery the mo st frequent intervention (5.4%) . Regarding associated factors , the bivariate analysis showed an association between the increased number of complications in women of black/brown race ( PR= 1 . 23; CI95 % : 1 . 04 - 1 . 46) and lower socioeconomic status ( PR= 1 . 33; CI95%: 1 . 12 - 1 . 58) in women who had pre natal care in public service ( PR= 1 . 42; CI95%: 1 . 16 to 1 . 72 ) and that were not advised during prenatal about where they should do the d elivery (PR= 1 . 24; CI95%: 1 . 05 - 1 . 46), made the del ivery in the public service (PR= 1 . 63; CI95%: 1 . 30 - 2 . 03), had to search for more than one hospital for delivery (PR=1 . 22; CI95%: 1 . 03 - 1 . 45) and had no companion during childbirth ( PR =1 . 19; CI95%: 1 . 01 - 1 . 41) or at all times of childbirth c are - before, during and after childbirth - ( PR= 1 . 25, CI95%: 1 . 05 - 1 . 48) . Moreover, the number of days postpartum hospitalization was higher in women who had more complications (P R= 1 . 59 ; CI95%: 1 . 36 - 1 . 86). In the final regression model for both birth place (P R= 1 . 21 ; CI 95% : 1 . 02 to 1 . 44 ) and socioeconomic status (PR = 1.54 ; CI95%: 1 . 25 - 1 . 90 ) the association remained. CONCLUSION : Conducting population surveys using the pragmatic definition of near miss is feasible and may add importa nt information about this ev ent . It was possible to find the expression of health inequalities related to maternal health in the analysis of both socioeconomic conditions and on the utilization of health services.


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A set of 114 samples from the sediment surface of the Atlantic, eastern Pacific and western Indian sectors of the Southern Ocean has been analyzed for 230Th and biogenic silica. Maps of opal content, Th-normalized mass flux, and Th-normalized biogenic opal flux into the sediment have been derived. Significant differences in sedimentation patterns between the regions can be detected. The mean bulk vertical fluxes integrated into the sediment in the open Southern Ocean are found in a narrow range from 2.9 g/m**2 yr (Eastern Weddell Gyre) to 15.8 g/m**2 yr (Indian sector), setting upper and lower limits to the vertically received fraction of open ocean sediments. The silica flux to sediments of the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean is found to be 4.2 ± 1.4 * 10**11 mol/yr, just one half of the last estimate. This adjustment represents 6% of the output term in the global marine silica budget.