990 resultados para 689
[ES] En este estudio, se ha protocolizado la metodología que permite la integración de la selección genética bajo los condicionantes propios del sistema de producción de dorada (Sparus aurata L.) poniéndola en práctica a nivel nacional en colaboración con seis empresas españolas. Se criaron peces descendientes de tres lotes industriales (ICCM: Canarias, CULMASUR S.A.: Andalucía, PISCIMAR S.L.: Valencia), marcados con Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) y mezclados, en las instalaciones de cuatro centros de investigación y cuatro empresas (ICCM y CANEXMAR S.L.: Canarias; IFAPA y PIM S.A.: Andalucía; IRTA y CULTIMAR S.A.: Cataluña; IMIDA y SERVICIOS ATUNEROS DEL MEDITERRÁNEO: Murcia). Se realizaron muestreos de crecimiento de manera simultánea en las cuatro comunidades autónomas (179, 269, 389 y 539 días), además de un muestreo final de sacrificio (689 días) a talla ración donde se valoraron nuevas e importantes variables fenotípicas, tras unificar criterios. Para la determinación de las relaciones parentales-filiales se pusieron a punto nuevas PCRs múltiplex con marcadores microsatélites del mapa de dorada.
Many new Escherichia coli outer membrane proteins have recently been identified by proteomics techniques. However, poorly expressed proteins and proteins expressed only under certain conditions may escape detection when wild-type cells are grown under standard conditions. Here, we have taken a complementary approach where candidate outer membrane proteins have been identified by bioinformatics prediction, cloned and overexpressed, and finally localized by cell fractionation experiments. Out of eight predicted outer membrane proteins, we have confirmed the outer membrane localization for five—YftM, YaiO, YfaZ, CsgF, and YliI—and also provide preliminary data indicating that a sixth—YfaL—may be an outer membrane autotransporter.
Admission blood lactate concentration has been shown to be a useful indicator of disease severity in human medicine and numerous studies have associated hyperlactatemia with patients at high risk of death who should be treated aggressively regardless of the cause of the lactate generation. The degree and duration of hyperlactacidaemia also have been correlated with the subsequent development of organ failure. Similarly, in a small number of studies about equine colic, blood lactate concentration has been investigated as a useful prognostic variable . In neonatal foals blood lactate was studied first by Magdesian (2003) who described venous blood lactate concentration in 14 normal foals during the initial 48 hours post-partum. A preliminary study about lactate concentration in foals presenting to a neonatal intensive care unit reported that surviving foals had earlier lactate clearance. The measurement of blood lactate concentration is traditionally available with a wet chemistry laboratory method or with blood-gas analyzers, for clinicians working at university or large private hospital. But this methods may not be easily accessible to many practitioners in field conditions. Several relatively inexpensive, easy to use and rapid pocket size monitors to measure lactate concentration have been validated in human patients and athletes. None of these portable lactate analyzer have been evaluated in clinically normal neonatal foals or in foals referred to a neonatal intensive care unit. The aims of this study were to validate the Lactate Scout analyzer in neonatal foals, investigating the correlation between lactate concentration in whole blood measured with the portable monitor and measured in plasma with the reference laboratory analyzer. The effect of hematocrit (Hct) on the accuracy of Lactate Scout was also evaluated. Further, we determined the utility of venous lactate measurement in critically-ill foals, describing lactate values in the most frequent neonatal pathologies, evaluating serial blood lactate measurements during hospitalization and investigating its prognostic value. The study also describes normal range for lactate in healthy neonatal foals during the first 72 hours of life.
Zielvorgaben der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Identifikation neuer selektiv in Tumoren aktivierter Gene sowie die Entwicklung eines methodischen Prozesses, um die molekularen Effekte der fehlerhaften Aktivierung solcher Gene zu untersuchen. Für die erste Fragestellung haben wir zwei komplementäre Methoden entwickelt. Zum einen haben wir nach neuen Mitglieder der Cancer/Germline (CG) Familie von Genen gesucht, die bereits attraktive Zielstrukturen laufender Phase I/IIa Studien sind. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein bioinformatischer Data Mining Ansatz generiert. Dieser führte zur erfolgreichen in silico Klonierung neuer CG Gene. Zur Identifikation von in Tumorzellen überexprimierten Genen nutzten wir einen cDNA Mikroarray mit 1152 ausgewählten Genen mit direkter oder indirekter tumorimmunologischer oder tumorbiologischer Relevanz. Die komparative transkriptionelle Untersuchung von humanen Tumor- und Normalgeweben mit diesem Array führte zur Wiederentdeckung bereits bekannter, aber auch zur Aufdeckung bisher nicht beschriebener tumor-assoziierter Transkriptionsveränderungen. Der zweite große Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit war die Technologieentwicklung eines versatilen Prozesses zur Untersuchung von molekularen Effekten eines aberrant in Zellen exprimierten Gens. Zur Simulation dieser Situation stellten wir in vitro transkribierte RNA dieses Gens her und elektroporierten diese in Zielzellen. Transkriptionsanalysen solcher Transfektanden mit Affymetrix Oligonukleotid Mikroarray deckten auf gesamt-genomischer Ebene ganze Kaskaden konsekutiver, transkriptioneller Alterationen auf.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde der Einfluss zweier möglicher Biomarker auf die Atherosklerose untersucht.rnMilk fat globule-EGF factor 8 (MFG-E8, Lactadherin) ist ein Glycoprotein, das vornehmlich von Makrophagen, glatten Muskelzellen und Endothelzellen sezerniert wird. MFG-E8-/--Mäuse zeigen vermehrt apoptotische Zellen in der atherosklerotischen Plaque, verstärkte Inflammationszeichen und vergrößerte Läsionen. In situ-Hybridisierung und Immunfluoreszenz zeigen eine starke Lactadherin-Expression in den Schaumzellen atherosklerotischer Plaques von Apo E-/-, Apo E-/-/GPx 1-/-und LDLR-/- Mäusen, vor allem in der Nähe des Lipid Core. Dort kolokalisiert Lactadherin mit dem Makrophagenmarker CD 68 und dem Chemokin Fraktalkin, das die MFG-E8 Sekretion stimuliert und so die Phagocytose forciert. Untersuchungen mittels RTD-PCR ergaben, dass Peritonealmakrophagen der Genotypen Apo E-/-, Apo E-/-/GPx 1-/- und GPx 1-/-, deren Gemeinsamkeit eine höhere Empfindlichkeit gegenüberrnoxidativem Stress ist, mehr Lactadherin exprimieren als andere Genotypen (B6, LDLR-/-). Die Inkubation muriner oder humaner Makrophagen mit oxLDL und eLDL hat keinen Einfluss auf die Expression der MFG-E8 mRNA. Der Kontakt mit apoptotischer Zellen hingegen erhöht die Expression signifikant. Lactadherin ist entscheidend für die effektive Phagozytose apoptotischer Zellen in der atherosklerotischen Läsion. Seine Expression wird vermutlich durch die Apoptose in der Nähe liegender Zellen und das verstärkte Vorkommen von ROS reguliert. Macrophage stimulating protein (MSP) übt Einfluss auf Migration, Proliferation und Phagocytose von Makrophagen aus. Seine Beteiligung an inflammatorischen Vorgängen und der Karzinogenese ist intensiv untersucht worden, nicht jedoch der Einfluss auf die Atherosklerose. Es ist bekannt, dass der SNP rs3197999 mit chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen (CED) assoziiert ist. Zudem geht er vermutlich mit einem erniedrigten Atheroskleroserisiko einher. Der Polymorphismus c2078t hat den Aminosäureaustausch R689C zur Folge. Rekombinant erzeugtes, mutantes und wildtypisches MSP induziert Migration und Proliferation bei THP-1-Makrophagen. MSPmut vermittelt dies jedoch wesentliche effektiver als MSPwt. Apoptose hingegen wird durch keine der Formen induziert. R689C führt zu einem “gain of function” des MSP-Proteins in Bezug auf die Proliferations- und Migrationsfähigkeit von Makrophagen und verändert vermutlich deren Cytokinfreisetzung. Dies führt möglicherweise zu einer erhöhten Phagocytoseeffizienz in der atherosklerotischen Läsion (erniedrigtes Atherosklerose-Risiko), und zu einer aberranten immunologischen Reaktion im Rahmen der CED (erhöhtes CED-Risiko).
Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in the world. Although the origin still remains to be resolved, a prevailing hypothesis implies the involvement of cancer stem cells (CSCs) responsible for tumor initiation, maintenance, and progression. Embryonic stem cell marker, OCT4, encoding the spliced variants OCT4A and OCT4B, has recently been shown to have a dual role; as a potential adult stem cell marker and as a CSC marker in germline and somatic tumors.
The aim of this study involving 170 patients suffering from non-specific low back pain was to test the validity of the spinal function sort (SFS) in a European rehabilitation setting. The SFS, a picture-based questionnaire, assesses perceived functional ability of work tasks involving the spine. All measurements were taken by a blinded research assistant; work status was assessed with questionnaires. Our study demonstrated a high internal consistency shown by a Cronbach's alpha of 0.98, reasonable evidence for unidimensionality, spearman correlations of >0.6 with work activities, and discriminating power for work status at 3 and 12 months by ROC curve analysis (area under curve = 0.760 (95% CI 0.689-0.822), respectively, 0.801 (95% CI 0.731-0.859). The standardised response mean within the two treatment groups was 0.18 and -0.31. As a result, we conclude that the perceived functional ability for work tasks can be validly assessed with the SFS in a European rehabilitation setting in patients with non-specific low back pain, and is predictive for future work status.
In Switzerland, the prevalence and incidence of equine piroplasma parasite (EPP) infections are unknown. In order to obtain a first insight into the prevalence, a representative sample of 689 sera of horses from Switzerland was serologically tested for the presence of antibodies directed against T. equi and B. caballi using the Indirect Fluorescence Antibody Test (IFAT). A total of 50 (7.3%) horses were seropositive for EPP: overall, the seroprevalence of T. equi was significantly higher than that of B. caballi (p=0.002). The seropositivities in indigenous horses (animals bred and raised in Switzerland) and in imported horses were 4.8% (11/230) and 8.5% (39/459), respectively. Unlike in indigenous horses, where no significant difference in seroprevalences could be observed between the two parasite species, the seroprevalence of T. equi was significantly higher (p<0.001) than that of B. caballi in imported horses. Horses imported from France, Spain and Portugal exhibited a significantly higher seroprevalence, and horses imported from Germany a significantly lower seroprevalence of EPP compared to indigenous horses. There were no associations between sex, age, weight loss, surgery or blood transfusions with T. equi and B. caballi seroprevalences. The overall seroprevalence of 7.3% clearly shows that infection with EPP is a threat to the health of the horses in Switzerland. With the presumed expansion of permissive tick vectors, EPP infections will potentially increase in importance in the future. Therefore, continuous monitoring is mandatory.
One of the trauma surgeons' daily challenges is the balancing act between negative laparotomy and missed abdominal injury. We opted to characterize the indications that prompted a negative trauma exploratory laparotomy and the rate of missed abdominal injuries in an effort to optimize patient selection for laparotomy. At the Los Angeles County + University of Southern California Medical Center, negative laparotomies and missed injuries are consecutively captured and reviewed at the weekly mortality + morbidity (MM) conferences. All written reports of the MM meetings from January 2003 to December 2008 were reviewed to identify all patients who underwent a negative laparotomy or a laparotomy as a result of an initially missed abdominal injury. Over the 6-year study period, a total of 1871 laparotomies were performed, of which 73 (3.9%) were negative. The rate of missed injuries requiring subsequent laparotomy was 1.3 per cent (25 of 1871). The negative laparotomy rate and the rate of missed injuries did not vary significantly during the study period (2.8 to 4.7%, P = 0.875, and 0.7 to 2.9%, P = 0.689). Penetrating mechanisms accounted for the majority of negative laparotomies (58.9%). The primary indication for negative laparotomy was peritonitis (54.8%) followed by hypotension (28.8%) and suspicious computed tomographic scan findings (27.4%). The complication rate after negative laparotomy was 14.5 per cent, and of these, 10.1 per cent were directly related to the procedure. A low but steady rate of negative laparotomies and missed abdominal injuries after trauma remains. Negative laparotomies and missed abdominal injuries when they occur are still associated with significant complication rates and a prolonged length of stay.
Early warning of future hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic events can improve the safety of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients. The aim of this study is to design and evaluate a hypoglycemia/hyperglycemia early warning system (EWS) for T1DM patients under sensor-augmented pump (SAP) therapy.