1000 resultados para van der Pol oscillator


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Scoring rules that elicit an entire belief distribution through the elicitation of point beliefsare time-consuming and demand considerable cognitive e¤ort. Moreover, the results are validonly when agents are risk-neutral or when one uses probabilistic rules. We investigate a classof rules in which the agent has to choose an interval and is rewarded (deterministically) onthe basis of the chosen interval and the realization of the random variable. We formulatean e¢ ciency criterion for such rules and present a speci.c interval scoring rule. For single-peaked beliefs, our rule gives information about both the location and the dispersion of thebelief distribution. These results hold for all concave utility functions.


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Arthrobacter chlorophenolicus A6 is a Gram-positive, 4-chlorophenol-degrading soil bacterium that was recently shown to be an effective colonizer of plant leaf surfaces. The genetic basis for this phyllosphere competency is unknown. In this paper, we describe the genome-wide expression profile of A.chlorophenolicus on leaves of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) compared with growth on agar surfaces. In phyllosphere-grown cells, we found elevated expression of several genes known to contribute to epiphytic fitness, for example those involved in nutrient acquisition, attachment, stress response and horizontal gene transfer. A surprising result was the leaf-induced expression of a subset of the so-called cph genes for the degradation of 4-chlorophenol. This subset encodes the conversion of the phenolic compound hydroquinone to 3-oxoadipate, and was shown to be induced not only by 4-chlorophenol but also hydroquinone, its glycosylated derivative arbutin, and phenol. Small amounts of hydroquinone, but not arbutin or phenol, were detected in leaf surface washes of P.vulgaris by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Our findings illustrate the utility of genomics approaches for exploration and improved understanding of a microbial habitat. Also, they highlight the potential for phyllosphere-based priming of bacteria to stimulate pollutant degradation, which holds promise for the application of phylloremediation.


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Integrative and conjugating elements (ICE) are self-transferable DNAs widely present in bacterial genomes, which often carry a variety of auxiliary genes of potential adaptive benefit. One of the model ICE is ICEclc, an element originally found in Pseudomonas knackmussii B13 and known for its propensity to provide its host with the capacity to metabolize chlorocatechols and 2-aminophenol. In this work, we studied the mechanism and target of regulation of MfsR, a TetR-type repressor previously found to exert global control on ICEclc horizontal transfer. By using a combination of ICEclc mutant and transcriptome analysis, gene reporter fusions, and DNA binding assays, we found that MfsR is a repressor of both its own expression and that of a gene cluster putatively coding for a major facilitator superfamily efflux system on ICEclc (named mfsABC). Phylogenetic analysis suggests that mfsR was originally located immediately adjacent to the efflux pump genes but became displaced from its original cis target DNA by a gene insertion. This resulted in divergence of the original bidirectional promoters into two separated individual regulatory units. Deletion of mfsABC did not result in a strong phenotype, and despite screening a large number of compounds and conditions, we were unable to define the precise current function or target of the putative efflux pump. Our data reconstruct how the separation of an ancestor mfsR-mfsABC system led to global control of ICEclc transfer by MfsR.


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PURPOSE: O6-methylguanine-methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter methylation has been shown to predict survival of patients with glioblastomas if temozolomide is added to radiotherapy (RT). It is unknown if MGMT promoter methylation is also predictive to outcome to RT followed by adjuvant procarbazine, lomustine, and vincristine (PCV) chemotherapy in patients with anaplastic oligodendroglial tumors (AOT). PATIENTS AND METHODS: In the European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer study 26951, 368 patients with AOT were randomly assigned to either RT alone or to RT followed by adjuvant PCV. From 165 patients of this study, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumor tissue was available for MGMT promoter methylation analysis. This was investigated with methylation specific multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification. RESULTS: In 152 cases, an MGMT result was obtained, in 121 (80%) cases MGMT promoter methylation was observed. Methylation strongly correlated with combined loss of chromosome 1p and 19q loss (P = .00043). In multivariate analysis, MGMT promoter methylation, 1p/19q codeletion, tumor necrosis, and extent of resection were independent prognostic factors. The prognostic significance of MGMT promoter methylation was equally strong in the RT arm and the RT/PCV arm for both progression-free survival and overall survival. In tumors diagnosed at central pathology review as glioblastoma, no prognostic effect of MGMT promoter methylation was observed. CONCLUSION: In this study, on patients with AOT MGMT promoter methylation was of prognostic significance and did not have predictive significance for outcome to adjuvant PCV chemotherapy. The biologic effect of MGMT promoter methylation or pathogenetic features associated with MGMT promoter methylation may be different for AOT compared with glioblastoma.


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Recent studies have reported specific executive and attentional deficits in preterm children. However, the majority of this research has used multidetermined tasks to assess these abilities, and the interpretation of the results lacks an explicit theoretical backdrop to better understand the origin of the difficulties observed. In the present study, we used the Child Attention Network Task (Child ANT; Rueda et al. 2004) to assess the efficiency of the alerting, orienting and executive control networks. We compared the performance of 25 preterm children (gestational age < or = 32 weeks) to 25 full-term children, all between 5(1/2) and 6(1/2) years of age. Results showed that, as compared to full-term children, preterm children were slower on all conditions of the Child ANT and had a specific deficit in executive control abilities. We also observed a significantly higher correlation between the orienting and executive control networks in the preterm group, suggesting less differentiation of these two networks in this population.


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Elevated serum urate concentrations can cause gout, a prevalent and painful inflammatory arthritis. By combining data from >140,000 individuals of European ancestry within the Global Urate Genetics Consortium (GUGC), we identified and replicated 28 genome-wide significant loci in association with serum urate concentrations (18 new regions in or near TRIM46, INHBB, SFMBT1, TMEM171, VEGFA, BAZ1B, PRKAG2, STC1, HNF4G, A1CF, ATXN2, UBE2Q2, IGF1R, NFAT5, MAF, HLF, ACVR1B-ACVRL1 and B3GNT4). Associations for many of the loci were of similar magnitude in individuals of non-European ancestry. We further characterized these loci for associations with gout, transcript expression and the fractional excretion of urate. Network analyses implicate the inhibins-activins signaling pathways and glucose metabolism in systemic urate control. New candidate genes for serum urate concentration highlight the importance of metabolic control of urate production and excretion, which may have implications for the treatment and prevention of gout.


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The pericentric inversion on chromosome 16 [inv(16)(p13q22)] and related t(16;16)(p13;q22) are recurrent aberrations associated with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) M4 Eo. Both abberations result in a fusion of the core binding factor beta (CBFB) and smooth muscle myosin heavy chain gene (MYH11). A selected genomic 6.9-kb BamHl probe detects MYH11 DNA rearrangements in 18 of 19 inv(16)/t(16;16) patients tested using HindIII digested DNA. The rearranged fragments were not detectable after remission in two cases tested, while they were present after relapse in one of these two cases tested.


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Human activities have resulted in the release and introduction into the environment of a plethora of aromatic chemicals. The interest in discovering how bacteria are dealing with hazardous environmental pollutants has driven a large research community and has resulted in important biochemical, genetic, and physiological knowledge about the degradation capacities of microorganisms and their application in bioremediation, green chemistry, or production of pharmacy synthons. In addition, regulation of catabolic pathway expression has attracted the interest of numerous different groups, and several catabolic pathway regulators have been exemplary for understanding transcription control mechanisms. More recently, information about regulatory systems has been used to construct whole-cell living bioreporters that are used to measure the quality of the aqueous, soil, and air environment. The topic of biodegradation is relatively coherent, and this review presents a coherent overview of the regulatory systems involved in the transcriptional control of catabolic pathways. This review summarizes the different regulatory systems involved in biodegradation pathways of aromatic compounds linking them to other known protein families. Specific attention has been paid to describing the genetic organization of the regulatory genes, promoters, and target operon(s) and to discussing present knowledge about signaling molecules, DNA binding properties, and operator characteristics, and evidence from regulatory mutants. For each regulator family, this information is combined with recently obtained protein structural information to arrive at a possible mechanism of transcription activation. This demonstrates the diversity of control mechanisms existing in catabolic pathways.


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BACKGROUND: Coronary artery calcification (CAC) detected by computed tomography is a noninvasive measure of coronary atherosclerosis, which underlies most cases of myocardial infarction (MI). We sought to identify common genetic variants associated with CAC and further investigate their associations with MI. METHODS AND RESULTS: Computed tomography was used to assess quantity of CAC. A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for CAC was performed in 9961 men and women from 5 independent community-based cohorts, with replication in 3 additional independent cohorts (n=6032). We examined the top single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with CAC quantity for association with MI in multiple large genome-wide association studies of MI. Genome-wide significant associations with CAC for SNPs on chromosome 9p21 near CDKN2A and CDKN2B (top SNP: rs1333049; P=7.58×10(-19)) and 6p24 (top SNP: rs9349379, within the PHACTR1 gene; P=2.65×10(-11)) replicated for CAC and for MI. Additionally, there is evidence for concordance of SNP associations with both CAC and MI at a number of other loci, including 3q22 (MRAS gene), 13q34 (COL4A1/COL4A2 genes), and 1p13 (SORT1 gene). CONCLUSIONS: SNPs in the 9p21 and PHACTR1 gene loci were strongly associated with CAC and MI, and there are suggestive associations with both CAC and MI of SNPs in additional loci. Multiple genetic loci are associated with development of both underlying coronary atherosclerosis and clinical events.


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o interesse da República de Cabo Verde na utiliza9ao da energia renovável é basicamente económico. O país é muito pobre e todo o custo de energia pesa profundamente na sua economia nacional,visto nao existirem recursos de energia "tradicional". A utiliza~ao da energia renovável para bombagem de água é por isso, de grande importancia porque reduz a importa~ao de petróleo. Tanto a energia eólica como a energia solar oferecem grandes possibilidades em Cabo Verde. O país está sendo atingido pelo pior e mais langa período de seca jamais experimentado na sua história. Pode-se imaginar os problemas enfrentados para abastecimento de água a populac~o, abeberamento de animais e irriga- .., , ,,, , ~ao das poucas areas agrlcolas. O abastecimento de água potável é extremamente importante neste país, é apenas para a sobrevivencia da maior parte da sua popula9ao rural (190.000 habitantes), com pouco poder aquisitivo dado a diminuisao da área agrícola irrigada e a quantidade de gado, nos últimos 15 anos. Na agricultura irrigada, de momento totalizando apenas 2.000 ha, utilizase relativamente grande quantidade de combustível, porque 50% consiste em irrigasao por bombagem. Por esta razao o governo de Cabo Verde estimula fortemente a utilizasao das energias renováveis. As actividades neste campo come~aram em 1977 com a cria~ao da Divisao de Energias Renováveis (DER) dentro do Ministério do Desenvolvimento Rural (MUR). O governo de Cabo Verde e a PNUD (Projecto PNUD CVI/76/X05 - Demonstrasao de Energia Nao Convenciorial) puseram fundos a disposi~ao. Este projecto contribuiu com 3 aerogeradores e um volontário, Sr. Van Meel, que trabalhou anteriormente no Grupo de Energia Eólica de Eindhoven e que faz parte do CWD. Desde o seu início, a Divisao deu prioridade a bombagem de água para o abastecimento de água potável, o que foi e continua a ser urna necessidade urgente nas Ilhas de Cabo Verde. Os Servi~os da Igreja Mundial ofereceram 25 aerobombas Dempster com ventoinha de 8' de diametro e mais tarde a UNICEF distribuiu 10 Dempsters de ]4'. Gradualmente mais organiza90es financiadoras envolveram-se nas actividades da DER, como por exemplo a ClMADE, FAC, Embaixada An~ricana, Embaixada do Canadá, ICCO, etc. O Ministério do Desenvolvimento e Coopera9ao dos Países Baixos (DGIS) encarregou- se, em 1979, da norneasao do voluntárío da PNUD. Também em 1979 a USAID envolveu-se. Foi reconhecido e implementado um projecto de energia renovável (ref. 1). Este projecto comecou em Agosto de 1980. O papel prin cipal do projecto consistia na aquisiq~o de material e equipamento para urna nova oficina da DER. Urna das premissas do projecto era que o DGIS prestaria assistencia él Divisao. A pedido do DGIS a CWD realizou um estudo sobre a viabilidade de aplica9ao de aerobombas durante o primeiro semestre de 1980 (ref. 2). O estudo revelou que 75% das necessidades de água por bombagem em Cabo Verde, pode ria ser desempenhado pelos moinhos. - O projecto proposto diz respeito nao apenas a assistencia técnica, mas também ao financiamento da nova oficina e a aquisi9ao de cerca de 30 moi nhos. Este projecto bilateral entre Cabo Verde e os Países Baixos - Energias Renováveis", depois da aprova<;ao de Cabo Verde e do DGIS, veia a comecar no dia 1 de Julho de 1981 e estendeu-se por 3 anos. O período de 1977 a Julho de 1981 classifica-se agora como a primeira fase das actividades. Durante este período o CWD contribuiu com a assist€ncia técnica. O período de Julho de 1981 a Julho de 1984 é classificado como segunda fase e será relatado neste documento. O projecto foi executado pela DER. O Director da DER é, desde Fevereiro de 1983, o Sr. Daniel Livramento, licenciado em Física (Brasil 1982). Outros funcionários do corpo directivo sao o Sr. David Cardoso (desde Novem bro de 1983) e muito recentemente, desde Maio de 1984, o Sr. F. Ferreira7 A colaboracao dos Países Baixos para o projecto tem sido efectuada por En genheiros Consultores do DHV, em nome e como associados do CWD. O Sr. K.Versteegh, consultor do CWD, comecou a trabalhar para o projecto em 1 de Julho de 1981 e o Sr. N.Pieterse,~consultordo CWD, em 15 de Setembro de 1981. O Sr. Van Meel deixou o projecto a 1 de Novembro de 1981. O projecto foi avaliado em Novembro de 1983, por urna missao tripartida (Cabo Verde, USAID, DGIS) - Ref. 3. As conclusoes desta missao de avaliacao foram, em geral, positivas e o prolongamento do projecto foi fortemen te recomendado, com €nfase sobre aprodu~ao local. Entretanto, a DER e o CWD prepararam urna proposta para a extensao do projecto por mais 3 anos (Ref. 4). Esta extensao foi aprovada por Cabo Verde e pelo DGIS. O Sr. Versteegh foi substituído em Julho de 1984 e o Sr. Pieterse será substituido em Setembro de 1984 pelos Srs. J.Diepens e H. van der Spek, respectivamente. O conteúdo deste relatório é o seguinte: No capitulo 2 é apresentada urna exposi~ao do trabalho que incluiu um resumo das actividades realizadas na fase 1. Nos restantes capítulos descrevem-se as actividades durante a segunda fase. O relatório divide-se em tr€s partes: la. Parte (capítulo 3 a 8) refere-se ao trabalho executado: instalacao, funcionamento e rnanutencao de aerobombas servi~o~ e materiais distribuidos J pessoal e organiza9ao finalidade e sistema económico revisao da pot€ncia da água bombeada apoio ao projecto relatórios 2a. Parte salienta alguns aspectos importantes do projecto: funcionamento e manuten9ao de aerobombas (Cp. 19) metodologia de selec~ao de locais (Cp. 10) alguns estudos dos sistemas de funcionamento (Cp. 1]) elabora~ao de dados do vento (Cp. ]2) rendirnento das aerobombas utilizadas pela DER (Cp. ]3) 3a. Parte apresenta as conclusoes e recomendações (Cp. 14)


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In Switzerland, the issue of land consumption has made it to the front of the political agenda in recent years. Studies conducted on a national level have concluded that there is an excess of land zoned for construction (ARE, 2008), which is seen as contributing to urban sprawl. This situation is looked upon as a failure of the Federal Law on Spatial Planning (LAT, 1979) and there is a political push to change it in order to reinforce zoning regulations. In this article, we look on the issue from a different angle. While there may be large quantities of land zoned for construction, in many urban areas land actually available for development is scarce. Building on the idea that planning's efficiency is linked to its capacity of influencing actual land-use, we focus on how this situation can be dealt with within the current Swiss institutional context.


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1406 I. 1407 II. 1408 III. 1410 IV. 1411 V. 1413 VI. 1416 VII. 1418 1418 References 1419 SUMMARY: Almost all land plants form symbiotic associations with mycorrhizal fungi. These below-ground fungi play a key role in terrestrial ecosystems as they regulate nutrient and carbon cycles, and influence soil structure and ecosystem multifunctionality. Up to 80% of plant N and P is provided by mycorrhizal fungi and many plant species depend on these symbionts for growth and survival. Estimates suggest that there are c. 50 000 fungal species that form mycorrhizal associations with c. 250 000 plant species. The development of high-throughput molecular tools has helped us to better understand the biology, evolution, and biodiversity of mycorrhizal associations. Nuclear genome assemblies and gene annotations of 33 mycorrhizal fungal species are now available providing fascinating opportunities to deepen our understanding of the mycorrhizal lifestyle, the metabolic capabilities of these plant symbionts, the molecular dialogue between symbionts, and evolutionary adaptations across a range of mycorrhizal associations. Large-scale molecular surveys have provided novel insights into the diversity, spatial and temporal dynamics of mycorrhizal fungal communities. At the ecological level, network theory makes it possible to analyze interactions between plant-fungal partners as complex underground multi-species networks. Our analysis suggests that nestedness, modularity and specificity of mycorrhizal networks vary and depend on mycorrhizal type. Mechanistic models explaining partner choice, resource exchange, and coevolution in mycorrhizal associations have been developed and are being tested. This review ends with major frontiers for further research.


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This study was designed to explore individual and dyadic coping strategies in the aftermath of a traumatic event. Eighteen persons having experienced a physical assault or a road accident within six to twelve months before the study, and eighteen matched control persons were recruited together with their partners. Each participant and his/her partner filled in several questionnaires on individual and dyadic coping strategies, level of stress and PTSD-symptomatology. Results indicate that participants having experienced a trauma, compared to controls, report a general lack of dyadic coping and, when facing daily hassles, specific decreases in individual coping strategies. These differences are discussed in the context of marital coping processes.


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Lithium is widely used in psychotherapy. The (6)Li isotope has a long intrinsic longitudinal relaxation time T(1) on the order of minutes, making it an ideal candidate for hyperpolarization experiments. In the present study we demonstrated that lithium-6 can be readily hyperpolarized within 30 min, while retaining a long polarization decay time on the order of a minute. We used the intrinsically long relaxation time for the detection of 500 nM contrast agent in vitro. Hyperpolarized lithium-6 was administered to the rat and its signal retained a decay time on the order of 70 sec in vivo. Localization experiments imply that the lithium signal originated from within the brain and that it was detectable up to 5 min after administration. We conclude that the detection of submicromolar contrast agents using hyperpolarized NMR nuclei such as (6)Li may provide a novel avenue for molecular imaging.