947 resultados para tombamento lateral
The mechanism by which mutations in the superoxide dismutase (SOD1) gene cause motor neuron degeneration in familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is unknown. Recent reports that neuronal death in SOD1-familial ALS is apoptotic have not documented activation of cell death genes. We present evidence that the enzyme caspase-1 is activated in neurons expressing mutant SOD1 protein. Proteolytic processing characteristic of caspase-1 activation is seen both in spinal cords of transgenic ALS mice and neurally differentiated neuroblastoma (line N2a) cells with SOD1 mutations. This activation of caspase-1 is enhanced by oxidative challenge (xanthine/xanthine oxidase), which triggers cleavage and secretion of the interleukin 1β converting enzyme substrate, pro-interleukin 1β, and induces apoptosis. This N2a culture system should be an instructive in vitro model for further investigation of the proapoptotic properties of mutant SOD1.
Using adenoviruses encoding reporter genes as retrograde tracers, we assessed the capacity of motoneurons to take up and retrogradely transport adenoviral particles injected into the muscles of transgenic mice expressing the G93A human superoxide dismutase mutation, a model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Surprisingly, transgene expression in the motoneurons was significantly higher in symptomatic mice than in control or presymptomatic mice. Using botulinum toxin to induce nerve sprouting at neuromuscular junctions, we showed that the unexpectedly high level of motoneurons retrograde transduction results, at least in part, from newly acquired uptake properties of the sprouts. These findings demonstrate the remarkable uptake properties of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis motoneurons in response to denervation and the rationale of using intramuscular injections of adenoviruses to overexpress therapeutic proteins in motor neuron diseases.
In roots two distinct polar movements of auxin have been reported that may control different developmental and growth events. To test the hypothesis that auxin derived from the shoot and transported toward the root controls lateral root development, the two polarities of auxin transport were uncoupled in Arabidopsis. Local application of the auxin-transport inhibitor naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) at the root-shoot junction decreased the number and density of lateral roots and reduced the free indoleacetic acid (IAA) levels in the root and [3H]IAA transport into the root. Application of NPA to the basal half of or at several positions along the root only reduced lateral root density in regions that were in contact with NPA or in regions apical to the site of application. Lateral root development was restored by application of IAA apical to NPA application. Lateral root development in Arabidopsis roots was also inhibited by excision of the shoot or dark growth and this inhibition was reversible by IAA. Together, these results are consistent with auxin transport from the shoot into the root controlling lateral root development.
A series of mutant human and yeast copper-zinc superoxide dismutases has been prepared, with mutations corresponding to those found in familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS; also known as Lou Gehrig's disease). These proteins have been characterized with respect to their metal-binding characteristics and their redox reactivities. Replacement of Zn2+ ion in the zinc sites of several of these proteins with either Cu2+ or Co2+ gave metal-substituted derivatives with spectroscopic properties different from those of the analogous derivative of the wild-type proteins, indicating that the geometries of binding of these metal ions to the zinc site were affected by the mutations. Several of the ALS-associated mutant copper-zinc superoxide dismutases were also found to be reduced by ascorbate at significantly greater rate than the wild-type proteins. We conclude that similar alterations in the properties of the zinc binding site can be caused by mutations scattered throughout the protein structure. This finding may help to explain what is perhaps the most perplexing question in copper-zinc superoxide dismutase-associated familial ALS-i.e., how such a diverse set of mutations can result in the same gain of function that causes the disease.
Calbindin-D28K and/or parvalbumin appear to influence the selective vulnerability of motoneurons in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Their immunoreactivity is undetectable in motoneurons readily damaged in human ALS, and in differentiated motoneuron hybrid cells [ventral spinal cord (VSC 4.1 cells)] that undergo calcium-dependent apoptotic cell death in the presence of ALS immunoglobulins. To provide additional evidence for the role of calcium-binding proteins in motoneuron vulnerability, VSC 4.1 cells were infected with a retrovirus carrying calbindin-D28K cDNA under the control of the promoter of the phosphoglycerate kinase gene. Differentiated calbindin-D28K cDNA-infected cells expressed high calbindin-D28K and demonstrated increased resistance to ALS IgG-mediated toxicity. Treatment with calbindin-D28K antisense oligodeoxynucleotides, which significantly decreased calbindin-D28K expression, rendered these cells vulnerable again to ALS IgG toxicity.
Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) is known to be a locus of mutation in familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS). Transgenic mice that express a mutant Cu,Zn-SOD, Gly-93--> Ala (G93A), have been shown to develop amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) symptoms. We cloned the FALS mutant, G93A, and wild-type cDNA of human Cu,Zn-SOD, overexpressed them in Sf9 insect cells, purified the proteins, and studied their enzymic activities for catalyzing the dismutation of superoxide anions and the generation of free radicals with H2O2 as substrate. Our results showed that both enzymes contain one copper ion per subunit and have identical dismutation activity. However, the free radical-generating function of the G93A mutant, as measured by the spin trapping method, is enhanced relative to that of the wild-type enzyme, particularly at lower H2O2 concentrations. This is due to a small, but reproducible, decrease in the value of Km for H2O2 for the G93A mutant, while the kcat is identical for both enzymes. Thus, the ALS symptoms observed in G93A transgenic mice are not caused by the reduction of Cu,Zn-SOD activity with the mutant enzyme; rather, it is induced by a gain-of-function, an enhancement of the free radical-generating function. This is consistent with the x-ray crystallographic studies showing the active channel of the FALS mutant is slightly larger than that of the wild-type enzyme; thus, it is more accessible to H2O2. This gain-of-function, in part, may provide an explanation for the association between ALS and Cu,Zn-SOD mutants.
Mutations in the human Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase gene (SOD1) are found in 20% of kindreds with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Transgenic mice (line G1H) expressing a human SOD1 containing a mutation of Gly-93 --> Ala (G93A) develop a motor neuron disease similar to familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, but transgenic mice (line N1029) expressing a wild-type human SOD1 transgene do not. Because neurofilament (NF)-rich inclusions in spinal motor neurons are characteristic of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, we asked whether mutant G1H and/or N1029 mice develop similar NF lesions. NF inclusions (i.e., spheroids, Lewy body-like inclusions) were first detected in spinal cord motor neurons of the G1H mice at 82 days of age about the time these mice first showed clinical evidence of disease. Other neuronal intermediate filament proteins (alpha-internexin, peripherin) also accumulated in these spheroids. The onset of accumulations of ubiquitin immunoreactivity in the G1H mice paralleled the emergence of vacuoles and NF-rich spheroids in neurons, but they did not colocalize exclusively with spheroids. In contrast, NF inclusions were not seen in the N1029 mice until they were 132 days old, and ubiquitin immunoreactivity was not increased in the N1029 mice even at 199 days of age. Astrocytosis in spinal cord was associated with a marked increase in glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity in the G1H mice, but not in the N1029 mice. Finally, comparative studies revealed a striking similarity between the cytoskeletal pathology in the G1H transgenic mice and in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. These findings link a specific SOD1 mutation with alterations in the neuronal cytoskeleton of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Thus, neuronal cytoskeletal abnormalities may be implicated in the pathogenesis of human familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
The body musculature of higher vertebrates is composed of the epaxial muscles, associated with the vertebral column, and of the hypaxial muscles of the limbs and ventro-lateral body wall. Both sets of muscles arise from different cell populations within the dermomyotomal component of the somite. Myogenesis first occurs in the medial somitic cells that will form the epaxial muscles and starts with a significant delay in cells derived from the lateral somitic moiety that migrate to yield the hypaxial muscles. The newly formed somite is mostly composed of unspecified cells, and the determination of somitic compartments toward specific lineages is controlled by environmental cues. In this report, we show that determinant signals for lateral somite specification are provided by the lateral plate. They result in a blockade of the myogenic program, which maintains the lateral somitic cells as undifferentiated muscle progenitors expressing the Pax-3 gene, and represses the activation of the MyoD family genes. In vivo, this mechanism could account for the delay observed in the onset of myogenesis between muscles of the epaxial and hypaxial domains.
A fachada verticalizada é composta por cinco tramos e dois pavimentos encimada por frontão curvilíneo que se amplia na base das torres sineiras arrematadas em bulbos azulejados. Todo revestimento externo é em granito carioca seguindo orientação estilística pombalina de linhas classicizantes nas pilastras e barrocas no frontão. A portada principal é ricamente trabalhada bem como a da lateral no beco dos Barbeiros, ambas com medalhões com a Virgem, bentos em 1761, em pedra de lioz vindas de Portugal e que segundo Lúcio Costa poderia ter sido apreciado por Aleijadinho quando esteve no Rio de Janeiro. A imensa planta retangular nos moldes lisboeta impressiona pela altura e ornamentação iniciada por Luís da Fonseca Rosa em 1768 pelos altares devocionais dos Passos da Paixão. A capela-mor teve interferência de mestre Valentim bem como o retábulo executado ocupando todo arco pleno do fundo da capela. Três pares de colunas salomônicas, semelhantes aos dos altares laterais, sustentam o entablamento complexo por seus recuos e planos distintos tendo os nichos das esculturas retabulares bem próximos ao trono na camarinha. O coroamento é espetacular com anjos adoradores sobre volutas truncadas e a tarja do Cristo em Ascensão pairando sobre resplendores de metal povoado de cabecinhas de anjinhos. Uma cúpula ricamente ornada na capela-mór com um lanternim deixa a luminosidade derramar sobre o altar com o frontal em prata cinzelada.
O desenho do frontispício apresenta monumentalidade pela proporção dos cinco tramos no primeiro pavimento e três no segundo encimado por um triângulo frontão com uma cruz sobre o acrotério na parte central. A horizontalidade advém das duas volutas laterais sobre o entalhamento das portas que dão acesso aos corredores. O corpo da igreja tem uma porta central ladeada por nichos e o pórtico com colunas em pedra com capitéis jônicos são de mármore. Unindo a sacada e janelas do coro há quatro nichos para os santos evangelistas. Mestre Valentim que lá trabalhou entre 1805 a 1811, esculpiu dois deles em cedro: São Mateus e São João, recolhidos atualmente no Museu Histórico e Nacional. As quatro esculturas em mármore de Carrara nos atuais nichos são do escultor acadêmico Jean-Louis Despré, vindas da Itália em 1926. Internamente a surpresa está na alvura da ornamentação, com o mínimo de policromia e mesmo douramento, permitindo que a rica talha rococó se revele aos pouco a partir da capela-mor, obra de mestre Valentim. Na entrada, o arco ornamentado que sustenta o coro é surpreendente pelas guirlandas e buquês de flores que se adensam até quase a altura dos olhos emoldurando toda a nave com relevos simbólicos cristãos e maçônicos, típicos do Iluminismo.