687 resultados para sputtering


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In dieser Arbeit wurden dünne Schichten von Heusler-Verbindungen hergestellt und auf ihre Transporteigenschaften hin untersucht.rnDer Anomale Hall-Effekt (AHE) ist dabei von besonderem Interesse. Er ist ein seit langer Zeit bekannter, jedoch noch nicht vollständig verstandener Transport-Effekt. Die meisten Veröffentlichungen theoretischer Arbeiten konzentrieren sich auf den Einfluss eines bestimmten Beitrags zum AHE. Tatsächlich gemessene experimentelle Daten können jedoch oft nicht in Einklang mit idealisierten Annahmen gebracht werden. rnDie vorliegende Arbeit diskutiert die Ergebnisse, welche aus Messungen von Materialien mit niedrigem Restwiderstand erhalten wurden. rnrnAls prototypische Materialien wurden hier hyphenation Heusler-Verbindungen untersucht. Als Material mit einer komplexen Topologie der Fermi-Fläche zeichnet sich dort der Einfluss von Defekten und der Unordnung der Kristallstruktur deutlich ab.rnrnDurch Verwendung von Filmen mit unterschiedlichem Grad der Unordnung können verschiedene Streumechanismen unterschieden werden. Für Co$_{2}$FeSi$_{0.6}$Al$_{0.4}$ and Co$_{2}$FeGa$_{0.5}$Ge$_{0.5}$ zeigt sich ein positiver AHE bei einer Unordnung vom Typ B2 und bei einer induzierten temperaturabh"angigen Streuung, wo hingegen eine Typ DO$_{3}$-Unordnung zusammen mit anderen möglichen intrinsischen Beiträgen einen negativen Effekt hervorruft.rnrnDarüber hinaus wurden die magneto-optische Kerr-Effekte (MOKE) dieser Verbindungen untersucht. Hierfür wurden Beiträge erster Ordnung als Funktion der intrinsischen und extrinsischen Parameter qualitativ analysiert. Auf den Einfluss der kristallinen Ordnung auf Beiträge zweiter Ordnung des MOKE-Signals wird ebenfalls eingegangen.rnrnDes Weiteren wurden dünne Schichten der Heusler-Verbindung Co$_{2}$MnAl auf MgO- und Si-Subs-traten (beide (100)) mit Hochfrequenz-Mag-netron-Sputtern erzeugt. Die zusammensetzung sowie die magnetischen und Transport-Eigenschaften wurden hinsichtlich unterschiedlicher Abscheidebedingungen systematisch untersucht.rnrnInsbesondere zeigt der AHE-Widerstand ein außerordentliches temperaturunabhängiges Verhalten in einem Bereich moderater Magnetfeldstärken von 0 bis 0.6,T. Hierf"ur wurde der nicht-diagonale Transport bei Temperaturen bis zu 300,$^{circ}$C analysiert. Die Daten zeigen die Eignung des Materials für Hall-Sensoren auch oberhalb der Raumtemperatur.rnrnJüngst wurde der Spin Seebeck-Effekt (SSE) entdeckt. Der Effekt aus dem Bereich der Spin-Kaloritronik erzeugt eine Spin-Spannung'' aufgrund eines Temperaturgradienten in magnetischen Materialien. Hier werden vorläufige Messungen des SSE in Ni$_{80}$Fe$_{20}$ und in Heusler-Verbindungen präsentiert.rn


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L'exchange bias, fenomeno legato allo spostamento del ciclo di isteresi lungo l'asse del campo magnetico, è osservato nei materiali ferromagnetici(FM)-antiferromagnetici(AFM) accoppiati per scambio. Il suo studio, soprattutto nelle nanostrutture, è interessante sia da un punto di vista fenomenologico sia per ragioni tecnologiche. In campo teorico, la riduzione delle dimensioni laterali nei sistemi FM-AFM può portare a sostanziali cambiamenti nell'entità dello spostamento del ciclo e nella coercitività. Da un punto di vista tecnologico, lo studio del fenomeno di exchange bias è incentivato dal grande sviluppo dello storage magnetico e della spintronica; le testine di lettura sono tipicamente composte da valvole di spin o strutture a giunzione tunnel, nelle quali i bistrati FM-AFM accoppiati per scambio costituiscono una parte essenziale. Inoltre, è stato recentemente dimostrato che le interazioni di scambio FM-AFM possono essere usate per migliorare la stabilità dei mezzi di registrazione magnetica. Questo lavoro di tesi riporta lo studio del fenomeno di exchange bias in film sottili di IrMn/NiFe ed in dots di uguale composizione ma con diverse dimensioni (1000, 500 e 300nm), allo scopo di comprendere come il confinamento spaziale influenzi il meccanismo di accoppiamento di scambio e la sua evoluzione magnetotermica. I campioni sono stati preparati mediante litografia a fascio di elettroni e dc-magnetron sputtering e caratterizzati strutturalmente attraverso tecniche di microscopia elettronica. Lo studio delle proprietà magnetiche è stato realizzato mediante magnetometria ad effetto Kerr magneto-ottico, tecnica molto efficace per indagini su film sottili e nanostrutture, di cui la tesi riporta un'ampia trattazione. Infine, i risultati sperimentali sono stati affiancati a simulazioni micromagnetiche, così da ottenere un quadro completo dell'effetto di exchange bias nel sistema IrMn/NiFe.


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Durch steigende Energiekosten und erhöhte CO2 Emission ist die Forschung an thermoelektrischen (TE) Materialien in den Fokus gerückt. Die Eignung eines Materials für die Verwendung in einem TE Modul ist verknüpft mit der Gütezahl ZT und entspricht α2σTκ-1 (Seebeck Koeffizient α, Leitfähigkeit σ, Temperatur T und thermische Leitfähigkeit κ). Ohne den Leistungsfaktor α2σ zu verändern, soll ZT durch Senkung der thermischen Leitfähigkeit mittels Nanostrukturierung angehoben werden.rnBis heute sind die TE Eigenschaften von den makroskopischen halb-Heusler Materialen TiNiSn und Zr0.5Hf0.5NiSn ausgiebig erforscht worden. Mit Hilfe von dc Magnetron-Sputterdeposition wurden nun erstmals halbleitende TiNiSn und Zr0.5Hf0.5NiSn Schichten hergestellt. Auf MgO (100) Substraten sind stark texturierte polykristalline Schichten bei Substrattemperaturen von 450°C abgeschieden worden. Senkrecht zur Oberfläche haben sich Korngrößen von 55 nm feststellen lassen. Diese haben Halbwertsbreiten bei Rockingkurven von unter 1° aufgewiesen. Strukturanalysen sind mit Hilfe von Röntgenbeugungsexperimenten (XRD) durchgeführt worden. Durch Wachstumsraten von 1 nms 1 konnten in kürzester Zeit Filmdicken von mehr als einem µm hergestellt werden. TiNiSn zeigte den höchsten Leistungsfaktor von 0.4 mWK 2m 1 (550 K). Zusätzlich wurde bei Raumtemperatur mit Hilfe der differentiellen 3ω Methode eine thermische Leitfähigkeit von 2.8 Wm 1K 1 bestimmt. Es ist bekannt, dass die thermische Leitfähigkeit mit der Variation von Massen abnimmt. Weil zudem angenommen wird, dass sie durch Grenzflächenstreuung von Phononen ebenfalls reduziert wird, wurden Übergitter hergestellt. Dabei wurden TiNiSn und Zr0.5Hf0.5NiSn nacheinander abgeschieden. Die sehr hohe Kristallqualität der Übergitter mit ihren scharfen Grenzflächen konnte durch Satellitenpeaks und Transmissionsmikroskopie (STEM) nachgewiesen werden. Für ein Übergitter mit einer Periodizität von 21 nm (TiNiSn und Zr0.5Hf0.5NiSn jeweils 10.5 nm) ist bei einer Temperatur von 550 K ein Leistungsfaktor von 0.77 mWK 2m 1 nachgewiesen worden (α = 80 µVK 1; σ = 8.2 µΩm). Ein Übergitter mit der Periodizität von 8 nm hat senkrecht zu den Grenzflächen eine thermische Leitfähigkeit von 1 Wm 1K 1 aufgewiesen. Damit hat sich die Reduzierung der thermischen Leitfähigkeit durch die halb-Heusler Übergitter bestätigt. Durch die isoelektronischen Eigenschaften von Titan, Zirkonium und Hafnium wird angenommen, dass die elektrische Bandstruktur und damit der Leistungsfaktor senkrecht zu den Grenzflächen nur schwach beeinflusst wird.rn


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Il fenomeno della magnetoresistenza gigante (GMR) consiste nella marcata variazione della resistenza elettrica di una struttura in forma di film sottile, composta da un’alternanza di strati metallici ferromagnetici (FM) e non magnetici (NM), per effetto di un campo magnetico esterno. Esso è alla base di un gran numero di sensori e dispositivi magnetoelettronici (come ad esempio magnetiche ad accesso casuale, MRAM, ad alta densità) ed ulteriori innovazioni tecnologiche sono in via di elaborazione. Particolarmente rilevanti sono diventate le Spin Valve, dispositivi composti da due strati FM separati da uno spaziatore NM, metallico. Uno dei due film FM (free layer) è magneticamente più soffice rispetto all’altro (reference layer), la cui magnetizzazione è fissata mediante accoppiamento di scambio all’interfaccia con uno strato antiferromagnetico (AFM) adiacente. Tale accoppiamento causa l’insorgenza di una anisotropia magnetica unidirezionale (anisotropia di scambio) per lo strato FM, che si manifesta in uno shift orizzontale del ciclo di isteresi ad esso associato (effetto di exchange bias), solitamente accompagnato anche da un aumento del campo coercitivo. Questo lavoro di tesi riporta la deposizione e la caratterizzazione magnetica e magnetoresistiva di due valvole spin, una a struttura top (SVT) composta da strati di Si/Cu[5 nm]/Py[5 nm]/Cu[5 nm]/Py[5 nm]/IrMn[10 nm], ed una a struttura bottom (SVB), di composizione Si/Cu[5 nm]/IrMn[10 nm]/Py[5 nm]/Cu[5 nm]/Py[5 nm], allo scopo di verificare il comportamento magnetoresistivo gigante del dispositivo per questa particolare scelta dei materiali. I campioni sono stati depositati mediante DC Magnetron sputtering, e caratterizzati magneticamente mediante magnetometro SQUID; la caratterizzazione resistiva è stata eseguita tramite metodo di van der Pawn. Vengono infine presentati i risultati sperimentali, in cui si osserva una variazione di magnetoresistenza nei campioni nell’ordine del punto percentuale.


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La scoperta dei semiconduttori amorfi ha segnato l’era della microelettronica su larga scala rendendo possibile il loro impiego nelle celle solari o nei display a matrice attiva. Infatti, mentre i semiconduttori a cristalli singoli non sono consoni a questo tipo di applicazioni e i s. policristallini presentano il problema dei bordi di grano, i film amorfi possono essere creati su larga scala (>1 m^2) a basse temperature (ad es. <400 °C) ottenendo performance soddisfacenti sia su substrati rigidi che flessibili. Di recente la ricerca sta compiendo un grande sforzo per estendere l’utilizzo di questa nuova elettronica flessibile e su larga scala ad ambienti soggetti a radiazioni ionizzanti, come lo sono i detector di radiazioni o l’elettronica usata in applicazioni spaziali (satelliti). A questa ricerca volge anche la mia tesi, che si confronta con la fabbricazione e la caratterizzazione di transistor a film sottili basati su ossidi semiconduttori ad alta mobilità e lo studio della loro resistenza ai raggi X. La micro-fabbricazione, ottimizzazione e caratterizzazione dei dispositivi è stata realizzata nei laboratori CENIMAT e CEMOP dell’Università Nova di Lisbona durante quattro mesi di permanenza. Tutti i dispositivi sono stati creati con un canale n di ossido di Indio-Gallio-Zinco (IGZO). Durante questo periodo è stato realizzato un dispositivo dalle ottime performance e con interessanti caratteristiche, una delle quali è la non variazione del comportamento capacitivo in funzione della frequenza e la formidabile resistenza alle radiazioni. Questo dispositivo presenta 114 nm di dielettrico, realizzato con sette strati alternati di SiO2/ Ta2O5. L’attività di ricerca svolta al Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia di Bologna riguarda prevalentemente lo studio degli effetti delle radiazioni ionizzanti su TFTs. Gli esperimenti hanno rivelato che i dispositivi godono di una buona stabilità anche se soggetti alle radiazioni. Infatti hanno mostrato performance pressoché inalterate anche dopo un’esposizione a 1 kGy di dose cumulativa di raggi X mantenendo circa costanti parametri fondamentali come la mobilità, il threshold voltage e la sub-threshold slope. Inoltre gli effetti dei raggi X sui dispositivi, così come parametri fondamentali quali la mobilità, si sono rivelati essere notevolmente influenzati dallo spessore del dielettrico.


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Le celle solari a film sottile sono tra le alternative più promettenti nel campo fotovoltaico. La ricerca di materiali non tossici ed economici per la passivazione delle superfici è di fondamentale importanza. Il presente è uno studio sulla morfologia di film sottili di ZnS. I campioni analizzati sono stati cresciuti tramite DC sputtering a diversa potenza (range 50-150W) per studiare le connessioni tra condizioni di deposizione e proprietà strutturali. Lo studio è stato condotto mediante acquisizione di mappe AFM. E' stata effettuata un'analisi dei buchi (dips) in funzione della potenza di sputtering, per individuare il campione con la minore densità di dips in vista di applicazioni in celle solari a film sottile. I parametri strutturali, quali la rugosità superficiale e la lunghezza di correlazione laterale sono stati determinati con un'analisi statistica delle immagini. La densità e dimensione media dei grani sono state ricavate da una segmentazione delle immagini. Le analisi sono state svolte su due campioni di ZnO per fini comparativi. Tramite EFM sono state ottenute mappe di potenziale di contatto. Tramite KPFM si è valutata la differenza di potenziale tra ZnS e un layer di Al depositato sulla superficie. La sheet resistance è stata misurata con metodo a quattro punte. Dai risultati la potenza di sputtering influenza la struttura superficiale, ma in maniera non lineare. E' stato individuato il campione con la minore rugosità e densità di dips alla potenza di 75 W. Si è concluso che potenze troppo grandi o piccole in fase di deposizione promuovono il fenomeno di clustering dei grani e di aumentano la rugosità e densità di dips. E' emersa una corrispondenza diretta tra morfologia e potenziale di contatto alla superficie. La differenza di potenziale tra Al e ZnS è risultata inferiore al valore noto, ciò può essere dovuto a stati superficiali indotti da ossidi. Il campione risulta totalmente isolante.


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BACKGROUND: Vascular healing of intracoronary stents has been shown to be delayed in drug-eluting stents (DES) due to the cytotoxic compounds on the stent surface that prevent stent ingrowth and endothelialization. The lack of endothelialization explains the occurrence of late and very late stent thrombosis in DES. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 11 house swines (body weight 38-45 kg), 3 stents were implanted randomly into the 3 large epicardial coronary arteries, namely a bare-metal stent (BMS), a sirolimus-eluting stent with slow-release (SES) and a SES with extended-release (SESXR). Stent length was 18 mm, and stent diameter 3 mm. All stents were of identical design. Animals were followed for 3 (n = 3), 7 (n = 4) and 14 (n = 4) days, respectively. One animal died before implantation due to hyperthermia. On the day of explantation, the animals were euthanized and endothelialization was tested by scanning electron microscopy after drying and sputtering the samples. Endothelial coverage was determined semiquantitatively by 2 observers. RESULTS: Endothelialization was more rapid with BMS and SESXR than SES at 3 and 14 days. At 7 days there were no significant differences between the 2 SES. CONCLUSIONS: Endothelialization of intracoronary stents is faster with BMS and SESXR at 3 days than with SES. These differences persist at 14 days, suggesting delayed vascular healing with the slow-release SES.


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One dimensional magnetic photonic crystals (1D-MPC) are promising structures for integrated optical isolator applications. Rare earth substituted garnet thin films with proper Faraday rotation are required to fabricate planar 1D-MPCs. In this thesis, flat-top response 1D-MPC was proposed and spectral responses and Faraday rotation were modeled. Bismuth substituted iron garnet films were fabricated by RF magnetron sputtering and structures, compositions, birefringence and magnetooptical properties were studied. Double layer structures for single mode propagation were also fabricated by sputtering for the first time. Multilayer stacks with multiple defects (phase shift) composed of Ce-YIG and GGG quarter-wave plates were simulated by the transfer matrix method. The transmission and Faraday rotation characteristics were theoretically studied. It is found that flat-top response, with 100% transmission and near 45o rotation is achievable by adjusting the inter-defect spacing, for film structures as thin as 30 to 35 μm. This is better than 3-fold reduction in length compared to the best Ce-YIG films for comparable rotations, thus allows a considerable reduction in size in manufactured optical isolators. Transmission bands as wide as 7nm were predicted, which is considerable improvement over 2 defects structure. Effect of repetition number and ratio factor on transmission and Faraday rotation ripple factors for the case of 3 and 4 defects structure has been discussed. Diffraction across the structure corresponds to a longer optical path length. Thus the use of guided optics is required to minimize the insertion losses in integrated devices. This part is discussed in chapter 2 in this thesis. Bismuth substituted iron garnet thin films were prepared by RF magnetron sputtering. We investigated or measured the deposition parameters optimization, crystallinity, surface morphologies, composition, magnetic and magnetooptical properties. A very high crystalline quality garnet film with smooth surface has been heteroepitaxially grown on (111) GGG substrate for films less than 1μm. Dual layer structures with two distinct XRD peaks (within a single sputtered film) start to develop when films exceed this thickness. The development of dual layer structure was explained by compositional gradient across film thickness, rather than strain gradient proposed by other authors. Lower DC self bias or higher substrate temperature is found to help to delay the appearance of the 2nd layer. The deposited films show in-plane magnetization, which is advantageous for waveguide devices application. Propagation losses of fabricated waveguides can be decreased by annealing in an oxygen atmosphere from 25dB/cm to 10dB/cm. The Faraday rotation at λ=1.55μm were also measured for the waveguides. FR is small (10° for a 3mm long waveguide), due to the presence of linear birefringence. This part is covered in chapter 4. We also investigated the elimination of linear birefringence by thickness tuning method for our sputtered films. We examined the compressively and tensilely strained films and analyze the photoelastic response of the sputter deposited garnet films. It has been found that the net birefringence can be eliminated under planar compressive strain conditions by sputtering. Bi-layer GGG on garnet thin film yields a reduced birefringence. Temperature control during the sputter deposition of GGG cover layer is critical and strongly influences the magnetization and birefringence level in the waveguide. High temperature deposition lowers the magnetization and increases the linear birefringence in the garnet films. Double layer single mode structures fabricated by sputtering were also studied. The double layer, which shows an in-plane magnetization, has an increased RMS roughness upon upper layer deposition. The single mode characteristic was confirmed by prism coupler measurement. This part is discussed in chapter 5.


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As awareness of potential human and environmental impacts from toxins has increased, so has the development of innovative sensors. Bacteriorhodopsin (bR) is a light activated proton pump contained in the purple membrane (PM) of the bacteria Halobacterium salinarum. Bacteriorhodopsin is a robust protein which can function in both wet and dry states and can withstand extreme environmental conditions. A single electron transistor(SET) is a nano-scale device that exploits the quantum mechanical properties of electrons to switch on and off. SETs have tremendous potential in practical applications due to their size, ultra low power requirements, and electrometer-like sensitivity. The main goal of this research was to create a bionanohybrid device by integrating bR with a SET device. This was achieved by a multidisciplinary approach. The SET devices were created by a combination of sputtering, photolithography, and focused ion beam machining. The bionanomaterial bacteriorhodopsin was created through oxidative fermentation and a series of transmembrane purification processes. The bR was then integrated with the SET by electrophoretic deposition, creating a bionanohybrid device. The bionanohybrid device was then characterized using a semiconductor parametric analyzer. Characterization demonstrated that the bR modulated the operational characteristics of the SET when bR was activated with light within its absorbance spectrum. To effectively integrate bacteriorhodopsin with microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS), it is critical to know the electrical properties of the material and to understand how it will affect the functionality of the device. Tests were performed on dried films of bR to determine if there is a relationship between inductance, capacitance, and resistance (LCR) measurements and orientation, light-on/off, frequency, and time. The results indicated that the LCR measurements of the bR depended on the thickness and area of the film, but not on the orientation, as with other biological materials such as muscle. However, there was a transient LCR response for both oriented and unoriented bR which depended on light intensity. From the impedance measurements an empirical model was suggested for the bionanohybrid device. The empirical model is based on the dominant electrical characteristics of the bR which were the parallel capacitance and resistance. The empirical model suggests that it is possible to integrate bR with a SET without influencing its functional characteristics.


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The research reported in this dissertation investigates the impact of grain boundaries, film interface, and crystallographic orientation on the ionic conductivity of thin film Gd-doped CeO2 (GDC). Chapter 2 of this work addresses claims in the literature that submicron grain boundaries have the potential to dramatically increase the ionic conductivity of GDC films. Unambiguous testing of this claim requires directly comparing the ionic conductivity of single-crystal GDC films to films that are identical except for the presence of submicron grain boundaries. In this work techniques have been developed to grow GDC films by RF magnetron sputtering from a GDC target on single crystal r plane sapphire substrates. These techniques allow the growth of films that are single crystals or polycrystalline with 80 nm diameter grains. The ionic conductivities of these films have been measured and the data shows that the ionic conductivity of single crystal GDC is greater than that of the polycrystalline films by more than a factor of 4 over the 400-700°C temperature range. Chapter 3 of this work investigates the ionic conductivity of surface and interface regions of thin film Gd-doped CeO2. In this study, single crystal GDC films have been grown to thicknesses varying from 20 to 500 nm and their conductivities have been measured in the 500-700°C temperature range. Decreasing conductivity with decreasing film thickness was observed. Analysis of the conductivity data is consistent with the presence of an approximately 50 nm layer of less conductive material in every film. This study concludes that the surface and interface regions of thin film GDC are less conductive than the bulk single crystal regions, rather than being highly conductive paths. Chapter 4 of this work investigates the ionic conductivity of thin film Gd-doped CeO2 (GDC) as a function of crystallographic orientation. A theoretical expression has been developed for the ionic conductivity of the [100] and [110] directions in single crystal GDC. This relationship is compared to experimental data collected from a single crystal GDC film. The film was grown to a thickness of _300 nm and its conductivity measured along the [100] and [110] orientations in the 500-700°C temperature range. The experimental data shows no statistically significant difference in the conductivities of the [100] and [110] directions in single crystal GDC. This result agrees with the theoretical model which predicts no difference between the conductivities of the two directions.


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During the past decades, tremendous research interests have been attracted to investigate nanoparticles due to their promising catalytic, magnetic, and optical properties. In this thesis, two novel methods of nanoparticle fabrication were introduced and the basic formation mechanisms were studied. Metal nanoparticles and polyurethane nanoparticles were separately fabricated by a short-distance sputter deposition technique and a reactive ion etching process. First, a sputter deposition method with a very short target-substrate distance is found to be able to generate metal nanoparticles on the glass substrate inside a RIE chamber. The distribution and morphology of nanoparticles are affected by the distance, the ion concentration and the process time. Densely-distributed nanoparticles of various compositions are deposited on the substrate surface when the target-substrate distance is smaller than 130mm. It is much less than the atoms’ mean free path, which is the threshold in previous research for nanoparticles’ formation. Island structures are formed when the distance is increased to 510mm, indicating the tendency to form continuous thin film. The trend is different from previously-reported sputtering method for nanoparticle fabrication, where longer distance between the target and the substrate facilitates the formation of nanoparticle. A mechanism based on the seeding effect of the substrate is proposed to interpret the experimental results. Secondly, in polyurethane nanoparticles’ fabrication, a mechanism is put forward based on the microphase separation phenomenon in block copolymer thin film. The synthesized polymers have formed dispersed and continuous phases because of the different properties between segments. With harder mechanical property, the dispersed phase is remained after RIE process while the continuous phase is etched away, leading to the formation of nanoparticles on the substrate. The nanoparticles distribution is found to be affected by the heating effect, the process time and the plasma power. Superhydrophilic property is found on samples with these two types of nanoparticles. The relationship between the nanostructure and the hydrophilicity is studied for further potential applications.


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Context. The abundance of deuterium in the interstellar gas in front of the Sun gives insight into the processes of filtration of neutral interstellar species through the heliospheric interface and potentially into the chemical evolution of the Galactic gas. Aims: We investigate the possibility of detection of neutral interstellar deuterium at 1 AU from the Sun by direct sampling by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX). Methods: Using both previous and the most recent determinations of the flow parameters of neutral gas in the local interstellar cloud (LIC) and an observation-based model of solar radiation pressure and ionization in the heliosphere, we simulated the flux of neutral interstellar D at IBEX for the actual measurement conditions. We assessed the number of interstellar D atom counts expected during the first three years of IBEX operation. We also simulated the observations expected during an epoch of high solar activity. In addition, we calculated the expected counts of D atoms from the thin terrestrial water layer covering the IBEX-Lo conversion surface, sputtered by neutral interstellar He atoms. Results: Most D counts registered by IBEX-Lo are expected to come from the water layer, exceeding the interstellar signal by 2 orders of magnitude. However, the sputtering should stop once the Earth leaves the portion of orbit traversed by interstellar He atoms. We identify seasons during the year when mostly the genuine interstellar D atoms are expected in the signal. During the first 3 years of IBEX operations about 2 detectable interstellar D atoms are expected. This number is comparable to the expected number of sputtered D atoms registered during the same time intervals. Conclusions: The most favorable conditions for the detection occur during low solar activity, in an interval including March and April each year. The detection chances could be improved by extending the instrument duty cycle, say, by making observations in the special deuterium mode of IBEX-Lo.


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We present the first direct measurement of neutral oxygen in the lunar exosphere, detected by the Chandrayaan-1 Energetic Neutral Analyzer (CENA). With the lunar surface consisting of about 60% of oxygen in number, the neutral oxygen detected in CENA's energy range (11 eV−3.3 keV) is attributed to have originated from the lunar surface, where it was released through solar wind ion sputtering. Fitting of CENA's mass spectra with calibration spectra from ground and in-flight data resulted in the detection of a robust oxygen signal, with a flux of 0.2 to 0.4 times the flux of backscattered hydrogen, depending on the solar wind helium content and particle velocity. For the two solar wind types observed, we derive subsolar surface oxygen atom densities of N0= (1.1 ± 0.3) · 107m−3 and (1.4 ± 0.4) · 107m−3, respectively, which agree well with earlier model predictions and measured upper limits. From these surface densities, we derive column densities of NC= (1.5 ± 0.5) · 1013 m−2and (1.6 ± 0.5) · 1013 m−2. In addition, we identified for the first time a helium component. This helium is attributed to backscattering of solar wind helium (alpha particles) from the lunar surface as neutral energetic helium atoms, which has also been observed for the first time. This identification is supported by the characteristic energy of the measured helium atoms, which is roughly 4 times the energy of reflected solar wind hydrogen, and the correlation with solar wind helium content.


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In a first experiment, a reactively sputtered amorphous Ta₄₂Si₁₃N₄₅ film about 260 nm thick deposited on a flat and smooth alumina substrate was thermally annealed in air for 30 min and let cooled again repeatedly at successively higher temperatures from 200 to 500 °C. This treatment successively and irreversibly increases the room temperature resistivity of the film monotonically from its initial value of 670 μΩ cm to a maximum of 705 μΩ cm (+5.2 %). Subsequent heat treatments at temperatures below 500 °C and up to 6 h have no further effect on the room temperature resistivity. The new value remains unchanged after 3.8 years of storage at room temperature. In a second experiment, the evolution of the initially compressive stress of a film similarly deposited by reactive sputtering on a 2-inch silicon wafer was measured by tracking the wafer curvature during similar thermal annealing cycles. A similar pattern of irreversible and reversible changes of stress was observed as for the film resistivity. Transmission electron micrographs and secondary ion mass profiles of the film taken before and after thermal annealing in air establish that both the structure and the composition of the film scarcely change during the annealing cycles. We reason that the film stress is implicated in the resistivity change. In particular, to interpret the observations, a model is proposed where the interface between the film and the substrate is mechanically unyielding.


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To better constrain the parameters of the interstellar neutral flow, we searched the Interstellar Boundary EXplorer (IBEX)-Lo database for helium and oxygen from the interstellar medium in the anti-ram direction in the three years (2009-2011) with the lowest background rates. We found that IBEX-Lo cannot observe interstellar helium from the anti-ram direction because the helium energy is too low for indirect detection by sputtering off the IBEX-Lo conversion surface. Our results show that this sputtering process has a low energy threshold between 25 and 30 eV, whereas the energy of the incident helium is only 10 eV for these observations. Interstellar oxygen, on the other hand, could in principle be detected in the anti-ram hemisphere, but the expected magnitude of the signal is close to the detection limit imposed by counting statistics and by the magnetospheric foreground.