904 resultados para second-language learners
The four-skills on tests for young native speakers commonly do not generate correlation incongruency concerning the cognitive strategies frequently reported. Considering the non-native speakers there are parse evidence to determine which tasks are important to assess properly the cognitive and academic language proficiency (Cummins, 1980; 2012). Research questions: It is of high probability that young students with origin in immigration significantly differ on their communication strategies and skills in a second language processing context (1); attached to this first assumption, it is supposed that teachers significantly differ depending on their scientific area and previous training (2). Purpose: This study intends to examine whether school teachers (K-12) as having different origin in scientific domain of teaching and training perceive differently an adapted four-skills scale, in European Portuguese. Research methods: 77 teachers of five areas scientific areas, mean of teaching year service = 32 (SD= 2,7), 57 males and 46 females (from basic and high school levels). Main findings: ANOVA (Effect size and Post-hoc Tukey tests) and linear regression analysis (stepwise method) revealed statistically significant differences among teachers of different areas, mainly between language teachers and science teachers. Language teachers perceive more accurately tasks in a multiple manner to the broad skills that require to be measured in non-native students. Conclusion: If teachers perceive differently the importance of the big-four tasks, there would be incongruence on skills measurement that teachers select for immigrant puppils. Non-balanced tasks and the teachers’ perceptions on evaluation and toward competence of students would likely determine limitations for academic and cognitive development of non-native students. Furthermore, results showed sufficient evidence to conclude that tasks are perceived differently by teachers toward importance of specific skills subareas. Reading skills are best considered compared to oral comphreension skills in non-native students.
This quantitative research study utilized a binary logistic regression in a block design to investigate exogenous and endogenous factors influencing a teacher’s decision to make an intra-district move. The research focused on the following exogenous factors: classroom characteristics (size of class, percent minority, percent of students with an individualized education plan, and percent of students that are English language learners) and teacher characteristics (experience and gender). The following endogenous factors were examined: direct administrative influence (administrative support, rules enforced, school vision, teacher recognition, and job security) and indirect administrative influence (school climate, student misbehavior, parental support, materials, staff collaboration). The research was conducted by using information available from the National Center for Educational Statistics, the SASS from 2011-2012 and TFS from 2012-2013. The 2012-2013 Teacher Follow-up Survey identified 60 teachers who made a voluntary intra-district move. Results illustrate there is a statistically significant relationship between percentage of English Language Learners and overall job satisfaction and teachers choosing to make an intra-district move.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Línguas Estrangeiras e Tradução, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução, 2016.
Se presenta un modelo de enseñanza del español como segunda lengua o como lengua extranjera mediante la metodología del aprendizaje basado en tareas (ABT). Se enlaza tal metodología con la inclusión del tema de la cultura como eje transversal. Se describe como ejemplo una tarea de una unidad de determinado curso, a fin de que el docente de Español perciba los alcances del plan propuesto.A model of Spanish as a second/foreign language teaching using a task-based methodology is presented here. Likewise, culture is included as a cross-curricular topic. An example is given of a task which is part of a unit of a specific course, with the purpose of enabling an instructor of Spanish to visualize the scope of the plan proposed here.
Se propone una nueva pedagogía para la construcción de conocimiento dentro del nuevo paradigma humanístico. Esta pedagogía procura formar a una persona capaz de autocrearse y construir conocimiento que le permita desarrollar sus habilidades lingüísticas. Para poner en práctica esta nueva pedagogía, el mediador debe facilitar el proceso de autoorganización del conocimiento y propiciar el diálogo por medio de experiencias de aprendizaje amenas y gozosas.A new pedagogy is proposed for the construction of knowledge within a humanistic paradigm. The intention of this pedagogy is to form an individual capable of self-creation and constructing knowledge that allows him/her to develop linguistic skilis. To implement this new pedagogy, the mediator must facilitate the process of the self-organization of knowledge and provide for dialogue through enjoyable and entertaining learning experiences.
Se describen las acciones que los profesionales de la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera deben llevar a cabo al trasladarse a un contexto en el que se aprende el idioma como segunda lengua. Se subraya la función de esos profesionales como defensores y tutores de estudiantes con diversidad cultural y lingüística. Asimismo, se señalan los importantes aspectos portener en cuenta para cumplir con esa función.A description is provided of the challenges that English as a Foreign Language teaching professionals face when being relocated to an English as a Second Language setting. Language teaching professionals' role as advocates and educational parents to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) students is highlighted. The most important aspects to take into account to fulfill such a role are also presented.
Enseñanza de lenguas materna y extranjeras a niños con necesidades especiales: caso Síndrome de Down
Durante mucho tiempo se consideró que los niños con Síndrome de Down (SD) debían aprender su lengua materna y hasta pasada la adolescencia podrían seguir con otra lengua. No obstante, los beneficios posibles del aprendizaje precoz de lenguas sobre el desarrollo cognitivo y lingüístico de estos niños han de ser reconsiderados. La exposición de niños con SD asituaciones lingüísticas distintas puede evitar ponerlos a la defensiva, lo cual tiene consecuencias favorables en lo cognitivo. lo motivacional y lo emocional. La metodología de estimulación temprana mediante los idiomas es fundamental.For a long time it was believed that children with Down Syndrome (DS) should learn their native language, and not until after adolescence should they begin to study a second language. However, the potential benefits of early second-language education for cognitive and linguistic developmentshould be reconsidered. Exposure to new linguistic situations helps children with DS to avoid defensiveness, which in turn contributes positively to the child's cognitive, motivational and emotional level. Early stimulation with foreign languages is essential.
Este trabajo de investigación se trata de Cuentacuentos de respuesta física total y su influencia en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de Inglés como segunda lengua de los estudiantes del octavo grado de Educación General Básica del Colegio "INTEGRACIÓN ANDINA" en la ciudad de Cuenca en el Año Lectivo 2014 y 2015. Es necesario un nuevo sistema educativo para responder a las necesidades de la sociedad actual para permitir el desarrollo general de la educación, implementando un nuevo programa de enseñanza en el aprendizaje del Inglés a través de la narración. La búsqueda de una mejor manera de aprender y enseñar es responsabilidad ineludible de todos los maestros que deben enfrentar los desafíos con entusiasmo mientras se mira hacia innovaciones futuras permitiendo a los estudiantes mejorar sus habilidades de escucha y demás destrezas. Dado que el 90% de conocimiento de un nuevo idioma se adquiere a través de la lectura; el uso de Cuentacuentos ayuda a los estudiantes a adquirir el conocimiento necesario que será la base para un alto nivel cultural, tanto en el aprendizaje y en el desarrollo de habilidades de lenguaje, la lectura es un medio esencial para el desarrollo cultural en Educación. La falta de preparación en la lectura obstaculiza los esfuerzos del maestro secundario para lograr una formación integral en el alumno. Es necesario implementar estrategias para tratar de superar la falta de lectura, mediante el uso de la narración de cuentos en clase para animar a los estudiantes a leer en casa.
Es un estudio que plantea un aspecto traductológico específico: la traducción a la segunda lengua de quien traduce. A partir del análisis de una traducción al español de The Cat in Ihe Hat, de Dr. Seuss, obra de literatura infantil, se señalan ciertas ventaj as metodológicas que tienen que ver con la competencia cultural, la comprensión apropiada del texto original y un acercamiento lingüístico más consciente de la lengua terminal.This study focuses on translation directionality; in particular, translating to one's second language. Based on a Spanish translation of the children's book The Cat in in the Hat, by Dr. Seuss, this article discusses certain methodological advantages of translating to one's second language: cultural competency, an appropriate understanding of the source text, and an enhanced linguistic awareness of the target language.
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Linguística, Português e Línguas Clássicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística, 2016.
Prominent views in second language acquisition suggest that the age of L2 learning is inversely correlated with native-like pronunciation (Scovel, 1988; Birdsong, 1999). The relationship has been defined in terms of the Critical Period Hypothesis, whereby various aspects of neural cognition simultaneously occur near the onset of puberty, thus inhibiting L2 phonological acquisition. The current study tests this claim of a chronological decline in pronunciation aptitude through the examination of a key trait of American English – reduced vowels, or “schwas.” Groups of monolingual, early bilingual, and late bilingual participants were directly compared across a variety of environments phonologically conditioned for vowel reduction. Results indicate that late bilinguals have greater degrees of difficulty in producing schwas, as expected. Results further suggest that the degree of differentiation between schwa is larger than previously identified and that these subtle differences may likely be a contributive factor to the perception of a foreign accent in bilingual speakers.
This investigation focused on the treatment of English deictic verbs of motion by Spanish-English bilinguals in Miami. Although English and Spanish share significant overlap of the spatial deixis system, they diverge in important aspects. It is not known how these verbs are processed by bilinguals. Thus, this study examined Spanish-English bilinguals’ interpretation of the verbs come, go, bring, and take in English. Forty-five monolingual English speakers and Spanish-English bilinguals participated. Participants were asked to watch video clips depicting motion events and to judge the acceptability of accompanying narrations spoken by the actors in the videos. Analyses showed that, in general, monolinguals and bilinguals patterned similarly across the deictic verbs come, bring, go and take. However, they did differ in relation to acceptability of word order for verbal objects. Also, bring was highly accepted by all language groups across all goal paths, possibly suggesting an innovation in its use.
Influential bodies of work in language acquisition studies single out heritage bilingualism as a discrete acquisition process within the bilingualism continuum. In regards to the acquisition of WH-/QU- interrogatives containing prepositional phrases (PP), the present study examined whether heritage speakers (HS) of Brazilian Portuguese (BP) produce preposition stranding (P-stranding) constructions in their heritage language, in contrast to monolingual and adult speakers of BP, where prepositions are pied-piped to form the interrogative. Participants were HS of BP born in the USA and in Brazil, monolinguals, and late bilingual adults. The experiment consisted of an elicited production task and a grammaticality judgment task, both carried out in BP and then in English. Results showed that HS born in the USA use P-stranding in QU- interrogatives productively and systematically, in contrast to the other three groups. Moreover, no evidence of protracted acquisition was found in this group. No signs of attrition were detected among bilinguals.
Recibido 01 de diciembre de 2010 • Aceptado 09 de marzo de 2011 • Corregido 19 de abril de 2011 Resumen. Esta investigación analiza el desarrollo de la escritura en español de niños indígenas tarahumaras bilingües (del Estado de Chihuahua, México), desde varias perspectivas: la psicogenética, relacionada con el avance en el proceso de construcción del sistema de escritura de los niños investigados; la social, mediante al análisis del contexto familiar, cultural y el entorno del asentamiento de convivencia de los mismos; y la pedagógica, aunque más breve, a través del ambiente áulico dentro de dos escuelas muy diferentes: una regular y otra indígena. El planteamiento central de la investigación giró en torno a la percepción de los múltiples factores que se relacionan con el aprendizaje de la escritura, en un intento de escudriñar analíticamente los elementos posibles de afectación en el proceso referido. La metodología cualitativa utilizada posibilitó, mediante el estudio de casos, la observación, la entrevista, la videograbación y el análisis de los cuadernos de los niños, percibir situaciones y rescatar evidencias que, mediante el estudio transversal de eventos, personas y contextos, dieron como resultado interpretaciones sobre los factores sociales, culturales, cognitivos y pedagógicos que se percibieron asociados al aprendizaje de la escritura de una lengua que no es la materna, en niños indígenas migrantes establecidos en un medio distinto al de sus ancestros. Se atiende principalmente a la hipótesis de que, en las circunstancias de los casos estudiados, es más conveniente que aprendan a escribir primero en su segunda lengua y, posteriormente, en la materna, si así lo requieren.