995 resultados para river-dwelling organisms


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The carnivorous feeding behavior of some adults of Schizothorax longipinnis Heckel was observed during 1979-81 and the details are presented in this communication.


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The age of 224 fishes was determined by counting the translucent zone on the opercular bones and otoliths. Back calculated annual growth of the fish revealed that the absolute growth of the female was better than that of the male upto the third year. From the fourth year onwards the growth of the male exceeded the growth of the female.


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Live food organisms play a vital role in the artificial propagation of penaeid prawn seeds. The methods practiced for the culture of phyto and zooplankton for rearing prawn larvae through their various developmental stages are reviewed. Selection of a suitable species depends mainly on the culture characteristics, local environmental factors and the food requirements of the species of prawns cultured. Suitability of a few species isolated from Karwar waters is discussed.


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Temporal variation in the abundance of fish populations and diversity of assemblages in different sections of the Neyyar River in the Western Ghats were investigated during the year 1984. A decreasing trend in the abundance of fishes from the headwaters downwards has been noted. The fish community is represented by 33 species assignable to 15 families. The diversity indices of Shannon-Wiener and Margalef and Pielou's evenness have been calculated. The diversity indices are discussed in the light of species richness in different sectors.


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The ascorbic acid turnover from the ocular tissues of 11 species of fishes from a culture pond and the river Godavari (Andhra Pradesh, India) has been studied. The free ascorbic acid and ascorbigen contents were more in the case of bottom or deep dwelling fishes and the least in the case of surface living forms, depending upon the light penetration in the area that each species inhabits. The enzymic utilization and ascorbic acid-macromolecule complex varied among the fishes possibly depending upon individual energy requirements and not upon light intensity. No size-related or sex-related variation was observed. No variation was observed between riverine and pond-reared fishes of the same species.


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Sediments are indicators of the quality of water overlying them and hence, useful in the assessment of environmental pollution. Temporal and spatial variations in sediment characteristics and organic carbon content from 9 stations in the lower reaches of Periyar River an area in Cochin Backwater, India which is polluted from different sources were studied for one year during 1981. Variations in colour and texture of sediments were brought about by changes in the grain size and state of oxidation of organic matter. The colour of the sediment varied from greyish black at stations 1 and 2, brownish at station 3, black at stations 4 to 8 and reddish at station 9. Organic carbon and sediment texture showed a direct relationship at all stations except at station 9 where organic carbon content showed an irregular pattern. Overall range of organic carbon content was between 1.19 and 29.6 mg.g super(-1). The mean organic carbon of the stations ranged between 6.8 mg.g super(-1) (station 5) and 20.8 mg.g super(-1) (station 9). On the whole temporal variations were considerable with high values at station 9 and low values at station 5. Fluctuations were more at stations 6, 7 and 8.


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Concentration of toxic metals namely Zn, Cu, Fe, Cd and Pb in the marine benthos off Bombay Coast, Maharashtra (India) was estimated. Maximum concentration of Zn, Fe and Pb was from the organisms of Thana Creek. Higher concentration of Cu was encountered in benthic organisms off Versova. Cd was detected in some organisms and was maximum in the organisms collected from Mahim.


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This report deals with the application of knowledge of mangrove ecosystems from around the world to the understanding of the present status of mangroves ecosystems in Pakistan.


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The rate of survival of different types of faecal indicator organisms like Escherichia coli, enterococci etc. during freezing and frozen storage has been studied. Peeled and deveined prawns inoculated with a mixed culture of the above organisms were subjected to freezing and storage at -10̊F and examined for over four months.


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A general survey carried out on several brands of frozen prawn products has shown that along with the standard plate count (SPC), the numbers of pathogenic organisms like Escherichia coli, enterococci and coagulase positive staphylococci have also to be taken into consideration for the evaluation of the quality of these products. No correlation could be established between the total plate count and the number of E. coli, enterococci or staphylococci. Enumeration of enterococci, however, is advocated as a better index of faecal contamination of the products than E. coli.


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In India the chief marine timber boring organisms are 2 species of Martesia, 28 species of shipworms, 4 species and a variety of Sphaeroma and 9 species of Limnoria besides bacteria and fungi. The occurrence, abundance and activity of the various species of borers show remarkable variations and fluctuations in the different harbours of India, each harbour or area having its own dominant set of species and an assemblage of less important forms. These species have their own characteristic preferences, life history and seasons of attachment and a scheme evolved for one locality may prove ineffective for another. Through a delicate and complex ecological adjustment the borers occurring in a locality have reached an interrelationship reducing interspecific and intraspecific competition. The seasons of settlement of the dominant borers in the different harbours of India are indicated. The need for a detailed biological enquiry is stressed.


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The Indian standards Institution have recently laid down specifications for the grading of frozen shrimp of which the bacterial examination of the product forms a significant part. Work carried out in this regard in our laboratories have shown that various improvements could be made in the composition of the medium to obtain a more true picture of the total bacterial count. Changes in the medium for total bacterial count have, therefore, been suggested and the reasons for the same discussed.


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Potentially the inland fishery resources of the country are of very high order. But the present level of their exploitation is far from optimum, mainly because of the inadequacies of the existing fishing gear and methods. There is vast scope for increasing the fish production from inland waters by improving the existing gear and methods. This would require a thorough study of the fishing gear and methods in vogue, of which very little is known at present. In the present communication the authors discuss the fishing gear and methods of the river Brahmaputra, in Assam, based on a survey carried out by them during January-February 1964. The survey covers a 640 km stretch of the Brahmaputra River, its important tributaries and connected bheels, from Dhubri to Dibrugarh. As a result of the survey about 19 types of fishing nets, which could be grouped into eight classes, were identified. The salient technological features of the gears and their methods of operation are discussed class-wise. The characteristics of the individual types are shown in tables. The materials used for gear and gear accessories, are briefly discussed. The classification and relative importance of different types of gear are examined. Besides, the influence of the ecological and topographical features of the river on the development of different types of fishing gears, is also discussed.


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MSY per recruit of Tenualosa ilisha in the Meghna river was predicted as 112 g per recruit at the F(msy)=0.6/yr and at T(c)=0.6/yr. But Y/R=95 g per recruit was obtained at the existing fishing level, F=1.14/yr and at T(c)=0.6/yr. Existing F level was nearly double than the F(msy) level. Fishing pressure should be reduced immediately from F=1.14/yr to F(msy)=0.6/yr. F(msy)=1.14/yr was the same at first capture, T(c)=1.0, 1.2 and 1.4/yr, and MSY could be obtained as 142 g, 162 g and 176 g per recruit respectively. It is easier to change the first capture age (Tc) rather than changing off level. So, hilsa fishery manager may adopt F(msy)=1.14/yr while age at first capture must be increased from T(c)=0.6/yr (3 cm size group) to T(c)=1.4/yr (25 cm size group), by which 1.8 times production could be increased than the present production. MSY also possible to obtain as 201 g and 210 g per recruit at F(msy)=2.0/yr and 4.0/yr at T(c)=1.7/yr and 1.9/yr respectively. Under both the situations, hilsa production could be increased 2 times than the present production. To obtain the MSY=210 g per recruit the fishing level could be increased up to F=4.0/yr at T(c)=1.9/yr (34 cm size group). Economic point of view, hilsa fishery managers may choose to obtain the economic MSY as 201 g per recruit at F(msy)=2.0/yr and T(c)=1.7yr (31 cm size group) in the Meghna river of Bangladesh.