928 resultados para proof-of-concept
Den Schwerpunkt dieser Dissertation bildet zum einen die Entwicklung eines theoretischen Modells zur Beschreibung des Strukturbildungsprozesses in organisch/anorganischen Doppelschichtsystemen und zum anderen die Untersuchung der Übertragbarkeit dieser theoretisch gewonnenen Ergebnisse auf reale Systeme. Hierzu dienen systematische experimentelle Untersuchungen dieses Phänomens an einem Testsystem. Der Bereich der selbstorganisierenden Systeme ist von hohem wissenschaftlichen Interesse, erlaubt er doch die Realisierung von Strukturen, die nicht den Begrenzungen heutiger Techniken unterliegen, wie etwa der Beugung bei lithographischen Verfahren. Darüber hinaus liefert ein vertieftes Verständnis des Strukturbildungsprozesses auch eine Möglichkeit, im Falle entsprechender technischer Anwendungen Instabilitäten innerhalb der Schichtsysteme zu verhindern und somit einer Degradation der Bauteile entgegenzuwirken. Im theoretischen Teil der Arbeit konnte ein Modell im Rahmen der klassischen Elastizitätstheorie entwickelt werden, mit dessen Hilfe sich die Entstehung der Strukturen in Doppelschichtsystemen verstehen läßt. Der hier gefundene funktionale Zusammenhang zwischen der Periode der Strukturen und dem Verhältnis der Schichtdicken von organischer und anorganischer Schicht, wird durch die experimentellen Ergebnisse sehr gut bestätigt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß es technologisch möglich ist, über die Vorgabe der Schichtdicke in einem Materialsystem die Periodizität der entstehenden Strukturen vorzugeben. Darüber hinaus liefert das vorgestellte Modell eine Stabilitätsbedingung für die Schichtsysteme, die es ermöglicht, zu jedem Zeitpunkt die dominierende Mode zu identifizieren. Ein Schwerpunkt der experimentellen Untersuchungen dieser Arbeit liegt auf der Strukturbildung innerhalb der Schichtsysteme. Das Testsystem wurde durch Aufbringen einer organischen Schicht - eines sog. Molekularen Glases - auf ein Glassubstrat realisiert, als Deckschicht diente eine Siliziumnitrid-Schicht. Es wurden Proben mit variierenden Schichtdicken kontrolliert erwärmt. Sobald die Temperatur des Schichtsystems in der Größenordnung der Glasübergangstemperatur des jeweiligen organischen Materials lag, fand spontan eine Strukturbildung auf Grund einer Spannungsrelaxation statt. Es ließen sich durch die Wahl einer entsprechenden Heizquelle unterschiedliche Strukturen realisieren. Bei Verwendung eines gepulsten Lasers, also einer kreisförmigen Wärmequelle, ordneten sich die Strukturen konzentrisch an, wohingegen sich ihre Ausrichtung bei Verwendung einer flächenhaften Heizplatte statistisch verteilte. Auffällig bei allen Strukturen war eine starke Modulation der Oberfläche. Ferner konnte in der Arbeit gezeigt werden, daß sich durch eine gezielte Veränderung der Spannungsverteilung innerhalb der Schichtsysteme die Ausrichtung der Strukturen (gezielt) manipulieren ließen. Unabhängig davon erlaubte die Variation der Schichtdicken die Realisierung von Strukturen mit einer Periodizität im Bereich von einigen µm bis hinunter zu etwa 200 nm. Die Kontrolle über die Ausrichtung und die Periodizität ist Grundvoraussetzung für eine zukünftige technologische Nutzung des Effektes zur kontrollierten Herstellung von Mikro- bzw. Nanostrukturen. Darüber hinaus konnte ein zunächst von der Strukturbildung unabhängiges Konzept eines aktiven Sensors für die optische Raster-Nahfeld-Mikroskopie vorgestellt werden, das das oben beschriebene System, bestehend aus einem fluoreszierenden Molekularen Glas und einer Siliziumnitrid-Deckschicht, verwendet. Erste theoretische und experimentelle Ergebnisse zeigen das technologische Potential dieses Sensortyps.
In this 1984 proof of the Bieberbach and Milin conjectures de Branges used a positivity result of special functions which follows from an identity about Jacobi polynomial sums thas was published by Askey and Gasper in 1976. The de Branges functions Tn/k(t) are defined as the solutions of a system of differential recurrence equations with suitably given initial values. The essential fact used in the proof of the Bieberbach and Milin conjectures is the statement Tn/k(t)<=0. In 1991 Weinstein presented another proof of the Bieberbach and Milin conjectures, also using a special function system Λn/k(t) which (by Todorov and Wilf) was realized to be directly connected with de Branges', Tn/k(t)=-kΛn/k(t), and the positivity results in both proofs Tn/k(t)<=0 are essentially the same. In this paper we study differential recurrence equations equivalent to de Branges' original ones and show that many solutions of these differential recurrence equations don't change sign so that the above inequality is not as surprising as expected. Furthermore, we present a multiparameterized hypergeometric family of solutions of the de Branges differential recurrence equations showing that solutions are not rare at all.
The aim of this paper is to indicate how TOSCANA may be extended to allow graphical representations not only of concept lattices but also of concept graphs in the sense of Contextual Logic. The contextual-logic extension of TOSCANA requires the logical scaling of conceptual and relatioal scales for which we propose the Peircean Algebraic Logic as reconstructed by R. W. Burch. As graphical representations we recommend, besides labelled line diagrams of concept lattices and Sowa's diagrams of conceptual graphs, particular information maps for utilizing background knowledge as much as possible. Our considerations are illustrated by a small information system about the domestic flights in Austria.
This study investigated the relationship between higher education and the requirement of the world of work with an emphasis on the effect of problem-based learning (PBL) on graduates' competencies. The implementation of full PBL method is costly (Albanese & Mitchell, 1993; Berkson, 1993; Finucane, Shannon, & McGrath, 2009). However, the implementation of PBL in a less than curriculum-wide mode is more achievable in a broader context (Albanese, 2000). This means higher education institutions implement only a few PBL components in the curriculum. Or a teacher implements a few PBL components at the courses level. For this kind of implementation there is a need to identify PBL components and their effects on particular educational outputs (Hmelo-Silver, 2004; Newman, 2003). So far, however there has been little research about this topic. The main aims of this study were: (1) to identify each of PBL components which were manifested in the development of a valid and reliable PBL implementation questionnaire and (2) to determine the effect of each identified PBL component to specific graduates' competencies. The analysis was based on quantitative data collected in the survey of medicine graduates of Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia. A total of 225 graduates responded to the survey. The result of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) showed that all individual constructs of PBL and graduates' competencies had acceptable GOFs (Goodness-of-fit). Additionally, the values of the factor loadings (standardize loading estimates), the AVEs (average variance extracted), CRs (construct reliability), and ASVs (average shared squared variance) showed the proof of convergent and discriminant validity. All values indicated valid and reliable measurements. The investigation of the effects of PBL showed that each PBL component had specific effects on graduates' competencies. Interpersonal competencies were affected by Student-centred learning (β = .137; p < .05) and Small group components (β = .078; p < .05). Problem as stimulus affected Leadership (β = .182; p < .01). Real-world problems affected Personal and organisational competencies (β = .140; p < .01) and Interpersonal competencies (β = .114; p < .05). Teacher as facilitator affected Leadership (β = 142; p < .05). Self-directed learning affected Field-related competencies (β = .080; p < .05). These results can help higher education institution and educator to have informed choice about the implementation of PBL components. With this information higher education institutions and educators could fulfil their educational goals and in the same time meet their limited resources. This study seeks to improve prior studies' research method in four major ways: (1) by indentifying PBL components based on theory and empirical data; (2) by using latent variables in the structural equation modelling instead of using a variable as a proxy of a construct; (3) by using CFA to validate the latent structure of the measurement, thus providing better evidence of validity; and (4) by using graduate survey data which is suitable for analysing PBL effects in the frame work of the relationship between higher education and the world of work.
Recent developments in the area of reinforcement learning have yielded a number of new algorithms for the prediction and control of Markovian environments. These algorithms, including the TD(lambda) algorithm of Sutton (1988) and the Q-learning algorithm of Watkins (1989), can be motivated heuristically as approximations to dynamic programming (DP). In this paper we provide a rigorous proof of convergence of these DP-based learning algorithms by relating them to the powerful techniques of stochastic approximation theory via a new convergence theorem. The theorem establishes a general class of convergent algorithms to which both TD(lambda) and Q-learning belong.
This article reviews the evidence collected by diverse national and international organizations regarding the relationship between sexual violence against women, forced displacement, and dispossession in the context of the Colombian armed conflict. To this end, it uses the concept of “sexual violence regimes” to highlight that the endspursued by sexual violence are not always exhausted by simple consummation (that is, the act of sexual violence itself), but depending on the context, can be connected with broader strategic goals of armed actors. At the same time, this document admits the difficulty of proving this relationship with respect to judicial procedures, and thus sets out the possibility of creating a rebuttable presumption, in the framework of “unconstitutional state of affairs” created by judgment T-025 of 2004, that alleviates the burden of proof of the victims, and serves as a catalyst to promote new genderbased mechanisms of reparations.
163 p.
In curved geometries the hydrostatic pressure in a fluid does not equal the weight per unit area of the fluid above it. General weight–pressure and mass–pressure relationships for hydrostatic fluids in any geometry are derived. As an example of the mass–pressure relationship, we find a geometric reduction in surface pressure as large as 5 mbar on Earth and 39 mbar on Titan. We also present a thermodynamic interpretation of the geometric correction which, as a corollary, provides an independent proof of the hydrostatic relationship for general geometries.
BACKGROUND: Due to the heterogeneity in the biological behavior of prostate cancer, biomarkers that can reliably distinguish indolent from aggressive disease are urgently needed to inform treatment choices. METHODS: We employed 8-plex isobaric Tags for Relative and Absolute Quantitation (iTRAQ), to profile the proteomes of two distinct panels of isogenic prostate cancer cells with varying growth and metastatic potentials, in order to identify novel biomarkers associated with progression. The LNCaP, LNCaP-Pro5, and LNCaP-LN3 panel of cells represent a model of androgen-responsive prostate cancer, while the PC-3, PC-3M, and PC-3M-LN4 panel represent a model of androgen-insensitive disease. RESULTS: Of the 245 unique proteins identified and quantified (>or=95% confidence; >or=2 peptides/protein), 17 showed significant differential expression (>or=+/-1.5), in at least one of the variant LNCaP cells relative to parental cells. Similarly, comparisons within the PC-3 panel identified 45 proteins to show significant differential expression in at least one of the variant PC-3 cells compared with parental cells. Differential expression of selected candidates was verified by Western blotting or immunocytochemistry, and corresponding mRNA expression was determined by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). Immunostaining of prostate tissue microarrays for ERp5, one of the candidates identified, showed a significant higher immunoexpression in pre-malignant lesions compared with non-malignant epithelium (P < 0.0001, Mann-Whitney U-test), and in high Gleason grade (4-5) versus low grade (2-3) cancers (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides proof of principle for the application of an 8-plex iTRAQ approach to uncover clinically relevant candidate biomarkers for prostate cancer progression.
This paper provides a new proof of a theorem of Chandler-Wilde, Chonchaiya, and Lindner that the spectra of a certain class of infinite, random, tridiagonal matrices contain the unit disc almost surely. It also obtains an analogous result for a more general class of random matrices whose spectra contain a hole around the origin. The presence of the hole forces substantial changes to the analysis.
In this paper we consider the Brownian motion with jump boundary and present a new proof of a recent result of Li, Leung and Rakesh concerning the exact convergence rate in the one-dimensional case. Our methods are dierent and mainly probabilistic relying on coupling methods adapted to the special situation under investigation. Moreover we answer a question raised by Ben-Ari and Pinsky concerning the dependence of the spectral gap from the jump distribution in a multi-dimensional setting.
Pardo, Patie, and Savov derived, under mild conditions, a Wiener-Hopf type factorization for the exponential functional of proper Lévy processes. In this paper, we extend this factorization by relaxing a finite moment assumption as well as by considering the exponential functional for killed Lévy processes. As a by-product, we derive some interesting fine distributional properties enjoyed by a large class of this random variable, such as the absolute continuity of its distribution and the smoothness, boundedness or complete monotonicity of its density. This type of results is then used to derive similar properties for the law of maxima and first passage time of some stable Lévy processes. Thus, for example, we show that for any stable process with $\rho\in(0,\frac{1}{\alpha}-1]$, where $\rho\in[0,1]$ is the positivity parameter and $\alpha$ is the stable index, then the first passage time has a bounded and non-increasing density on $\mathbb{R}_+$. We also generate many instances of integral or power series representations for the law of the exponential functional of Lévy processes with one or two-sided jumps. The proof of our main results requires different devices from the one developed by Pardo, Patie, Savov. It relies in particular on a generalization of a transform recently introduced by Chazal et al together with some extensions to killed Lévy process of Wiener-Hopf techniques. The factorizations developed here also allow for further applications which we only indicate here also allow for further applications which we only indicate here.
Brain activity can be measured with several non-invasive neuroimaging modalities, but each modality has inherent limitations with respect to resolution, contrast and interpretability. It is hoped that multimodal integration will address these limitations by using the complementary features of already available data. However, purely statistical integration can prove problematic owing to the disparate signal sources. As an alternative, we propose here an advanced neural population model implemented on an anatomically sound cortical mesh with freely adjustable connectivity, which features proper signal expression through a realistic head model for the electroencephalogram (EEG), as well as a haemodynamic model for functional magnetic resonance imaging based on blood oxygen level dependent contrast (fMRI BOLD). It hence allows simultaneous and realistic predictions of EEG and fMRI BOLD from the same underlying model of neural activity. As proof of principle, we investigate here the influence on simulated brain activity of strengthening visual connectivity. In the future we plan to fit multimodal data with this neural population model. This promises novel, model-based insights into the brain's activity in sleep, rest and task conditions.
Brain activity can be measured non-invasively with functional imaging techniques. Each pixel in such an image represents a neural mass of about 105 to 107 neurons. Mean field models (MFMs) approximate their activity by averaging out neural variability while retaining salient underlying features, like neurotransmitter kinetics. However, MFMs incorporating the regional variability, realistic geometry and connectivity of cortex have so far appeared intractable. This lack of biological realism has led to a focus on gross temporal features of the EEG. We address these impediments and showcase a "proof of principle" forward prediction of co-registered EEG/fMRI for a full-size human cortex in a realistic head model with anatomical connectivity, see figure 1. MFMs usually assume homogeneous neural masses, isotropic long-range connectivity and simplistic signal expression to allow rapid computation with partial differential equations. But these approximations are insufficient in particular for the high spatial resolution obtained with fMRI, since different cortical areas vary in their architectonic and dynamical properties, have complex connectivity, and can contribute non-trivially to the measured signal. Our code instead supports the local variation of model parameters and freely chosen connectivity for many thousand triangulation nodes spanning a cortical surface extracted from structural MRI. This allows the introduction of realistic anatomical and physiological parameters for cortical areas and their connectivity, including both intra- and inter-area connections. Proper cortical folding and conduction through a realistic head model is then added to obtain accurate signal expression for a comparison to experimental data. To showcase the synergy of these computational developments, we predict simultaneously EEG and fMRI BOLD responses by adding an established model for neurovascular coupling and convolving "Balloon-Windkessel" hemodynamics. We also incorporate regional connectivity extracted from the CoCoMac database [1]. Importantly, these extensions can be easily adapted according to future insights and data. Furthermore, while our own simulation is based on one specific MFM [2], the computational framework is general and can be applied to models favored by the user. Finally, we provide a brief outlook on improving the integration of multi-modal imaging data through iterative fits of a single underlying MFM in this realistic simulation framework.
For a Lévy process ξ=(ξt)t≥0 drifting to −∞, we define the so-called exponential functional as follows: Formula Under mild conditions on ξ, we show that the following factorization of exponential functionals: Formula holds, where × stands for the product of independent random variables, H− is the descending ladder height process of ξ and Y is a spectrally positive Lévy process with a negative mean constructed from its ascending ladder height process. As a by-product, we generate an integral or power series representation for the law of Iξ for a large class of Lévy processes with two-sided jumps and also derive some new distributional properties. The proof of our main result relies on a fine Markovian study of a class of generalized Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes, which is itself of independent interest. We use and refine an alternative approach of studying the stationary measure of a Markov process which avoids some technicalities and difficulties that appear in the classical method of employing the generator of the dual Markov process.