995 resultados para practices office
Report on a special investigation of the State Public Defender’s Office for the period July 1, 2009 through August 31, 2013
Letter regarding a review of payments made by the Secretary of State’s Office to Jim Gibbons, former Deputy Director, from May 24, 2012 through December 31, 2012
Report on a special investigation of the Monona County Auditor’s Office for the period January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2013
Audit report on the Office of Treasurer of State, Iowa Educational Savings Plan Trust for the year ended June 30, 2014
Special investigation of the Iowa County Treasurer’s Office for the period January 1, 2005 through June 30, 2011
Special investigation of the Sac County Treasurer’s Office Motor Vehicle Department for the period January 1, 2010 through February 27, 2014
OBJECTIVE: To identify prevalence of and factors associated with intentional use of HIV risk reduction practices by men who have sex with men during anal intercourse with casual partners. METHODS: Cross-sectional survey pertaining to the Swiss HIV behavioral surveillance system, using an anonymous self-administered questionnaire in a self-selected sample of men who have sex with men (n = 2953). Multinomial regression was used to estimate factors associated with reporting either "no or inconsistent condom use" or "one or more risk reduction practices" over "consistent condom use." RESULTS: 57.2% reported anal intercourse with casual partner(s) over the last 12 months. Of these, 24.0% declared having used a risk reduction practice (73.8% of those who did not use condoms consistently). HIV-positive people were more likely to have done so. Most predictors were similarly associated to both regression categories. Four significant predictors were common to both regression categories: Internet partner seeking, age, age squared, and the interaction between HIV status positive and number of partners. The only association that differed markedly between the 2 regression categories was having a number of partners above median, significantly associated with the risk reduction category. CONCLUSIONS: Although condom use is the most frequent protection strategy in anal intercourse with casual partners, risk reduction practices are highly prevalent. However, there are no clear differences regarding predictors between risk reduction practices and inconsistent or no condom use. This suggests that risk reduction is an opportunistic response rather than a strategy per se.
[Ressource électronique] : open access journal
The Summit Lake Watershed Improvement Project is a watershed-based sediment control project designed to greatly reduce to nearly eliminate sedimentation of an existing lake that is being renovated for use as a water source in southern Iowa. Summit Lake is owned by the City of Creston and was once a water source lake until around 1984. The watershed improvements will include lakeshore stabilization and erosion control practices as a precursor for related improvements to the lake and overall 4,900-acre watershed. Best practices included in this phase are the implementation of riprap, a rain garden, grade stabilization structures, grassed waterways, terraces, basins, water use and access ordinances, education and outreach, water monitoring, and other stream bank improvements. These improvements, along with leveraged work to be done by strategic partners, will enable the lake to be used for local and regional water supplies by sustaining the lake for many years to come. Without the lake rehabilitation, the lake will likely be filled with sedimentation to the point that it will have no recreational value. Key partners are the City of Creston, IDNR, Southern Iowa Rural Water Association, Union County, the Union County NRCS office, Southwestern Community College, and the Summit Lake Association, which is a non-profit group of landowners working to protect the lake. The project will address WIRB targets: a) streambank stabilization, b) livestock runoff, c) agricultural runoff and drainage, d) stormwater runoff, and e) a section of inadequately sewered community.
The highway system in the State of Iowa includes many grade separation structures constructed to provide maximum safety and mobility to road users on intersecting roadways. However, these structures can present possible safety concerns for traffic passing underneath due to close proximity of piers and abutments. Shielding of these potential hazards has been a design consideration for many years. This study examines historical crash experience in the State of Iowa to address the advisability of shielding bridge piers and abutments as well as other structure support elements considering the offset from the traveled way. A survey of nine Midwestern states showed that six states had bridge pier shielding practices consistent with those in Iowa. Data used for the analyses include crash data (2001 to 2007) from the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT), the Iowa DOT’s Geographic Information Management System (GIMS) structure and roadway data (2006) obtained from the Office of Transportation Data, and shielding and offset data for the bridges of interest. Additionally, original crash reports and the Iowa DOT video log were also utilized as needed. Grade-separated structures over high-speed, multilane divided Interstate and primary highways were selected for analysis, including 566 bridges over roadways with a speed limit of at least 45 mph. Bridges that met the criteria for inclusion in the study were identified for further analysis using crash data. The study also included economic analysis for possible shielding improvement.
The aim of this paper is to describe the process and challenges in building exposure scenarios for engineered nanomaterials (ENM), using an exposure scenario format similar to that used for the European Chemicals regulation (REACH). Over 60 exposure scenarios were developed based on information from publicly available sources (literature, books, and reports), publicly available exposure estimation models, occupational sampling campaign data from partnering institutions, and industrial partners regarding their own facilities. The primary focus was on carbon-based nanomaterials, nano-silver (nano-Ag) and nano-titanium dioxide (nano-TiO2), and included occupational and consumer uses of these materials with consideration of the associated environmental release. The process of building exposure scenarios illustrated the availability and limitations of existing information and exposure assessment tools for characterizing exposure to ENM, particularly as it relates to risk assessment. This article describes the gaps in the information reviewed, recommends future areas of ENM exposure research, and proposes types of information that should, at a minimum, be included when reporting the results of such research, so that the information is useful in a wider context.
Report on the Office of Secretary of State for the year ended June 30, 2013
This report outlines the strategic plan for Iowa National Guard Office of the Adjutant General, goals and mission.